#sonic is okay with Crying but he doesn't fucking cry out of a 8 year old screaming at him and taking the only key to restoring his friends
voids-cave · 11 months
Losing my shit at people not understanding Shadow The Hedgehog and SONIC the hedgehog I'll maul you I'll do it!!!
#especially the ones that think that SONIC OF ALL FUCKING PEOPLE would be crying out of hopeleness. sonic IS hope and he knows that#sonic is okay with Crying but he doesn't fucking cry out of a 8 year old screaming at him and taking the only key to restoring his friends#he will just go. alright guess i gotta keep going. keep being better. lets go shadow#and it isn't out of ignoring his own emotions i bet he feels sad and he will express that that was a bummer but. his friends need him!#and that includes nines!#and shadow.#ppl thinking that he doesn't live his life for himself and for maria only?? HAVE YOU WATCHED'?? SHTH???#the ENDINg?? to the TRUE ending?#he lets maria go. he lets his past life go. he lets it gooo let it gooo#and now he lives only for himself. AND NO THIS DOESN'T MEAN HE DOESN'T HONOR MARIA OR SUDDENLY DOESN'T CARE ABOUT HER#ofc he fucking does but he doesn't NEED to live FOR her. it isn't about her anymore. in sa2 it was. in heroes until shth it was#to know who he was and why he was here#he found it. its to keep living. to keep order because he IS the ultimate lifeform.#but he doesn't need anyone or anything to make life worth it#shadow can be a bit childish and full of himself or be like if i am not the ultimate lifeform then who am i. or sometimes give up for the#greater good#but he always finds. no. i am me. i am Shadow and that is ENOUGH to be the ultimate lifeform#he is SHADOW THE FUCKING HEDGEHOG!!! THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM AND YOU WILL FALL UNDER HIM!!1!#TF DO U THINK I AM I AM ALL OF ME WAS FORR#anyways i love shadow the hedgehog#and sonic the hedgehog for some reason people cannot understand these characters even tho they are SO easy to
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kirisimalove · 7 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Period Comfort
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pairing : ̗̀➛sonic the hedgehog x fem!reader, amy rose x fem!reader, platonic! tails x fem!reader, knuckles x fem! reader, shadow the hedgehog x fem! reader, rouge the bat x fem! reader
summary ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ how they comfort you on your period
warnings ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊   fluff, heavy cursing, shadow being a scary cat to comfort you, protective behavior, sugar mommy rouge
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “I know the pain.” This woman already spoils your ass a lot. Seeing you down on your month just makes her want to go into sugar mommy mode. She’ll give you sass on how you should not be sad. So she doesn’t let it slide and you both go on a shopping spree. More like robbing. She didn’t pay for shit. Rouge is a kind of woman who will spoil you to death. She doesn't give a rat's ass. Rogue one time came up to you and was like, “Darling, you ran out,” and pulled out feminine products that you are comfortable in one thing different: it's expensive. She does get busy but will always check on you to see if you're okay after seeing you had cramps one day. She may not admit it but she is worried about you. In her eyes you matter more than her work. You’re lucky to have her as a soulmate. She is gonna give you the most cuddles. She will take you to a fancy dinner as well. This girl just loves you so much. She will cuddle you with heating pads. When you get moody with her she will put you in your place. I mean she is mommy and she doesn't take disrespect. “You should know better.”
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “A What?!” Let's be real fangirls. Your man doesn't know what he’s doing. To be honest he is going to freak out when he sees stained blood on your pants. It doesn't matter if you are friends or not. He doesn't know shit. The only experience he had was with Maria. That’s been 50 years (it is not even confirmed Maria had a period). Even then, he didn’t know what to do. I feel like he will let you cuddle to him for heat and he will just stay silent. He wouldn’t necessarily spoil you but he will bring you some comfort in the things you like. Maybe your favorite snacks or some shit. At least he’s trying. It’s not much but as long as you are getting comfort he is calm. You will have to teach him how to give you affection though. I don’t think he’s affectionate as much but he will try for you. He wants to make you happy. That’s all he cares about. He does not want you to be sad. It makes him uncomfortable. He will probably ask Amy or Rouge for advice about the subject and come out traumatized that you bleed out of your vagina every month but glad it doesn’t hurt just the periods. He will probably steal Rouge’s feminine products and blame it on someone else. He gets a little scared when your mood swings hit. “Please do not yell.” He says one time when you were screaming at him over something stupid.
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “That’s normal?!” When he first found out about this it was the blood stain. I mean who wouldn’t notice? He freaks out and would probably just run through the house like a maniac until you do something about it. He runs up to you and makes sure you are alive. You are confused as fuck. You will have to tell him what a period is. He doesn’t know much about girls. Thinks youre dying when you have cramps. He will be dramatic when you get moody with him. Will be a big baby and cry about it. He will not leave your ass alone. It's annoying. He treats you normal even after learning you bleed out of your vagina every month. I mean you said you were fine. His dumb ass took it literally. You are not fine. You are cramping! Normal or not. He will constantly run to Tails for advice (How the hell does an 8 year old know about the female body?) and then he will tell you he made the ideas. It is honestly so cocky but he wants to impress you. I feel like he will just cling to you and it will piss you off. He will most definitely give you the most comfort but it's annoying. He doesn’t know what space is (I feel like every boy doesn’t know what a period is) or what a period is. I mean it makes sense. But he is a sweetheart but dramatic. You most definitely pushed this mf off the bed. “Hey hitting is-...ow!” You throw random objects at him.
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “Aww man, do you need help?” Bro probably knows more than me. The 8 year old is a fucking genius. I headcanon him to be like a dork like Donnie from tmnt. Same vibes. Anyways, he is your best friend and wants you to be healthy. Will spam you until you take care of yourself. He will give you so much comfort. You too are platonic besties! He will force you to drink a lot of water and eat a lot of healthy snacks. Does not take no for an answer. He will probably give you baby eyes because he wants to convince you. I mean you are a monster if you say no. How dare you! He will probably inform you on different facts so you know what’s happening with your body. You listen to an 8 year old? Cool. He will most definitely help you track your period if your memory is bad or you just need constant reminders. One time it was one day before your period and he sees signs and pulls out his calendar on you. “Your menstrual cycle starts tomorrow!”
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “Oh dear!” She is such a sweetheart. She will bake you some of your favorite treats! She loves you so much and is so sad seeing you hurt so much. She cries when you get upset with her. She is really sensitive but understands you. She will give you the best cuddles and pull up your favorite game for you both to play. She will let you win if it’s a competitive game. She feels so bad that you hurt so much. One day this sweet bean brings you flowers and your favorite candies and sees you hurt she exclaims. “Oh my!”  She gives you kisses all over your cheeks and lips. She does not leave you in pain. She will do anything for you to stop hurting. She will not accept you being sad. You are her love. She loves you too much for you to be sad like this. If you have an emergency and run out of pads she will dash to a local pharmacy and give you everything you need and a plushie.
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˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗ “What’s that?” You will have to explain in so much detail. He will not know what you mean. He will think you are dying and try to stop the bleeding. You tell him before he pulls off your pants to see the blood. He still doesn’t know what it is. He hears you. He will need time to process. Ask you a bunch of questions. He will probably ask Rouge or Amy for advice (sorry Cream and Blaze you don’t matter). He trusts them to know since they are women. Rouge will tease him so much but will help. Amy being the sweetheart she is, will bake something for you. He comes back with pads/tampons/menstrual cups (whatever you are comfortable in) with Amy’s fresh baked cookies. He also has a smile on his face. He is so sweet. I feel like he will get offended with the sudden mood swings. “Hey watch the attitude!” Something along those lines. He doesn’t like you being an asshole to him. He will comfort you. A few kisses, hugs, and cuddles. Not unless you want something else. He wants nothing more but for you to be happy. He values that. He wants you okay. You are his.
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playertwotails · 9 months
hello, i saw an ask were someone asked you if you thought tails ever attempted to find his parents and it made me wonder if you ever thought of a scenario were tails father had no idea he even existed or he was led to believe by tails mother that she gave him away and he couldn't find him?
Okay I read when you sent it and been thinking about this one for the whole time. Sorry for the late reply but my sister had her baby so things have been busy.
But moving on from personal stuff, I love this idea but I'm gonna take it a step darker....what if Tails' mother told his father that Tails tragically died.
So going into my take of an AU for this here and it's gonna be long so putting it under the cut
So what if Tails' mother was actually from an influential family or something or they both are. But image is VERY important to her. So when she had Tails with his two...well..tails she was immediately not okay with this cause (spongebob mocking voice) "whAt WoulD oThEr peOpLe tHInK." So Tails' mom starts-a-plotting.
So while Tails is still a baby or like at least like a one year old, she goes on a trip with just her and Tails. So during this "trip" she tragically "loses" Tails and she goes crying home that he died in like a storm or an Eggman attack or something. In reality she legit just left him in a random forest on West Side Island.
So without a body Tails' father looks for him but tiny little guy in a big world and his mom purposely telling him the wrong area means 0% chance of finding baby Tails.
Years then go by and Tails and Sonic start gaining notoriety for their shenanigans and their adventures get back to Tails' parents sphere of influence.
Now obviously they can't 100% confirm that this Tails is their kid but like how many two tailed foxes can there be??? So Tails' father is pretty gun-ho of tracking down Tails just to like at least see if he's maybe their long lost kid, but his mom uses the excuse of she's still so "upset" and "traumatized" from losing him that she doesn't think they should go cause "What if it's not him?! She couldn't possibly handle loosing her baby a second time!!!" (cue fake tears worthy of an Emmy). But the whole time she's like internal sweating like "oh fuck what if he finds out that's our kid and I actually straight up abandoned him!!"
She manages to delay a trip for them to find and talk to Tails for a while but eventually Tails' father just goes and tries to track him down himself.
Side note 1) - I'm thinking that Tails' parents didn't have another kid because while his mom claims it's from the trauma of losing her first baby it's really because after her first kid came out with what she believes to be a deformity she's scared a second one would too. So no surprise siblings for Tails (though that would also be interesting to explore - I ain't got the brain capacity for that in this particular post)
Side note 2) - it would be interesting if during her stalling time she hires people to try and either straight up kill Tails or just someone who would fake the paternity tests to say Tails is not their kid. Maybe both???? You know what yeah why not both.
I feel like a hitman going after Tails would be interesting though cause I'm always a sucker for protective older brother Sonic and you can bet that it would be in overdrive if someone goes after Tails with the express purpose of killing him.
So while Sonic and Co. are fighting off hired hitman and trying to figure out who sent them, this random ass guy shows up claiming to possibly be Tails' father. Immediate alarm bells start going off in all their brains (double for Sonic if you include the SAT-AM cartoon episode where Eggman legit made fake parents claiming Tails is their lost kid for the express purpose of kidnapping him).
So they all start looking into this guy and actually do go through with a paternity test. And surprises of surprises when it come back positive. They then proceed to do it 5-8 more times with different Drs (or whoever does this idk) to make sure he ain't faking it somehow. But nope turns out that yep this is Tails' real dad who is saying he's been looking for him this whole time. (press X for doubt from Sonic and Tails)
But when Tails' father starts explaining his side of the story including where Tails' mother claims to have lost Tails. Tails and Sonic are immediately suspicious cause where his mother told his father he was lost is basically on the other side of the planet from West Side where Sonic found him.
They reiterate this to Tails father, who they are still suspicious of that's he's lying but they trying to figure out what's real and not from what he's saying. And the man is confused cause lookin at a map he also knows 2 + 2 ain't equaling 4 between their two stories.
Cue all them deciding to go to Tails' mother to see what she says from her side of things. The whole time still having to fight off various hitman cause they still coming.
They get to Tails' parents home town and Tails' mom immediately plays up the "oh woa is me, I don't want to get attached until I know he's really my baby." And at this point she's at the top of everyone's (but maybe the not the father's yet) list of being behind the hitman so no ones buying her bs.
So to try and catch her in her lie they ask to do the paternity tests with both of them (not telling her they've already run Tails' fathers multiple times with all positive results). And lo an behold, both come back negative. And she immediately tries to play the "oh how tragic you are not our kid, but best be on your way" but whoops the father reveals the like 6 positive tests he's already done so now she's caught in her own lie.
And idk where to go from here so if anyone want to "yes and" this post (or really any of mine) feel free. Just @ me so I can read them.
Hope you liked my take on this idea
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