#so the top looks like deep water and the bottom looks like sunlight coming thru waves
k3yreviewer25 · 4 months
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anyway I've been trying to get back into coloring recently
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metinthehallway · 5 years
Heatwave Chapter 1:
Don’t Look Too Long At Something That Doesn’t Look Right
Hello! I wrote a lil sumn sumn and decided to share. I’m hoping to actually follow thru on this story as I’m feeling pretty inspired so fingers crossed it doesn’t float away. Anyway, if you decide to read I hope you enjoy! It’s 3.2k words and chapter numero uno of a kind of...supernatural...harry fic I’m starting. (Let’s hope this copies correctly and the format isn’t fucked up)(omg it’s so fucked up)
Summer arrived in full force that year, sweeping into Ferris Point on an oppressive heatwave that made your whole body sweat just by looking out the window and into the harsh sunlight splintering through the still, humid air. The only refuge Lila had was her dingy apartment, if you could even call it that. The converted attic of an old rickety church was advertised as a “studio apartment” and it was two rooms scarcely bigger than a shoebox. She guesses she shouldn’t complain as it was a roof over her head...no matter how often that roof leaked. And hey. It was dirt cheap.
Lila’s humble abode includes a small kitchen area and three pretty big circular windows all intricately stained glass and one square window that’s not. A full-size mattress resides on the floor next to a mug of lukewarm lemonade on top of a stack of books from the very minuscule town library, and a lamp behind the stack of books that looks suspiciously like the lamps at said library. A large and impressive peace lily sits treasured in one corner and a somewhat dusty dresser adorned with a plethora of trinkets and things in the other corner.
And of course; the air conditioner.
Lila’s beautiful and most prized possession during these hot, hot summer months in the state of New York. She found it off on the side of the road in May along with a small table balancing precipitously on three good legs and a loveseat with a multitude of mysterious stains on the seat cushion, back cushion and armrests. They sat behind a cardboard sign scrawled with one glorious, godsent word. Free. So Lila, only equipped with her dear and trusty bicycle, Lorraine, looked at her wicker basket nestled between the handlebars and back to the shining air conditioner beaming in the high afternoon sun. She then made a very important decision before her mile trek back to the run down church.
She clicked her tongue and heaved the air conditioner into her tan arms and staggered all the way home, leaving poor Lorraine to fend for herself before she came back for her at sundown and rode all the way home with a smile on her face. Lila had no reason to believe that this beautiful object, circa the late 70’s from the looks of it, would actually work. But the stiflingly hot nights that were already happening at the tail end of just spring was something she didn’t even want to entertain anymore. She needed this to work. And work it did. For two months.
On July 14th, the warmest day thus far, reaching 115 degrees, it had ceased to function. Her teeny tiny home was no longer a refuge from the heat but rather a prison to it. The heat rose so quickly and relentlessly through the top floor of the church that Lila barely had time to collect her things before going outside to seek some shade under a cool canopy of trees and hopefully not keel over from heatstroke.
With her bag on her back and the soles of her shoes melting on the gravel driveway, Lila set off into the mouth of the woods near her house. Every time she walked into the forest she found herself increasingly more comfortable navigating its slopes and turns. The forest was a safe place for her now.
One early afternoon in April when she found herself relieved of her desk duty at the local library two hours before her shift was to end, she looked out her clear square window into the budding willow trees. They seemed to open their arms to her, inviting her in.
Growing up, Lila would have to be dragged inside by her feet, kicking and screaming and throwing mud and clumps of grass at her mother who did most of the dragging. She would play outside in the sun until her skin was peeling and rolling around in the snow until her fingers were blue. The comfort and curiosity she felt amongst the wide open world of the outdoors was unparalleled and played a key role of who she was today.
That early afternoon in April when her shadow was only a sliver of her being, she wandered into the yawning forest. The bugs and little creatures were just coming out to bask in the moderate spring temperatures, waking up from their winter sleep and rubbing the crust out of their eyes. Snowdrop flowers littered the ground and patches of sunlight bounced off the damp tree trunks and onto the forest floor, not unlike the way water from a swimming pool looks, illuminated from its depths.
On her walk, she was careful not to get lost. There wasn’t really a distinct trail to follow as not many people from her small town ventured into the decently sized forest. She mentally marked trees and formations of rocks that stood out along the way, tripping over the majority of them. Before long, she stumbled upon a small clearing with long tendrils of deadened grass coming back to life and a steep drop off into a body of water. The small spring looked like it had just recently started moving again after winters ice with the water clogged with globs of grass and silt that rose to the top to make a murky appearance.
Lila, however, was in awe. The natural spring was relatively untouched and it seemed worlds away from her dingy church and monotonous job that didn’t pay nearly enough for a liveable wage. Her worries about rent and groceries floated away and disappeared into the sunbeams shining down on the water. The sweat on the back of her neck trickled down through her shirt as Lila worked to discard her sneakers and take off her clothes. She carefully made her way down short cliff on a small kind of natural stairway made of boulders and stood before the slow moving water.
Lila dipped her foot in the pleasantly warm water and swirled the silt around. She waded further out, cautious of sharp shale and any living critters, and found that the spring only really got about 6 feet deep at the center. She could touch the bottom if she submerged herself a few inches and popped back up to the surface, smiling wide. Lila spent the whole day soaking up the sun's rays like a lazy fat cat. She indulged in her own little accomplishment at finding a place so serene right before the thick of summer and fantasized about all the days she’d spend here.
Or so she thought.
With the heat wave and blue skies came a small drought. Nothing detrimental, just a few weeks where the dark, rich soil turned to dust and flowers began to scorch in the wretched path of the sun. It made everything ugly and surrounded by an orange hue. The trees even seemed defeated by gravity, panting like a dog and drooping towards the ground in hopes of extending their roots further to find any drop of water hiding in the earth.
This also meant that Lila’s dear spring had completely evaporated from the last time she visited, just yesterday. Given, the water was a bit low then, only coming up to her chest. But she didn’t think it could happen so fast.
As she walks under the shade of the forest in the pathway of trampled grass she drew out herself, she comes out the other side to the clearing full of wildflowers and sharp miscanthus grass. Lila peers over the cliff, expecting to see the sparkling gleam from the reflection of the water but discovering only a pit of rust colored dust gazing back at her.
There’s a strange haze that settles over her mind suddenly and she can’t seem to remember the last time she visited the spring, even though it was certainly less than 24 hours ago. There’s no way a body of water this big could disappear overnight. Lila shakes her head and chalks her confusion up to dehydration. She hasn’t been drinking nearly enough water as she should.
Heaving a deep sigh and wiping an exasperated hand down her face, Lila stands there for a couple of minutes feeling mildly defeated. She turns on her heel, accidentally kicking up an grotesque amount of dust that sticks to the obscene amount of moisture on her.
Coming out from beneath the lovely shade of willows and oaks, Lila walks straight past her church-home-hell and continues on the uneven gravel towards the heart of Ferris Point.
Ferris Point, population 1,559, is a small town in upstate New York. It consists of two gas stations, one movie theater, four competing bars, a handful of overflowing consignment shops and a 24 hour diner called Sandy’s Gateway Getaway but everybody calls it Sandy’s, for short. Sandy’s dabbles in a bit of everything, from inventive food specials of the day to questionable live “entertainment” to the ever-changing paint on its walls.
The owner, Beau, a bit of an eccentric, stout old man in his 60’s with an almost full head of hair and a matching full face of beard, inherited the diner when his father passed. Sandy’s is named after Beau’s late mother and stays as lively and indecisive as she was. Beau has a habit of painting the diners walls to whatever color suits his mood that month, and when he paints it’s the only time Sandy’s is closed.
This month, the walls are a light lilac color and a beautiful respite to the burning orange haze that’s covered the town. Lila heaves a sigh and this time it’s in relief as a blast of ice cold air envelops her body. The diner is relatively empty and she walks towards the first booth in front of the wall of windows to the left, taking it all for herself.
She dumps her bag on the glossy enamel surface of the table, accidentally knocking over the ketchup bottle and cursing under her breath as a few books coming flying out of the broken zipper. A group of elderly women sitting at a table in the corner shoot her somewhat of an annoyed glance as Lila interrupts their riveting book club discussion about whether or not Ms. Bennett really deserved Mr. Darcy’s undivided love and attention. She smiles sheepishly and ducks her head to look at the contents of her bag for her copy of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. She’s been on a reread of the series, her fifth one, and she never fails to get those gleeful goosebumps.
Beau, wiping down the long oval bar that takes up the entire back wall of the diner, looks at Lila and smiles.
“What can I getcha today, Ms. Lila? The usual?”
Lila nods and grins while Beau shouts her order out to the cook. Two pancakes with warm blueberry jam and syrup, a side of scrambled eggs and a cup of orange juice, with the pulp.
“Yes, and can I get your biggest glass of water? If you have a very big bucket then that’s fine too. Fill her up,” she says with a wink.
Beau shakes his head. “Is it still a fire hazard out there? I don’t even want to step outside to drive home. I think my engine might blow up just by going a few blocks over,” he chuckles.
“Yes sir,” Lila says. “And your car might just combust. My air conditioner finally kicked the bucket so I’m thinking of catching a bus into Harrisburg to find a cheap fan at the Walmart or something.”
Beau purses his lips, an action barely noticeable through the nest of grey hair surrounding his mouth. He makes a funny squelching noise behind his teeth and begins to talk.
“You know,” he says, “I think I might have somethin’ in the back for ya. It’s been there since the dawn of time practically. You’re gonna have to clean the dust offa it if by some miracle it works.”
Lila perks up and nods enthusiastically. “What is it? Is it a fan? An air conditioner? Please say air conditioner, Beau, please. I think I might suffocate in my sleep because of this humidity,” she groans out.
“It’s a big industrial fan,” Beau says with a chuckle. “If it turns on, you can call it yours. If you need me to, I can drop it off at your house when I leave. I take it you’re gonna stay here for a while?” he says, raising his eyebrows and pointedly looking at her already cozy set up. Her book is open face up in front of her and her feet are propped up on the cushion in front of her. Her phone is plugged into an outlet hiding just underneath the table behind the napkin dispenser and her bag has been turned into a makeshift armrest.
Lila laughs, a quick light sound, and she can feel the sweat already cooling her neck as she nods. She’s never felt comfier. She could sleep here, she thinks.
“Thank you so much Beau. How much do you want for it?”
“Don’t be silly,” the owner says, waving away her question. “It only collects dust back there anyway. I mean it.”
“At least let me pay you for bringing it to my house. But please don’t try bringing it up to my hallway. No offense, but you might break your back. I fear for the safety of my spine just carrying my groceries up those flights of stairs. It’s ridiculously steep so leave that to me,” Lila says with a grimace.
“Deal,” he laughs. He walks through the swinging doors to the back to plug the fan in. He walks back out and gives a quick thumbs up signaling that it works. Lila tilts her head back onto the plush seat, smiling, and closes her eyes. It’s something, she thinks. She thanks her lucky stars and hears someone make a shushing sound and the volume on the TV increase. The screen shows a weatherman standing in front of a map of the region and gesturing to the temperatures at each city on the map, reporting on this next weeks forecast.
“Well, folks, it looks like there’s no break in this heatwave anytime soon,” the man says with a click of his tongue. He points to the dot on the map saying Ferris Point as well as Harrisburg and Troy and all the towns around it.
“It seems this region in particular has been hit the worst with temperatures rising up to almost 120 degrees and with little refuge during the night as it drops down to 92 with the humidity at 81 percent. This week's forecast stays at a steady 110 degrees and above with little temperature fluctuation. Mostly sunny with little chance of rain until next Friday where hopefully, fingers crossed, a mean looking storm cloud heading in from the Midwest will break the wave and end the drought. This has been your local weather forecast with Bob Kadinsky, thank you for tuning in.”
The old-lady-book-club in the corner all visibly deflate at once while slowly fanning themselves with their paperbacks of Pride and Prejudice. As does Lila. She’s sick of the heat and sick of constantly being in a near dehydrated state for the past week.
Lila slumps back into her seat, diving into the greatest literary creation of all time, until her food is brought out. She practically inhales the warm and fluffy pancakes and is pretty sure she beat some kind of record for taking the fastest drink of water ever. She asks for a second mason jar of the icy cold goodness and gets comfortable again.
An hour in the women have left and the only people in the diner are Lila, the cook and one waitress typing something into the register with one hand on her hip. Beau left some ten or so minutes ago reminding Lila about the fan.
The sun is setting and a reddish glow enters the room, washing over the checkerboard tile and the vibrancy catches the fresh lilac paint on fire, it seems.
Just then, the bell above the front door calls out, signaling a new arrival. Lila pays no attention, mindlessly shrinking away from the hot air blowing into the back of her hair, entirely engrossed in the world of Harry Potter. She registers the sound of heavy footsteps that kind of drag across the ground walk up to the register and the sound of a throat being cleared.
“Hello, I’m sorry,” a male voice begins, deep and raspy and slow, like smoke curling up. “Was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the nearest store. I left my phone at home and the roads get a bit confusing here,” he says with a slight laugh.
“No problem sweetie. Turn left on Clark and Mallow, another left at the stop sign on Broad Street and continue onto Route 9 for about 5 miles. There’s a Walmart in Harrisburg, it’s the biggest building there, ya can’t miss it,” the waitress says with a steady click of her nails on the screen in front of her.
“Thank you ma’am, you’re a lifesaver,” the voice says, audibly relieved. Lila looks up just as he turns around and meets his eye. She’s never seen him before, which is strange, because everyone here knows everyone else here.
He’s about Lila’s age, if not a bit older, with dirt brown hair curling around his face and glowing red in the sunset, a couple strands around his ears wet with sweat. He’s got a bit of a flushed complexion and a permanent furrow to his nicely shaped brow that creates an indent just above the bridge of his nose, which is a bit of a pointy thing, but not overly. She’s almost jealous of how deep his Cupid’s bow is and how pink his lips are. Does he have lipstick on? she wonders for a split second. She can’t make out the color of his eyes behind his glasses but she can see the fiery sunset behind her in their reflection. It looks like the apocalypse has already happened in his eyes. He reaches up to push back a damp curl and an assortment of rings glint in the light.
He smiles at her with closed lips and nods as a brief greeting before walking out into the offensive air, the bell above the door yelling at him to keep the heat out. Lila stares at his figure retreating into a small, old looking car but kept in a clean condition. He looks a little funny, folding his legs up and crouching down into his seat. She watches his silhouette flip the visor down and pull out of the parking lot, going the complete wrong way the lady at the register told him.
She scoffs and turns back to the words illuminated on blood red pages. As the light dies down and dips below the horizon, setting the moon on fire, Lila finds herself stuck in the back of her mind, replaying the image of this man she’s never seen before, walking straight into the sun.
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giveuselife-blog · 7 years
A way to Paintings As a Swimming Pool Tech
New Post has been published on https://giveuselife.org/a-way-to-paintings-as-a-swimming-pool-tech/
A way to Paintings As a Swimming Pool Tech
In looking lower back at certainly one of my past careers, it occurred to me that nobody has ever seemed to write a definitive article on swimming pool upkeep from the point of view of the Pool Tech. Water chemistry is a technological know-how through itself but the majority of the pool business realize that there are most important chemical checks for swimming pool water and those are Chlorine stage and Acidity (PH). When a pool man enters the yard he ought to be ready to cope with 3 fundamental troubles – chemical substances, cleaning, and move. Lack of chlorine will turn the water into an algae mattress. Lack of right acidity makes the chlorine useless. Loss of stream and absence of sunlight on the plaster surface under the water causes algae. Everything has to be for proper stability. chemical substances, cleaning, and circulate (water flowability). Strolling into a backyard there are numerous matters to recollect. First, this is the type of a security role due to the fact you are getting into someone’s personal property. After a while, you examine all approximately their children, their pets, their flowers that must be taken into consideration sensitive, and any idiosyncrasies having to do with their belongings and swimming pools device.
What you have to carry inside the yard with you to do your task is typically an extension pole, a vacuum head, a vacuum hose, a leaf net, and a wall brush. You should actually have a chemical check package handy and a pump basket wrench to use for sticky plastic lids.
I’m able to go through the entire process as I did at the same time as I labored as a swimming pool tech when I arrived at a swimming pool – step by step.
When you have arrived on the pool, you lay your gadget down and examine the pool. How is a good deal of a hassle it? How fast will you need to pass in order to get the pool wiped clean adequately and get directly to the following one?
The Wind is the enemy of the Pool Tech for swimming. Some instances of the yr the pool will appearance fantastic and you may be capable of leaf out a few small particles and brush the stairs the walls, and the ground (closer to the drain) down. From time to time following high winds and/or awful rain storms you will arrive and the pool could have garden furniture and tree limbs in it. Some have floral troubles continuously, created by way of bushes or sloppy landscape crew participants. you may discover ways to measure the extent of clean that the customer wants. You may only do what You could in a sure quantity of time allotted for each pool in your path but A few instances the pool is a disaster and you should run late all week till they may be all returned to ordinary at least till you leave. The subsequent are the steps I’d advocate for absolutely everyone who all about swimming pools for a dwelling.
1) It’s time to empty all baskets for proper flow. Meaning that with Some all about swimming pools I want to backwash the filter out before and once I vacuum. usually, though, I can arrive at the pool, empty the skimmer baskets and set them on the deck. If there may be an automatic pool sweep type cleaner it’s far fine to remove it. till you end.
2) Then I want to ensure the gadget (movement) is turned off and then will empty the pump basket close to the filter. Numerous vintage plastic pump basket lids stick and it is vital to use a pump basket wrench. If the pool has an older pump, Every so often it calls for priming to show the power again on and retain circulate. A small basket or big canister will serve to prime the pump if a house isn’t near. As I flip the pump returned on, the pump basket needs to be complete of water sufficient to get the gadget operating right now. The water will then skip thru the filter out and plumbing to the pool and after I look at the water stream, I will generally get A few air bubbles coming from the pool returns in order that tells me it’s far primed and walking.
three) I check the pool tile and if it’s miles covered with particles then I take the extension pole and fix the wall brush, then brush the tile on the water level quick as soon as across the entire pool.
4) Then Detach the wall brush, for now, attach the leaf internet to the extension pole, and leaf out the surface of the water first, then I am getting what larger leaves and particles I can dispose of from the bottom with my internet.
five) Now I detach the leaf net and fasten the vacuum head. The vacuum hose needs to be attached to the pinnacle of the vacuum head and submerged within the water with the handle of the pole protruding resting on the brink of the pool even as you stretch out your hose.
6) all about swimming pools, there’s an actual vacuum port (hollow inside the wall) for the hose to connect to however with maximum pools, I should attach the hose to the skimmer suction plumbing hole, commonly placed inside the back part of the skimmer beneath the basket area. The house ought to be full of water, nearly submerged as sucking air will kill the high in the pump. typically I suck the water thru the hose until it nearly reaches the quit, then submerges the hose and fix it to the skimmer.
7) Now I ought to go back to the extension pole handle, select it up and vacuum the lowest of the pool. In most pools, I love, to begin with the shallow quit and Paintings closer to the deep end. With smaller pools that are all that is required, with the average pool, one vacuums the shallow give up, the middle from the sides, after which the shallow quit from that gives up of the pool, traveling in a circle around the pool. Each time you push the vacuum head forwards, then turn, pull back in another row, then step to the fact, push forwards, flip the top, than-then pull returned, then step once more. After some time you’ll decide simply how some distance to step to align the line within the dust on the bottom with the width of the vacuum head. At that point, You may vacuum a pool inside the darkish without missing anything and leaving dust stripes inside the pool. it is just like mowing a lawn. The outside wheels of the lawn mower overlap barely to make certain you have got perfect insurance. A vacuum head is used within the equal manner.
eight) by using now the entire backside is cleaned, the tile is smooth, and the pool is freed from any debris. The most effective aspect left to easy is the dust on the walls and steps. It is time to disconnect the vacuum head, roll up my hose and reattach the wall brush. Brush down the partitions (from the tile down) and steps, making sure that you cover The whole lot that vacuuming failed to get. Brushing on the threshold of skimmers, steps, and ladders is important. Always be diligent about brushing all tops and front edges of the stairs as algae will start there quickest. Be careful with any area of the pool this is in color frequently, as that is additionally a top region in which algae will start.
9) cast off your wall brush and get your equipment equipped to leave the yard (rolling up the hose and accumulating vacuum head, wall brush, and internet related to pole) and head returned to the pump and filter out the region.
10) flip off the move and empty the pump basket again. Backwash the clear out. If the filter is D.E. (diatomaceous earth) the take care of will usually be in the down locked position, if it is a sand filter out, it’ll be in the upright locked position. Placed the deal with inside the backwash position and flip the move on. Allow it run for about a complete minute. If there is a lot of dust coming out you may want to Permit it to run for a couple minutes, however, be careful you don’t lower the pool water degree too much. also, if there may be sand coming from the backwash hose, that normally means a lateral is broken and your pool clear out will want to be repaired. turn the move again on and search for dust blowback into the pool. If clean and stream have lower back, it’s miles back in prime. If it’s far a D.E. filter, then want to recharge the D.E. Use a box the dimensions of a number ten coffee to fill the filter with D.E. And pour it into the skimmer as it’s far running, being careful to wipe the excess off with water and your hand. make certain the general public of the D.E. is going down and then brush the relaxation in together with your hand. If there is a pool sweep it ought to get replaced now.
eleven) the next step When you have completed completely with lower backwashing is the final component you do as you’re getting ready to go away. take a look at the chemical compounds. Use your chemical test package. generally, that is two or 3 elements. The average pool guy uses 2 elements, using OTO and Phenol Purple reagents (take a look at chemical compounds).
A) OTO is for acidity and Phenol Red is for Chlorine stage. The chlorine level ought to be among 2.five and 3.0. If it’s far a pleasant mild yellow it is ideal. Darker yellow may be as much as 5.0. This isn’t dangerous to people but a pool inspector for the health department will close the pool till it goes down. If it appears orange or Crimson it’s far a great deal too high and you want to feature water, turn on the aerator, or upload Some chemical along with algaecide till the chlorine degree returns to an ordinary stage before all people should get into the all about swimming pool. most average swimming pools simplest need one tablet of chlorine per week for the duration of the wintry weather and at least pills per week in the summer time. I’m in Phoenix, Arizona in which there is a lot of suns mild so the chlorine dissipates more quickly than in cooler climates.
B) The Phenol Purple check should be among 7.2 and seven.6. At 8.0 or higher you should add at least one quart of acid to the pool (The acid has commands published on it typically as to what number of quarts are necessary for line with how many gallons of water the pool carries.)and go away the movement going for walks for at the least an hour while you’re including it and immediately afterwards to keep away from staining the plaster.
12) The ultimate step is to check and ensure The whole thing is right before you go away. make sure the backwash valve is within the right role. ensure your equipment is all collectively and out of the backyard. If the circulate wishes to run on a timer in preference to continuously, it wishes to be again to timer role so it’ll come on When the timer is set. When you have delivered acid, although there’s a timer, you want to Let it run for at the least an hour, maximum clients may be told to close it off and again to timer mode in an hour however if no person is domestic, you have to depart the stream strolling till the timer cuts it off on the following rotation.
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joesbrownusa · 7 years
Houses For Sale in Villa Park, IL
FOR SALE – Large Lot with Retail – A Unique Opportunity in Villa Park 348-56 N Ardmore, Villa Park IL 60181 Lot Size 14,352 sq ft Bldg 4,274 sq ft This prime property is on a busy street, which has just been street-scaped, across from the Metra Station. This creates excellent traffic in the area. The large lot is 17,100 sq ft (.39 acres) directly adjacent to the newly approved Garden Station Development. The present building covers only 25% of the lot. The property is part of the new Garden Station North Ardmore TIF District. Each of the units in the building pay their own util ities and have their own furnaces etc. This property is a unique opportunity to participate in the development and growth of this area. The Garden Station Development includes a brand new 232 unit state of the art LEED certified mixed use luxury apartment community with resort type amenities. Don’t pass on this unique opportunity DO NOT APPROACH TENANTS
Convenient bungalow that’s fully remodeled & move-in ready! New kitchen w/ white cabinetry, granite countertops & stainless steel appliances. New light fixtures, hardware & plumbing fixtures throughout! Re-finished hardwood on 1st flr. Fully finished basement w/ full bathroom. New architectural roof, windows & exterior of home/garage freshly painted. New garage door & opener. Great location, close walk to train, with low taxeswhat a deal!! 1 year Home Warranty included.
Beautiful duplex is just steps from Metra train! Large living room features sharp decor, guest closet and new wood laminate floor. Remodeled eat-in kitchen includes maple cabinets, new counter tops and fresh paint. Two bedrooms with large closets. Fully upgraded with new appliances all two years old.Nice full basement with space for office. New furnace in 2011. New roof with lifetime warranty. New gutter. It is fully upgraded. Everything looks new. Whole house is freshly painted. It is located near highways and Metra station. Don’t miss it! Make it your new home! Won’t last long.
Excellent community and great school system.
Well maintained brick MacDougall ranch with first floor family room and attached garage. Hardwood floors under carpet. Two fireplaces, one in living room and one in family room downstairs. Updated Pella windows. Bay window in kitchen eating area. House attic and garage have been insulated. New thermostatically controlled attic fan. Laundry chute. Roof is 10 years old. New boiler in June 2016. Eat-in kitchen with new stove. Beautifully landscaped lot with mature trees and perennials. Large shed for extra storage. Exposed Aggregate patio with fountain. Meticulously maintained, clean and move-in ready.
This spacious townhouse is a diamond in the rough. This lovely home has a room for everyone with eat-in kitchen plus a separate dining room, and a large living room with a view of the park. The master bedroom has its own full bath, plus two large closets. The partially finished basement includes a rec room and a large laundry room with so much storage! New roof 2016, HWH 2012, Lennox Furnace and CAC 2008, stove 2015, dishwasher 2014. This home is move in ready, don’t miss out!
List price is final price. Priced to sell fast. Not A short sale or foreclosure. Great on street location. Low low taxes. Desired District 48 schools. Newer stove and fridge. Walking distance to everything. Pool and clubhouse. Sold “AS IS” Taxes are investor taxes so taxes will be lower for new buyer.
Light, bright, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home in sought after South Villa Park. This freshly painted home has hardwood flooring, a full finished basement (with 4th bedroom), eat in kitchen and dining room. With 1,150 square feet this home has lots of closet space and big bedrooms. Exterior features a concrete turnaround driveway, large 2 car garage, deck and deep 187′ lot. Walk to town, Il Prairie Path and 1.4 miles to train. Chimney tuck pointed last summer.
Move in condition townhome with 3-bedroom and 1.1 bathroom and full basement. fresh paint, new carpet, new refrigerator and screen door. newer water heater and AC.. 1232 Sq ft with fence yard. low HOA fee, rentals allowed (use to be rent $1200/month). CLOSE TO TRAIN, SHOPPING AND EXPRESSWAYS. 1 DEEDED PARKING SPACE+EXTRA PARKING OFF STREET.
Great opportunity for Homeowner to fix up over time or for an Invester to flip! Condo/Townhome alternative for those who desire privacy, want to garden in the expansive yard, and enjoy single story living. Expanded brick ranch with tandem 3rd Bedroom or Office w exterior access for tax write off. Walk to town, IL Prairie Path, and Ardmore G.S.
Renovation loan or Cash for this home in nice neighborhood. See property disclosures for more information. Newer hardwoods on main level but several unfinished projects. Garage is a tear down. Property conveyed “AS IS”
Bring Your Clients!!! This Townhouse Is Completely Remodeled. 3 Levels Top To Bottom Everything New, Kitchen, Ss Appliances, Granite Ct, Hardwood Flrs Thru Out, New Windows, Doors, Baths!Full Finished Basement With Full Bath. Shows Great, Your Clients Will Love It. Comes With Assigned Parking and Visitor Parking. Nothing To Do Here But Move In. Fha Approved and No Rentals Allowed
A Commuters Dream! Pride of ownership shows in this adorable 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with a park-like yard! Recently renovated main level creates a modern open floorplan with high ceilings, can lights, gleaming hardwood floors and an updated kitchen. Spacious main floor bedroom and bath boasts marble floors and shower. Two additional generous sized bedroom are located in the lower level. An outdoor sanctuary with tons of perennials, a deck, patio and fully fenced deep lot.
BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED 3 BedRoom/2.1 Bath Townhouse, All new Kitchen w/beautiful wood cabinets & SS Appliances, Granite countertops, Remodeled bathrooms w/new vanities, Granite tops and all new tiling. New flooring thru-out the entire home, Custom Paint, and so much more Large outdoor Patio Plus a Large Finished Basement W/ A full bath that adds an Additional 700 SQF of Living Space. POOL & ClubHouse! A GREAT UNIT!
Investor opportunity! This property is being offered at Public Auction on 03-23-2017. Visit Auction.com now to see the Estimated Opening Bid, additional photos, Property Reports with Title information, Plat maps and Interior Inspection Reports when available. Auction.com markets Foreclosure Sale properties throughout Illinois for banks, financial institutions and government agencies who are very motivated to see these properties sell to investors. The majority of these properties are priced below market value. Don’t miss this special opportunity to buy homes at wholesale prices! In addi tion to this property, 201 other properties are scheduled for sale at this same Foreclosure Sale. In our online auctions and live Foreclosure Sales, Auction.com currently has 59 properties scheduled for sale in DuPage County and 1007 throughout Illinois. All properties and sale details can be found with a simple search at Auction.com. Create a FREE account today to find more properties like this one, save searches of properties that meet your investment criteria and have the properties you’re looking for emailed directly to you when posted in an upcoming sale event. To view the complete details of this exact property, click the Auction.com link below or paste the Property ID 2327459 into the search bar at Auction.com
Quality Ranch, freshly painted, with newly refinished hardwood floors and newer vinyl windows. Finished basement has a full bath and room for a third bedroom. Backyard features a spacious deck.
A truly sought after Brandywine unit, one story brick townhouse w/attached garage w/full finished basement. Completely, tastefully updated, nothing to do, just move in. See for yourself sunlight drench, fully equipped and UPDATED ceramic and granite eat-in-kitchen; breakfast bar and space for breakfast table; access to one car attached garage. Spacious living room with beautiful beamed ceiling and brand new windows to front private English style front yard. Brick mural fence with wrought iron gate, lovely! Quality work in everything done here. Main level boast beautiful hardwood floors and fresh new carpeting, new closet doors, new lighting, new windows, quality new sliding doors to side court yard new privacy fence. Ceramic main level bath. The finished lower level has second ceramic full bathroom. Plenty of storage in large laundry room. New furnace, updated electrical. FIREPLACE is optional. Oak Brook Mall, Roosevelt Shopping, your choice!! Easy to tour, do not miss it! Call us today
Spacious 3 bedroom 1-½ bath split level in great location – walking distance to Metra station is an awesome value. Features an open first level floor plan, living room with vaulted ceiling opens to 16 x 13 eat-in kitchen. 3 spacious second level bedrooms with hardwood under carpet. Lower level with massive family room, ½ bath and laundry area. Rear deck, fenced yard, 2 car garage and concrete driveway. Hurry, will not last!!!
Why rent when you can own!!! Very nice, updated 2 story brick townhome with full basement in Villa Park! 2 spacious bedrooms with plenty of closet space, 1.1 luxurious bathrooms with granite countertops and dark cherry cabinets, hardwood floors throughout accented by white door and trim. Eat-in kitchen with granite countertops/backsplash and 42 inch maple cabinetry, fully drywalled basement. Private outdoor patio for your summer enjoyment. Nothing to do but move-in!!! Very nice subdivision with clubhouse, pool, park and playground close to highways, airports, transportation and shopping . Highly ranked schools! Property may qualify for State Downpayment Assistance.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-villa-park-il/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157923066865
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