#some of the demi-gods have physical traits from their godly parents
lanternlightss · 1 year
i think a hypnos sona would be incredibly funny if only because i kept falling asleep today 😭😭
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insolitus-academy · 4 years
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♚ //  Face Claim
Full name Face Claim: Kim Jeonguk Group/Band/Occupation: 24K, Solo Nationality: Korean Faceclaim age: 27 ♚ // Character ;  Basic information
Quote: [Something they would say, something they live by or something that means a lot to them. One to two sentences. ]
Full name character: Kim Ilsung Nickname: Sun, Ilias Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): Earth - Korean Age: 27 Date of Birth: 03/20/1993 Gender: Cis-gendered male Preferred Pronouns: He/Him Race: Demi-god (Child of Hephaestus)  Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (female leaning) What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it:  Fluent and Native speaker, advanced English, intermediate Greek
♚ // Character ; Appearance
Skin Color: Tan Eye color: Dark brown with red undertone Scars: A faint scar on the back of his right hand Piercings: Ears Tattoos: Reports none Hair color: Black Abnormalities: N/A Horns/ wings/ etc.: N/A Transformed form: In times of extreme emotions his irises will become deep red
♚ // Character ; Personality
Six personality traits: Determined, Artistic, Quiet, Competitive, Scornful, Obsessive
Likes: Cats, sleeping, running, going to the beach, reading Dislikes: Loud noises, salty foods, not going to the beach, being woken up from a nap, insults to his Family Manias: None Phobias: Blood, bulls Animal: A black or grey cat Religion: Non-religious more spiritual Favorite song:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u63h56UdY0M + Loner Vice: Sloth Virtue: Patience
Personality description: If something interests him, Ilsung will give it his all until he reaches a certain level of competency. Sometimes it can border on fixation or obsession however he’ll have gained a working knowledge of whatever it is. Given his demi-god linage he is artistic in things he makes and also a be competitive wanting to be the creator of “the best” which can draw ire of him being a showoff.  Ilsung does have a steady patience willing to wait for the end of his actions no matter the length of time.  Ilsung can be rather abrasive when interacting with people often being short and cold to them. This is due to most of his life being judged and accused even if he’s innocent. He does have a soft spot for others who are targeted or alone putting in an honest effort to be there for them. Just don’t bring it up or he’ll deny that’s what he’s doing. He can be petty and hold a grudge even if the other person forgives or forgets. This gives off an air of him being a hothead which isn’t that false however he does try to be level in most situations.
♚ // Character ; Powers Magical Powers:
Parental gift:   Pyrokinesis  - The power to generate, control and/or absorb fire. Secondary powers:  Fire Immunity. The gift of not being able to be damaged by fire. Enhanced Crafting. The ability to craft weapons, armor, items, artifacts, statues, etc. flawlessly. Parental guidance Demigods can talk to their parents for guidance, but only if the parent is interested. They never meet their Godly parents as a rule but through this power they can still ask for some help.
Non-magical Powers:  Advanced cooking, expert runner, somewhat musical, fire safety
Emotions - Ilsung’s fire powers are tied to emotions so if he’s in a volatile state he’ll have more power but less control which could result in friendly fire (literally). Anger and sadness seem to have the greatest impact.   Water - Given his main power is fire based, water and water manipulation uses can exploit it’s weakness. Inexperience - Because of his great lack of training Ilsung doesn’t have a  refinement in his skills resulting in a direct but chaotic style of attacking and defending.
♚ // Character ; The Villager
Job/Occupation: Chef Lives in: Sunna Apartments Lives in: 2g
♚ // Character ; The Past
Date of Birth: 03/20/1993 Date of Death: -  Crime Record: Records show physical assault 
Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past? Yes/No Background:  Born in early spring of 1993 Jeonguk had 2 loving parents and a few years later a younger sibling to grow up with him. Life was fairly normal except some kids called his Dad a monster and his whole family was damned for being “tainted”. Jeonguk was kid he didn’t understand. No matter his age the young boy excelled at whatever he was focused on. School, sports, tv, trading cards, he would fixate on something until it was done to his standards often going without eating or sleeping. Though his Mom found work arounds to make it less obvious. Middle school was where the teasing got more severe going from words here and there to almost daily assault of vocal knives. Jeonguk beared the brute of it shielding his younger siblings. Jeonguk was just being a brother protecting his younger kin.High school…was when Jeonguk did a very bad thing, he was monster just like his Dad. This was one of the few times his Dad came to his defense clearing his son of the charges and paying the other party off a rather large sum to keep the whole thing quiet. Jeonguk was grateful but confused about that… . The military was the next part of his life. The young man did well here, it was an almost fixed routine. Sure he was a bit troubled but he excelled in almost all area. This drew the ire of the soldiers as thought Jeonguk was “weird” he was liked by their superiors. During this time he began to get a better control of his powers partly due to the military tactics and strategies he learned. College was next though he was rather bored … the classes weren’t THAT challenging it was just something to fill his time. The assumption that he was an airhead was dispelled but the young man never really applied himself. His Mom was happy he had “turned this around”. Dad left sometime during Jeonguk’s time away from what he did in high school. He was partly relived since their relationship was rather cold but he knew the leave hurt his Mom the most…he hated that. Since graduating he floated through life jumping from one job to the next, he even had a stint as an idol but that didn’t last long. Jeonguk never went far from his Mom and sibling feeling some far off danger was lurking. She sent him to this “special school” called Insolitus but once he got there he dropped out his class and instead took up a job as a chef.
♚ // Roleplayer [ optional ]
Time zone: USA Eastern
OOC! Triggers: None
Themes/genres you like writing the most?: Exploration/Adventure, Mystery, Sci-fi, Slice of life, supernatural, 
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