#start listening to indigenous folks in the fandom n people who actually know about the mechanics of colonialism
elfantasmadejanis · 26 days
can't believe that i just saw people reblogging a post that said they 'dont think that the fire nation is discriminatory and that the water tribes are' and 'as the most technologically advanced nation (...) they're also the most advanced in thinking' and in regards to sexism and homophobia the water tribe is 'a bit less accepting of these things/ignorant'
why are you even watching atla if you hate indigenous and dark skinned people this much
'most advanced in thinking' about the people who spend the whole series comitting multiple genocides
'not discriminatory' even if we ignore canonical sexism and homophobia in the fn (which we shouldn't) is racism, classism and actual g e n o c i d e not discrimintation now
pinkwashing and purplewashing has really rotted so many people's brains i hate it i hate it
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