#specify which muse if you're a multi
therelentless · 1 month
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Now that i'm free, like this for a one-liner.
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toorues · 2 months
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here’s a traditional starter call to start things off! hit that like button if you think he’s cute and/or if you’d like a starter! no one will know which♥
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astutior · 11 days
I have to close at work tonight, but like this post for a mini starter that doubles as a fun fact?
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h-a-unted · 21 days
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LIKE THIS for either memes or a short starter from TAMARA COLINS in her The Boys verse!
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kotaerukoto · 1 month
Through the afternoon/evening I'm going to be going through the meme tags of my mutuals and sending some memes, so if you'd like something feel free to like this post!
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angelindust · 4 months
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Capping this at like five for now. But I'm just in a writing mood.
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briillicnt · 7 months
/ like for a small starter? all the ones i owed from my previous starter call are in the queue :)
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nouvomond · 9 months
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Work schedule might be lightening up in the coming days, so consider this a starter call! Like this for a starter of varying length. Depends on how motivated my brain becomes.
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millionsnife · 1 year
Starter call for later this afternoon. They'll be short and a mixed bag of verses and mood
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drxluc · 2 years
☓;;- I decided that as a personal exercise I’m gonna doodle first thing in the morning when I wake up to help my creative juices flow. I admittedly haven’t felt much like writing lately so I’m hoping this will help kick my creative juices back into overdrive. (also hoping my ADHD is kind to me here. .)
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so in other words. . the first two people to like this post gets their muses drawn in a doodle doo. 
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cfgcdsandmcnsters · 7 months
I got about ten minutes before I gotta start getting ready for work, BUT like this post for a muse roulette and when I get home tonight, I'll make starters from randomly chosen muses.
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neverrcry · 24 days
this is a starter call! go ahead and like this post for a 1 - 2 paragraph starter. you must specify which muse of mine you would like ( and if you're a multi, which muse you'd like it for ). if you do not specify at least one muse/muse pairing you will not get a starter. these starters will most likely have some sort of a pre established vibe to them, and if i need any clarification or plotting i will reach out!
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dogtccth · 3 months
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The post you're referring to was posted on the 10th ... 10 days ago... More than a week. I'm going to assume this is that same person so I'll talk straight to you.
This is the post you're referring to:
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To show I'm not hiding anything, yes I posted that after you soft blocked over this message...
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Where I clearly specified muses I was familiar with and options on my side as well. Admittedly I started with an "IDKkkkk" after initially being approached because you followed me first so I wasn't sure if you had muses in mind that you wanted to interact with but since none were offered I sent options as I always do with multi's so people can choose from a variety of options when there isn't one specifically that stands out as an option.
You commented on my post then IMMEDIATELY deleted it and hard blocked me by the time I could refresh my dash so don't act like I deleted it bc I was 'called out'. I deleted it because I was over it and it's not like I could talk to you about it considering you soft blocked me after sending me all that ~ because you were idk making assumptions about my interest bc of wording??
And now you're going around messaging my mutuals about this like you know me talking about me breaking multiple rules when I broke none considering I did specify and all while misgendering me ... so who's not reading peoples pages here because my pronouns are right on my pinned. Unless it was done on purpose which is transphobic but I'm still being respectful of you and blocking out your url and muses to keep your privacy despite this.
And this all happened on THE SAME DAY you followed me so Idk why you're saying you've been following me for years unless you have other accounts but I'm clearly not familiar enough with you to know which ones those might be because I don't rmr everyones names or rules unless I talk to them consistently...
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Anyway, you blocked me. I blocked you back after the last anon I got so I guess you got on another account to send me this shit ?? But I'd rather just move on that's what the block feature is for I don't know why you're lurking on my blog still but I turned off anon now so just please leave me alone.
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knlfed · 13 days
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—    ۟. ♡ starter call !!
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  ۟. ♡               ៶           i've  know  i've  been  absent  .  with  school  and  work  and  actually  touching  grass  for  once  in  my  life  ,  i  haven't  had  a  lot  of  time  to  write  ,  but  i  do  plan  on  getting  back  into  it  .   that  being  said  ,  i'll  only  be  continuing  a   FEW  of  my  drafts  in  the  coming  days  .   &&  with  that  ,  i  would  like  to  start  new  threads  .   so  PLEASE  ,  if  you'd  like  a  small  (ish  ,  no  guarantees)  starter  ,  please  give  this  post  a  small  ♥   .    LIKE  this  post  for  a  starter  ;  feel  free  to  specify  muse  on  my  end  if  you'd  like  .   the  only  thing  i  ask  for  is  if  you're  a  multi  ,  pls  specify  which  of  YOUR  muses  you'd  like  it  for  .  currently  ,  there  is  no  cap  ,  but  that's  subject  2  change  .  i'd  luv  2  get  my  activity  up  and  runnin  again  !
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judasrpc · 4 months
aka, subtly exposing my music taste by slamming a bunch of songs onto one post, even if these probably exist as separate ones somewhere. the sections will be separated by the song titles & artists. this only includes my top 10, because we would be here forever if i included any more.
add context & change gendered language to your needs !! if multi, please specify which muse(s) !!
" Living without choice is a life without a voice. "
" Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb? "
" Will you say my name? "
" Hindsight is falling on my face. "
" When you don't hear a word I say […] "
" But a voiceless crowd isn't backing down. "
"Can you say my name? "
" I cannot help but think I've overstayed my welcome. "
" The company's quite nice on crimson nights like these. "
" Well, I think that I've gotta go, and I don't know why. "
" I need you to promise that you won't cry. "
" Let those old memories go. "
" Please understand that I will find a brand new life. "
" So just let me out of your mind. "
" Nature offers a violence. "
" The world that hardens as the harsher winter holds. "
" The ground walked here is a wonder. "
" And all things nature's given; she takes all things back from the living. "
" I've walked the earth, and there are so few here that know. "
" It's not my arms that will fail me. "
" This world takes more strength than it gave me. "
" We would've never worked out together. "
" Wager all you've got, and run me all that shit. "
" I can't take another day! I need some change. "
" There's things you just can't see with such precautious eyes. "
" I don't think I need to tell you; you'll see me when I do. "
" Better bite your tongue! "
"I don't second-guess a vision. "
" Let me wrap my teeth around the world. "
" I want to feel the edges start to burn. "
" If there's something to be gained, there's money to be made. "
" Throw enough rope until the legs have swung. "
" You can't buy this fineness. "
" If there's something still to take, there is ground to break. "
" Putting food on the table selling bombs and guns. "
" I feel so unsure. "
" Something in your eyes calls to mind a silver screen, and all its sad goodbyes. "
" Though it's easy to pretend, I know you're not a fool. "
" To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind. "
" But there's no comfort in the truth, pain is all you'll find. "
" I wish that we could lose this crowd. "
" We could have been so good together. "
" We fight fire with silence and pray somebody hears. "
" No one said the world can't change in just a couple nights. "
" We want a revolution, but only with condition. "
" He came baring the heart of a liar; wearing the face of an honest man. "
" Start feeding the dogs of war. "
" We're in your head and hiding in plain sight. "
" But I don't see any difference, they both look the same to me. "
" I won't ask a question; I'll state the truth. "
" This is the way that it is. "
" Something you love turns to something you miss. "
" This is the way that I know. "
" I feel it inside me like a pulse; it's starting to slow and the meter dips. "
" This is the sound of the truth. "
" There is nothing you can do. "
" Are you looking for the other side? "
" I need to know where your loyalties lie. Tell me, are you gonna bark, or bite? "
" Wipe the system and back the fuck up. "
" You are modified. "
" You're a puppet! When they cut your strings off, don't come crawling back. "
" You're on your own. "
" I'll fight for you until I die. "
" I don't wanna live forever, 'cause I don't want what's coming next. "
" Don't think we stand taller together, 'cause half of us ain't got no spine. "
" My biggest fear ain't no red Devil, it's being near you people all the time. "
" I'll be fine as long as you go somewhere else. "
" They tell you truth is what you make it. "
" It's like we don't even gotta try no more. "
" I'm sure your god would love to keep it white, but I think that me and mine will be alright. "
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wintereign · 1 month
starter call! i really want to get stuff going for weiss. so! tap the heart if you would like a random starter. will vary in length & verse. if you're a multi, please specify which muse.
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