#so ur looking about almost half a grand for one cardigan from me
i want yall to understand something, whenever you comment on a small business page saying something to the effect of "pricing this handmade luxury item this high is ridiculous and i would NEVER pay this much for it" is capitalist bootlicking.
ur literally normalizing a culture in which you think it's alright to haggle with a small business owner about how much their labor costs when in reality that owner is most likely severely underselling that item.
yall can't grand stand about pay ur workers and eat the rich when yall act just like them when it really matters. if you're unwilling to see the cost of what products *should* cost because the juxtaposition of how badly target and walmart are exploiting the black and brown people who made those same items in order to fill *your* learned consumer greed is too much for your sense of ego to reckon with, u havent taken the time to really think through the policies u claim to support + the reality of what that means for you specifically.
literally, if you come across a business page advertising an expensive product (crochet products come to mind immediately but this goes for any artisan skill) and your immediate reaction is to comment about how you would never pay that much for anything.... you're not doing what you think you are, you're just licking the boot.
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