#spectator jonze
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JULIO 2023 | Tema Global:  TESORO
El tesoro toma muchas formas, tanto físicas como intangibles. El tuyo puede ser un anillo que te haya sido transmitido por tus antepasados. Un manantial de agua escondido en una tierra árida. La confianza incipiente e implícita de un nuevo amigo. Nuevas fotografías de la galaxia más amplia, llena de remolinos iridiscentes de materia y luz. Las ruinas de un pueblo de un tiempo y lugar lejanos.
Nuestro instinto es agarrarlos con fuerza. Sellamos nuestros tesoros en vitrinas, para preservarlos del deterioro del tiempo, para exhibirlos como testimonios de nuestro valor. Tememos su pérdida, sin embargo, en este miedo, perdemos nuestra capacidad de apreciarlos. Debemos suavizar nuestro control y magnificar el tiempo que pasamos en su presencia, precisamente porque nada se quedará con nosotros. Eventualmente, incluso las joyas de la corona se convertirán en polvo.
¿Qué sucede cuando expandimos lo que atesoramos más allá de lo raro, lo hermoso y lo precioso a lo ordinario y lo desapercibido? Incluso la poesía pintada en el costado de una parada de autobús es una reliquia de alguien que pasó por allí, dejando rastros para que los futuros arqueólogos excaven. ¿Qué tesoros solo tú puedes discernir?
Nuestro capítulo de Brisbane eligió el tema Treasure de este mes y Spectator Jonze lo ilustró, presentado por Mailchimp.
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July’s Theme is Treasure.
Treasure takes many forms, both physical and intangible. Yours may be a ring that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. A hidden spring of water in a parched land. The budding, implicit trust of a new friend. New photographs of the wider galaxy, full of iridescent swirls of matter and light. The ruins of a people from a faraway time and place.  Our Brisbane chapter chose this month’s exploration of Treasure, Spectator Jonze illustrated the theme, and Mailchimp is presenting the theme.
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Unser Thema im Juli ist „Treasure“.
Zweifelsfrei ist Wasser der größte Schatz auf Erden.  💦 Doch was ist es uns Wert?  💦 Was unternehmen wir es zu schützen?  💦 Was, um die Biodiversität zu erhalten?  Phillip Grimm möchte euch auf eine Reise durch das Wasser, vorbei an diversen Herausforderungen und Problemen mitnehmen, aber auch praktische Lösungen und Maßnahmen aufzeigen.
Philiip war als Hydrologe viele Jahre in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit u.a. in Nicaragua und Jordanien tätig und widmet sein Leben voll und ganz dem Wasser! Als Impact-Unternehmer betreibt er eine Tier- und Umweltschutzstation in Nicaragua (Sos Nicaragua), gestaltet die digitale Transformation der Wasserwirtschaft in Europa (Digital Water Institute e.V.) und arbeitet mit seinem Team an einer KI-basierten Software-Lösung für mehr Gewässerschutz (Grimm Water Solutions).
Wir begrüßen euch am 21. Jul ab 8 Uhr im Kreativpark Lockhalle, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 7 im Freiburg.
Das Thema "TREASURE" wurde von CreativeMornings/Brisbane ausgewählt und von Spectator Jonze illustriert.
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July ’s Theme is Treasure.
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July ’s Theme is Treasure.
Treasure takes many forms, both physical and intangible. Yours may be a ring that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. A hidden spring of water in a parched land. The budding, implicit trust of a new friend. New photographs of the wider galaxy, full of iridescent swirls of matter and light. The ruins of a people from a faraway time and place. 
Our instinct is to clutch them tightly. We seal our treasures in glass cases, to preserve them from time's decay, to display them as testaments to our worth. We fear their loss, yet in this fear, we lose our ability to cherish them. We must soften our grip and magnify our time spent in their presence, precisely because nothing will stay with us. Eventually, even crown jewels will pass into dust. 
What happens when we expand what we treasure beyond the rare, the beautiful, and the precious to the ordinary and the unnoticed? Even graffitied poetry on the side of a bus stop is a relic of someone who had passed through there, leaving traces for future archaeologists to excavate. What treasures can only you discern? Our Brisbane chapter chose this month’s exploration of Treasure, Spectator Jonze illustrated the theme, and Mailchimp is presenting the theme. 
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creativemorningsvienna · 10 months
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July ’s Theme is Treasure
Treasure takes many forms, both physical and intangible. Yours may be a ring that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. A hidden spring of water in a parched land. The budding, implicit trust of a new friend. New photographs of the wider galaxy, full of iridescent swirls of matter and light. The ruins of a people from a faraway time and place.
Our instinct is to clutch them tightly. We seal our treasures in glass cases, to preserve them from time's decay, to display them as testaments to our worth. We fear their loss, yet in this fear, we lose our ability to cherish them. We must soften our grip and magnify our time spent in their presence, precisely because nothing will stay with us. Eventually, even crown jewels will pass into dust.
What happens when we expand what we treasure beyond the rare, the beautiful, and the precious to the ordinary and the unnoticed? Even graffitied poetry on the side of a bus stop is a relic of someone who had passed through there, leaving traces for future archaeologists to excavate. What treasures can only you discern?
Our Brisbane chapter chose this month’s exploration of Treasure, Spectator Jonze illustrated the theme, and Mailchimp is presenting the theme.
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creativemorningsderby · 10 months
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July’s Theme is Treasure.
Treasure takes many forms, both physical and intangible. Yours may be a ring that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. A hidden spring of water in a parched land. The budding, implicit trust of a new friend. New photographs of the wider galaxy, full of iridescent swirls of matter and light. The ruins of a people from a faraway time and place. 
Our instinct is to clutch them tightly. We seal our treasures in glass cases, to preserve them from time's decay, to display them as testaments to our worth. We fear their loss, yet in this fear, we lose our ability to cherish them. We must soften our grip and magnify our time spent in their presence, precisely because nothing will stay with us. Eventually, even crown jewels will pass into dust. 
What happens when we expand what we treasure beyond the rare, the beautiful, and the precious to the ordinary and the unnoticed? Even graffitied poetry on the side of a bus stop is a relic of someone who had passed through there, leaving traces for future archaeologists to excavate. What treasures can only you discern? Our Brisbane chapter chose this month’s exploration of Treasure, Spectator Jonze illustrated the theme, and Mailchimp is presenting the theme.    
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Our July theme is Treasure, chosen by our Brisbane chapter, illustrated by Spectator Jonze, and presented by Mailchimp.
Treasure takes many forms, both physical and intangible. Yours may be a ring that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. A hidden spring of water in a parched land. The budding, implicit trust of a new friend. New photographs of the wider galaxy, full of iridescent swirls of matter and light. The ruins of a people from a faraway time and place. 
Our instinct is to clutch them tightly. We seal our treasures in glass cases, to preserve them from time’s decay, to display them as testaments to our worth. We fear their loss, yet in this fear, we lose our ability to cherish them. We must soften our grip and magnify our time spent in their presence, precisely because nothing will stay with us. Eventually, even crown jewels will pass into dust. 
What happens when we expand what we treasure beyond the rare, the beautiful, and the precious to the ordinary and the unnoticed? Even graffitied poetry on the side of a bus stop is a relic of someone who had passed through there, leaving traces for future archaeologists to excavate. What treasures can only you discern?
Our Brisbane chapter chose this month’s exploration of Treasure, Spectator Jonze illustrated the theme, and Mailchimp is presenting the theme. 
We asked you, what do others overlook that you consider a treasure? Where do you seek precious things? You shared beautiful projects using found and reclaimed materials, rituals that help to ground you, and the ways cultural treasures are passed down to you.
Join us on Thursday the 20th of July at Full Circle (between Avenue Louise and Flagey).
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Treasure takes many forms, both physical and intangible. Yours may be a ring that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. A hidden spring of water in a parched land. The budding, implicit trust of a new friend. New photographs of the wider galaxy, full of iridescent swirls of matter and light. The ruins of a people from a faraway time and place. 
Our instinct is to clutch them tightly. We seal our treasures in glass cases, to preserve them from time's decay, to display them as testaments to our worth. We fear their loss, yet in this fear, we lose our ability to cherish them. We must soften our grip and magnify our time spent in their presence, precisely because nothing will stay with us. Eventually, even crown jewels will pass into dust. 
What happens when we expand what we treasure beyond the rare, the beautiful, and the precious to the ordinary and the unnoticed? Even graffitied poetry on the side of a bus stop is a relic of someone who had passed through there, leaving traces for future archaeologists to excavate. What treasures can only you discern? Our Brisbane chapter chose this month’s exploration of Treasure, Spectator Jonze illustrated the theme, and Mailchimp is presenting the theme.
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creativemorningsaustin · 10 months
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Our global theme for July is TREASURE. It was chosen by our Brisbane chapter,  illustrated by Spectator Jonze, and is presented by Mailchimp. 
Discover something valuable in your feed with the hashtags #CMtreasure & #CMATX
Treasure takes many forms, both physical and intangible. Yours may be a ring that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. A hidden spring of water in a parched land. The budding, implicit trust of a new friend. New photographs of the wider galaxy, full of iridescent swirls of matter and light. The ruins of a people from a faraway time and place. 
Our instinct is to clutch them tightly. We seal our treasures in glass cases, to preserve them from time's decay, to display them as testaments to our worth. We fear their loss, yet in this fear, we lose our ability to cherish them. We must soften our grip and magnify our time spent in their presence, precisely because nothing will stay with us. Eventually, even crown jewels will pass into dust. 
What happens when we expand what we treasure beyond the rare, the beautiful, and the precious to the ordinary and the unnoticed? Even graffitied poetry on the side of a bus stop is a relic of someone who had passed through there, leaving traces for future archaeologists to excavate. What treasures can only you discern?
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July ’s Theme is Treasure.
Treasure takes many forms, both physical and intangible. Yours may be a ring that has been passed down to you from your ancestors. A hidden spring of water in a parched land. The budding, implicit trust of a new friend. New photographs of the wider galaxy, full of iridescent swirls of matter and light. The ruins of a people from a faraway time and place. 
Our instinct is to clutch them tightly. We seal our treasures in glass cases, to preserve them from time's decay, to display them as testaments to our worth. We fear their loss, yet in this fear, we lose our ability to cherish them. We must soften our grip and magnify our time spent in their presence, precisely because nothing will stay with us. Eventually, even crown jewels will pass into dust. 
What happens when we expand what we treasure beyond the rare, the beautiful, and the precious to the ordinary and the unnoticed? Even graffitied poetry on the side of a bus stop is a relic of someone who had passed through there, leaving traces for future archaeologists to excavate. What treasures can only you discern? Our Brisbane chapter chose this month’s exploration of Treasure, Spectator Jonze illustrated the theme, and Mailchimp is presenting the theme.
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years
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Getting To Know...
Jaguar Jonze.
Signed to Nettwerk Records, Jaguar Jonze has released 'You Got Left Behind,' 'Beijing Baby,' and 'Kill Me With Your Love' from her upcoming debut EP Diamonds & Liquid Gold. Deena is also a Triple J Unearthed Feature Artist, and made her performance debut on Like A Version for a cover of Nirvana’s 'Heart-Shaped Box,' alongside friends Hermitude. Jaguar Jonze also competed in Eurovision Australia Decides 2020 with her own original song 'Rabbit Hole.'
Jaguar Jonze’s music is multi-dimensional, representing her multicultural roots with her Taiwanese mom and her Australian Dad. Ultimately, Jaguar Jonze—and its adjacent projects, her narrative illustration project Spectator Jonze and her gender-subverting photography project Dusky Jonze—would become powerful ways in which Deena could process her most intimate vulnerabilities and traumas, while also using it to empower those around her to do the same. Her art in all facets, whether it be her music, visual art or photography is a logical extension of these vulnerabilities with each project mining depths of her personality.
Deena told us a little bit more about herself, what we can expect from Diamonds & Liquid Gold and how she is recovering after being tested positive for COVID-19. Read the Q&A below.
Who is Jaguar Jonze?
"The name came from friends and fans. Jaguar Jonze started to become an alter ego name for me as I was so different on-stage to your normal everyday Deena. When I was starting this project, I was trying to think of names but kept coming back to Jaguar Jonze because it meant something to me and was given to me. Jaguar Jonze is ferocious, passionate, raw and intimate."
How would you describe your sound? Who/what are your influences?
"I’d say it is… spacey cowgirl. My influences can go from Nick Cave to Johnny Cash to Portishead."
You're gearing up to release your debut EP Diamonds & Liquid Gold. What is the record about? What was your songwriting process?
"I never have one set songwriting process. Each song has had a different one. Sometimes it is lyrics first, sometimes it is melody first, sometimes it is both at once, sometimes it was a poem first, sometimes I write with others. I think the record has been a personal journal of my last 18 months and the songs can be about love, mental health and self-discovery."
What do you hope listeners will take away from Diamonds & Liquid Gold?
"A piece of the world I’m trying to share and create and hopefully be able to connect with it in their own way as well."
We find ourselves in strange times currently! What are you doing with your time in lockdown and what are your plans once this is all over?
"At the moment I’m knee-deep in trying to recover from COVID-19. This Q&A is the most I’ve done in days because I haven’t been able to do anything else. I’ll be in quarantine for a long while yet until I test negative twice, so I plan to be working on my EP release and keep doing what I’m passionate about – creating art and music."
Get well soon!
Photo credit: Ribal Hosn
Diamonds & Liquid Gold is out April 17.
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Audio Interview: Jaguar Jonze at New Colossus Festival
Audio Interview: Jaguar Jonze at New Colossus Festival @jaguarjonze @nettworke @newcolossusfest @keplerevents @kaninerecords
View On WordPress
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seanpiontek-blog · 6 years
Discussion Leader Presentation
In “Film Bodies: Gender, Genre, and Excess”, Linda Williams explores how there might be value in analyzing the form, function, and system of gratuitous excesses in body genres, i.e. sensational films that give a physical jolt. Williams claims that there are multiple features of bodily excess that are shared through these “gross” genres. There is the spectacle of a body caught in the grip of intense sensation or emotion, which can be seen in the orgasm of pornography, the violence and terror of horror films, and the weeping in melodrama. Another feature is the emphasis on some form of ecstasy, which can be visually equated to an uncontrollable convulsion or spasm of a body beside itself. This can be through sexual pleasure, fear and terror, or overpowering sadness. Despite how the genres are gendered for target audiences, each genre focuses on the bodies of women which function as the primary embodiments of pleasure, fear, and pain. Williams poses the idea that what makes these genres low is the perception that the body of the spectator involuntarily mimics the emotion or sensation of the body on the screen, also given that the body is female. The success of these body genres is given by how deep the mimicry of the audience is to the given sensation.
Blade Runner (1982)
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Directed by Ridley Scott, Blade Runner is a science fiction film set in the future. In the future, there are realistic androids that travel to earth illegally to live out normal lives. Blade Runners are detectives that hunt down and “retire” the replicants. Rick Deckard was a former Blade Runner that was pulled back into the job to hunt a new more realistic model. This scene follows him retiring the first replicant that he finds, Zhora. 
In this scene, the audience sees a perfect example of what Williams considered “gross”. There is a female body caught up in the grips of strong emotions of fear, pain, and sadness. The harsh image of her being shot illustrates a female body functioning as the embodiment of pain. Moreover, the somber music played while Zhora is being shot would connect with the visuals of her being shot and bring about the mimicry of the emotions on the scene. This eventually helps support one of the film’s main themes: what makes us human? Emotionally the audience would mimic the uncontrolled emotions of Zhora and this would cause the audience to question the validity of Rick and his mission. 
Her (2013)
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Directed by Spike Jonze, Her is a romantic science fiction drama that follows Theodore, a man who begins dating an operating system while going through a divorce. Theodore initially purchases Samantha for a companion, but in discovering her complexity he questions her supposed lack of humanity when he begins to date her. This scene is when Theodore tells Samantha about his previous marriage. 
Her explores the same questions that Blade Runner does where the audience is left to question the extent of humanity. A key difference is that Samantha, as an operating system, does not have a physical body to be the embodiment of fear, pleasure, or pain. Jonze gets around this by using Theodore’s ex-wife. This scene, which illustrates the emotional struggles of a relationship, is explained in terms of the ex-wife and not Samantha, who is one of the main characters. This scene illustrates the need that Williams discussed to exhibit emotions through a female body. It appears as though the ex-wife was needed to compensate for Samantha’s lack of a body so that the audience could still mimic the female embodiment of emotional pain and not be alienated when Samantha went through her own emotional turmoil, albeit without a body. 
Discussion Questions:
To what extent do you feel that you mimic the emotions or sensations shown on the screen? Do you agree that this mimicry is important to make a good film? 
What elements of a film do you believe are most important for an audience to mimic the emotions or sensations shown?
Do you think Samantha’s lack of a physical body made a huge difference between the emotional resonance of Her and Blade Runner?
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smokeyfilms · 4 years
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Theodore - Oil on wood. I recently painted this portrait of Theodore from the film, Her (Jonze, 2014). I sought to explore the idea that, occasionally, films stay with the spectator, long after the film has ended. I feel utterly connected to this film, I feel as though I have had many of the thoughts that Theodore has, that we think and feel similarly. His monologue to Katherine at the climax of the film, has never failed to make me emotional, in the many times that I have seen this film. There are many unique and stunning qualities that this film possesses, I am entranced by the use of colour, futuristic fashion and architecture. I have enjoyed Oil paining for some time and I think this portrait resembles my tendencies to attach personal meaning to film texts. This is a testament to the love I have for this film, one that envelopes the spectator through it’s melancholic sentiment and beautiful cinematography.
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BrisAsia Speaker #03: DEENA LYNCH aka @spectatorjonze . Spectator Jonze is the moniker of the artist within Deena Lynch. Jonze was born in Yokohama, Japan to a Taiwanese mother and Australian father. She migrated to Australia under interesting and less than certain circumstances when she was 6 years old. . She grew in many different homes and situations – not quite an orphan, not quite belonging anywhere. This put her in touch with a myriad of people and demons coming from disjointed backgrounds themselves or from a position of power. Being in contact with emotional, physical and sexual abuse pushed her into the safety of PTSD where suppression, depression and dissociation became a survival tactic. Having always carried a creative mind, it was only natural for Jonze to use art and music as an outlet of expression. 2017 was the year she finally came to an age and understanding to tackle her mental health, quirks and trauma. Art became a medium she utilised as a cathartic vessel to uncover the secrets she had even hidden from herself. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt9eIKNn4I9/?igshid=m8g2x0f1lmf4
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This month we gathered at The Lushington, Woolloongabba in collaboration with Brisbane City Council's BrisAsia Festival to feature three amazing, female artists. Gwan Tung Dorothy Lau, Elizabeth Le and Deena Lynch aka Spectator Jonze.
Watch the full talks, filmed by Kurt Schwerdt:https://creativemornings.com/cities/bne/talks Moments captured by Anwyn Howarth.
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