#soap showed almost no teeth during the whole campaign. Bro has big lips ig??
4me2knowandyou2wonder · 6 months
Teeth Headcanons for Modern Warfare Characters
kinda a short one this time. So close to the end of these only Price is left! (might write for Ale and Rudy?? but I mean for the pre-written stuff.) and oh boy its my favorite MacTavish! I had fun making this one. His teeth can hardly ever been seen in the campaign so I had lots of creative freedom. now, onto my teeth headcanons for...
In contrast to Ghost, Soap brags about having perfect teeth. Without ever getting braces his teeth are straight, fit in his mouth, and he didn’t even need wisdom teeth surgery. He brushes his teeth the majority of nights, but never in the morning, doesn’t floss, and yet he’s never gotten a cavity once! And his gums feel fine! 
Except, if he ever actually bothered to *visit* a dentist they would break every one of those notions to SHREDS! His overbite is REAL and will lead to tooth decay if he doesn’t catch on. He has 2 active cavities that just haven’t reached his nerve yet, if he ever actually *tried* to floss his mouth would look like a MURDER SCENE. And while his lower wisdom teeth did erupt without issue, his upper ones are just HANGING up there, partially erupted and *waiting* to become infected because he cannot clean them. It is by sheer LUCK he has not had a dental emergency yet, someone, please drag this man to a dentist NOW. 
If you look at his jaw you can see that his lower jaw is relatively large hence why I think his lower wisdom teeth would be fine, but I’m also taking the liberty of giving him an overbite because a) I want to goddammit, and b) look at fig 2… just… if I can’t look at that and say possible overbite I don’t know what photo I could say that too.
Okay so, I looked up Soap’s actor after writing this, and I don’t think the actor has an overbite so maybe my wishes are dashed but these are also headcanons sooo….. I’ve been as accurate as I can be up till this point let me have this dbfhdjh. Hadir's teeth are different from his actors too! Neil Ellice’s teeth are BEAUTIFUL jezus, pearl whites frfr Soap’s teeth are NOT that shiny.
Fig 1 & 2
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Fig 3
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