nicoandindy · 1 year
Tumblr sexyman
now, I love Scott, but Jimmy is perfect for tumblr sexyman.
wet cat
beautiful in all the outfits, captain america onezie or not,
so much gorgeous fanart
literally the building ground for gay characters in the life series.
he literally went on a date with scott in empires 1
has many boyfriends and admirers
dating a dungeon master. #rancher duo
dating a gay man #flower husbands
has a goblin admirer #fwimmy
flirts with a god
fwhip literally has a shrine to jimmy.
has tried to kill joehills and sort of succeed (very difficult)
has closed down an entire shop because it was disrespectful
has two cats
could be evil if he wanted
looks good in a suit (look to fwhip’s wedding, he is in a suit.)
looks good even when he is literally decaying
has a curse which is very handsome and attractive to other men
is birb <3
What more could you want from a tumblr sexyman ? He’s literally perfect. He is everything we need. Our pathetic wet paper bag cat is so <3
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nicoandindy · 1 year
I have a feeling Jimmy will out sexy Sausage, like, have you seen Tim’s new glasses ? And his bearddd. He’s so just swaggy. I do feel like he might out sexy Sausage.
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