#sometimes a man with extremely legitimate grievances against the surface world and colonizers
No but I've got more thoughts about MCU!Namor that I've got to get off my chest (even if they are incoherent and bullshit).
So I'm thinking about the idea of burning the world. Shuri wants to do it in her anger and grief, Namor wants to do it for legitimate grievances against the surface world...and I'm thinking about Namor's comic origins and the MCU.
In the comics, Namor's parents met because Leonard McKenzie's icebreaker ship caused damage to Atlantis's current location. Namor started getting involved in the affairs of the surface world during WWII and the threat it posed to his people. How nuclear testing was done in the ocean.
World War 2 and nuclear tests likely still happened in the MCU (yes, I know Talokan is located in the Atlantic, but is it a stretch to assume that Namor holds dominion over other parts of the ocean? Given his comic history?). There was a giant prison for superpowered people built in the ocean. There are oil spills. Deepwater Horizon probably still happened. There are so many legitimate grievances for Namor to take up with the surface world, and it's only when his people are finally directly threatened that he acts. Everything else was awful, but it's an argument of what they risk by exposing themselves to seek justice, right?
And I'm thinking of the idea of the controlled burn. How it's an important part of forest management, for hazard reduction and to encourage new growth. How Namor's people came from the surface world, how his mother lived there and is buried there. How during her first trip on land, he burned down a plantation and killed the colonisers.
I wonder if the discovery of vibranium was the last straw. If Namor saw burning the world as a way to burn out the rot and corruption for better growth. It was an attack and a war...but he also had not attacked people he'd encountered on land who didn't have hate in their hearts. Maybe his justice and revenge would burn the world, and maybe it would come back better.
Or maybe I'm full of absolute garbage and trying to make up meaning and metaphor for an extremely justified attack on the surface world (particularly America, the real instigator and problem here), because I love Namor and what they did to him and I love exploring his character. Cuz none of that ties into Shuri's anger or anything, none of that would justify attacks on civilians and innocent people. It's just a dumb thought.
And it's not like Disney/Marvel is ever gonna let the American military complex be the bad guy it clearly should be in these things, so a controlled burn of the problems at the root of these things wouldn't be allowed to happen anyway.
I'm really tired and I'm still on an emotional high from last night okay xD let me have my dumb pseudo deep speculation.
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