#sorry for mentioning the same fic three times my repertoire is limited
fff777 · 7 months
Thank you @okamiwind for tagging me in this writing meme :3
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
I haven't written that many fics so I'm sorry that this is going to be very repetitive T_T
1) First fic I ever published
A Union of Sorts - Hockey RPF, Patrick Sharp/Jason Spezza
What a blast from the past. This fic began as me sending a prompt as an anonymous ask to a bnf and they were interested to hear more. I wrote the entire fic as asks in this blog's inbox before compiling it and posting it as my first fic to AO3.
2) Last fic I published
Gilded Thread - EXO/Cpop, Huang Zitao/Lay Zhang
This is a fic that I thought I'd never write, and technically I didn't because how I initially envisioned this fic is very different from the final product. But I'm still pleased with how it turned out. It might be recency bias but this fic is kind of my special baby right now so I've listed it a few more times below OTL
3) Any fic that I wrote for a fandom/ship only once
Can't Stop Waiting - S.C.I. Mystery, Bai Yutong/Zhan Yao
I picked this fic because this is the only fic I've written for fictional media. Of all the BL and BL-inspired dramas I've seen so far, it was this cheesy buddy cop (adapted from a webnovel that was itself a fanfic) that had me most invested in the main ship. I'm not sure where the idea for this fic came from because it had a serious tone compared to the drama that was pretty lighthearted lol. Anyway, it puts a smile on my face when I see kudos on this fic because it means people are still watching this fun little drama.
4) Favourite fic I wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works
Roam, Wander - EXO, Sehun/Suho
For this question I picked a favourite fic for the most popular ship that I've written (Seho). I won't lie, I do think I received so many nice comments about this fic because it was for a popular ship ^^;; This was the first long fic I'd ever written, a fun self-indulgent fic that I wrote based on vibes. I didn't plan to write any big overarching theme, it was just about guys in a sequence of events lol. I had a ton of fun writing all of the Exos into this setting :3
5) Fic I wish more people read
Gilded Thread - EXO/Cpop, Huang Zitao/Lay Zhang
I knew this fic was going to have limited appeal. LayHanTao have limited popularity (at least in English speaking fandom) nowadays and they barely interact. This story was inspired by my love of historical political Cdramas, and I really wanted to write a story that had a similar kind of story, where the politics was the centre of everything and the relationships were constantly conscious of and secondary to it. So I knew I wasn't really going to grab the crowd that wanted more of a romantic story line. I guess I wished more people read this because I want to find more people who are interested in political stories.
Weekend Bunnies - EXO, Suho/Lay
I'm kind of shy about sharing this pwp series, but I think I'd like it if more people read it because I've received some pretty interesting feedback on this fic series despite it being smut. Most of the comments are people talking about how they interpret the relationship and idk I think that's neat.
6) Fic I agonized over the most
Gilded Thread - EXO/Cpop, Huang Zitao/Lay Zhang
I originally wanted to write a story that had a very ambitious political story line. The kind where several princes were vying for the throne, or one where the evil chancellor was deposed of. I did a lot of research on both history and the genre and after drawing up several plans, I realized I was NOT smart enough to write such a story. I have close to no military knowledge and also the only kind of shenanigans I was comfortable writing was financial crime which would get old real fast lol.
So I had to drop major aspects of the story to focus on only a few. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out though. If I had included everything, maybe it would have felt a bit generic and all over the place.
7) Fic that sprang fully formed from my mind without any effort
Now that I think about it, nearly all the pwps I've written have been done in one sitting without much effort lol. No thoughts just horny.
Double Dairy - EXO, Suho/Lay
I wrote the majority of this 10k smut piece in one sitting while at work lmao. I had been writing Roam, Wander (at work) and needed a break. At the time, nobody sat behind me and thus nobody could see my monitor. So I opened a new Google Doc and started typing out horny thoughts lmfao. I don't work at that office anymore XD
Choose Me - EXO, Chanyeol/Lay
If I remember correctly, I'd written this fic quickly too. I'd been on a Chanlay kick and had just written my first one but still wanted to write some pwp so I wrote this canon timeline fic. Both my Chanlay fics are a bit special to me because they were my first Exo fics :P
8) Work I am proud of
I am NOT going to write Gilded Thread but please know I am proud of myself for writing it XD
Branches - EXO/Cpop, Kai/Lay
I wasn't sure I was ever actually going to write this fic. I'm normally more interested in AUs than canon compliant or canon divergent fics. I'm kind of proud because I managed to put this together. Also because sometimes I write fic to find closure for myself, and for this fic it helped me gain a bit of closure (with regards to Yixing and his relationship with EXO).
Tagging @amphitheatre-heart, @of-asteriaa, @roguetaemincat, and anyone else who wants to do this meme! :3
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