#solider boy x cordell walker
sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
Demon I Can't Face Down
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@walker-bingo​ prompt: Walker x The Boys Summary: Cordell belonged to him and it was time he reclaimed his pet. Pairing: Solider Boy x Cordell Warnings: Possessive SB, Implied cheating, tiny Walker spoiler, and using Jackles for SB name Word Count: 818 Rating: Mature You can also read it on AO3
"He wants you back."
Stan's whispered words no matter how much Cordell tried to bury them and hide them stayed with him and haunted him.
He had never told anyone about that undercover opt and the man he had met. The most dangerous man with who he had to seduce and sleep with. The man who made him feel things that he had never felt before. Who took him to new heights of pleasure and made him forget everything but the pleasure he was getting.
"You are mine Cordie and I don't share. I will find you again and when I do I will never let you go."
Those whispered promises that fell from those sinful lips and those dark and possessive green eyes that promised they would be together made Cordell feel dirty because he had Emily waiting for him at home. But in those moments he didn't want Emily he wanted him.
The man that consumes him is like an inferno. The man that made him unfaithful to his wife, the woman he did and still does love. Cordell felt horrible that when he was with him, he didn't think of her or his children. All that matter was him.
And Stan's final words to him confirmed what Cordell feared Solider Boy was coming for him.
A hand reached out and stroked the concerned face of Cordell Walker, "Oh Cordie, you do make it so easy for me. It is like you want me to reclaim you. Don't worry I will." He had waited for this moment for so long and now he would finally be able to reclaim his greatest prize.
The moment he stepped foot into his house Cordell knew that something was wrong. The hair on the back of his neck stood up and he felt the urge to shiver but managed to fight it back. He was suddenly so grateful that Stella and August were with their grandparents.
"You know I was almost disappointed in how easy it was to plant the cameras all-around you're home, but I did get some hot footage of you playing with yourself. The sight of you on your knees with three fingers in your ass, it was so delightful to see that you still remembered everything I taught you. I remember getting to see that show in person. You were such a slut, such a needy bottom who happily did whatever I wanted just for a taste of my dick."
The dark voice washed over Cordell and he turned to see his greatest dream and worst nightmare leaning against the wall looking like he was home.
"Jackles, what are you doing here?" Cordell was pleased to hear that his voice didn't waver once.
The deadly and very dangerous Solider Boy pushed himself off of the wall he had been leaning against and began to stalk his prey. "Why I am here to reclaim what is rightfully mine or did you forgot all those nights you spent with my dick in you where I claimed and marked you over and over again as my property." He purred out as he began circling Cordell like a tiger circling a deer.
Oh, Cordell remembered those nights well. He had been addicted to Jackles, everything. The man was a drug one that Cordell was still addicted to. "I won't let you harm my family." He vowed.
A wicked grin appeared on the man's handsome face, "Oh I wouldn't dream of it as long as you agree to return your rightful place by my side and in my bed." Jackles offered.
Cordell knew that he had very little choice, the man before him was one of the most dangerous living and going against him was a death wish. "As long as my family stays safe I agree."
"That's my good kitten. Now follow me." Jackles ordered as he turned on his heel and Cordell had little choice but to follow.
Cordell wasn't at all surprised when they arrived at the bedroom that he had once shared with Emily. He wanted to beg not there, anyplace but there but he knew it would do no good. Solider Boy always got what he wanted.
Strong arms grabbed him and Cordell found himself in a bruising and rough claiming kiss and he knew that was just the start.
Pulling back Jackles eyes were dark with lust and hunger, "We both know kitten that I am a drug you can't quit.  There is no backing out, now strip and get on that bed. I am going to make sure that you never forget who you belong to." He growled out.
Cordell hated to admit it but he felt a surge of lust at Jackles command and he hated to admit it but he was right he was addicted to Solider Boy and wanted to once again wear his marks and be used by him.
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idreamofplaid · 3 years
Walker 1 x 04 Reaction
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I’m late with this one. I didn’t see last week’s episode until last night. It was a rough personal week, but this is a rest episode. I’m so ready for episode 5 tonight!
This is the best episode of Walker yet. The case is strong, and it’s well balanced with the personal interactions. There is a theme here about trust and the complexity of relationships. I’m interested to see how it’s going to develop.
Walker is making a real effort to bond with Micki and cement their partnership, emphasizing the importance of trust with her, and he is so very cute doing it. He wants to know her middle name, saying little details might be important to them. Hmmm. That’s undercover stuff, right there. 
He finds out what he can about her by using his “investigative” skills. Walker learns her favorite foods, what she likes to drink, and also her middle name. He wants the kind of relationship with her that she had with the officers she worked with in APD, but she tells him that she doesn’t want to trust him because she needs to be careful. Being a Texas Ranger for her is an opportunity, and she doesn’t want to “mess it up”.
The single father vibes are strong in this one. I adore Cordell being a good father. I’m going to say that a lot in these reviews. He’s moving into the farmhouse on the ranch with his kids. I still love that house. I want to live there. First, the bunker, and now this. It’s rustic, and it’s cozy at the same time.
Stella wants to paint her room, and Cordell looking at the paint chip color she wants is just heart melting. It’s so very normal. He’s talking about ordering pizza with them and unpacking. 
Here’s where the problem comes in because August finds a box he shouldn’t find. It’s full of things related to when Walker was working undercover, including a camera that has pictures on it of his father with another woman and a phone with all Walker’s contacts from his undercover time.
In a parallel, Walker finds some letters that another man wrote to his mother. By the end of the episode, Cordell confronts his mother; August confronts his father. They both ask questions. Cordell’s mother refuses to answer his questions saying they are still the parents and points out to him that she’s sure he and Emily didn’t share everything with the kids. He’s quick to answer, “No, we didn’t.”
Well, he still isn’t. August asks his father why he looks so happy in the picture he found and why there aren’t any pictures like that of Cordell with his mother. Just like his own mother, Walker deflects. He tosses the picture to the side and says “that was a job” echoing his mother’s words “That’s in the past.”
Adding to the infidelity thread, the case Walker and Micki are working also has an affair that factors heavily in it. I’m not saying Walker had an affair, but maybe he did or something like it. Could have been an emotional affair, or something born out of complicated emotions he had surrounding this woman “on his undercover team” because he had to trust her to keep him alive. 
There is so much in this episode. It looks like we’ve gotten to the part in the series where the setup is starting to move into something much deeper. Stella meets a boy, Trevor, at the stables where she is doing community service. Trevor’s father is in prison. This is going to get complicated because Stella clearly likes this boy. No doubt his father is somehow connected to what Walker’s been doing undercover. There are also questions about Captain James. Liam finds out he’s been reviewing the border footage related to Emily’s murder that he wants Walker to stay away from. Is James dirty?
In contrast, the relationship between Micki and Trey is solid. I was so happy to see Trey back in this episode. I love his energy. He has a smile that beams, and his abs certainly aren’t bad either. He looks like Jared did in the early seasons of Supernatural when his muscles were so defined, they didn’t even look real. 
Let’s talk about what a perfect boyfriend Trey is for a minute. He pays attention to the little things that are important to Micki and supports her. She’s an artist. I’m enjoying these little bits of character development, and I’m really beginning to like some of these characters. 
Trey finds a drawing Micki made of a superhero when she was a girl. He is precious about this and wears a blanket like a cape, but the sweetest thing ever is when he takes that picture, gets it framed, wraps it up and gives it to her. He tells her she “drew a superhero when she needed one and then she became one.” Well, damn. Just swoon. We should all be lucky enough to have a partner like that. 
It’s all about to get very interesting. I’m excited for Episode 5. We’re about to find out much more about who Walker really is, what he’s done, and how it’s affected him.
Miscellaneous notes: 
Walker became a clearly defined character for me in this episode. I epted him without wanting him to be partly Sam.
Walker’s middle name is Beauregard. It’s cute when Micki calls him Beau. There’s a baby name for a future Walker fic. 
Jared’s hair may be shorter, but it still curls around his neck.
Walker Peeps: @lovealways-j​ @sams-sass​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @girl-next-door-writes​
I’d love to hear what you guys thought about this ep! 
I’ll definitely be writing some more Walker fics. My Taglist for everything Walker related is open.
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