#special interest: global Northwestern finance sector dirt and impacts thereof
butchgtow · 18 days
Finance and math-minded, anti-authoritarian, upper class and upper middle class (capable of more hastily breaking the classist glass ceiling), USAmerican women must pursue entry into U.S. Federal Reserve roles. The capability of USAmerican women and family units including girls to financially organize to leave the United States is likely to soon be materially, via indirect policy and "many decisions on individual case basis" of the Reserve, challenged. It is already, currently, fully legal for the Reserve to do so with complete confidentiality.
Gen Z and A USAmerican women from upper middle class to upper class backgrounds entering university, study finance and related subjects. Compete to and join your most prestigious financial student organizations, available internships and co-ops. Participate in data-oriented and finance-oriented hackathons.
Control of the U.S. dollar is already weaponized against you by the Reserve and by creditors. With alt-right (across wealth classes) flooding pollwork up to public offices, the public sector will be weaponized more strongly against you than it has been in decades.
Seizing of the Reserve by women must occur as rapidly as possible.
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