#someone goes to gem and is like uhm ur a dude now why r u wearing dresses
Katherine comes out as a trans man and immediately dives into being masculine for Once because for so long he’s been shoved into femininity and finally now he gets to do away with the whole thing and present how he wants to! Once he’s settled down into his gender and gets more comfortable, he does get back into certain feminine things (makeup, jewelry, frilly clothes) but stays mostly on the masc side of things
Gem comes out as transmasc and kinda looks at his gender presentation and goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. They still keep their hair long and wear dresses and all, but also he binds and plans on taking T and stuff. He still really loves presenting femininely and being a pretty boy, it’s kind of their whole vibe
Pirate Joe has been out as a trans man for literally years now and is mostly masculine but has settled into himself enough to be comfortable being feminine. Sometimes he wears dresses and skirts, most days he does makeup or paints his nails, he’s not the most masculine-behaving man out there. But that’s just the way he does things and he’s got a gun if you’ve any problem with it 
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