#society is awful yes. but when you tell a story about a meth dealer and his trapped wife and audiences side with the meth dealer
antidisneyinc · 2 years
What do you mean that you consider it a failure of the showrunners that Skyler White was hated?
skyler was hated because of plain old misogyny, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a predictable response. vince gilligan had the advantage of hindsight for the depictions of women in similar situations who were unfairly, heinously hated by audiences, e.g. kay adams in the godfather and wendy torrance in the shining. in an ideal world portraying skyler in a totally neutral matter-of-fact light might be 'good' art, but we don't live in a world where audiences are neutral toward women. the vilification of skyler white was 100% predictable and just like the godfather and the shining before it, breaking bad failed to write and frame its story in a way that forced the audience to see her as a victim. we can talk all day long about how writers shouldn't be responsible for the reaction to their work, but the fact is that all writing everywhere has to take into account the culture and the audience consuming it. when a certain reaction to your story is a foreseeable, historically precedented quantity and you take no steps to rectify or mitigate what you know will be an unfair response to an element of that story. then it's not true that you have no responsibility for that reception, is it
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