#sorry ik many of you don’t go here with ffxiv or may have been tagged asdfgh
lavampira · 6 months
wip whenever
tagged by the lovelies @coldshrugs and @impossible-rat-babies and I’ve been fighting for my life in the SB-era sidalia doc again lately so I’m sharing a section of it <: and I’ll tag @hythlodaes @lilas @ghoulsbeard @ghostwise @lesbianalicent @gwynbleidd @jillvalentinesday @hylfystt @elvves @narrativefoiltrope @tieflingbi if anyone wants to share any art or writing!!
‘Tis a rather small cabin, but far more than D’alia had expected upon requesting to stay in Tailfeather, complete with two rooms to sleep, a cramped room to wash, and an even tinier kitchen in comparison to the rows of cots and bunks that she remembered from not so long ago. Marcechamp had insisted for the one who helped to achieve Ysayle’s vision and her companions, eyeing Sidurgu’s glowering form and the quiet elezen children behind her warily as she’d forced a smile and thanked him for the generosity through her tightening throat.
She lingers in the entry with her eyes squeezed shut and curled fists at her side while Rielle and Myste race to a room for the best bed with Sidurgu yelling after them, reliving the fresh hay and feed, squawks of rustling chocobos, and nearby bubbling brook that permeates her senses. She can recall so vividly Estinien’s armor gleaming with the rising sun as he perched on a nearby rooftop, Alphinaud’s chattering as he trailed her through the settlement to offer help in exchange for their stay, and Ysayle’s flowing hair in the soft breeze while speaking with the hunters, so clear in her mind that she might see the very sight if she opens her eyes.
So many godsdamned memories in one little village among the many in her travels.
D’alia is dragged from her thoughts by a small hand on her fist, and when she does finally open her eyes, she’s faced with the curious gaze of Myste looking up at her with long silvery blue hair framing his face. She reaches to tuck a tendril behind his pointed ear, patting his cheek in a way that brings the slightest curve to his lips. After how despondent he had been in his latest failed attempt in his quest, she’ll take the improvement.
“This place has meaning to you,” Myste notes after a moment, his smile fading again.
“Aye.” D’alia pulls her hand away and folds her arms around her waist. “I traveled with friends here some time ago.”
“You miss them.”
She opens her mouth to answer the boy, but before she can speak, the rhythmic clink of Sidurgu’s armor draws her attention with his approach, meeting his inquisitive gaze across the room.
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