#sorry if u like the snowflakes…i cause really don’t…maybe i’ll make another one that’s just wintery with the snowflakes
confettiart · 7 months
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vintage christmasy background :D
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the inspiration was this snapple holiday lights box LOL!
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moiralovestowrite · 3 years
A Titan’s Gamble Chapter 7
So…” Hawthorne watched as Ryan rummaged through the broken boxes of supplies. She knew there was barely anything there but the Titan was as stubborn as always. “You wanna talk about Cayde?” “No. No I really don’t.” Ryan replied blankly. There was almost no emotion in his voice. “...Is that why you’re tagging along with those two weirdos?” The woman asked, gesturing out the window to Drifter building a strange small machine with Moira handing him parts. With a sigh Ryan slowly sat down on the barn’s flooring and grabbed another box, beginning to shift through. “They offered to help me. Unlike Zavala.” “Help you with what?” Hawthorne asked, her tone deepening. Her eyes grew serious as she listened to Ryan speak. She trusted the man with her life but sometimes he did incredibly stupid things. Was this one of those times? “Look, it’s not important to you-” “You think you’re the only one missing Cayde? You think I wanted to hear that Zavala had to rip him from your arms as you had a mental break down? He was my friend too! Now you’re all I got so YES! This IS important to me! So let me in!” Hawthorne rose to her feet as her hands moved with her words. The woman cared so deeply for Ryan, he was like a brother she never had, he was family. She could see the strain in his body, the light beginning to falter. He was her beacon. With a loud agitated sigh, the Titan turned his head and gazed up at the Clan Steward. He looked so lost, confused. It was like Ryan had completely lost his purpose in life. “They know who killed him. They’re gonna help me...get rid of the guy. His name’s Uldren.” Ryan spoke in a quiet tone, tossing aside the empty box and reaching for another. “Revenge? Ryan, you’re seriously gonna kill out of hatred?” Suddenly the Titan’s fists covered in flames as the man rose to his feet, meeting the woman on equal ground. “YES! BECAUSE IF I DON’T WHO WILL?!” Smoke flew from the man’s nose as he breathed heavily, anger rushing through him like a hungry ocean. Hawthone took a step back, her eyes huge and her hands reaching for the sniper behind her back. With a deep breath the fire left Ryan’s form as his eyes filled with sorrow. “I’m sorry, it’s just...Cayde did everything for us. Helped us in so many ways and his killer is just wandering around, watching us struggle without him. Zavala has gone bat shit crazy because of his death and now the only thing I can think to do is get revenge. To do it for Cayde because fuck, he’d do it for us.” Hawthorne’s eyes saddened as she heard Ryan’s words. The man had lost himself in the dark, but maybe this was the answer. Either way, Ryan needed family more than ever. Hawthorne gently placed her hand upon the Titan’s shoulder and gave the man a weak smile. “Then we do it together.” Ryan smiled back, placing his hand on top of the woman’s, looking into her eyes. He could see her fear, her confusion. Would he lose her too?
Moira handed Drifter the final piece for his strange little machine. “Perfect. Alright, gimme a couple minutes and this’ll be up and running.” The woman smiled under her mask and nodded.  As she stood by the man’s side Drifter chuckled and straightened his back, giving Moira a look. “Means you can go walk around kid, Ain’t nothin happening to old Drifter here.” Moira didn’t trust the place. Guardian’s were everywhere and Ikora was already pretty clear she hated the man’s guts. Leaving him alone sounded dangerous. “I’ll be fine.” Drifter spoke again, feeling the woman’s worry wash over him. His hands placed themselves on top of the woman’s shoulders before he spun her body around and gave her a shove, pushing her towards the fountain in the middle of the Farm. With an annoyed grunt, Moira found herself wandering towards the stone fountain, her fingers slightly twitching with worry. Drifter knew the woman wanted to explore and take in the sights, sometimes he had to force her. As the woman reached the middle of the shelter, her eyes fell upon a small child. It’s arm was in a cast and the kid had tears in his eyes. The thing must have been so confused. The small boy was sitting on the edge of the fountain, sniffling as he tried to make sense of everything around him. Moira carefully walked up to the kid, she was horrible with children but something in her wanted to try and cheer the thing up. The child gazed up at the woman with the snake mask, startled by the sudden presence. “U-Um...Hi?” The kid stuttered. Moira lowered herself to her knee’s and smiled at the child through her mask. The woman gestured for the young boy to hold out his hand. The kid was confused but more than willing to obey. As he did, Moira wiggled her fingertips above his hand, causing tiny snowflakes to fall into his palm. The child’s eyes widened with delight as he watched what he assumed to be a Guardian make snow. “How’d you do that!” The kid asked with glee causing Moira to laugh. She had never made a sound in public before. It was nice, freeing. Suddenly Drifter snapped his fingers. Loudly. Moira’s eyes widened as she heard her boss’s signal. Shit. Quickly the snow vanished and Moira rose to her feet. Ikora was directly behind her. “So you can laugh.” The Warlock said with a smug grin. Moira’s body tensed as she slowly turned to meet Ikora’s gaze. The brunette made no sound as she came face to face with the Guardian she feared most. Ikora was powerful, smart, strong. When Eris had made Moira’s existence known Ikora traveled from planet to planet, attempting to find her. Thankfully the Warlock never found out what she looked like and after five years of searching she stopped looking, sending her hidden to do the job. Drifter had always warned the woman of her, how’d she experiment on Moira if she ever got her fingers on her. Darkness wasn’t welcome at the Tower. “How’d you do that dear? It was very pretty.” Ikora’s voice was tauntingly soft, as if the Warlock was trying to lure the woman into a false sense of security. It would never work however. The kid nodded and smiled brightly. “Do it again!” The boy squealed out, gently tugging on Moira’s leather robe. Drifter’s second in command refused however, staying silent. Moira quickly straightened her back and placed her hands behind her, standing at attention. She had no idea what to do. Drifter thankfully came to the rescue, the man placing himself between the Warlock and the Dark creature. “Hey, hey, making my partner uncomfortable. Take a few steps back alright?” The man wasn’t asking and it was clear in his tone of voice. However Ikora wasn’t scared of him. “Why?” The Warlock pushed, looking for answers. The man’s face changed from a happy con man to a killer. “Cause I Asked.” His voice deepened as he pressed a hand against Ikora’s shoulder and gave it a shove. He had no fear towards the Warlock, minus her big ass shot gun. Under normal circumstances, shoving Ikora would be a death sentence. Thankfully for the Drifter, they needed both of them alive to get the City’s people to safety. The Warlock’s smirk grew as she placed her sight’s on Moira. The woman could feel the Vanguard’s raw power flowing through her, she was completely terrified of Ikora in every way. “He has you well trained.” Ikora purred before walking towards Devrim. Moira finally released the breath she had been holding in, her legs slightly shaking. Fuck, this was gonna cost them. Drifter turned his head and gave Moira a harsh look. “The hell were you thinking?” The man hissed out, grabbing Moira by the arm and bringing her back over to his work bench. “You wanna get killed? That’s how!” Drifter continued to speak in a hushed tone, his face covered in worry. Moira’s eyes saddened as she slowly looked down at her feet, unable to even think of an excuse. Sighing, Drifter rubbed his forehead before placing a hand on top of Moira’s head. “I-I can’t lose you. Okay? Just play it extra safe...please.” He gently gave Moira’s head a pat before giving the finishing touches to his new machine. Moira’s lips curled into a soft smile as she slowly looked up and watched the man. Words couldn’t express the joy going through the woman’s body. Drifter was horrible with words when it came to his emotions, but it was clear the man had just said “I love you”, something Moira had been waiting years to hear.
After a tense twenty minutes, Drifter stepped away from his work bench with a satisfied look upon his face. Alright. They were good to go. Moira walked along side the man as the two went to go meet with the others. Ikora and Devrim had been talking about survivors, helping everyone get ready for flight while Ryan and Hawthorne had been loading up ships with what little supplies they had. “Good news.” Drifter called out, catching everyone’s attention. Ryan was quick to walk over to the man, giving him a trusting look. “They’re all ready for us, they got some Awoken tech witches or whatever ya call em ready to help the dying folk and some guns, more than enough to arm everybody, plus food.” Moira gently grabbed Drifter’s hand and squeezed it, proud of him for making the call. It was hard for him to do with his history of the Dreaming City. Ikora quickly spoke. “I’m surprised. But thankful. Good work. Devrim, round everyone up and get them ready, Hawthorne, get Holliday in a pilot seat.” With a nod, the two were on the move, ready to get things started. Ikora smiled gently at Ryan. “Do what you can.” The Titan nodded before he shot Drifter a smile. Drifter smiled right back before the two were left alone with the Warlock. “I wish to speak to your friend alone.” Ikora said softly, turning to face the Drifter. The man’s back tensed, his form stepping in front of Moira as she normally did for him. “Nah, I ain’t really comfortable with that idea.” “I don’t need you to be. You both seem to be scared of me, yet you have no reason for that fear. We are all on the same team right now.” “And when that changes?” Drifter challenged, Moira’s hands clinging to the back of his robe. “Nothing will change. You’ve helped us. I simply just want to know more.” Drifter scoffed and rolled his eyes, his arms crossing his chest. “You warlocks and always wanting to know more, ya ever realize that it’s one day gonna get you killed?” The man was like a brick wall, unmovable and unwilling to sway. Ikora’s smile faded as she realized she was getting no where. “Fine. However, my offer still stands. If your friend ever wants to speak alone with me, I’d be more than willing.” “I’ll remember that.” Drifter growled, watching Ikora walk away.
“ALRIGHT PEOPLE, LETS MOVE!” Hawthorne’s commanding voice helped people climb aboard the ships, while Guardian’s carried supplies. As the last few people and supplies loaded, Hawthorne turned to meet Ryan’s gaze. “You coming with us? Or going with them?” Her voice had softened as she watched the Titan’s eyes. Ryan turned to look at Drifter and Moira, the two seemed to be waiting but for what? Slowly Ryan turned back to Hawthorne and gave her a smile. “I’m...I’m gonna go with them. Do you wanna join? They’re actually pretty neat once you get to know them.” A sad smile crawled on Hawthorne’s lips. “I’m good bud. I’ll see you there I guess.” And with that, the Clan Steward climbed aboard the ship. The engines began to start and the Titan took several steps back, watching as it flew into the sky. Drifter and Moira both smiled as they watched Ryan walk over to them. “Hey hero.” Drifter teased as he gently punched Ryan’s shoulder, making the Titan smile. “Quit that or I’m gonna start calling you Old man.” Moira laughed and snorted as the group transported upon the Derelict.
The trip to the Dreaming City took longer than everyone thought it would. Drifter had everyone take a special route, one told by his friend in the Reef. It would keep them safe and hidden from anyone attempting to find something in the vast emptiness of space. They had no idea what Zavala had planned, it was best to play it as safe as possible. Moira had thrown off her leather clock and was simply wearing a dirty white tank top and black jeans. Her feet were covered by mismatched socks. Drifter had taken her lead, his form now free of his large robes and covered in a black t-shirt and dirty gray sweatpants. His snake necklace still dangled around his form as he let out a yawn. Ryan had removed most of his armor, keeping his large boots on. The man had borrowed one of Drifter’s shirts, it was covered in grease and oil but it was better than nothing. “Do you guys know what cleaning is?” The Titan teased as Moira brushed the knots out of her long brown hair. “Cleaning? Never heard of her, she sounds cute though, tell her to hit me up.” Drifter laughed as he drank water from his glass, or so he claimed to be water. “Yeah, is she into three ways?” The older man carried on causing Ryan to let out a snort. The Titan rolled his eyes as he relaxed into his chair. Moira’s ghost had been zipping around the Titan’s head, examining him before flying over to Drifter, booping the man’s form. “Ack, fine!” The man snarled out, swatting at the creature before his own ghost came popping out. The two made chirps before flying off. “Damn bugs.” Drifter snarled as he took another sip of his drink. Moira smacked the top of Drifter’s head with her hair brush, smirking. “Hey, be nice.” She taunted before she tossed the brush to the side, sitting down in the chair beside her boss. “So you do have a ghost.” Ryan said with a smirk.“Yeah, I call her Farah. I told you I had one.” Moira said simply as she stole Drifter’s glass and took a sip from it. Drifter smiled brightly watching the woman. “Yogi’s my ghost.” Ryan said softly as Yogi appeared, flying around the table. “Hah that’s a great name! Did he give you the name Ryan?” Moira asked, curious. “Yeah, said it suited me.” Drifter laughed and stole the glass back from Moira. “I guess it does, I woulda called you Freddy.” Moira let out a giggle as Ryan’s face twisted with disgust. “Freddy? Really?” “Well what would you call me?” Drifter teased, giving Ryan a look. The Titan thought for a moment before a sly grin curled on his lips. “Shit face.” “Wow, nice to meet you shit face!” Moira joined in, reaching her hand out to shake Drifter’s. The rouge smirked and took Moira’s hand, shaking it. “Hello bitch tits.” Moira let out a fake offended gasp as she ripped her hand away from her boss. “Dirty man!” She cried out, pointing at Drifter’s face unable to hide her smile. Drifter smiled right back, getting to his feet as he held his hands in front of him. “Oh, we doing this?” Moira’s eyes filled with fear “DON’T TICKLE ME ASSHOLE!” The woman cried out as she began to run, Drifter on her heels as he laughed maniacally. Ryan couldn’t stop smiling. A part of him felt like he had chosen right. This was beginning to feel like home.
As everyone reached the Dreaming City, Drifter, Moira and Ryan had slipped back into their usual attire. None of them wanted too, the group craved sleep. Moira’s head rested gently on Drifter’s shoulder as she struggled to keep her eyes open while Ryan couldn’t keep himself from yawning. The older man smiled as he dug his gloved hand into Moira’s hair, playing her long brown locks. With a sigh, Drifter knew they had to keep going. “Alright, let’s go.” The man sighed. Moira’s eyes fluttered before she yawned along side Ryan, removing herself from her bosses form. Ryan got to his feet, struggling a little with his balance. “Think we can get some rest when we get in there?” The woman asked in a tired tone while Ryan stretched his arms above his head. Drifter thought for a moment. Petra was far more willing to help that he had first imagined. It felt like something else was at play. Maybe they’d finally have a chance to sleep inside the city’s walls once they scoped everything out. “Can’t imagine why not.” Drifter stated in a soft voice, his body trying to fight off sleep as he watched Ryan and Moira struggle.
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tirednoona · 5 years
Happy Birthday, D
For @dameviolencia <3
It’s not a date.
It’s not a date.
It’s not a date.
Your phone screen lights up, promptly breaking your mental chant, and an odd sense of panic causes your heart to leap. 
It feels like 1999 all over again, when you’re victim to your pubescent desires and whims. And the mere mention of someone’s name turns your knees into gelatinous goo.
It’s a text from Changkyun, short and cryptic. “gonna run a lil late. Will tell u about it later.”
It’s not a date, so you shouldn’t mind too much. You shouldn’t feel like an overeager girlfriend that deserves a two-page explanation detailing all whereabouts followed by a hand-on-heart apology. 
Besides, Changkyun hasn’t been the type to elaborate anyway. 
“if my ramen gets old, i’ll hate you forever.” You text back.
There’s no reply. No sad face emoji. No usual cheeky comeback. Minutes pass. Nothing. Now you’re worried. 
You take one rueful glance at your phone’s clock. The time doesn’t even register in your brain. The anxiety has set in. 
Changkyun will probably bail. He will realize that there’s no point to this juvenile cat-and-dog chase and find someone who won’t give him such a hard time. He’ll finally ask out the new HR temp who calls him Daniel and makes heart eyes at him whenever he turns the corner. 
He’ll finally realize it’s not worth it.
You’re not worth it. 
Your screen lights up just then. 
“aajdgfhsjak” he texts back. You’re not sure what it means, but it’s the most welcome keyboard smash you’ve ever gotten. 
The text works like a fleeting anesthesia, because seconds later, your gut tightens again, shaky fingers hovering your phone’s keypad. You NEED to know. “does that mean you’re not ditching me then?” You press send before giving yourself any space to chicken out. 
The next few seconds are torturous. He’s either driving or he hates you and wants nothing to do you with. You have good reason to lean towards the latter. 
You look around you. You see happy faces, long faces, families, friends, romantic pairs eye-fucking over their pork ramen. None of them have a clue that there’s a heavy storm brewing inside you, about to burst out and wreak cataclysmic destruction if not calmed soon.  
You hate this feeling of inevitable doom. 
Your phone rings, loud and disruptive, in the relative quiet of the ramen place.
“What?” You blurt out, a little too harshly.
���Did you really think I would ditch you?” His voice. God, his voice. He sounds astonished, for the most part, and incredulous.
“You weren’t answering my texts— classic move.”
“D,” he sighs, “There is no version to this story that would ever, in any shape or form, physically allow me to ditch you. I will punch the sun just to close the distance between us and see you. The actual sun.”
You laugh, out of relief, annoyance, maybe fondness. “Then don’t ignore my texts.”
“I’m driving!” 
“Then hang up and get your ass over here.”
“D, wait.”
“I just want to make it clear that I’ve wanted to take you to my favorite ramen place since last year, at the Christmas party.” 
You bite down on a smile, even though he can’t see you. 
“You’re smiling right now, aren’t you?” You, too, can hear the smile in his voice. 
You roll your eyes. “Shut up and hurry.”
  By some cosmic joke, Christmas means change. People that don't usually interact are suddenly cramped in tiny booths sharing stories as if spellbound by some divine holiday spirit.
The bar, usually bare, is glowing with red, green, and gold. Wreaths, garlands, and all types of ornaments have overtaken the otherwise laidback, cool atmosphere of the room, paper snowflakes on the wall, in case the Santa Hats were too subtle.  
You can say leaving your booth and your friends to say hello to the new hires is also a change. On any other day of the year, you fraternizing with people from other departments would be like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs.  
But you're still feeling mellow from the joint you smoked earlier and socializing doesn't seem like the worst thing. You make your way to a small group of unfamiliar faces, brushing past a couple kissing under the mistletoe.
"Hey, cute hat. I'm Deirdre." You reach out a hand to a guy whose name you think is Changmyun? Changyeon?
Your voice redirects his attention from the mini stage setup to you, to your Black Widow-inspired makeup, to your own lame Santa Hat.  
He takes a good look, blinking a few times, before taking your hand in his. "I know."
"Oh, have we met before?"
"Yeah," he says, "I got lost in your floor on my first day. You showed me the way out."
"Oh," You look down and lighten the feeling of shame with a small chuckle. When you look up, his eyes are on you, kind and warm, promptly dissolving whatever sense of uneasiness that was trying to creep up on you.
"You really don't remember?" He pouts. "But I thought I made a good impression. I called you 'ma'am' and everything, and you smiled."
You shoulders relax. He seems safe, and cute. And young, you tell yourself belatedly. "You're making this up."
"Wow, first you say you don't remember me, and now you accuse me of lying." He sighs, slipping his hands in his pockets. "I really can't win."
"What are you? Are you drunk?" You squint.
"Are you high?" He bites down on a smirk, but there's no judgment behind it. If anything, he looks amused? Fond? Familiar? Like an owner watching their dog struggle in a onesie.
"A girl got needs, Chang---" You pause.
"Changkyun. See? You remember!"
"I'm sorry, okay. After a while, the faces just blur together." In the back of your head, you wonder how you could possibly forget a face like that. A character like that. "I'm probably just not used to seeing you in a hoodie or something."
"I can go back to my place and change into my work clothes.  Maybe that'll jog your memory."
"Or I can buy you a drink right here right now and we'll be even."
"You don't have to do that. I'm just kidding, D."
Something tells you the nickname should bother you. But looking at him, the little dimples denting his youthful cheeks, the dusty brown hair, the cute lop-sided Santa hat, you decide to let it pass. "I insist," you lead the way to the bar, "so you can stop whining about it."
"I don't whine." He mutters under his breath. He follows like an obedient puppy. "I howl, I bark, I meow. But I don't whine."
"I can't believe you just unironically said you make housepet noises." He says as you talk to the barman.
"I'm very obedient and highly trainable." He leans against the bar and turns his body towards you. It makes you feel hot for some reason, threatened. He smells like peppermint, eggnog cookies, and trouble, the last thing you need.
"And I'm allergic to pets."
"Bullshit." He says, easily, the half-smirk back on his lips. "You have a dog at least." He narrows his eyes, "And I bet you've given them an interesting name with some pop culture reference."
"Seriously, what are you?" You ask with some wonder. "No, I genuinely want to know." You demand when he starts laughing.
"I can be anything you want, baby." He says after a while, voice dropping to a lazy drawl.
"Wow. That was... That was bad." You both burst into giggles, bodies falling together.
 "You want to know why I remember you?" He turns to you after your 5th glass of something (at this point you've stopped asking), your whole body in a state of buzzed bliss.
"Is it my sparkling personality? My stellar flying skills? My weed stash?" You joke.
He lets out a deep chuckle. "First of all, I didn't learn about the plane-flying and stash until tonight. And while I obviously admire your personality, it's not what drew me in."
"So, what is it?" You lean forward a bit, running the tip of your finger around the rim of the glass, challenging him.
"It's your green eyes." He admits, undaunted.
"Stop flirting with me." You joke again. "It's not gonna happen."
"I'm serious. You have the most enchanting emerald eyes I've ever seen and I've been haunted by them since that day."
There's no denying it. This boy obviously has some sort of effect on you. It's the deep chuckles, the slow smiles, the earnest compliments. You've known him for a good three hours yet it feels like you've been huddled in this booth for half a lifetime, and planning to stay for the other half. It's unsettling. No-- It's terrifying. Like the picture-perfect start of a horror movie.  
"I need to go." You tell him, sliding out of the booth.
He blinks at you, confused. "Wait, what?"
"It's been nice knowing you." You say, and it feels like a goodbye. "I'll see you around, okay?"
"Oh." To say he looks disappointed is an understatement. "I thought we--"
You sigh. "Happy Christmas, Changkyun."
The door of the restaurant swings opens, and you find him standing under the door chimes, flushed, eager, and out of breath.
You wave your hand and he spots you immediately, a smile beginning to spread as he jogs his way to your table.
"Happy birthday." He says before planting a soft, cold kiss on your cheek. "You look beautiful and I—suck. I’m so sorry. Got held up at work and the traffic was just terri–"
"I'm just glad you're here." Spurred on by the lightness in your chest, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your mouth to his, softly at first, then insistently, with purpose. He grips your waist like he's grounding himself to reality.
"Wow," he whispers as you pull away, breathless. "Does this mean it's a date?" It's the same confused, helpless look he gave you when you left him at that booth a year ago, but better. So much better.
You give him another peck on the lips. "Yes, Changkyun. It's a date."
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ngirl64 · 4 years
Similar Interests Part 18
This is gonna have a read more to it as there was some more intimate scenes, My only hope is that Tumblr doesn’t flag this. But go figure, Part 18 has some 18+ themes. And so you don’t have to read through everything, RP Master Post here
Rose: *When they made it to main hall Rose saw Viridi* Hey Viridi!
Viridi: Yes? What do you want?
Rose: We just wanted to talk.
Viridi: Look, I’m busy at this time. Maybe later.
Dark Pit: Same as ever. Besides, busy doing what?
Viridi: These humans, they keep destroying the environment. So I’m going to wipe them all out this time. *She turned to Rose and Dark Pit* But I’ll give them a chance.
Callie: *Comes through a portal* I don’t think you’ll want to do that Viridi.
Viridi: And you are?
Callie: I’m Callie and these are my two friends, Chad and Christie. But you, Viridi, need to be careful of what you do.
Dark Pit: She can’t do too much without her Reset Bombs. Pit destroyed the Depo. Unless Viridi has another secret weapon
Callie: *She held up a hand* No, Viridi needs to see this. Chad, Christie stay here with Rose and Dark Pit. *Her voice dropped low* And you are coming with me.
Viridi: *Shocked* And what makes you think I’ll come with you!?
Dark Pit: Hmm? What does she need to see?
Callie: *She snapped her head to Dark Pit* For now, it’s not important for you see. You’ll see later. *She grabbed Viridi’s hand and opened a portal* We’ll be back. *She pulled Viridi through the portal*
Dark Pit: u-uhhh… Ok? Wasn’t expecting that
Chad: Callie found something out, she’s not happy with it, so she’s stopping it. *He shuddered* It wasn’t pretty…
Viridi: Wh-Where are you taking me?!
Callie: I need you see what your actions are going to do. Just because you are a Goddess doesn’t mean you don’t effect the world around you. *She opened two portals* These two portals act as two different timelines for your dimensions. This first one is what will happen if you continue to try to eliminate the human race.
Viridi: *She looked inside and saw the horror that was the world. People setting up camps, reset bombs falling, but she couldn’t see Dark Pit.* Where is Dark Pit?
Callie: With Palutena, by killing the humans you killed off the other gods. You killed your own followers.
Viridi: Then how am I not dead?
Callie: *She showed her Rose locked in stasis* You locked the only person who couldn’t die in stasis, and by keeping her near you, you stayed alive.
Viridi: Th-Then how is Palutena a-alive?
Callie: Rose, she still believed in her. The world has gone chaotic, and Pit can’t fly with Palutena weak.
Chad: *He shuddered and continued to try to explain the situation to Rose and Dark Pit* Callie, in addition to hopping dimensions, can see timeline splits. And she saw this dimension split. Two different times. Two different outcomes.
Dark Pit: Oh wow. Special snowflake, huh?
Chad: She’s a spector…
Callie: As for the other timeline. That’s where you stop.
Viridi: *She looks in and sees thousands of humans working on large scale tree farms, as well other farms.* What is this?
Callie: The humans made many different farms, to give back to you. After all. You are the Goddess of Nature.
Dark Pit: *He folds his arms* Yeah, she’s a special snowflake. And definitely so in this dimension. Even though you’ve been here before, the idea of Spectors and Dimension hoppers is still new to us all
Callie: *She puts two hands on Viridi* You need to know, humanity is not yours to fool around with, so please. Do not wipe out humanity. *She pulled Viridi through another portal and back to everyone* Rose, Dark Pit would you like to see what I just showed Viridi?
Dark Pit: *He looks to Callie* Yeah, i’d like to see
Rose: *She nods.* Me too. 
Callie: *Holds out her hands for them to take*
Dark Pit: *He takes her hand, wondering what they’re about to see*
Rose: *She takes the other hand and waits.*
Callie: Hold on tight you two. *She opens a portal and takes them with her through it. Welcome to the dimension hub. *She opens two portals, one showing anarchy and the other showing peace and prosperity.* One of these is where Viridi continues to irradiate humans. The other is where she stops. 
Dark Pit: *He looks at them both for a while, surprised to see the destruction that Viridi could cause* wow. Didn’t know this is the effect Viridi could cause
Callie: This isn’t the worst of it. *She opens the portal more and points out Rose in stasis* Because she destroyed most of the humans, she killed those who believed in her. In fact she killed most of the Gods. In this timeline the only other god who is alive besides her was Palutena. She was so weak, Pit couldn’t do anything for her. And you Dark Pit, went to help Palutena to see if you could stop Viridi.
Rose: But, if all the people who believed in the gods are almost all dead, how is Viridi and Palutena alive?
Callie: You. She preserved you in stasis, but also preserved your faith in Palutena. Spectors have the same effect on gods as they do on mortals. 
Dark Pit: Woah… Do you know how long this is been happening? When all the other gods died?
Callie: *She shook her head* The timeline just spilt a little bit before I came back. They aren’t quite set in stone. My hope was to influence Viridi to make the right choice.
Dark Pit: Alright. At least it’s only a possibility that can be changed. Let’s just hope this has made Viridi change her mind about the humans
Callie: Well seeing as she was really shaken up about the whole thing, it might change. I won’t know for a while.
Rose: *Still shocked from the news she has a glazed look in her eyes* W-Wow
Dark Pit: Well that sounds promising *he notices Rose’s expression* You alright, Rose?
Rose: *She nodded* Yeah, I’m fine. Just shocked.
Callie: *She sighs* I really shouldn’t have shown you this. I’m sorry.
Rose: Don’t worry about it. L-Let's just get back to everyone.
Dark Pit: *He holds her hand as a way to comfort her*
Callie: *Opens another portal and bringing them back* I’m sorry about that. *She grabs Chad’s and Christie's hand* We’ll be seeing you.
Christie: *She waves* Bye guys
Rose: *She waves back and when they leave she turns around and walks to her room*
Dark Pit: *He follows along* You going to be alright?
Rose: *She nods* Yeah, just shook up is all. Never thought that things like that would happen.
Dark Pit: Alright, understandable. I didn’t think things could turn out like that either. 
Rose: Nah, it’s fine. I just wanna cuddle. *She held out her hands for Dark Pit to hug her*
Dark Pit: *He hugged her, keeping her close and comforting her*
Rose: *She closes her eyes and sighs happily.* Mmmm thanks.
Dark Pit: Anytime *he then puts his wings around her*
Rose: *She kisses him and pulls him to the bedroom and closes the door while still kissing him*
Dark Pit: Heheh *he returns the kiss, bringing her closer*
Rose: *She relaxes more and allows Dark Pit to take the lead*
Dark Pit: *He also relaxes, making the kiss deeper*
Rose: *She closes her eyes and pulls him closer, her hands moving to stroke his wings*
Dark Pit: *His wings relax to her touch, keeping them around her. He then begins to open his mouth, being more confident in this situation now*
Rose: *Taking a little more dominance she pushes her tongue into his mouth.*
Dark Pit: *He finally begins to blush a bit*
Rose: *She breaks the kiss and leans into his neck* H-Heh. *She gives him a kiss on his neck*
Dark Pit: *His blush darkens and smiles. He then kisses her neck*
Rose: *She sighs and lets out a small moan*
Dark Pit: *The blush now covering his whole face, he continues to kiss her neck*
Rose: *She now has a light blush dusting her cheeks but she tilts her neck for Dark Pit have more room*
Dark Pit: *He notices and so kisses more, now with more confidence*
Rose: *She moans again when Dark Pit kisses a spot on her neck.*
Dark Pit: *taking note of her moan, he then proceeds to kiss that spot more, smiling a bit more*
Rose: *She moans again, this time a bit louder* Mmm, Dark Pit~
Dark Pit: *His blush now at its darkest upon hearing her. He continue to kiss, somewhat wanting to hear how loud she can get but mostly enjoying the moment* Heheh~
Rose: *Her face red, she lets out another moan. This time trying to use her hand to muffle it*
Dark Pit: *He stops for a moment to whisper in her ear* It’s ok. It’s just you and me~ be as loud as you want *He then goes back to kissing the sensitive spot on her neck*
Rose: *She still has her mouth covered out of embarrassment but moans louder.* Ahh~ D-Dark Pit!~
Dark Pit: Heheh, There ya go~ *He continues the kissing for a while, then gaining a bit of confidence, he decided to nibble her neck a little; not too much though*
Rose: *She gasped and her eyes closed as she moans again. Her hand moving to his wing*
Dark Pit: *He smirked from her reaction, nibbling again before returning to kissing*
Rose: Mmm~ *She starts to slowly stroke his wing as she enjoys what he was doing*
Dark Pit: *He alternates between kissing and nibbling every so often, exploring to see her limit*
Rose: *After a while she moves a little bit away from Dark Pit* I...Uhhh. *The blush comes back to her face as she raises a hand to where Dark Pit had been kissing. There was a small bruise, a tiny reminder for Rose* Th-Thanks. 
Dark Pit: N-no problem, h-heh. *His whole face red again, he softly smiles at her.* I-i didn’t go too far, d-did i?
Rose: N-No. You didn’t. *She smiles and moves her hand away from her neck, showing the mark Dark Pit made* It’s fine. 
Dark Pit: A-alright. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable o-or anything.
Rose: It’s fine Dark Pit. *She hugged him* you’re not making me uncomfortable.
Dark Pit: Ok, if you say so *He returns the hug*
Rose: The only thing is, how am I gonna cover the mark you made. It’s not that I regret it, I’d rather not have Pit find out. 
Dark Pit: Ah, right. How about some makeup?
Rose: *She nods.* That or I could use my face mask. It rests about my neck.
Dark Pit: That works too. Whichever you prefer more
Rose: I’ll do the face mask. It’s easier, and if you ever wanna do that again, you won’t get makeup on you.
Dark Pit: Heh, alright.
Rose: *She takes his hand and starts rubbing circles on his palm*
Dark Pit: *He wonders what she’s doing but doesn’t question it. He smiles a bit, finding it somewhat ticklish*
Rose: *She yawns* I’m tired. You?
Dark Pit: Yeah, i am. Let’s get some sleep
0 notes