#sorry i got carried away. the fnf community is a big iceberg to comprehend. the people especially both good and bad
I think I noticed enough mutuals get confused or be unsure over red's real media so ill happily explain it hehe
so you know how c.reepyp.astas exist right? there's a lot of them and he is definitely a part of it, but there's a subgenre of creep.ypastas meant for p.okemon too so you can say he's from that genre. however!! i am focused on the f.n.f variant (i would also prefer if you see them as a p.okepasta selfshi.p)
that's how I see everything I said at least, I don't know if everyone would see it the same as me, but I tried my best to explain it C:
and as for emme, she is a general p.okemon oc/insert but i throw her into the p.okepasta universe for .. well obviously... red LMAO but also for me and my moots' silly antics and ideas since they also indulge in that specific media <3 (... u know who u are)
anyways yeah thanks for reading! :heart_hands:
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