spookbusters · 4 months
Long time, no see! Thank you for being here <3
I just saw I have over 1,000 followers!!!!
Hi! I'm still on hiatus until further notice. I am in my last semester of law school and getting ready to take the Bar exam over the summer!
I just wanted to pop in really quick and thank every single one of you for your continued support. It is crazy to me to think that, even though I'm on hiatus, some people still want to follow my work and are looking forward to when I come back. When I started this blog when I was 18, I didn't think I would break into triple digits, let alone quadruple.
I have had so, so much fun connecting with some of you and seeing the response people have had to my passion over the years. I can't wait until this forsaken exam is over and done so I can get back to writing more steadily! I have some little things in the works, and I hope they'll be up to code sooner rather than later.
I love you. Thank you, and I can't wait to see you again <3
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spookbusters · 5 years
I'm EXTREMELY excited to see that people are letting Keanu have another "moment" on the internet, because I've had a crush on him since I first saw Bill and Ted when I was 15. 
So, in the spirit of that, who's down for some John Wick fic?? Both the steamy AND soft variety, if there's a market for it :)) 
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spookbusters · 5 years
it’s “think about how much i miss disney world” o’clock.
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please, feel free to ask me about my trips to disney, i will THANK YOU
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