soncfthewitch · 8 days
closed starter for @soulsuckrrs
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The acrid burn of whiskey seared down his throat as he slammed the glass back onto the weathered bar top. Another, he signalled to the bartender with a curt nod, his eyes never leaving the dingy mirror behind the rows of bottles. In its cracked, stained surface, Toby could see the reflection of the bar's patrons - the usual crowd of lost souls and desperate dreamers, each nursing their own particular brand of misery.
Another night, another dead end. Where are you? He'd been so sure, so certain, that tonight would be the night. That gut feeling, honed over years of hunting what he had lost, had led him here, to Luciano's bar. But as the hours ticked by and the night wore on, doubt began to creep in.
The bartender slid another whiskey in front of him, the amber liquid sloshing against the sides of the glass. Toby wrapped his fingers around it, relishing the cool bite of the glass against his palm. He raised it to his lips, inhaling the sharp, familiar scent. Liquid courage, he mused wryly, or liquid stupidity, more like.
His gaze drifted around the bar, taking in the peeling wallpaper, the scuffed floors, the low murmur of conversations punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter or the clink of glasses. It was a dive, no doubt about it, but there was a certain comfort in its shabbiness.
Toby's eyes fell on Luciano, the bar's owner, as he worked behind the counter. There was a story there, Toby knew, and to admit there was some curiosity for it.
He downed his drink in one swift motion, the whiskey burning a fiery path down to his gut. Toby lifted a hand in Luciano's direction. "Oi mate, packed night tonight?"
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fcllederage-moved · 1 year
@soulsuckrrs gets a starter for Lance & Aidan
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Loud chattering voices echoed through the empty boulevard of Manhattan as a group of queens, some still in full drag, while others had already changed, as well as two small men in their fifties left the cabaret, closing it down for the night. It was over five in the morning. They were all exhausted and drunk, but laughing nonetheless. Hyacinthe had the keys in hand and was walking at the back of the group, taking her time to close everything down. Since it was her last day before forcibly taking a few days off - Philip had forbidden her to come back until she was rested -, she was leaving in full drag to head to her container, store everything there and bring it back for next week.
Had she not taken a glance to the side, to, automatically, check the alleyway leading to the artists entrance, she would not have noticed them. The two men walking up the alley, both of them looking in pretty awful shape. Her heart skipped a beat when she recognized the tallest one. "Lance?" she called, lack of understanding barring her soft features. Completely forgetting to say goodnight to the rest of the family, she hurried towards him and the other man. Lance was one of the bouncers of the cabaret. He was here on the nights she was and he had already helped her in a few risky situations. That was how they had got to talking.
And to flirting.
Sure, Hyacinthe did not exactly know where they stood, as of right now. They were flirting. He definitely had some good banter, was a good kisser and seemed like a gentle bear. She definitely had a thing for him and it was obvious to everyone in the cabaret.
As she reached them, she gasped upon noticing how bruised and battered he was. He was supporting another man, significantly smaller, who looked in even worse condition. "Oh my God, what happened to you both?" she asked, a hand reaching delicately for Lance's face. "Let's get you inside, come on." Knowing very well the latter could take care of himself, she walked across the other man to help support him as she walked them towards the artists door.
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sweetblccd · 1 year
{ ⋏ } —- show a little love! mention a favorite rph or rp partner and give them the affection they deserve.
These are the loves of my life:
@soulsuckrrs @noctvrnalanimals @thebrandonclark @the-little-beans @crystclball
Ya'll are not only the kindest, loveliest people, you are amazing writers! And I am so so glad I can call you friends as well as have the opportunity to write with you . Thank you for creating such amazing words with me where we can all get lost for a little while!
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radicalrascals · 10 months
@soulsuckrrs for Callum, Niamh & Tom
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"Fuck me sideways with a sandpaper condom."
"What now?!," Niamh behind the wheel glared over her shoulder at Tom, one of her two fae passengers and partners in crime.
"Will you for sod's sake turn off the music?" Tom's churlish diction paired well with his Manc accent, which only thickened in his aggravation. "Don't get me wrong. It's not a bad song. I liked it. The first ten times."
Niamh cocked a brow, darting a glance at Callum. They both knew what was going to happen next: her fingers reached for the volume control and cranked it up to 11. Of course such a power move required her to sing along as well:
"Bitch, you think you're so hard, I say when it's over. Love you psycho, I'm loaded like a riflе. Casanova, look o-"
The music ended suddenly with a loud bang and a tiny explosion that simmered down to a crackling little fire smouldering in the hole that formerly had been the car radio ... and most importantly the bonnet. Busy coughing her lungs out and waving off smoke, Niamh tried to get the dead car off the street as best as she could.
"Oh." Tom's eyes went wide, "Fuck. Sorry. I didn't mean to kill the motor, I swear! Magic and technology, am I right?" He put on a smile. Most certainly a desperate move. "Nabocklish! We walk the rest of the way. It'll be a... bonding experience... hike... thing. Aye?"
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etxrnaleclipse · 7 days
Cont. from @soulsuckrrs || Gen and Lana (x)
Gen was relieved that he had finally gone. She had never liked the man from the moment that they met, and it had only got worse over time. He had zero respect for her authority and it meant that she returned that lack of respect back to him. She gave as good (or as bad) as she got. But Lana? No, Lana was good. Lana was very good.
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"Oh, he's like that all the time, honey. But thank you for the concern." Gen replied, smiling over at the other woman. "He doesn't like to respect me because I'm a woman. Cliche, right? My father, he'll bow at his feet. My brother? God's gift to humanity. But me? No, apparently I'm one to be trampled on and kicked down. But he doesn't like it that I bite back." She gave a small shrug, leaning back against the chair and laughing at the question that came.
"Oh it can do. Depends on the person though. In this case, I think I'll let it work." she replied, teasing with a smirk. "Your nosy ass is welcome to interrupt any time you want. Especially if you're gonna buy me a drink in the process. I feel positively spoilt."
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sacredpyre · 30 days
"tell me i'm despicable. say it's unforgivable." (from Leroy, marriage verse)
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" Why?."
There was more challenge in that single question than there had been in anything she spoke out loud since the arranged marriage. Hiding the surprise that had crossed her face as her husband suddenly rebutted her Alena straightened up, meeting the tall vampire's gaze as she took a step towards him. What game he was playing at-if any the witch wasn't quite sure but she couldn't help but push back.
" Would that make this easier for you? If I hated you? " She questioned again, her soft tone even as she held his dark gaze. This show of peace between their people meant to urge in a new era with less conflict was clearly unwanted by the two of them, Alena at least hating the idea of not having freedom. Yet their families both held the highest standing among their own and such was the duty of the eldest child.
"You are despicable, " She breathed, eyes flickering down his foam before returning to his own. Brow raised as if to question what was going on in that mind of his. If this was another one of those games he enjoyed playing in the shadows. "But I don't hate you. "
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somebrokenfate · 1 month
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Mason leaned against the doorframe, watching Jessia for a moment before speaking. "Do you want me to stay or do you want me to go?" He offered to take her home and he did. He didn't want to push boundaries or make her uncomfortable but this whole 'comforting someone' thing wasn't what he did. It hadn't been what he did in a long time. He knew that it was obvious, too, but he felt the need to. His brother had inflicted the pain, so he felt it was his job to fix it. Just like he did all those years ago with his mother.
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destruqtivist · 2 years
Underneath the surface of dignified and princely, Nicky is a bit nervous. He suspects most would be equally as nervous in his position. Most of his excursions had been accompanied by one of his parents or their advisors to sort of guide the prince in the direction he needed to go in these acts of diplomacy. It’s an act of cutting off the reigns for the prince, trusting him to figure it out on his own, and gaining a sense of what he wanted for the kingdom independent of his parents.
And of course, with the new addition of his guard. He knows how important this was for Derrick and what kind of pressure must be resting on his shoulders--the expectations from his family. They share that in common and Nicky sympathizes with him. Derrick was considerably lucky to be assigned to him and not one of Nicky’s sisters--who he absolutely adored but they certainly wrecked havoc with their spoiled and sheltered tendencies. Nicky drops to the ground from his horse handing it over to the stableman as he peers over at Derrick offering a small smile. “I suspect this will be easy and over before we know it. This family has always had a good relationship with my family. You don’t have to be too worried about anything bad happening on the first day on the job, alright?” Nicky mostly means it as an act of comfort and encouragement. After all, their families would be looking to them both. / @soulsuckrrs​​
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corxunum · 2 years
• “I’ve been horrible to you this whole time, on purpose, to drive you away. Why do you keep coming back?” (Cristov to Nika)
@soulsuckrrs || Enemies to lovers prompts [ accepting ]
Her reasons were as different as they could ever be, and both a damn paradox. What would it do them good if she explained? Would he understand? Would he care? Horrible wasn´t even the right word, Cristov had tormented her. But her assignment and strong sense of duty had her stay and endure whatever it took. Nika slammed her briefcase closed with quite symbolic force, looking up at him from her seat by the desk.
“Why can´t you be professional, just once. I´m supposed to work here.” She wasn´t; she was assigned to watch him while pretending to work for his family´s corporation and hand him over to a very generous client the moment he let his guard down around her. But tonight, she´d endured enough humiliation for one day. 
“I thought we could be civil and get this job done, even if you´re not my biggest fan. But you kept playing manchild and had fun making my every day with you a living hell.” Her tone rather matter-of-factly, she rose from her seat, ready to leave. And still, while observing him, she´d witnessed quiet moments, soft ones. Those that made him not seem so insufferable. Moments in which she thought she could even like him, if the circumstances were different. But they were as brief as they were scarce, and pushed out of her mind by the task at hand.
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“You need anything else from me, otherwise I´ll excuse myself. I need a fucking break from you.” At this point, she didn´t care he was her boss. Nika was seething.
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soncfthewitch · 19 days
closed starter for @soulsuckrrs
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The spare room at Xavier's cabin had become all too familiar this past month. He grimaced as he sat up, a hand instinctively going to the mottled bruise above his hip. The black veins had receded, but the memory of that fight, of the venom searing through his veins, still made his gut clench.
Bloody stupid, getting himself nearly killed like that. He'd been careless, underestimated his opponent. A mistake he wouldn't make again.
Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, Toby stood gingerly, testing his balance. The floor was cool beneath his bare feet as he padded to the dresser, pulling out a pair of gray sweats and a matching hoodie. Xavier's clothes, he noted, catching the man's scent - sandalwood and cedar - as he pulled them on, leaving the hoodie unzipped.
He followed his nose to the kitchen, stomach rumbling. Xavier stood at the stove, his broad shoulders seemed to stretch the fabric of his t-shirt as he wielded a spatula.
Without thinking, Toby sidled up behind him, rising on his toes to peek over Xavier's shoulder at the pan. "Smells ace, mate. What's on the menu?" His nose brushed Xavier's ear as he inhaled appreciatively.
Toby suddenly became very aware of their proximity, the heat of Xavier's back against his chest. Bollocks. He stepped back hastily, nearly tripping over his own feet. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. "Fancy a cuppa? I'll just..." He gestured vaguely towards the kettle.
Toby leaned against the counter as he waited for the kettle to boil, his gaze drawn to Xavier despite his best efforts. He couldn't help but notice the way the man's muscles tensed and flexed as he worked.
"I don't think I ever properly thanked you," he said, glancing over his shoulder at the other man. "For saving my arse back there. I'd have been in a right pickle if you hadn't shown up when you did. Thank you."
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fcllederage-moved · 1 year
@soulsuckrrs said: "Are you watching me sleep?" From Jase
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Why they had woken up in the middle of the night would probably always remain a mystery to Hyacinthe. They had not had any nightmare and were feeling rather peaceful as they opened their eyes to the light of the outside dimming its hollow light onto Jason's features. He was sleeping. Soundly. Which participated in soothing their soul. Seeing their partner resting was the best gift he could ever make them without ever knowing it.
This sight made them smile softly. They could not resist lifting a hand and brushing his chiseled cheekbones with the tips of their fingers, long nails scratching his beard ever so gently. How they loved seeing him so peaceful.
Without thinking, they leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, then letting their lips trail down to his. And they could not resist peppering kisses all over his face, being as delicate as possible, not realizing he was already awake. His voice, as low and soft was it, made them jump slightly and shiver against him. "No," they replied with a smile, unable to hide it. But their hand was still on his cheek and lips so close to his that he could probably feel their breath on his skin.
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fcllederage · 11 months
@soulsuckrrs said: ❛  stab .   stab  my  muse with a  [ knife / other object ]. + reverse (from Cristov 💀)
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"Look, you're drunk." The queen's hands were shaking madly, the shaking coming from both her lingering PTSD and the fear that was oozing from her. She did not understand what was going on in his mind but believed he was probably tripping, a very bad trip. She could smell the scent of alcohol in this man's breath and he did not even need to stand close to her. And for once, Hyacinthe was neither drunk nor high. She was perfectly clear and lucid but, when she saw the man step furiously closer and closer towards her, she suddenly wished she was in the same state to not have this terrifying awareness of what was going to come next.
All she had done was to do a little snooping around while waiting for her date for the night. He did want to take her home but had had to stop by his office, he had told her. She had not been able to stop her curious nature from looking around, as if trying to figure out what this company was about. What good would it do? None. It was not as if she actually cared, really. They would just spend the night, blow off steam, share a bed, and in the morning, they would part. And she would probably never see him again. That was supposed to be the plan. Until the stranger grabbed her by the throat. "No, no, no! Please! No!" she pleaded but was soon enough shoved her against a large wooden shelf that shook so hard almost its entire content fell over her as she tried to cover her head to no avail.
A massive book fell on her head, its edges hitting her forehead, opening a small wound across her skin. It took her a few seconds to come back to her senses. Thankfully, the stranger seemed slowed down as well. Her heart beating madly against her temples, she did not hesitate one second to reach for her purse as the man rushed to her once again. The queen got up as fast as possible, her legs shaking just as much as her hands, but her fingers were nervously grasping at something. A small hunting knife with a black handle that, in the blink of an eye, embed itself in the man's shoulder.
Hyacinthe stared at him with wide eyes, unable to realize what she had just done. Sure, she owned a knife, but it was merely here for protection and she did not think she would ever get to use it. And yet, there she was, gathering her remaining strength to push the man away using the handle of the knife plunged into his flesh.
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sweetblccd · 1 year
[ GO! ] For Lance to drag Penny away from a fight.
From @soulsuckrrs
Using this meme
Faster than a mere human could process, Penny had reacted as a hand slipped to caress her back side. She grasped the assaulting hand, wrist crushed beneath her demonic hold. Her other hand swung forward to break the man’s nose. Blood gushed from his nostrils and stained her palm. “Didn’t your mommy ever teach you never to touch things that do not belong to you?” 
The smile upon her face is dynamite as a group of burly men surround her as if to defend their fallen comrade. Their defense is short lived as Penny’s tiny vessel is suddenly lifted off the ground and she is dragged backwards. “No! Let me go!” She growls, thrashing beneath the strong hold keeping her body from flinging itself forward and back into the fight. - “I will make them eat their own tongues!” Her laughter is almost manic.
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radicalrascals · 1 year
@soulsuckrrs subscribed to some serious angst:
Heavy panting, his own hot breath hitching over his parted lips, filled the numb silence as the werewolf slowly came to. Huff, huff, huff. Rattling from exhaustion. And an angry growl still persisted, lingering in his throat and tinting each heavy breath in the colour of a threat. He was so full of ire, so caught in his beast’s grip, that waking up felt more laborious than ever before.
Nick knew he had been fighting. The beast had been fighting. From the cold sweat clinging to his bare skin to wrath straining his muscles and the scent of blood filling the air. He didn’t need to open his eyes to know, but when he did, he wished he hadn’t.
He found himself hovering over his victim, pinning him down with his now human fingers filling in the gigantic imprints where wolf claws had pierced and torn the flesh. A whimper left his lips and unable to get up, Nick let himself drop to the side and roll off the other man. “Me perdõe. Foi sem querer.” Forgive me. I didn’t mean to. A whispered mantra he repeated over and over again until his constant mumbling had calmed him down enough to venture a closer look.
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Crawling on his hands and knees, Nick edged closer to the beast’s victim, trying to assess the full extent of the damage done. He was still breathing. Good. At least something. “Can you hear me?,” he spoke loud and clear in his naturally so soothing dark voice. “You will be alright.” Despite the beast having gone to exceptional lengths to make sure he was, in fact, not ‘alright’. With no memory of what had happened between them, Nick trusted his principles more than his gut feeling, and decided that helping was the only acceptable option.
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bcntbouquet · 1 month
dropping any thread/s (@soulsuckrrs) I had with my oc, cohen; just not feeling the muse. also dropping the thread/s w. mateo & dj (@movierentals), and sarahi & evelyn (@sheiismother).
reminder that me dropping things does not = my interest in future threads. just need to clear out some of my drafts because they're beginning to pile up + i'm not feeling very well :3
edit: also dropping threads--
jody & ben (@scinglives), twos & violet (@timeguardians), dj & drunk!rocky (@smolcuriouskitten), daz & brianna (@timeguardians)
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sacredpyre · 1 month
"Okay, that sounds like a noise you wanna hear from farther away." (from Lance)
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A soundless hush quickly formed across the witch's lips as she fixed her friend with a pointed look before turning her attention in the direction she thought that strange noise had come from. A beat passes but for her steadily growing fear, it was more than enough. The night was still, a moment ago only alive with the sound of the two friends yet as she stared the shadows seemed to twist and merge. Slowly taking up unsettling shapes that seemed to stare back At least, that's what the jolt the strange noise caused was telling her.
"We should get going, " Word barely more than a whisper, hand reaching out to take hold of his hand. " It's late. "
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