#sorry for my strange rambling I am very sleep deprived rn
better-in-pencil · 5 months
no cos like,, how the fuck do you actually have friends as an adult,,, cos when you were a kid it was like “do you want to be my friend?” - “yes” - “ok you’re my friend now, do you want to play at my house after school?” !!! wat is the adult equivalent of this ???? cos I need to know how to tell if someone thinks we’re friends or if they’re just being nice to me…. also how do you like,, hangout or ‘catch up’ and why is catching up always always a kinda boring thing, I don’t want to get coffee and sit around awkwardly I want to draw, or build lego, or kick a ball around, or bake shitty recipes we found on the internet….and how do you decide on a location??? do we pick somewhere in the middle? is it rude if I suggest a place closer to me? Is it weird if I ask if you want to hangout at my place, or ask if we can go to yours ??? Also I have a stupid little anxiety brain, how do I convince people I actually do want to be friends with them and hang out if I had to miss a social occasion previously due to my aforementioned stupid brain ?? Sometimes I wish I had like, one of those intimacy bars or watever, that you have in video games, to tell me what the heck was going on in social situations. Then I would definitely know when someone considers me a friend cos I’d unlock a friendship achievement or some shit pfft
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dearviper · 2 years
OH MY GOD, HELLO, I was gonna go to sleep early but I read the first chapter of Certain Dark Things and by the time I had finished it I couldn't stop, so I read all of it and I am so sorry for rambling but looking at the date of publication for chapter 21 has left me OVERJOYED, I am SO HAPPY that you are still writing for eddie (cos most of tumblr seems to be fawning over eddie munson now lmao), THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR WRITING SO WELL AND SO BEAUTIFULLY AND I HOPE YOU NEVER STOP WRITING. I love the way you have recurring mentions to the reader being treated like a dog (like of course being called a bitch and a stupid dog, but the collar??? degradingly being told to BARK???? you are making me LOSE MY MIND this work of art is like music 2 me because it is making me LoSE CONTROL), and the way you have intertwined the canon plot with your story is brilliant and extraordinarily well done and I cannot believe I get to keep up with your writing in real time, i adore your work and i LOVE the bible references and i am dying to see what you're planning next. are you okay with spam liking/rbing? i would love to rb every chapter but wanna check with you first. thank you you are so cool and one of my favorite writers now, i am so sorry and sad i didn't find you sooner. im really sorry if this is illegible (im a bit sleep deprived (but couldn't be happier!!! u are ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT) and a lil lightheaded) but I hope you know that i appreciate you and the talent and work you put into your writing, i love your formatting and pacing and the stylistic choices you make (THE IPECAC REVEAL?????? AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) and i love the way you write every character from eddie to the reader to the side characters like tyler (im so sorry if i got that name wrong i couldnt help inhaling your fic it is just TOO good) and marisol and i think the texting gifs are SO COOL and i am amazed at your skill not only with writing but with editing stuff like that and i love how you surprise me with new dark stuff in almost every chapter (because before this i thought i knew every dark!fic /yandere/whatever plot, tropes, and characterization there was, but you have surprised me over and over again, it is so delightful and fantastic and you write so well and i know it's a little strange to be so happy about a fic with dark content bur your writing is just so good that i cant help it. i love how realistically you write and omg just ... . Everything. thank you. <3 i hope this wasnt too weird or overstepping or too out of the blue, i just felt overwhelmed with the happiness ur writing gave me and wanted to thank you. Thank You!!!! <333 i hope you have a wonderful year and i (selfishly) hope you never stop writing!!!!
Baby you better marry me rn I swear to god 😩 I genuinely teared up while reading this. I can't even put into words how sweet and flattering this message is.
Eddie Munson is also my baby, but Eddie Nashton is my lil meow meow 🥺
I'm so glad you appreciated all of the dog references! I wanted to make it very clear that he views women (even the one he "loves") as subhuman. I'm also happy you appreciated the bible references because as someone who was raised Catholic I LIVE for that shit!!
I am absolutely more than okay with spam likes/reblogs! Especially the latter since that gives me more exposure to other readers.
It makes me SO happy that you loved the ipecac reveal. That was one of those parts where I was typing and was like "oh this would have GAGGED me if I was reading this fic" (not to toot my own horn).
Thank you for mentioning the texting gifs because those things took like 1-2 hours to make. Definitely a labor of love, but labor still!
This is not weird/overstepping/too out of the blew, this is genuinely the best ask I've ever received and I will always remember it. Thank you so so SO much for your kind words, and I really hope you still around for my other fics! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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