#sorry i never settled on younger fcs for the kids
kingsmakers · 2 years
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Demelza Dayne in Gardens of Misery
Over a decade has passed since Rhaenyra’s marriage to Laenor Velaryon. Now the mother of three bastard daughters, and two legitimate children with her husband Lord Jason Lannister, Demelza Dayne returns to King’s Landing at the behest of Rhaenyra, to be present for the birth of her third child.
However, the dynamics at court have shifted. Alicent also seeks Demelza’s friendship. Elyana Sand, now a teenager, engages in entanglements of her own, as well as causing mischief with her two half-sisters, Rhyanon Waters and Ceridwen Rivers. Dubbed the Dornish Diamonds, a term coined by their uncle Dornish ambassador Lindon Dayne, the presence of the three girls ruffles feathers in King’s Landing.
Demelza’s loyalties are put to the test as the cracks between Rhaenyra and Alicent continue to deepen. As Lindon’s own influence grows, both at court and in Dorne, Demelza realises a curious truth: she is no longer a pawn, but a player.
Demelza gif credit: (x)
Forever tag: @joaquinwhorres @jvstjewels @starcrossedjedis @akabluekat @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @asirensrage @noratilney @bravelittleflower @villain-connoisseur @alicent-hightcwer @booty-boggins @sentineljedi @decennia @hiddenqveendom @bisexualterror​@arrthurpendragon​ @foxesandmagic​ @raith-way​ @drbobbimorse​ @dio-nysvs​ @m1ke-wheeler
Demelza tag: @kitkat-writes-stuff
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oceansborn-blog · 5 years
intros: next gen verse, pt. 1
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ALICE LONGBOTTOM: seventh year, hufflepuff, head student, halfblood, cis female, she/ her. fc: milena tscharntke. pinterest. 
Mum Friend™ 
alice is like... very nurturing, honestly. she likes to be there for people and take care of them -- they come first, in her mind, and she comes second. definitely considers most people around her more important than herself -- she doesn’t have a bad self-confidence, really, but putting herself first isn’t something she’d think of?
even from first year she’d be the kid others could come to if they couldn’t sleep and she’d make them some tea and stay up with them 
favourite subjects are care of magical creatures & herbology -- just loves everything about nature and all the creatures in it 
her room at home is full of plants & she joined the herbology club at hogwarts as soon as she could so she could help out in the greenhouses; makes her feel like home and less homesick, though having her siblings and parents at hogwarts now definitely helps 
her tag is ‘steady flame’ which i tend to think pretty suitable for her -- she’s not a bright, roaring wildfire or anyone that sticks out particularly much, but she’s steady in her light and her love and she’s always there to provide some comfort 
always tries her hardest in her classes but if she has to help a friend out that takes precedence -- she cares about her grades but not as much as helping people, so if she needs to skip out on revising more for a test to comfort a friend, she will 
takes her prefect responsibilities quite seriously and now her head student ones, but isn’t a stickler for the rules in the sense that she always tries to understand the reason behind why a student got in trouble and if exceptions should be made 
her biggest passion is dragons and they have been her favourite animal since she was a kid her heart just !!!! soars when she thinks of them 
her dream job is to be a dragonologist but she hasn’t really... committed to it because she’s like... afraid of leaving home? she doesn’t want to be somewhere else if people need her? in a way ig she considers herself a bit more important than she is -- people will be fine if she moves elsewhere, the world will not fall apart, people will be happy for her -- but simultaneously she’s afraid to leave if like. nothing changes when she’s gone? and she’s not as important and necessary here as she thought? idk she has Conflicted emotions so her solution rn is just to let that dream remain just a dream 
hopefully she’ll get her act together and go for it one day 
but rn she’s considering a herbologist career instead even tho her heart is yelling at her to work with dragons 
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AISLINN FINNIGAN-THOMAS: seventh year, hufflepuff, vampire, cis female, she/ her. fc: inbar lavi. pinterest.
bde: big dumbass energy
chaotic horny
kind of spoiled in the sense that she has both her dads wrapped around her little finger and kind of... charms her way into avoiding punishment?
gets away with a lot of shit she shouldn’t and has since she was a kid
maybe that’s why she’s such a disaster now! whom knows
was sorted into hufflepuff not so much because she admires or embodies the traits, necessarily, but because hufflepuff takes the rest and she really couldn’t fit anywhere else
she’s really just here to have a good time and wants to accomplish that in any way possible
she’s really... not interested in anything that doesn’t involve having fun. schoolwork? serious matters? will gladly ignore!
she Loves her friends and family but might not be the best person to always turn to for emotional support? or ever gfhsjd. her strategy for anything painful is ignore, ignore, ignore! and that tends to be her advice to others. she’s for sure nice to turn to if you want to distract yourself and do something fun, but in terms of actually discussing things and trying to process them? really not the right gal
‘mate, am genuinely jus here for a laff x’ in a person
gets into A Lot of stupid and reckless and dangerous situations just because she’s a person who tends to follow any half-rotten idea she gets. could be seen as brave, i suppose, since she’s not really scared of much --- but it’s more because she doesn’t think about it or linger on what consequences could come long enough to actually get scared
really doesn’t have an ambitious bone in her body. she’s never been one to even plan a week ahead but just lives her life a day at a time. teachers might try to get her to settle on a career and plan for it but she’ll just say a goal and by the next meeting drop another random career that she has no intention of trying for. probably drives them up the wall
does just well enough to scrape by in her classes so her parents can’t complain but no more than that
makes a lot of bad decisions, especially if she’s drunk
key example: deciding that knockturn alley seemed like a good place for a hookup and went there late at night, alone, and drunk as hell
did not find a hookup, but a vampire found her
woke up the next day feeling like absolute shite and with a very obvious bite that aislinn in true dumbass fashion thought was the ugliest hickey in the world
really hasn’t.... processed being a vampire? she’s like eh! can be ignored! i’m not emotionally and spiritually a vampire which is all that matters!
insists on still doing stuff she can no longer do, like eat a shit ton of garlic bread and lie out in the sun when she’s fucking nocturnal now
she’s quite sweet but her disaster energy brings a lot of stress to the logical people in her life
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ISABELLA POTTER: fifth year, ravenclaw, disaster, halfblood, cis female, she/ her. fc: lana condor. pinterest.
she’s like the really trashy love child of leslie knope and ben wyatt?? mostly their bad sides lmao??? she too would be referred to as a human disaster on national tv
she’s a descendant of the part of the potter family that moved to america ages ago, so until she transferred to hogwarts in her fourth year she didn’t know the other potters?? like obviously she knew of them what with harry saving the wizarding world and all, but they hadn’t met each other before. she’s an only child with no close cousins so like meeting the potters and the huge fam that comes with them was kind of like ………………… wait what for her and she’s still like??? doubt we’re actually related sorry can’t live up to you all
but yeah it was just her & her parents growing up and she was quite close to them when she was younger, but her dad is a politician ( now the president of the magical congress of the us ) and her mother is a healer, and they’re both just really ambitious, hardworking people so they didn’t have a lot of time to dedicate to their home life?? and when isa went off to boarding school they drifted further apart, so at this point they honestly don’t know each other that well?? and tbh they’re not bad parents per say, if you don’t count how focused on their careers they are rather than supporting her, it’s just that they’re both so focused and confident i don’t think they ever consider that isa might,,, not be?? and she really, really isn’t.
her self-worth is so low and confidence is basically nonexistent, and when she’s nervous or struggling a lot with anxiety she tends to ramble a lot, which her parents just interpreted as her being talkative rather than there being an underlying reason for it, and basically there was just… a lot of misunderstanding between them? like isa still loves them, but whenever she was home she just didn’t feel good, and she hates herself for it because they are good people, but she just doesn’t know how to change that??
somehow did not end up nearly as charismatic or smart or anything as her parents tho and is just a mess™ so she mostly introduces herself only with her first name and tries to like not think of the fact that that her dad held such an important position bc she doesn’t want to bring more embarrassment to the family than she already has lmao
she really wants to make her parents proud and everything and tries to behave properly she’s just ??? failing epically. always finds a way to embarrass herself and put her foot in her mouth and once it happens her pride kicks in and she just makes it worse and worse because she can’t just admit that she did something wrong so she just continues to dig her own grave like every second conversation it’s amusing to watch but she’s just a tragic mess
with her father being the president and her mother out there literally saving lives she was like i gotta do something good with mine!!! she doesn't see becoming an author as good enough in comparison, so she's gonna study to become a healer like her mom after she graduates but like,,, it’s so not the right career choice for her, she'll probably would dropp up halfway through training
when anything remotely bad happens she’s like this is THE worst thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life and i cannot show my face ever again so basically,,, the ppl in her life are probably used to her Dramatic self by now. tho i guess now that there is an actual apocalypse going on, everything sort of is the worst thing that’s ever happened in her life?? anyways 
when it comes down to it isa is just a mess™ who just. gets into embarrassing situations Constantly because she never shuts up. she is often awkward and anxious and always puts her foot in her mouth and once that happens her pride kicks in and she just makes it worse and worse because she just can’t admit that she did something wrong so she just continues to dig her own grave like every second conversation. amusing to watch but a terror for herself she’s just a tragic mess who Cannot shut up for two seconds 
her mouth just runs on it’s own and her brain struggles to keep up so she just says weird shit sometimes 
it is honestly a surprise she hasn’t run off to live in the woods and write trashy romance novels yet 
that’s genuinely a thought she has daily djhasg she loves her family so much so she wouldn’t but like. she thinks she should not be allowed to talk with other people because she Will fuck it up and she’s proven that again and again
lowkey terrified of actually falling in love despite how often she gushes about it and just runs away at the thought. quite literally. she will ramble and then run as fast as she can she’s gotta GO
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VERA WOOD-KRUM: fifth year, gryffindor, broom racing mess, halfblood, cis female, she/ her. fc: brittany o’grady. 
vera is entirely her fathers’ daughter and that becomes clear to everyone who has heard of them like .5 seconds after meeting her
she is Loud and she Will Not be stopped!! 
so yeah she’s the daughter of viktor and oliver, and at this point they’re even more iconic than they were when they were younger tbh. even their ‘love story’ is pretty famous around the wizarding world, their rivals-to-eventual-friends-to-lovers story touching many, not to mention being one of the first openly gay couples in the quidditch sphere
vera will always argue they’re the most iconic couple at the very least in the quidditch world but also probably in the wizarding world but lbr she is Biased 
she has three siblings, a younger brother named max who is... probably in his second year at this point i wanna say, and two older siblings, katya & alex, who are a bit closer in age to her. oliver and viktor used surrogate mothers and mixed sperm and have their kids, and yeah long story short vera is fiercely loyal to her family and would highkey die for them. 10/10 always ready to fight for them if someone talks shit 
very grateful for her family and her happy upbringing and they mean more to her than anything in the world 
obviously comes from a very quidditch centred family, and tho neither of her parents would force their kids into any career, they did have her join a little league quidditch team as a kid to encourage a healthy lifestyle and bc it’s their favourite sport in the world lbr. vera started out as a chaser but the coach decided to switch her position to seeker because he thought it would be a more suitable position --- which it definitely was, only more so than intended. her time in the little league quidditch team made her realise her intense love for broom racing, and she quickly lost interest in the actual game, racing off the pitch before quickly crashing and being brought back by the coaches fgjgdsfjhs
has been set on becoming a professional broom racer since she was a kid, basically, and is as obsessed with that as oliver is with quidditch --- if not more. like father, like daughter fjhsdgfhjs 
basically all her birthday and christmas wishes since then has been related to it, whether for broom polish or workout clothes or books on the matter, even sometimes wishing from brooms when a new version was released 
always makes sure to keep up with the latest news regarding anything from brooms to quidditch 
anytime one of her fathers went to diagon alley, she would hound them into bringing her so she could hang out in broomstix, overtime annoying the old owner into liking her LMAO, becoming something like the granddaughter he never had 
she worked there over summer and helps out a bit now during christmas break as well 
but yeah vera was sorted into gryffindor like .2 seconds after the sorting hat touched her head HFJSDGFJS she was so far from a headstall it’s ridiculous 
she takes after oliver a lot which i think is one of the first things ( and sometimes only if they don’t get to know her ) people notice about her --- she’s vivacious and loud and dramatic and incredibly competitive and is absolutely ridiculous, most of the time, especially when it comes for the lengths she’ll go to when it comes to broom racing. but she holds viktor’s kindness and loving nature at her core and she has quite a fixed 
definitely wouldn’t be wrong to call her a daredevil, one of the things she loves about broom racing is flying around obstacles and how wrong it can go if she’s not good enough gjhdsgfj 
has been in and out of both the hospital wing and st. mungo’s many, many times for a sixteen-year-old 
her whole family is very supportive of her dreams which she is So grateful for, partly because they just want to see her succeed and be happy but also to reduce the amount of injuries she gets hsdhjfgs viktor especially trains her a lot with his seeker experience in mind, a role which her older siblings took on when she started hogwarts 
that said, the wood-krum siblings are just as likely to encourage each other to get into trouble as to help each other so she ends up in trouble a lot hjsdghfj she Loves it tho all the professors probably think she is a pain in the ass, albeit a charming one
vera always tries to get around hogwarts by broomstick or longboard so like. rip in peace to the rest of hogwarts’ inhabitants bc the amount of detentions she gets doesn’t face her, she is set in her ways 
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nbdmharrinston · 6 years
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Hey sweets! Here I come with yet another one of my trash babies. I really needed to bring in some angst here, and a hoe-y character so have one of my top 3 bitches. And don’t let her fool you with her baby face.
Like this or hmu if you want angst to plot!! 
( Scarlett Leithold |  21 | cisfemale ) I swear I saw Madison Harrinston di Stefano around campus yesterday. I hear SHE is very IMPULSIVE, COQUETTE and CONFIDENT, which explains why when you think of them, you’d think of SHOPPING BAGS and CHAMPAGNE ROSE. They’re in their sophomore year and studying CRIMINOLOGY. ( Mar | 25| gmt -3 | she her )
Sorry if this got long, Madison is the daughter of my otp and one of my most developed characters even though the “lack” of gifs always makes it hard for me to play her and it’s why I wasn’t sure if I should try with another fc or not but here we are.
Maddie is the typical girl who will wear knee long dresses or skirts through the day just to impress her grandma and get money from her (actually also does it with her dad as well and with whoever she needs something from just as teachers. Playing innocent is her favorite game tbh). But at night? She is a completely different person, wear really short shorts and skirts and bralettes are basically what 75% of her wardrobe is full of.
Daddy’s girl who lost her way. From being back at home by midnight she turned into the girl who vanished from home for days without anyone knowing where she was (except her younger brother who knew she was at some electronic party in Ibiza)
Isn’t very attached to anyone except her parents, her grandfather from her mother’s side and her 4 siblings.
Has been a party girl ever since her sweet sixteen party but she wasn’t one to need alcohol or drugs to have fun, that until she started going out with Jean.
To get into Jean’s story you may like to know a few things first (Jean is non playable though bc its yet another of my otp’s sons and my friend plays him): she was the sweet girl who played with toys but one day she got bored and every guy became her toy. Maddie knows she is pretty and doesn’t mind using her beauty to get stuff from others, mainly guys but also from girls since she is bi curious (more curious than bi tbh). Jean was one more of her toys.
But who was Jean? Her bff’s twin brother, they met when they were kids and he ALWAYS had a crush on her but he wasn’t hot enough for Maddie to notice him. That until puberty hit him right. They never dated and maddie always made sure he knew it was just sex, but seeing her with other guys, feeling like she was using him (and tbh Maddie was indeed just using him when she felt lonely or bored or just needed a ride home), it made Jean go mad out of his mind. He was in lvoe with her, and she didn’t give two fcks about it, all she wanted from him was to be her slave. Her lap dog. Jean decided to make Maddie pay, became her torment. Madison was his drug, his addiction, he needed her and Jean wanted her to feel the same he did so he got her into drugs, the hard ones. It wasn’t a hard work with a girl who acted like a godess but really felt worthless, he became her dealer and in a weird way she needed him even if it was just for the drugs. And things got out of hands, Maddie went from having drugs just on parties to needing them on the daily, from weed and cocaine to heroin.
Maybe too late but her parents noticed and sent her to rehab where Madison had to deal with the abstinence and all it made her feel until she was finally clean. A process that took her a whole year out of her life.
She ended her studies in a boarding school in Britain and took a year off after her graduation to spend some time with her family.
Her parents left her with no other option but to join lockwood.
One of the privileges of being hideously rich is that she doesn’t need to live in college, she haves her own apartment close to it.
She is the third of six siblings
Her eldest sister, Victoria, died with just a few weeks of live. It was a sudden death in her sleep. Their parents (teen parents at 17 years old) were devastated and Madison’s mom blamed herself for what happened so they took half a year away one from the other, crying cause they really needed one another.
The half year they spent away one from the other is the longest time they have been separate ever since they met in high school (the same school were Madison studied) and became best friends. 
Her father’s family is one of the traditional british families that are related to the crown family and are hideously rich to the point where at least five generations could live a luxury life without working even a day. Then again her dad works for the family business and she secretly admires him for that.
Her mother’s side of the family are italian descendants who settled in Argentina where Madison’s mother was born. Her mother’s story is SO sad and full of triggers I’m not going to get into that but what you need to know is Maddie’s grandmother died at a young age of cancer. And also that her grandfather is a important drugs dealer in Argentina.
Maddie was actually born in Argentina even though they were raised in London. But she spent most of her summers in Argentina and that’s the reason why her accent can sound quite weird and when she is mad she curses in spanish.
When she wants something no one can stop her.
Is a coquete and isn’t ashamed of it --- will use everyone to get what she wants
Used to be daddy’s girl, now haves daddy issues.
Seems to be really confident although she feels worthless in the inside.
Owns everything pink
Haves a huge collection of designer bags and shoes. Her closet is probably bigger than everyone elses house’s.
Weak for shopping and luxury. would be lost without her credit card bc girl hates carrying money around.
Never payed for a drink in her entire life, always gets them for free.
Is used to being the center of the attention.
Hates lollipops but always haves one just to atract the attention.
Isn’t a whore but acts like one.
Looks like an angel but may be the devil herself
Is cold like winter and loves breaking hearts as a hobbie
Knows most guys jst want her body and uses them too.
Can make you feel like if you were special, the one, but it will be temporal.
may promise you heaven and end giving you hell
She is a well known model (better known for her scandals than her actual talent though) and is taking a few months off after someone discovered her past with drugs.
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klbwriting · 6 years
Intrepid - Chapter One
A Crappy First Day
Fandom: DCEU
Pairing: None yet
Warnings: none yet
Summary: Lois has her first day as a senior reporter and meets her partner, another young star named Zoe
Taglist: @downsideright
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(Zoe FC - Zoe Kravitz)
Zoe Anderson had been a senior reporter for nearly three years and in that time she had never met anyone who had a worst first day than Lois Lane.  She wasn't sure what happened but the woman came rolling into the morning staff meeting ten minutes late and soaking wet from head to toe.  And in that exact moment Zoe fell in love with her.   "Lois Lane! Glad you could make it now sit down," Perry said, voice dripping with sarcastic annoyance.  Lois blushed and tried to fix the mop of wet red hair on her head as she backed towards the empty chair next to Zoe. "Sorry, I got stuck on the subway, and then when I left the station a truck splashed a puddle..." she stammered before running into the chair and falling to the floor.  Perry sighed and shook his head.   "Lois Lane, our newest senior report everyone," Perry said.  The rest of the group was snickering behind their hands, already planning on what insulting nickname they would call Lois behind her back over coffee.  Zoe knew that feeling, she had what most called a 'nice' nickname of Chocolate Wonder but somehow no one seemed to realize how really insulting it was to her.  She stood and helped Lois to stand and into the seat.   "Thank you," she said, smiling at her.  Zoe nodded and sat down in her seat again. "Alright, now that that's over we can continue," Perry said, voice dry and bored.  "Anderson show Lane the ropes, I gave her the priest case to investigate so get her settled and then continue with the animal testing rally."  Zoe nodded and jotted down a couple notes on where to start the new girl while Lois wrote down her assignment.   As the meeting adjourned Lois collected her bag and looked to her new partner.  She looked excited but was trying to contain it with a calm facade, but Zoe could see through that easily.  She nodded her head and Lois followed her to a set of desks that were back to back.  One was piled with folders and binders and knick-knacks and the other was completely blank. "That is yours, get settled and the computer running and we will start," Zoe instructed, sitting down at her computer.  Lois set down her bag and jacket and sat in the chair, giving herself a moment to take in her new surroundings.  The desk was large and clean, very different from the tiny hole that she had had with the rest of the gophers.  It was busy in this area of the paper, people on phones and typing away at stories, a few TVs spread around to hear breaking news from 24-hour networks.  It was invigorating to Lois and she could just feel herself writing out an award winning story already.  After this brief pause in her day the new reporter got to work. "Ok, so ready to start?" Zoe asked when she noticed that the other woman had logged into their system.  Lois nodded.  "Nervous?" "Yes, is it obvious?" she asked.  Zoe chuckled and nodded.  "This is what I've wanted for a long time, and I've already messed up this morning so I have some ground to make up." "Then let's start making it up," her partner said, bringing up the assignments board.  After about an hour of walking her through their systems Zoe left Lois to her own devices and continued to work on her story.   Lois started by checking what facts were already gathered about the missing priest, finding the police report and reading it along with a background check file on him.  Father Thomas Lowe, 43, secondary priest at Nativity Catholic Church in downtown Metropolis, 6'0, blond hair, blue eyes, he looked younger than 43 and she could see why people assumed he had run away with someone.  He was handsome and it seemed like the woman who had reported him missing, the parish secretary, was infatuated with him.  She had mentioned several times in her statement that he had 'fine features, like a movie star'.  Lois was so engrossed in the information that she barely noticed the time passing, and she nearly fell out of her chair when Zoe tapped her shoulder. "Sorry," the woman said, noticing that she had startled the younger woman.  Lois smiled, relieved, and shook her head. "No worries, just was into what I was reading, did you need something?" Lois asked, turning to face her completely.  She took a moment to finally look over her desk partner, noticing that she was beautiful and Lois felt a tingle in her chest.  She was going to have to work on not crushing on her desk partners, she had learned that in college during a freshmen science class, dating people you shared a work space with never ended well.   "I was wanting to know if you wanted to get lunch?  Its almost 1 o' clock," Zoe said, grabbing her wallet from her bag.  Lois checked the time and nodded, getting up and taking her bag.   They went to a small cafe and got sandwiches, sitting by the window and watching the rain pour outside.  It was quiet at the beginning, them just eating in comfortable silence, trying to figure out where to start the conversation.  Zoe finally broke the silence. "How old are you anyway?" she asked, setting down her food and sitting back in her seat.   "27" she answered, sitting back herself. "What about you?  Perry said you were a young one, that's why he put us together."   "I'm 31," Zoe said.  She grabbed her drink and took a sip and then chuckled.  "You know, when you walked in this morning I thought you were an intern who got lost, you still look like a college kid."   "For a minute I thought Perry was going to fire me on the spot," she said, looking less enthused.  "I'm glad he didn't, I'm also glad he paired us together, its nice to work with someone who writes amazing articles like you do."   "You've read my stuff?" Zoe asked, looking surprised.  She didn't know why, she had taken a look at the few things Lois had gotten her hands on in the last 5 years there when she found out about their partnership.  That was common, checking on your deskmates past stories and complimenting them, but Lois seemed genuine, like she really liked Zoe's stuff. "Ya, of course and that writeup you did on the mayoral campaign last year, getting the scoop on the embezzling the manager was doing?  Awesome," she raved.  Zoe blushed some, turning to look out the window.  She checked her watch and stood, prompting the other woman to do the same. "This afternoon, if you need help with anything let me know, I have a contact at the diocese if you want to call them and get a comment about their missing padre," Zoe said.  "I have to run to a meeting with an informant so I can't walk you back, but here is my number, call me, anytime."  She handed Lois a card with her number on it and winked at the woman.  Lois blushed a little but smiled, taking the card and nodding, watching as Zoe left.  This day had started terrible but was starting to get better. Back at her desk Lois got back to work digging into Father Thomas.  She researched if he had any known involvement with nefarious activities or had any previous affairs with parishioners.  Nothing was on public file about him except for him graduating from seminary school in the 1980s and then coming to Nativity where he had been for almost all his years except for some missionary work in Africa.  The guy was spotless, completely clean, too clean.   Lois frowned.  Something was off about this guy and she knew it.  She wrote up a brief email to Perry, explaining her findings from that day and how long her article needed to be, suggesting maybe this be an ongoing investigative piece.  She had to wait only two minutes before getting back a reply that she was to write up a short piece and be done with it.  It was not worth digging into if the guy was clean.  'I will have another story for you tomorrow - Perry' the email finished.  She had never been one to break the rules before so Lois did as he asked, writing up a short piece on the disappearance before she clocked out and headed home, missing her train and having to walk the nearly 50 blocks in the pouring rain.   She got to her apartment and tossed her stuff down, thinking that this had to have been the worst first day ever until she pulled Zoe's card out of her pocket and remembered that she got to share a desk with her now.  Maybe the day hadn't been completely terrible after all.
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goldenstarsrpg-blog · 6 years
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eyes have never been the window to the soul for you. yours are kept downcast, while others stick theirs longer on you than you’d like. everything has been an uphill battle since the day you were born. money has bought you everything but the peace and acceptance you crave, and now you have found comfort in your fear. it ensures you never stop fighting, you never stop trying.
Name: Aspen Buchanan  Age: 24 FC: Jordan Fisher Position in the G3C: Member Status: TAKEN by Vera
Aspen Buchanan was born autistic. The clinical diagnosis of this caused him to have little social interaction with others for a long time, and into his adulthood, Aspen as stayed pretty quiet and reserved, distant from the rest of the world. Many would describe him as… odd, to be fair. The Buchanan kids typically are seen that way, but Aspen stands out with his quiet nature and strange little gimmicks.
He is not the first to ever say hello, goodbye, or sorry. He is prideful, emotionally distant, and very trusting of others after the “initial getting to know” you phase. He is wise beyond his years and has a very strong wanderlust. The world, culture, and travel means everything to him. Aspen is also very pessimistic, but he plans ahead for everything, and may panic if these plans change. Change is his enemy.
Nothing about the Buchanan family was normal, and this was especially so for Aspen. He was born with plenty of problems, complications, and difficulties around the pregnancy and it was clear that something was off about him, even as a kid. His parents were busy, both hard-working to continue their excessive wealth and budding empire. So Aspen and his sibling were left to their own devices more often than not, and he embraced the quiet and isolated in a way that no normal should.
School was difficult for him growing up. He was bored, lack-luster, unmotivated, and unchallenged. He was smart but couldn’t apply himself. Classmates bullied him relentlessly, but gave up after a couple of years when they realized that Aspen wouldn’t care no matter how hard they tried. He was one of the rich kids, but he never ran around with that crowd. Instead, he stuck to the misfits, the loners, the other quiet ones. It was the drama group he finally found his place inside, but not on the stage. No, instead he was placed in the important role of stage manager, ensuring the smooth success of each show.
After Highschool was when Aspen felt the most free. His time was his own, and he was able to dedicate himself to his passion for exploring and learning about the things he cared about. After months of negotiating with his parents, they allowed him to take out 50% of his inheritance and use it for a trip around the world, which took 2 years. It wasn’t until he was 21 that he finally arrived home, and when he, Aspen Buchanan was a changed man.
Once home, he took a position in the G3C, settling in as a slightly unmotivated member, mostly to be there as support for their sibling and to make his parents proud. Now, 3 years after returning to his hometown from touring the exciting world, Aspen is realizing that his inheritance money is running low, and it may be time to start doing something to keep that cash flowing in to support his luxury lifestyle. His parents were always hard on him, expecting him to do more than the average spoiled rich boy. Aspen is not a golden child, and he never was. Now, he is lost within the ranks of the world and the G3C.
Star sign: Capricorn
Despite Saturn being the ruling planet for Capricorn, I felt that he related very closely to that sign. He is materialistic, dedicated, and hard-working. Though he does take his money for granted, there is a willful drive in him to propel forward. Unfortunately, this makes Aspen a bit emotionally distant and hesitant to try new things. Because of his autism, there is, at times, a divide between his reality and fantasy, which another a thing that Capricorn signs have trouble differentiating.
Considered to be the rarest type, it makes sense such an odd person as Aspen would be born with this personality type. They are known as the Advocate, and Aspen is a very passionate person dedicated to the social good. Even if he doesn’t really fit in. They are soft-spoken with strong opinions and difficulty expressing them properly.
Moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
This alignment lets Aspen follow his own, ever-changing whims. Despite being very much dedicated to rescuing humanity as a whole, he is very firm in the idea that his own well-being comes first. He has spent too long at the mercy of others to ever choose someone else before him.
Vices: Aspen is an avid stoner, and has enjoyed drinking much more lately at parties. He isn’t prone to sexual behavior, but does have a bit of a romantic streak, and considers himself to be polyamorus, despite never really having a relationship. He is excellent at ruining good things.
Virtues: He is very loyal, prone to be truthful, and values honesty. Betrayal and deceit hurts him more than anything, so he is very against using that in his own control. He also is very smart, despite doing poorly in school.
Aspen always followed in the shadow of their sibling, Uranus. He looked to them for advice, leadership, and direction. Most of his childhood, even into his teen years, was spent attempting to hide behind them and learn from them. He, to this day, does frequently still look to Uranus for confirmation for the things he does. Their relationship could have been close or not, but deep down, Aspen admires them more than anyone else he knows.
His fashion sense is horrible. Very indie-grunge, almost hipster in a more hard-ass way. I’m talking aviator jackets, scuffed boots, bracelets. Plus, since he traveled the world, most of his clothing is from all over. It’s not uncommon to find him wearing a graphic t-shirt with a different language printed, or foreign brands, or very strangely exotic jackets and jewelry. Aspen just grabs whatever and throws it on. He could really use a stylist.
Pansexuality is what Aspen identifies with, though he feels a stronger connection with males than he does females. They are so majestic to him, and he admires them so much, yet never seems to have much luck. No, he is much more inclined to grow closer with a male, though sexually he is very demi-sexual. It’s hard for him to have a desire for intimacy in that way, and it isn’t something he finds to be a priority.
Barcelona was Aspen’s favorite city to visit when he took his 2 year world tour. The colors, life, action, culture… it was all incredible to him. Japan was a very close second, because he loved anime as a younger kid, but something about Spain was very compelling and he hopes to visit again.
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