#song is roboturner by btbam
rainbowgaez · 5 months
this song has been my alarm clock since 2018 and it has never failed to wake me up
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blindrapture · 1 year
I was tagged by @graveyardrabbit, that's sweet! I love being tagged!
last song: Last song listened to in its entirety was BtBaM's "Roboturner," as I finally went and added some music to this new computer.
currently watching: I am three 'episodes' into the 13-hour film Out 1. I should get back to that. But, uh, it's... verging on 'boring' even for me. I do like how there'll be, like, a full hour of young French hippies doing theatrical exercises, and then suddenly at the end of an 'episode' someone will pull out a fucking gun. Or the fact that I spent like four hours believing that one guy was deaf and dumb as he kept bugging people for money, and carrying entire conversations without saying a word, and then four hours in he walks into a phone booth, picks up a phone, and literally asks his dad for money. That was a genuine plot twist if I ever saw one. I also like that the last character I saw introduced was a hermit woman who writes books and dresses remarkably similar to me. Who is she???
currently reading: The Silmarillion. I'm about 150 pages in, and chapter-wise I'm halfway through the main section. Fun fact: I am reading this before The Hobbit or LOTR, because I find it a lot more engaging. (I got through Fellowship some years ago, through staggered reading... and Two Towers was just too much of a slog. And don't get me started on The Hobbit. That is one of the only books I have ever willingly thrown into a fire. Wasn't really out of malice; I just wanted to throw a book in a fire, and I had given up on reading it. I also threw a US Evangelist Bible in the same fire, and that one was just for fun.) BUT I WILL GET TO HOBBIT AND LOTR, I will be in a much better position to get engaged by them, once I am done with Silmaril. Side answer: In my sluggish off-and-on Readthrough of the whole Bible, I am now on Kings.
current obsession: Uh. Hm. I've had various Recurring Interests on my mind lately, sure, but I dunno if I'm in an Obsession phase right now. I guess Yume Nikki, getting all that merch has put me in a very pleasant headspace. I am obsessed with Yume Nikki and games like it. LSD Dream Emulator, Yume 2kki, give me games with poker faces that prioritize the subtle objectives of Navigation and Interpretation! I want more of those games! I am making progress with learning Unity, I have a first-person engine where you can move and jump, and if I can remake Empty City for PC then dammit I will absolutely do so! I want to make games like that!!! I had an extensive and vivid dream recently that was an entire dream-game of that sort, and I spent the whole day afterwards piecing together the potential in its surprisingly-plausible game mechanics!!! It is only a matter of time before DJay becomes a Game Developer!!! And all of my games will be moody surreal walking-sims!!!!
I need to tag people. Crap. Uh, @paperchamomiles! @rapturebones! @gothamcityneedsme! @sundanceritz! @springtimebat! @leonhaxor! Friends! You are hereby tagged! And if you're not mentioned here but want to do it, you can say I tagged you, I tag you with my mind!!!
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