#sorry it took awhile to respond lmao just had to collect my thoughts properly
sp-ud · 3 years
Its honestly so sad to see how much ranboo is trying to be the perfect streamer and not mess up or get into any potential drama. As soon as all this techno stuff happened, he noticeably stopped doing techno-related jokes and would get silent if technos in the vc/mentioned when in the past he'd be talkative. even today, a dono asked him if he'd meet up with big q and techno, and he very obviously hesitated to say techno, and after a moment he did say his name but only to say "I dont think techno does meetups...yeah..but I'd love to meet up with big q!" and I've just seen an influx of tweets celebrating over how "ranboo doesn't want to meet up with techno and hes a techno anti" it just gets me so sad to see how ranboo wont even interact with the people he looks/looked up to because of how twitter would react.
I saw a lot of people say they cant imagine what will happen when ranboo eventually does mess up, but tbh I genuinely think theyll still somehow shift the blame to someone else or wont take it seriously "because he didnt mean to!" when they would send dts to other ccs for messing up.
they put ranboo oh such a high pedestal and then act shocked when in almost every tweet he apologizes.
i will say though, techno literally has never done meetups despite having plenty of chances and offers to do such. it makes sense that ranboo wouldnt think techno would be down to meetup.
and i think you're making too many assumptions here, I don't think ranboo is talking about techno less because he doesn't want to make twitter mad, but because techno has socially withdrawn likely due to twitter.
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