#some where there's lani from lani's trek
Devil May Cry
Waiting for the exact moment someone realize madeline spaghetti family photo has someone with white hair and just jump into the fan-logic rabbit hole of that being a Sparda family member leading to a connection to Vergil... like so:
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wow I botched drawing Kyrie ... looking at this this does explains Peppino’s super taunt as a different take on royal guard’s royal release. and Madeline’s Badeline being just doppelganger
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Dark Magik, Part IV
Lani, a teenage witch trapped in the spirit world, must escape and stop her powerful warlock of an ancestor (Erik Stevens) from wreaking havoc.
Part 3
*We're at the conclusion. Hope you enjoyed the ride ♥️♥️♥️ Thanks for reading!
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On her trek back to the unmarked grave, Lani was escorted by voodoo worshippers who moved alongside her like a parade. There was chanting, singing, drums, and dancing. Lani was nearly floating in a zen mode, focused and relaxed. She'd gone through rigid testing and learned to worship the spirits, learned the words to the chants. It was downloaded in her deep. Step by step, she gave praise to her ancestors and to the spirits.
"Don't forget, we are forever intertwined," the iwa's voice rang, reminding Lani that she would never be alone again in life. There was no changing her mind.
She laid back down in Erik's grave, and as the worshippers re-burried her with handfuls of soil at a time, she remained in a consciousness of deep trance-like worship, her arms crossed over her chest. Slowly, she was submerged, and when her air ran out, she woke with a sharp breath, blinking in the cool of night and breathing ragged breaths on the floor of her bedroom. Glass was scattered in shards and tiny pieces from the window, having shattered.
"Praise be to the ancestors and the iwa. Thank you, Samedi." She crossed her chest to bless them before looking at the time on Erik's gold pocketwatch. She still had it on her, and it was around 9:30 PM. Two and a half hours remained to find her great-grandfather and make the switch permanent. But where would he be?
Luckily, her parents were helping at the church for their Trunk or Treat Night. Lani snuck out, walking to the nearest train station. The train was the best way for her to cover a lot of ground since she had no license and limited funds. It wasn't the scenic route, but it would get her places at a reasonable time. On the way, she was able to look around Brooklyn, but something told her that he was in Manhattan. Who wouldn't go to Manhattan if they only had a day and couldn't get far?
Once in Manhattan, there were just waaaaay too many people and too many places that he could be. She walked aimlessly through the streets thinking, if she were an old man, where would she go? It wasn't working, though. She'd never find him like this.
"What do I do," she wondered, standing on 10th Avenue, lost in thought. The iwa had taught her many things face to face in the spirit world in an education many sought but could never get. They'd said a lot... One thing in particular came to mind, a location spell... She'd never heard of it before her experience with the spirits, and it was brief in a wide collection of spells, but it was in her head nonetheless. She could call on the iwa, and they would point her in the right direction if she followed the instruction they had given. She needed to make an offering and ask in the proper fashion.
She found a market with eggs, smooth white items, dark rum, and spices. She'd have to do two separate offerings with candles and a makeshift alter. She did all of this in a back alley, alone, chanting her prayers and petitions. Suddenly, she was possessed, and she recognized Dantor inside of her, talking to her and through her as she stood backstage in her body. It was like Lani could see through her own eyes, but she'd taken the backseat and had no control over any function. Her body was being piloted down 10th Ave and 46th Street to Park Avenue. It marched straight into Oasis Spa where the door sign read CLOSED but the business was still running... for some odd reason.
Bodies. Everywhere. It was a bloody mess.
Lani was shaken up inside and afraid, but Dantor was not, and Dantor had the wheel. Lani watched as her body sought out her great-grandfather as if he had a homing device. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING," she managed to yell, glad Dantor would cover her eyes for her sake at the sight of Erik receiving a happy ending, a foot massage, and a facial massage at the same time. Lani didn't need that trauma.
"I'm a grown ass man, you don't need to question what I'm doing. What are you doing on this side?"
"That's enough. You've caused enough trouble," Dantor spoke, getting Erik's attention as he switched up. Suddenly, he was sober and ready to reason, covering his nudity quickly and redressing. He could hear the spirit using Lani and attempted to appeal for more time, but the spirits were through with him. "We have a new priestess. You can rest."
"I'm not tired," he chuckled, nervous now that he was living his last minutes. "Take the kid. Give her some more time..."
"Erik," a deeper voice spoke through Lani.
"Samedi..." Erik's slick and charming smile faltered as shadows appeared on the wall around him, ready to snatch and drag him back to the spirit world. "ALRIGHT! I GET IT! ....Just let me say goodbye to my great-grandchild." He waited as the spirits receded, leaving Lani to speak for herself. "It's a strange experience being possessed. Try not to rely on it, it does eat at your soul."
Lani approached him, still wanting the time with him she'd set out for at the start of the night. She'd just wanted to know him. She reached out, happy he didn't disappear or try anything when she just wanted a hug.
"I wish we could've talked more about your life," she sniffed, looking up. "Would've been nice to hear about your time in Africa or when you left home. I don't get why you married a Christian in the first place. My parents drive me insane."
"Don't give your parents such a hard time, religion aside, when they die they're still your ancestors... and even now, they're the ones who will love you no matter what you do or how far you go. Take your great-grandmother. I have her the blues, but she still loved me. Don't take it for granted, kid."
"Well, what's gonna happen to you now?"
"I'm dead," Erik shrugged. "It was fun to come back for a night, cause a little mischief. I suppose now it's your turn... I've always wanted to pass the baton." He sighed patting Lani's head with genuine affection. "You're a smart kid. Style could use some work, but eh... I'll take it."
Lani could feel the spirits pushing her to end it. She hugged him one more time. "If I can, I'll summon you again." She tried to hand him his gold pocketwatch, but he refused it.
"Keep it, kid," Erik smirked. "Maybe next time I'll teach you to gamble."
The shadows on the wall crawled to the floor and circled Erik, pulling him down through the floor in a whirl of black as he accepted his fate gracefully. Lani knew exactly where he was going... back to that unmarked grave he was tied to in the Spirit World.
"Bye grandpa," she whispered, leaving quickly before his hypnosis would wear off and leave her in a crime scene. She took the train home thinking of how she would have loved to have a full Halloween night with him. Still, she could appreciate the gift he gave her. She was now endowed with all of his power.
The thought made her want to test it.
"Ma'am, what time is it," she asked a lady who appeared to be well put together. The lady checked her watch, which was hidden by her long coat sleeves, likely on purpose. It was a really nice watch.
"12:08," she replied quickly.
Lani stared, wondering if she should... it was an abuse of power. She knew it, but she had to test it. "That's a nice watch, I'd love to own it," she stared, watching the woman quickly take it off. She could feel the pull of the spirits. It was a warning. The woman got up to put it in Lani's hand.
"Ow," Lani doubled over, her side aching. "Okay! I'm sorry!" The woman standing looked confused, but Lani shewed her away back to her seat. "Keep it."
There was no way the spirits would accept a other Erik. No way in Hell, but she'd tried. At home, she just wanted to sleep. It had been the longest day of her life.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN," was the first thing she heard upon entering her home. Her parents were furious that she'd gone out against their orders on Halloween, stayed out past midnight, "AND ON TOP OF THAT, YOUR WINDOW IS SHATTERED!! HOW DID IT BREAK?"
"I don't know! It just did!" Lani just knew her life was over. She'd never see humanity again.... Or would she....
'Just this once,' she pleaded to the spirits, begging to use the power of hypnosis. She got the permission but at a cost. "There will always be a cost," she heard. She was willing to pay it if it meant she'd get some sleep without hearing her parents' mouths. She'd had a rough day already.
Instantly, time had changed yet again. It was still night, but she was in bed, and the window was fixed. She sat up to check the house for her mom and dad. They were asleep. She was confused... what had been the price?
She started building an altar in her room with items to dedicate so that she could ask her question and gain a response. Her grandfather's picture was tucked away under her bed.
'What was the price?"
"One day off of your life span," was the answer. Lani thought about it and it didn't seem like much, but the power was very tempting to use and there was so much to explore. It was easy to run through her entire lifespan like her great-grandfather had... and that was when it clicked, his advice to her. He'd said not to rely on it. But what was the use of power she couldn't use?!
She could hear laughing. It wasn't malicious, moreso laughing at her immaturity. The spirits were entertained by her desire to do magic so badly. They'd clearly explained that that wasn't what Voodoo was all about. She could do these things. It didn't mean that she should.
Part of her wanted her money back so to speak, but it was too late. She could hear them saying to her... this is forever. You never get off this ride. She had no choice but to continue or her entire life could be revoked... just like what happened to her great-grandfather.
Lani sighed, silently blowing out her candles to sit in darkness. She wouldn't run from it, and she wouldn't ask her parents. She'd made a commitment, and now she would stick to it. Eventually, she'd have to let the cat out of the bag and explain her alter. She could hear the conversation now between herself and her parents.
"I told you, mom, I have my beliefs, and you have yours." They'd lose their minds.
Again, Lani sighed, dreading it. Part of her hoped Erik was right about them loving her no matter what because she was really about to test that theory...
It was a conversation that would happen sooner rather than later.
The End.
364 calendar days rolled by and Lani sat surrounded by her candles, but this time was different. She had a wide assortment of gifts laid out at her alter to bribe Samedi after learning him inside out. She knew exactly what he loved and enjoyed tempting him with it until he gave her what she wanted without the penalties.
"I call upon you, Erik Stevens," she chanted softly, happy when she saw him appear without the traumatizing theatrics. He had changed his look into something more current, having had a taste of the previous year.
"I am so damn proud of my lineage," he extended his arms, taking in his own reflection in her mirror. Lani could see the chaos in his eyes already.
"I've been trusted to keep you in check," Lani grinned, loving this new dynamic. She'd had a strong spiritual progression and was fully powered with the knowledge of how to get around cosmic payments. "I WILL keep you in check."
"Well, look at you. You sound like me at your age with my teachers."
"Your who?"
"Oh you ain't know? I perfected the art of bringing my mentors back when I was alive. It was a fun time for us. Learned a ton."
"Huh..," Lani stood dumbfounded. "So if we brought them back..."
"Now ya talkin," Erik pointed proudly.
Lani smiled, mirroring the wicked glint in his eye. She'd never had a night of chaos, and she was young... what was a few days or a week or two weeks off her life... It wouldn't be that bad...
...It was just one night.
The End.
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