#sorry for flooding y'all w/ this long ass post i waited like 15 yrs for this film and i am never going to be over it
bobtheacorn · 7 years
Some highlights from Film Gold, because i have not stopped reliving it since I saw it in theaters and my heart is fit to burst:
obviously the crew’s outfits, matching or otherwise
“the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” lmao YES
that cute lil bounce together and then apart that luffy, usopp and chopper do
baccarat’s entire intro bc her VA nailed it!!!
“observe the biceps” and the turtles fucking //FLEX//
luffy climbing onto the hood of the car to ride
usopp and nami both literally plan to walk out of that place with a golden lamppost if thats what they can get their hands on
“don’t worry about your clothes, i’ll be happy to burn them” bITCH
sanji’s glittery ass shirt
Luffy’s growing propensity to wear colorful flower-print shirts
“Sergeant Straight, a man of principal until the bitter end!!”
sanji and luffy excited about boxing
so many great cameos
luffy like “ew who’s that weird guy” to people’s fucking faces every damn time. they can hear him!! he doesn’t care!!!
usopp is completely unimpressed w/ dice “WHO is that dude?”
the sick guitar reel
Brook’s sudden FUCKING HYPE when dice is about to break that stone cup with the axe and his INDIGNATION afterward
the FEAR on the Strawhats’ faces when luffy says his stomach hurts???? because he ate too much?? like they have looked death itself in the face on this day anD DEATH LOOKED BACK
sanji is outraged that luffy slips on a goddamn banana peel and then he SETS HIMSELF ON FIRE AND SLIPS ON A GODDAMN BANANA PEEL AND YELPS “BANANA” LIKE A FUCKING DIVA
nami once again making a decision to save the crew and usopp fussing about it like it’s not the same shit every day
“how can you be thinking with your stomach at a time like this!! we have to save zoro!”
“zoro would want me to eat!!!”
nami’s backstory keeps getting sadder??? but also gayer!!!
burglar girlfriend 10/10
luffy’s paternal instincts!!!!
luffy in a dress!!! wearing it without fussing!!! 100% straight faced as if this a viable disguise and he does not care!!!!
brook in drag!! TWICE!!!
usopp getting really excited about plungers???
SURPRISE he makes spy gear out of the fucking plungers!!!!!
robin’s baby 5 outfit
carina distracting the guards lmao so dramatic
every time Franky calls Luffy “boss”
luffy’s thumbs up :I face when he’s caught trying to disable the transponder snails for the love of god
when the security owls spot Brook and he just stands there SCREAMING for like two fucking minutes
“they’re not hooting….!!”
“obviously. they only hoot at things that are ALIVE.”
sanji’s new move is so hot he refracts light and nami basically calls him on being fucking Extra lmao
usopp imitating that celestial dickbag
“we need a subtle approach” and robin literally snaps two men in half god bless
raise max
luffy jumping down into that hole, drop kicking the shit out of one of those scary gold bats, and barking, “FRANKY” impatiently because he’s ready to GO! LET’S GO!
“wow you guys sure are rich tho” dead ass
zoro did nothing other than nap and sass this entire movie
he woke up once to do that same sick ass no-sword-style move he used in the davey back fight against pickles it was amazing
luffy grandslamming spandam the same way he did bellamy in jaya
“whoever you are” right to spandam’s goddamn face but he recognizes that random kid he saw once for like five minutes right away
sabo making his entrance to help luffy the same way ace did in alabasta GOOD FUCKING BYE I AM LONG GONE FROM THIS EARTH! I AM DECEASED!!
“you call this justice”
“no. just freedom”
rob lucci literally telling sakazuki to suck it lmao yes bitch
they didn’t even tell luffy the real plan because he’s so damn stupid and they know he’s going to do whatever the hell he wants anyway so they might as well plan to accommodate him
literally he’s heaving, covered in seawater, like “what plan” and nami says “you’re fine. now go kick some ass!” i’m living
nami’s entire “believe in my crew” speech
robin simultaneously catches nami and carina, immobilizes tanaka, and lands another solid hand joke. bless
“you’re just a monster!!! you have all the money you want and you’re still no good!!!”
tesoro’s backstory was actually incredibly compelling both in delivery and in content and the fact that during the climax you realize he became the very thing he hated most and sees his younger self reflected in luffy and the way he’s pushing himself beyond his limits to save the people he cares about is honestly one of the most interesting and satisfying things in the entire film and probably the entire franchise
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