#soraka sims 4
natalia-auditore · 3 months
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league of legends
hooves are normal shoes, can be used with other clothes. 17 colors
ears are in skin details - face birthmarks
hairs - 19 colors
ribbon - necklace - 8 colors
staff on rings
outfit - overalls - 6 colors
free 03/22
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kaguya-fox · 1 year
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the spirit of pity ❤ soraka
❤ mesh be from  riot games
❤ hq  compatible
❤ custom thumbnail
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❤ welcome to tag me
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kausaku · 1 year
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kokichiomakin · 7 years
GOTG Headcanons: Video Games
- They have a pretty solid teamcomp. Quill is usually a fairly reliable ADC, Rocket tanks, Groot is a support, Gamora is a sniper, and Drax is usually a second tank. Mantis can be swapped in as a second support.
- Quill’s main in Overwatch is McCree. He’s pretty spot on with the flashbangs and decent with headshots. Occasionally he’ll swap to Reaper for more guaranteed damage (and because hearing ‘DIE DIE DIE’ over his music amuses him), or Lucio if the team needs more healing. He’s probably honestly best at Lucio, but he likes being an ADC, so go figure. He can tank as well, but he only started trying after Halloween thanks to Zarya’s new skin. 
- Rocket is a tank player to the end in Overwatch. He’s familiar with all the tanks, but he’s best with D.Va. He’loves ramming into people using a giant mecha and blowing people up. Giving her missiles was just an improvement in his opinion. He can fill if needed - his ADC is 76, healer is Moira, and defense is Junkrat. If he’s particularly angry, he’ll enlist Groot....and his Junkrat paired with Groot’s Roadhog is terrifying. Rocket’s Junkrat is the definition of ‘nowhere is safe.’
- Gamora is a sniper most of the time - usually Widowmaker, though she can Ana if they need the extra heals. She’s a pain in the ass to fight against if she’s focused, and most of the time she is. If she wants to really get into the fight, however, she’ll go Doomfist. She likes hitting people head-on and that usually results in a fairly panicked Groot following after her while she stays entirely fine.
- Groot is the team healer. His Mercy is fairly honed, and he’s not half-bad at the other supports as well. If healing isn’t a big problem, he’ll probably go Symmetra. He’s pretty good at being real jumpy so people can’t stop his beam. He can probably also go as Roadhog for a tank, and Mei is his best defense.
- Drax is probably close to a one-trick Reinhardt if he didn’t also sometimes play Doomfist as well. He can try other tanks, but none are near close to his pretty terrifying Reinhardt. You know how Rein laughs sometimes when he attacks people? Drax is literally doing that at the same time as he plays.
- Mantis is another good healer, though she prefers playing Ana. She is the one that will give Drax the nanoboost and let him go wild on the opposing team. Alternatively, in some tight pinches, she’s proven to be a fairly adept Genji, though she doesn’t necessarily like it. 
- This teamcomp is a bit more adaptable because they tend to watch off and on, but their most solid comp is Gamora on top, Quill on mid, Rocket as ADC, and Groot as support, with Drax in the jungle.
- Quill is the most annoying Lux player you will ever meet. He will stun you. Repeatedly. His specialty in League is ‘make the opponent so annoyed that they really don’t want to bother anymore.’ His biggest problem is that he gets so into the one-on-one fighting that he really doesn’t farm minions enough. Alternatively, he can easily go top as Jayce or Garen or support as Rakan. If he goes Rakan, it’s almost guaranteed Rocket will go Xayah and they’ll win their lane.
- Gamora is usually their top, and she has a variety of champions she could pick, but Riven is her favorite. Irelia is a close second, however. She’s horrible with setting up for ganks - but she usually doesn’t need them, anyway, unless the enemy jungler is smart enough to focus her right away. She had the steepest learning curve with the game, however, because she kept getting hit by the tower and thinking it was okay until she died when she first started playing. She’s also a fairly good mid, given Katarina.
- Rocket is a pretty straightforward Twitch main as far as his ADC goes. Occasionally, he’ll bust out a pretty cruel Jinx or Kalista, but Twitch is definitely his main - unless Quill is volunteering to support, in which case they’ll both go for a Xayah/Rakan team. He’s fairly adaptable as a fill - he uses Rumble a fair bit on top, Udyr in jungle, Lulu as support, and Veigar as mid. 
- Drax is jungle. He will jungle all day every day and his Warwick and Rengar are bad news all over.  It’s safe to say that most of the Guardians will easily bounce off of his ganks fairly well, though sometimes he gets too bloodthirsty and ends up with the most deaths on the team. He can also top pretty well as Tryndamere or Pantheon. He is convinced Rocket is literally a yordle. Rocket cannot change his mind on this and has given up on the prospect of ever doing so.
- Groot is the support again.  Surprisingly, his main is Bard, and he only plays Ivern if he wants to jungle. He’s a fairly passive support when he’s given Bard and mainly focuses on making sure Rocket is okay, but if he’s given Blitzcrank, that’s when he gets vicious. His Ivern isn’t a slouch, either. The few games where he’s played top, he is the most annoying Teemo. He will poison everyone. Repeatedly. And get away scott-free. 
- Mantis is an alternative support, though she prefers playing Soraka. She’s very much focused on heals and she knows when to best use them, though she’ll occasionally switch to Sona for variety. If she has t pick another lane, she’ll likely jungle and use Amumu. She’s good at stuns - and there’s at least one time she played mid as Annie and did fairly well. 
- Overall, Rocket is best at tactical strategy games (he plays Fire Emblem on the hardest difficulty and....his victories are pragmatic, but he still has beaten all of the ones he’s played. He’s also a fairly passionate Metal Gear fan. His secret soft spot is Harvest Moon games. He will let absolutely no one know about this (the only reason he knows Quill knows is that the second save slot on his copy of Harvest Moon DS was taken by Quill at some point, who immediately took on marrying the Witch Princess. Rocket approved, though he married Muffy on his save file.)
- Quill is more into action-adventure, though one of his new prize possessions is an original game boy with Pokemon Gold. He takes pride in being a pokemon master and it’s pretty unwise to face him. He also, of course, adores Just Dance and Dance Dance Revolution. He’s had all the Guardians try Just Dance at least once and it ended with a fairly drunk Rocket stuck doing ‘You’re The One That I Want’ with him, which was fairly nice all things considered since he was promptly dragged away by Rocket afterwards. He also learned that Drax can dance to Rasputin. And ONLY Rasputin. Anything else is out of the question.
- Gamora is the one who plays the most fighting games. It’s best to not give her Princess Zelda in Smash Bros unless you want to lose immediately, which is also why it’s a poor idea to give her Paasoul in Skullgirls. The only one able to rival hhr in Skullgirls is Rocket, and that’s when he’s playing Peacock, though Drax’s Beowulf isn’t bad either. She’s still the best, though. She’s also a big Metal Gear fan, and it’s one of the rare things she and Rocket can bond over.
- Groot plays games for the story, which is...fairly interesting for everyone else involved, because if it’s something like a Telltale game, that’s when they can really see what he’s like outside of Rocket translating for him. And he has played all of his games as lawful or at least neutral good. The one time he tried to play a game on an evil path he felt too bad and immediately started over. The time he was playing Wolf Among Us with Rocket watching, and he picked [GLASS HIM] was also a sight to behold. Rocket cracked up. Groot was distressed.
- Drax is the one who will play rage-inducing games just for the challenge, however much everyone else really doesn’t want him to. Surprisingly, he hasn’t broken any TVs or game systems. Yet. He’s jealous that Quill and Rocket are a pretty good Cuphead - Mugman team, however. He’s also the one who accidentally sends everyone invites to crappy games over Facebook. Castle Wars was a thing for a while. No one but Drax was happy and Rocket half-assed it from the start.
- Mantis likes story-based games as well, though she loves dating sims. She doesn’t care about the sex, but she is there for story and seeing how she can improve other characters lives. Dramatical Murder was the only one to weird her out enough to the point of stopping completely, and Mink’s route was...distressing to her. Rocket tried to play it afterwards and regretted his decision. The Quill tried to play it. Quill was the only one to finish it. It was a firm ‘4/10 on his list.
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lovelychain · 4 years
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asksythe · 7 years
Are you interested in any games? If so, which/what kinds? If not games, what about books? Which/what genres?
I play a fair number of games. The two biggest franchises I play are Mass Effect and Dragon Age. I also play The Sims (from 1 to 4) but it’s an off and on thing. I used to play League of Legends (Zyra, Soraka, Lux, Karma are my mains. I’m a terrible player though, but at least I’m a good teammate… so long as people don’t start chugging toxicity my way), but after 6 months of no play, my laptop suddenly refuses to update it and I haven’t done anything to fix that ever since. 
I played Skyrim too (Sniper fuck yeah!!!!), but I tend to have headache and nausea when playing Skyrim even in third person view, so it’s… kinda a short affair. I tried to get into The Witcher for a while, but that game’s low-key hostility towards women is a turn-off for me. Well, that and Geralt’s generic tough guy attitude is hardly an impressive or compelling character hook.
Other than that, a slew of other games. Starcraft (1 and 2. Zerg baby!! Zerg forever! Hated that ending though. After Mass Effect and Halo, another cosmic cycle theme is just kinda… well… it just feels like a cop out sort of ending you know), lots of indie games (including some naughty titles with surprisingly good stories too).
As for books, hoooo boy. I’m a voracious reader. I read all sort of books. For novels, I read sci-fi, fantasy, horror, thriller, romance, detective noire, mystery, tragedy, erotic, classics, wuxia, well… all sorts so long as they are good. My fav authors are J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Cormac McCarthy (especially this one), Yin Jong, Ingeborg Bachmann, Sidney Sheldon. 
For non-novels, I also read an eclectiv mix of books. History, political science, social science, natural sciences, arts (I collect art books too), astronomy, anthropology, theological studies (I have 4 different versions of the Bible. I wanted to see what’s the differences between translations), etc…      
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papodenerdbr · 5 years
Como jogar de Lux Build, Counter, Runas, Itens [GUIA COMPLETO E DETALHADO] 🥇
A Lux suporte é uma campeã de early/mid game. Sua especialidade é pick off, burst damage e clear wave. Sua curva de aprendizado é mediana, sendo indicado acumular pelo menos quinze partidas antes de começar a jogar ranked A Lux é uma campeã de mid game. Sua especialidade é o pick off, burst damage e clear wave.
Sua curva de aprendizado é tranquila, sendo recomendado acumular apenas dez partidas antes de ingressar nas filas ranqueadas. A Lux é uma suporte AP de early/mid game. Sua especialidade é a lane phase, pick off e clear wave. Sua taxa de vitória não é das melhores, mas é um pick flexível com o mid e que pode apresentar algum sucesso por ser nada ortodoxo.  
Você quer subir para o elo diamante em até 90 dias? Mais de 4 mil jogadores ja subiram de elo com este guia.
->->->->->->E-BOOK GRATUITO 3 PASSOS PARA SUBIR DE ELO<-<-<-<-<-<-
Você perde a cabeça ou Tilta muito rapido ou frequentemente?
Aprenda o com a gente o Mindset correto ao jogar League of Legends, as chances de você se descontrolar e entregar o jogo por falta de controle emocional são imensas!
Não sabe enxergar as oportunidades corretas no jogo para tirar vantagem dos adversarios?
Aprende com a gente a ter uma visão de jogo apurada, dificilmente um jogador sem visão de jogo conseguirá carregar suas partidas ranqueadas, pois não estará de olho nas oportunidades que lhe aparecem.
Você toma ganks toda hora porque não sabe controlar a sua wave de minions?
Aprenda com a gente tudo sobre como controlar a sua Wave corretamente, sem isso você será dominado pelos próprios minions do jogo e eles irão te manter por um bom tempo no low elo.
Você costuma perder a Lane Phase entregando o jogo no inicio com o inimigo fazendo Snowball?
Aprenda com a gente que por mais que sua matchup seja favorável, não saber jogar a lane phase da forma correta pode decidir seu jogo antes mesmo dos 5 minutos de partida.
Quando você joga na Jungle você não consegue fazer bons ganks ou toma invades toda hora?
Chegou a hora de você aprender o essencial para conseguir dominar a jungle e carregar suas ranqueadas através de uma aula que vai direto ao ponto, sem enrolações!​
Você Dificuldade em saber quais as rotações corretas a se fazer e como focar melhor os objetivos?
Mesmo tendo conquistado vantagens no early game, não adianta nada jogar todo esse esforço fora no mid/late game. Não saber rotacionar, muito menos saber quais objetivos priorizar pode pôr em cheque a sua vantagem inicial, consequentemente, perdendo um jogo que estava ganho. E isso ja aconteceu com você que eu sei.
Aprenda a virar qualquer jogo!
Impressione Seus Amigos
Seus amigos ficarão impressionados com sua rapidez subindo de elo, eles não poderão mais te chamar de elo hell
Você NÃO precisa pagar ninguém para subir de elo pra você, suba você mesmo, com seu esforço e suas habilidades.
Vou te ensinar e mostrar exatamente o que precisa ser feito para subir de elo nessa season.
1 a 3 horas por dia. Mesmo que você não tenha tempo para jogar o dia inteiro, com 1 partida por dia é possível subir de elo, basta seguir o nosso guia, subir de elo e carregar as suas partidas.
Mesmo Sendo Iniciante
Por mais que você não tenha pego elo e seja um iniciante, com o nosso guia, você já vai começar a jogar da forma correta, e não vai perder tempo testando o que não funciona.
Entre no nosso Grupo Fechado no Facebook e Discord!
Além de aprender com nosso Guia, você também pode ter contato com os outros jogadores e para eles compartilharem conhecimento com você. Aproveite esta chance, troque uma ideia com a galera que, assim como você, está aprendendo por meio do guia, veja o progresso dos outros e, principalmente, mostre os seus resultados!
Acesse ao nosso treinamento que vai mudar o jeito que você enxerga e joga League of legends:
->->->->->->GUIA O CAMINHO PARA O DIAMANTE<-<-<-<-<-<-
– Contra match-ups de hard engage, tenha certeza de manter a vantagem de experiência. Dessa forma, evitamos as janelas em que eles estariam com mais níveis do que a gente;
– Jogue pelo pick off. Nas entradas do rio, pelos matos, é possível realizar jogadas para cima do suporte inimigo. Quando você julgar que o inimigo passará por ali, tenha essas regiões wardadas, chame o seu ADC e pegue a kill;
– Ajude com o clear. Em alguns momentos da partida, tudo que o seu time precisa é limpar a wave de minions. Dessa forma, evitamos com que o time inimigo destrua ou danifique a nossa torre. Não economize o seu R. Quando necessário, utilize todo o seu kit para limpar a lane e ganhar tempo para o seu time.
– No nível um, caso executemos um invade ou counter invade, não há problema em investir o primeiro ponto no Q. Porém, invista este ponto apenas se realmente necessário. Saia da base sem colocar ele em nenhuma skill e aguarde; – Ao utilizar o W, agora, damos uma pequena parada na movimentação. Dito isso, tome cuidado para não ser pego durante ganks e disengage;
– O R da Lux é uma ótima forma de wave clear. O seu tempo de recarga é relativamente baixo e irá nos dar abertura para voltarmos base perdendo o menor número de minions (ouro e experiência);
– Contra squishies, arme algumas armadilhas combinando o uso de sentinelas de controle e wards normais. Posicione a sentinela em um dos matos, fique nele e coloque uma ward de visão nas próximidades. Agora é só aguardar um squishy desavisado passar. Iremos de Q, E e R;
– Durante a lane phase, jogue de acordo com o match up adversário. Se eles forem de all-in, mantenha distância e aplique o seu poke sem se expor muito. Se eles forem de sustain/migitação de dano, como por exemplo, Janna e Soraka, jogue mais agressivo, dando AAs ao mesmo tempo que usa as suas habilidades;
– Fora da lane phase, se o jogo estiver equilibrado, procure por pick offs. Coloque uma sentinela de controle nos matos laterais à mid lane, uma sentinela de visão na parte superior e chame o seu time para fazer a jogada;
– Antes de arriscar o seu Q, tente colocar o alvo sob o slow do E. Outra opção é esperar o alvo apresentar uma movimentação previsível;
– Se preocupe em acertar o W na saída e na volta. Dessa forma, o W, ao retornar, dará o dobro de escudo;
– Quando tiver certeza que as suas habilidades irã conectar, usar o Q+E+R+AA será o combo para dar o maior burst damage. Não se preocupe em dar AA se for perigoso se aproximar;
– Na TF, jogue pela back line e recue bem antes de usar o seu R. Ou jogue pela frente e tente dar um pick off, recuando quando as suas habilidades estiverem em recarga.
– Recue antes de ultar. Isso, às vezes, inclui dar flash defensivo. Ficamos muito expostos durante o casting time e recuar pode significar que contianuremos vivos por pelo menos mais uma rotação de skills;
– Nos invades de nível um, espere para upar a sua habilidade. Caso necessário, coloque um ponto no Q e garanta o FB;
– Contra campeões de curto alcance (melees), use o seu E para zonear. Coloque ele bem no meio dos seus minions, assim o adversário não poderá farmar sem tomar o dano da habilidade;
– No late game, use o seu R sempre que possível. Não guarde-o para pegar kills. Assim que o time inimigo agrupar, dê o ultimate neles. Quanto mais alvos, mais forte o poke.
– Segure o seu Q. Use-o apenas quando o adversário estiver sob CC ou com uma movimentação previsível;
– Durante a lane phase, utilize o seu E para zonear e forçar os adversários a se moverem em uma determinada posição. Isso é particularmente útil segundos antes de recebermos um gank aliado ou para aumentarmos a chance do nosso Q+R conectar;
– Nas TFs, utilize o W para mascarar o projétil do Q, usando um logo na sequência do outro. Na lane phase, esse truque não é tão eficiente, mas na TF sim;
– Quando o seu Q acertar, dê o seu R somente se estiver em segurança. Caso contrário, use o E, dê o flash para uma posição segura e então use o seu ultimate. O casting time e o fato de ficarmos imóveis nos deixa vulneráveis
– Para conseguir colocar toda eficiência da Lux no jogo, é preciso praticar. Sua habilidades são todas skill shots. Observe a movimentação do seu oponente e aguarde ela se tornar previsível. Assim, você aumenta sua chance de acerto;
– Tente sempre acertar um ataque básico em seus oponentes após eles serem atingidos por uma habilidade ofensiva sua. Na passiva, Lux aplica uma marca em seu adversários. Acertando-os com um AA, você estoura essa passiva, dando dano mágico extra. Ou então, combe seu Q+E, marcando seus adversários, e use seu R, que também estoura a marca da passiva.
O post Como jogar de Lux Build, Counter, Runas, Itens [GUIA COMPLETO E DETALHADO] 🥇 apareceu primeiro em Papo de nerd.
from Papo de nerd https://papodenerd.com.br/lux-build/
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fanningourself · 7 years
Fandom I’m in/used to be in
These are not in order of favourites...
P.S. Some anime/game I didn’t even watch/played before but I know the plot to it all because of social media and my friends.
[Number]. [Name of Fandom] - [Favorite Character[s]]
Hetalia - Spain, America, Prussia, Norway, Romano and Iceland
Overwatch - Genji
Fairy Tail - F = Erza... M = Rogue, Sting, Jellal...
League of Legends - M = Shen, Jhin... F = Soraka, Nami...
One Ok Rock - Toru
Creepypasta - Ticci Toby, Hoodie
Mystic Messenger - Luciel/707
Free! - Makoto
K-Pop - BTS, The Rose, Day6, ToppDogg, Hot Shot, SEVENTEEN...
BTS - Bias = Jungkook/Wrecker = Suga
The Rose - No main yet
Day6 - Young K
ToppDogg - Hansole
SEVENTEEN - Hansole/Vernon
Kuroko no Basuke - Akashi, Murasakibara
Hakuouki - Heisuke, Okita, Saito...
Diabolik Lovers - Azusa, Kanato, Kino, Yuma, Shin...
Naruto - Gaara, Kiba...
Black Butler - Finnian, Dagger, Snake...
Starry Sky - Tsubasa (Aquarius), Miyaji (Scorpio), Tomoe (Capricorn), Nanami (Pisces), Tohzuki (Cancer), Haruki (Leo)...
Magi - Judar
Inuyasha - Sesshomaru
Brave10 - Sasuke Sarutobi
Blood Lad - Blood Charlie Staz
Akatsuki no Yona - Shin-Ah
The Walking Dead
Happy Tree Friends - Nutty, Splendid...
Vocaloid - Oliver
J-Rock - One Ok Rock, ...
Teen Titans - Beast Boy, Raven...
Rock - Avenged Sevenfold, Against the Current, One Ok Rock, MAN WITH A MISSION...
Dandelion Wishes Brought You
Nameless The One Thing You Must Recall
Boku no Hero Academia - Interesting = Ectoplasm, Yaoyorozu, Snipe, Jiro, Kendo, Asui... Like = Todoroki, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Shinso, Shigaraki, Dabi...
Touken Ranbu - Kunihiro, Iwatooshi, Nakigitsune, Hakata, Kikkou, Kotegiri, Tsurumaru...
Amnesia (anime) - Shin, Toma...
Haikyuu!! - Taukishima, Oikawa, Kozume, Kageyama...
Dance with Devils - Shiki
The Sims 3 / 4
Show by Rock!! - Demon’s Venom
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kaguya-fox · 2 years
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✟ league of legends✟ cafe cuties soraka
✟ mesh be from  riotgames
✟ hq  compatible
✟ custom thumbnail
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✟ welcome to tag me
【dl】(early access patreon)
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kausaku · 2 years
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