#spinning silver has that quality of forgetfulness? idk if that makes sense but i also just fucking loved miryem and irina so much
shadowtearling · 5 years
i realize books that are really atmospheric that you get lost in the feel of it are not... my jam lol i’m definitely a character/plot person over the atmosphere or feel of the world
#so like books like bone gap or the spellbook of the lost and found or even the beast is an animal are all good examples#of this big atmosphere to the point where it feels hazy and like there's constant fog while ur reading#and while i think they excelled in those things#i can't say those books are faves bc i wanted so much more out of them than what i got#jane unlimited is cool and a great concept but i was barely attached to the characters that it was almost overwhelming#how much the concept took over and didn't let much else speak for themselves#even the ocean at the end of the lane like that's also fucking wild and atmospheric but i rarely remember it#because the characters or the plot took a backseat to the feeling of the novel and the setting#this is different from like fantasy worldbuilding i love learning about those things#BUT if i love a character or the plot i would love the book automatically#like the bear and the nightingale has a great atmosphere but i love vasya more than that#spinning silver has that quality of forgetfulness? idk if that makes sense but i also just fucking loved miryem and irina so much#OOH i think we are okay is the exception! the atmosphere of that is quiet heartbreak and angry grief#AND I LOVE IT a whole lot for those things#maybe the book thief counts? but like... that book is just good lmao#the raven cycle has great atmosphere but ultimately the characters are the reason i love that series#im rambling now lmao but yeah#pennies for my thoughts
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