#so that one outfit lena wears in season 6... yeah
mustapartart · 1 year
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Downtime 💋
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zoeekar · 6 years
Going through all Lena Luthor scenes with my best friend (season 3 edition, pt4)
Ahh, I tried to post everything before 03x18 dropped, but life has been... unkind lately and I’m just dead. And I also didn’t have enough time to write everything down as fast as I wanted to. Anyways, I’ll have her watch the 3x18 scenes tomorrow so there’s that!
03x11 Fort Rozz
Her: The hell was that? Did they really bring her in for a 30-second scene? Sidenote, I liked her hair in this one. Me: They probably shot more scenes with her though? Like, for other episodes. Her: Yeah, but why not use her more in an episode if she’s already there? Oh, and I can’t wait for her to see the fist imprint on her desk.
03x12 For Good (yet another (super lengthy) Lena-centric episode for our viewing pleasure!)
Her: OH. Right. (she saw Lena and James together) Bitch, if she wants to join in a meeting, she will join the meeting! She’s the boss, after all, she can do whatever she wants.
*Edge appears* Her: Why the fuck is he still here??
*Edge: I don’t have to kill you, Lena. You already did.* Her: I wanna reach in there and punch him.
*Lena: Burn in hell, Edge.* Her: Please let this be foreshadowing (she really hates Edge, you guys, I’m living 😂)
Her: Again, I love her (Lena’s) clothes. Maybe that bad outfit was a one-time thing...
*Kara catches the keys mid-throw* Her: Why is no one finding this weird? Does she do that all the time? Maybe it’s her party trick. Maybe that’s what they do when they’re bored at work. Throw shit at her and see if she’ll catch them *laughs*
*interaction with Edge* Her: So what? Is this a battle to the death now? Because it was all sunshine with him before and now he’s taken it seriously? And she’s only tried to kill him once! He has no right to talk.
*James: He’s tried to kill Lena plenty of times and she’s never retaliated. Lena:*
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Her: If that face doesn't scream “innocent”, I don’t know what does *laughs*
Her: Poor thing is so tired of people coming after her though... She doesn’t deserve this!
*Eve hands Lena the coffee* Her: So many alarm bells just went off in my head. Don’t drink this, it’s poisoned!
*Lena falls down* Her: Oh my god, I felt this in my stomach. You know how when something happens or someone gets hurt and you feel some tingling or some weird shit like that? I felt it.
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Her: Aww, she didn’t even change into her costume. Wait though, why is her (Lena’s) neck so stiff? Like she’s holding it up. And her hand is on Kara’s back too! Is she even unconscious? *laughs*
Her: Look at Dr. Grey go.
Her: Okay. Another assassination attempt thwarted. We can breathe again.
*Lena: We were flying and you were carrying me. Kara; I was? Like Supergirl? I wish!* Her: Bitch!
Her: Wait wait wait. Wait. What the hell is she doing back at the office?? She was just poisoned, she almost died and they just let her go? They could have sent her to a regular hospital if they didn’t want her to be in their secret base when she woke up, the fuck??
*Lena: Kara? Maybe you don’t know what I am. James: Hey, I know you.* Her: Excuse you? Since when? Who the hell wrote this?? I don’t have a problem with James, but dude. He does not know Lena better than Kara, what is this shit??
*Lena: Great. I feel better.* Her: She needs a hug so bad... And probably some therapy.
*The Dissolving Bullet Project* Her: I knew her mum was behind it! That’s where they’re getting at, right? Her mother is back?
Her: I knew her mum was behind it!
Her: She’s still calling her “mother” instead of “mum”. She’s still pissed and I don’t blame her.
*Lena: Other than Edge’s obsession with me, I am great.” Her: Yeah you are! You’re awesome!
Her: Okay. You know what? She (Lillian) is not exactly wrong. Like, if I were Lena, and I had bought that magazine, I wouldn’t go to work there, you know? I’d sent Sam over there and I’d stay at L-Corp. She (Lena) is a scientist, after all, she said it herself she doesn’t know anything about running a media empire. So why not stay at L-Corp and do what she does best?
*Lillian: Please let me prove to you how much I love you.* Her: It’s so sad to see her (Lillian) exploiting her (Lena) so... I don't know, so shamelessly? She knows exactly what her daughter wants and needs (she means Lillian’s love and approval), and she’s using that against her all the time! It’s toxic and she needs to run far far away.
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Her: I’m so used to seeing her change like two or three outfits per episode, now it seems weird she’s still wearing what she was wearing in the beginning *laughs* Not that it’s bad, it’s actually a really nice suit. And awww, she looks so troubled and sad, poor cutie...
Her: So... Are they (Alex and Sam) a thing now? Cause I could see it happening.
Her: Awww I feel so bad for her (Sam)...
*Lena: I tried to kill Edge.* He: Oh right, I forgot not everyone knows this by now  *laughs* Also, she tells this to Kara, not James, who, you know, apparently knows her better than Kara does now...
*Lena: I’m smart. Cunning, strategic, I think steps ahead of most people.* Her: And she needed her mother to tell her??
*Kara: And you needed your mother to remind you of that?* Her: THANK YOU
*Kara: I’ve seen your trophies.* Her: So Kara has been to Lena’s house? When do we get to see that?? I wouldn’t be surprised if she lived in her office or like... had a room built underneath the building or something.
*Lena: And I’m gonna need your help.* Her: Her (Kara’s) help or Supergirl’s help?
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Her: Boooobs. (also, Kara’s face in that screenshot tho 😂)
Her: I like how “mouth breather” is an insult. (we don’t have this expression here)
Her: *laughs* Why is she (Lena) looking at her (Kara) like she’s about to devour her?? (we all know what she’s talking about)
Her: That guard is gonna have to explain how he got his ribs broken... And, as much as I liked the line, he was doing his job, right? Dunno. Maybe he could have been less grabby...
 Her: He (Edge) is probably trying to overcompensate for something with his two big pools. Just saying.
*Lena: Because you screwed with her daughter.* Her: I mean... I mean... I don’t know. This family is weird.
How hilarious would it be if she (Lillian) had also hacked those drones so that they would flip him (Edge) off?
Her: You know what I find weird? That no matter how well-dressed and everything she (Lena) is, her nails are never done in any way. (guys. She noticed the nails 😂)
*Edge hides behind a man so that he won’t get shot* Her: What a fucking coward.
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Her: Fuck off, now even he knows Kara is Supergirl!
Her: I like it when she (Lena) is so cold and calm actually. Dunno why.
*Edge’s confession* Her: *laughs* Can you imagine if she had forgotten to press record? *laughs more*
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Her: *dies laughing*
*Supergirl: Suit’s a bit much, don’t you think? Lillian: Says the girl in the cape.* Her: What are you comparing? That suit is ridiculous and hilarious!
*Lena drops the recorder* Her: For fuck’s sake, get your shit together.
*Mon-El appears* Her: Oh. I know him.
*Edge gets the recorder (really slowly if I might add, I mean come on!)* Her: *rolling her eyes* Lena always has more than enough time to do shit and she never does anything! Because she’s- staring at Supergirl or something.
*Lena chasing Edge* Her: *laughs* She can never run properly, it’s always so funny.
Her: At least she (Lena) makes up for it in kicks. And punches, that girl’s (she means Jack’s CFO as I’ve come to understand) eye is probably still bruised *laughs* (I think she thinks she's really funny...)
*Mon-El: Miss Luthor. Glad to see you’re okay. Lena: Yeah. I could say the same thing about you...* Her: *laughs* Yeah, cause that’s the face you make when you’re really glad.
*Lena: You know where to find me. My name’s on the building.* Her: *snorts* I love her.
Her: So wait. that asshole is gone?? Me: For now, yeah. Her: Finally! Me: You can breathe again? Her: I hated him so much. Me: Yeah, no shit.
*Lena: You wanna know why I’m not a killer? Friends.* Her: That... Makes no sense? So what, people with no friends are killers? Or does she mean that she would be a killer if she didn’t have friends? Is this foreshadowing again? Cause we know she’s been fighting with Supergirl so that’s like minus one friend for her, and then she’s gonna find out Kara is Supergirl so she'll be fighting with Kara, so she’ll be without both her best friends. And then that other girl (Sam) is probably gonna die too, and then she (Lena) is gonna turn evil. There. I wrote the rest of the season. Though I’m not sure I want her to turn evil. She’s too nice for that, its hard to imagine that after going through so much, she’ll snap because of that... I dunno how I feel about it (the eternal struggle of “Lena is too good to be evil” and “Lena would be too good if she was evil”)
*Kara: That’s what friends are for.* Her (to me): Thank you for being my friend so I don’t have to go out and kill people.
*Lena: Yeah, Kara... I saw Mon-El. He was here with Supergirl.* Her: I love how she just told her right away that she saw Mike. I’m not even gonna comment on the fact that she still hasn’t put two and two together and figured out that she saw him with fucking Kara though. Ugh!
*Kara: It’s complicated. I’ll tell you about it.* Her: Like hell, you will.
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Her: She looks so pretty! Stop!
*Alex: I’ll figure it out. Lena: We all will.* Her: Well, we all know who ended up figuring it out.
Sia watches the Lena Luthor Show Season 2          Season 3 Part 1 (x)          Part 1 (x) Part 2 (x)          Part 2 (x) Part 3 (x)          Part 3 (x) Part 4 (x)          Part 5 (x) Part 5 (x)          Part 6 (x) Part 6 (x)          Part 7 (x)                          Part 8-?~Coming Soon
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otomefeels · 7 years
Luke - Somewhere I have never travelled. Part 6. (END) (NSFW)
Remember this? I finally got it done. Sorry for the long wait! Mature for... well      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The end, for now. Might write more like, but think of this like a season 1. 
I thought that I'd been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life – Shawn Mandes
 Everything seemed so dull all of a sudden.
One would think that it took more than 4 days to get used to roaming the halls of castles, but in my case, I felt exactly like that. I missed the grandness, the beautiful garden, and the atmosphere. I could do without the snobby prince and the constant reminder of what class I belonged to, but for 4 days, I felt like I was a little more than just a college student.
And, of course, I missed Luke.
Louise had been told everything, some passages in great detail, and I saw the same magic in her eyes that I had felt that last night. In her words, it had been my very own fairytale; I just didn’t get my happy ending. It was ironic, really, it all started because I had a crush on a man, but I had never expected that he would be capable of shattering me into pieces.
It was childish of me, perhaps, but I let my life be paused while I tried to mend not only my heart but myself as well. Classes were skipped, socializing was at a minimum and I generally did little else than trying to forget the brunette. As hard as that was…
‘’Mhmm…’’ I hummed, barely looking up at Louise.
She stood by the window, but I couldn’t tell what she was looking at from my position on the couch. I noticed it was raining, though, again.
‘’You haven’t been outside in two days, don’t you think that you should get some fresh air?’’ She asked while turning around, looking at me.
‘’It’s raining.’’
‘’So? Rain is nice to walk in.’’ She smiled, but there was something unusual about it.
I looked at her for a bit, trying to figure out what motive she could possibly have to get me out of the apartment, but I couldn’t think of any plausible reason. Her boyfriend was out of town and as far as I knew, she didn’t have any plans with friends.
‘’If you don’t want to look at me, then say so,’’ I grumbled and looked away, knowing that I had no right to be a bitch around her when she had done nothing but help.
‘’Don’t be like that… You’re just moping around all day, I thought you might feel a little refreshed after a walk,’’ she sighed, keeping her glance on me even when I didn’t answer her. When I stayed silent, she let out a huff. ‘’At least take out the trash then, it’s your turn.’’    
My head fell back against the couch. Taking out the trash was the last thing I wanted but when I looked back up at her, I instantly knew that arguing with her would not end well for me. Sighing deeply and exaggerated, I dragged myself up and moved to the kitchen. I grabbed the bag of trash, bringing it with me to the front door where I slipped into a pair of sneakers without tying the shoelaces.
I trudged outside with a sour face and continued down the stairs. I hoped that I wouldn’t run into anyone as I really wasn’t interested in having a conversation with anyone. Much to my relief, I hadn’t met anyone as I reached the bottom of the stairs and I was quite positive that I wouldn’t run into anyone outside when it was raining.
Oh, how wrong I was.
I saw the black car as I stepped outside but what caught my attention wasn’t it, but the man who was leaning against it. The rain drops hitting my skin went unnoticed as I stood still, wearing a pair of untied sneakers, leggings and an oversized, blue sweatshirt with my college logo on the front, and the trash bag was dropped the instant he looked at me. I caught my breath when I saw how drenched he was and I had to stop myself from running towards him.
‘’How long have you been out here?’’ I asked and allowed myself to step closer to him, leaving the trash bag behind me.
‘’Honestly, I’m not sure.’’ He spoke and cast his eyes down.
A short silence fell between us as neither knew what to say.
‘’I-uh, you forgot this.’’ He spoke after a moment.
I looked down at his hands, noticing the article of clothing he was holding. It looked as drenched as he was and it took me a couple seconds before I realized what it was.
‘’You drove all the way here because I forgot a cardigan?’’ I asked and hesitated for a moment before moving closer to him so he could give it to me.
‘’Well… yes.’’ He breathed.
My eyes lingered on his face and I just wanted him to look at me. When he didn’t, my own glance fell down as well.
‘’Is this all? I mean, is this the only reason that you came here?’’ I asked, instantaneously hating myself for even asking in the first place when I dreaded the answer.
I watched as his lips pressed together into a thin line and his expression turned solemn. When he didn’t respond, I took the silence as his reply and I felt the well-known feeling of tears pressing on.
‘’Thank you for bringing me this,’’ I breathed, doing my very best at keeping myself from crying in front of him.
I turned around. Struggling with the tears and desperately holding a sob back in my throat, I hurried back to the door. As my hand found the door handle, he finally spoke behind me.
‘’Please wait,’’ He pleaded.
I did stop, but I couldn’t make myself look at him.
‘’Please, I… I came here because I wanted to see you.’’
That sentence made me turn around.
He looked awfully flustered but at the same time relieved, like he finally said what he had driven a couple of hours to say. Even so, he didn’t know what to do next. I felt my face soften and I dared to breathe again.
‘’Come with me.’’
After a change into a pair of dry sweatpants and a plain, white T-shirt, lent by Louise’s boyfriend, I was alone with Luke in my room, sitting on my tiny couch, which barely had enough place for two grown people. We both had a cup of coffee and absolutely no idea what to say. It was downright strange but also amusing to see him in the most casual clothes I could think of. He looked so out of place and a bit uncomfortable in the outfit, but it would have to do until his own had dried.
‘’Thank you… for the clothes, I mean,’’ he spoke up before clearing his throat.
‘’Louise had them. Her boyfriend usually leaves some of his stuff around. It’s lucky that you’re about the same size,’’ I spoke, trying not to seem awkward but it was awfully hard.
‘’Yeah, that’s… lucky,’’ he murmured and looked down, leaving us to an awkward silence.
‘’Listen, Luke,’’ I started, determined to get some truth out of him, ‘’It's been two weeks, why didn’t you come sooner?’’
‘’Because I didn’t you would want to see me again after we… after what I said…’’ He spoke and looked at me. When he saw the expression on my face, his own twisted into a mixture of shame and regret. ‘’You have to understand, I didn’t believe that I deserved you, and I still somewhat don’t, but I couldn’t just leave things as they were because I… I have feelings for you.’’ His cheeks turned crimson as he spoke and his eyes fled from mine.
‘’Oh, Luke…’’ I breathed and took both his hands with mine, ‘’Of course you are. What would make you think otherwise?’’  
‘’Well, I’m a butler for the royal family of Liberty, and I’ll never be anything else.’’
‘’Do you even hear yourself? You work for the royal family! I’m just a college student, Luke. Even if it mattered, it should be the other way around.’’ I smiled at him.
‘’Are you sure? My work hours are-‘’
‘’Listen to me; I don’t care about any of that. I don’t care whether you think you deserve me or not because you so fucking do, and I don’t care about how were going to make it work because I’ll dedicate all the time in the world to it. Hell, I can even live with hearing the Prince call me condescending things, I just want to be with you, Luke.’’
I had never been kissed so quickly.
There wasn’t a lot of room between us, to begin with, but nonetheless, it was quickly closed by him. He leaned in, tipping his head slightly to the side so our noses wouldn’t crash together as his lips locked with mine. His hands framed my face while mine went up to cover his, desperate to keep him close.
The spontaneous kiss ended just as quickly as it had begun when a knock on the door startled us both. We flew apart like a couple of teenagers, faces red like strawberries. I cleared my throat.
The door opened and Louise peeked inside, definitively knowing that she had just interrupted something.
‘’I kinda forgot about some stuff I had to do, so I’ll head out for a while.’’ She smiled, eyes darting back and forth between me and Luke. She obviously knew what had just happened.
‘’That… yeah, alright. I’ll see you later,’’ I spoke. The burning in my cheeks wasn’t exactly helping with my embarrassment.
She stifled a laugh and did a quiet wave before closing the door, leaving us in silence.
‘’I’m… I’m not sure what to do now…’’ He admitted when I glanced back at him and I couldn’t help but smile.
‘’Well, you could kiss me again.’’
‘’That’s the second time you’ve told me to do that.’’ He smiled faintly.
‘’And yet you’re still not fulfilling my request,’’ I smirked and got him to chuckle softly, easing the tension.
‘’I’m sorry.’’
‘’You’ve still got time to amend for your mistakes,’’ I joked and watched as he leaned closer to me, closing the gap between us yet again.
‘’I’m relieved,’’ he breathed and from the look in his eyes, I understood that he honestly meant it.
I felt my expression soften while I ever so slightly tilted my head to the side. His eyes watched mine as they flickered between his and his lips, eagerly anticipating them. 
My breathing stilled expectantly and the few seconds he let me wait nearly drove me crazy. However, when his lips pressed against mine, everything else but him was long forgotten.
It was crazy how different a kiss could feel. It wasn’t heated or filled with lust, but it was so slow and tender like we finally had all the time in the world to simply relish the feelings of the other’s lips. 
His hands moved, one of them hesitatingly settling on my thigh while the other found my side. Both of mine went up as I let one sneak around his shoulders and the second was used to touch the back of his head. Compared to the night on the balcony, it felt much more intimate, even without the beautiful gown and the surroundings.
All I needed was him.
At some point, the innocent kiss turned into something more, something much deeper. I wasn’t sure who had taken it in that direction, but I certainly didn’t mind the added heat. In a perfect world, I would have made sure where his boundaries were, but when his thumb started to go in circles on my inner thigh, it was the last thing on my mind. 
I inched closer to him, but I wasn’t satisfied. Driven by the spur of the moment and the heated way his lips continued to find mine, I moved quickly and easily while our lips were locked together. A moment later, I was straddling him with his hands on my hips and we both took a second to breathe. Our eyes met and I absolutely fell in love with the expression on his face.
He looked dazed, eyes half lidded and a faint line of red spread across his nose and touched each cheek. His breathing was as quick as mine and as he looked at me with that expression, I felt a fire flare up inside me.  My hands framed his face as I leaned down, nearly crushing my lips against his as I kissed him hard. His hands moved as he returned my heated kiss and they easily found their way beneath my sweatshirt. I moaned his name against his lips as his fingers grasped my skin, resettling on my hips. The feeling of his fingertips digging into my bare skin was enough to drive me crazy, but I wanted to much more.
I caught his lip between my teeth before basically attacking him with heated frenzy. He followed my pace with the same passion while his hands moved upwards, exploring my skin beneath the sweatshirt. I dipped down when fingertips brushed over a ticklish spot and the sudden contact prompted a moan from Luke. Our faces turned red in unison, his more intense than mine when we both realized what had just happened. The fact that he was wearing sweatpants didn’t exactly help him hide it but as flustered as he looked, it only fueled the fire in my stomach.
I kissed him with renewed passion and began grinding my hips down against him, earning multiple small moans from him.
‘’If-if you keep doing that…’’ He swallowed, his voice breathless.
‘’If you don’t want to then I’ll stop,’’ I breathed, giving him time to answer before finding his lips again with my own.
‘’No, that… god no.’’ His breathing hitched.
‘’Good. If you think we’re moving too quickly, then-‘’
‘’Do you?’’ He asked me before kissing me quickly.
‘’I don’t care how we do things according to standards. I went to Liberty with a crush on you and when I left I… you were…’’ I spoke in-between quick breaths and hesitated until our eyes met. ‘’I’m quite positively in love with you,’’ I admitted and quickly had his lips press against mine.
His kiss was overwhelming.
My hips stilled as I let myself be consumed by his lips and the passion they conveyed. He caught me off guard by standing and bringing me with him. I wrapped my legs around his hips and arms around his neck, keeping our lips locked as he brought us to my bed a short distance away from the couch. I found myself on my back with my arms above my head and my legs still wrapped around him while he was leaning in over me.
God, it was a sight that I would never forget. However, I quickly thought of a way to improve it.
I grabbed his t-shirt by the collar, for a moment forgetting that it wasn’t actually his, and pulled him down. My lips caught his in a quick kiss before I tugged the t-shirt, pulling it over his head and exposing his lean torso to me. He quickly complied, shifting his weight so he could completely remove it himself. Considering he was a butler and worked most of his day, he was in surprisingly good shape.
Never mind how amazing he looked when looming in over me like that, I switched us around. My sudden action took him by surprise and when he saw the look I was giving him while moving backward, he had to swallow. As much as I enjoyed his reaction, it only got better as I let my hand travel down his bare chest before palming his erection through the sweatpants. He let out a low moan while his eyes met mine for a short moment. My smirk told him everything he needed to know and a shade of dark red appeared in his cheeks.
I took my place between his legs and placed my weight on my elbows as I used both hands to pull the sweatpants down. When he lifted his hips to make it easier, I hooked my fingers beneath the hem of his boxers and pulled both layers down at once. A groan got stuck in his throat when he was suddenly exposed and I felt his muscles twitch. I didn’t hesitate to move my hands and placed my left on his lower stomach, guiding his hips back down so he lay flat against the mattress. My right closed around his member and he nearly moaned from the contact alone.
It wasn’t a surprise to me that he was vocal, but I hadn’t imagined how much his sounds spurred me on before they made my skin tingle and had lust pooling in my stomach.  
So, with the intention of making him squirm and having his sounds as a strong motivator to achieve just that, I let my tongue travel from the base of the shaft and upwards. To tease him a bit, I did it slowly and was rewarded by a throaty moan. I glanced up at him, catching the sight of one of his hands gripping the sheet tightly while the other tried to cover his red face as much as it possibly could.
My hand found his and untangled his fingers from the sheet before guiding it down to my head. Meanwhile, I adjusted my position slightly before wrapping my lips around him. He immediately tangled his fingers in my hair and grabbed a fistful of it. He choked on a moan and I felt my scalp tingle as his grip tightened, but it wasn’t painful. In fact, it only made me more excited.
I kept it slow when I began to bob my head up and down, moving my hand in the same rhythm. The muscles beneath my hand on his stomach flexed while he did his best to keep his moans back, but those that fell from his lips were music to my ears. I gave the head a soft suck before drawing back a bit and taking a few quick breaths. My hand gave him a few quick strokes before I gave his length another long lick, stimulating him as much as I could in different ways. My tongue flicked across the head before I swallowed him again, listening to him as he slowly lost himself. The hand in my hair trembled as I sucked and he let out a long moan. The bed creaked as he leaned his head back and his hips twitched, resulting in me pressing my hand down to keep him still. He was breathless and when I focused on the head, his other hand joined the one in my hair.  
‘’Oh… fuck.’’ His voice shook and his eyebrows knitted together as he closed his eyes.
I pulled off him and had to chuckle.
‘’So that’s what it takes to make you cuss.’’ I smiled at him.
‘’You stopped to tell me-ah!‘’ He began but interrupted himself by moaning when my tongue swirled around the head.
‘’Oh, no… I have another reason,’’ I spoke as I sat up on my knees and pulled the sweatshirt over my head.
He used his elbows to push himself up, watching me with great interest as I proceeded to strip down to my underwear. He didn’t know where to look, especially not when I began crawling towards him, and I watched as his eyes flickered between my face and body. His eyes followed me as I moved closer to him and his lips found mine when I was within range. His right hand moved to my back and found the bra clasp. His fingers fidgeted with it for a few seconds before he got it open, leaving me to slide the straps off my shoulders.
We moved together, somehow agreeing on lying on our side without saying anything, and I smiled as he kept kissing me while his hand moved up my side. He titled me over so I lay on my back while his hand moved to my chest. I let out a soft moan when he cupped one of my breasts and his lips traveled down my neck. I hummed with appreciation as his lips focused on my neck and his hand began caressing my breast. His movements were tender and careful, leaving me to slowly melt beneath his hands and lips.
I leaned my head back, offering him a better access to my neck, and I closed my eyes when his hand traveled downwards. He didn’t hesitate, but his movements felt unsure so I moved my hand down to find his. Our lips reunited as I guided his hand down, slipping beneath my underwear. I moaned softly against his lips as he touched me exactly where it made my pulse race and my breathing hitch.
‘’Mmm, yeah, just go in circles like that,’’ I instructed him before kissing him hard.
Maybe it was a natural thing for him, but he was certainly impeccable at following instructions and he seemed to gain confidence as my moans gradually became louder. He tried a few things, carefully listening to my sounds and using them as indicators to whether I liked it or not when I didn’t tell him myself. I kept kissing him and rocked my hips against him while my breathing quickened. Then he did something wonderful.
I felt the familiar rush as his touch was slowly building me up, raising me to the height I needed before I could fall. A shaky moan escaped me and I pressed myself against him in desperation.
‘’Oh god, don’t stop.’’ I practically begged and rocked against his hand, toes digging themselves into the sheet.
‘’I won’t.’’ His voice was hoarse and right next to my ear, intensifying the rush I was feeling.
Then, I was already dancing on the edge, his lips pressed against the soft spot behind my ear and I listened to his quick breathing. Teeth scraped against my skin when lips weren’t occupying the spot and I drew a quick breath, gladly welcoming the incoming wave of warmth and pleasure. My jaw snapped shut as my body trembled and when my lips parted again, it was to release a breathless moan.
I climaxed while trembling, clinging to Luke as if I was holding on for my dear life, and I let out a long moan. My head fell back before my body followed, muscles relaxing and my breathing gradually calming. When I had regained some of my brain functions, both my hands moved to cover my face shortly before pushing my hair back. When I opened my eyes, I found Luke looking at me before his lips met mine.
‘’Sounds like I did alright,’’ he spoke with a small smile.
‘’You did more than that, trust me.’’ I chuckled before letting my hand reach down between us.
I kissed him as my hand closed around his shaft, leaving him to keep a moan back in his throat. I chuckled against his lips and turned him over, placing myself on top of him. I licked my lips as I gazed down at him, meeting his eyes. They were filled with fascination as he studied me, his hands finding my thighs and moving upwards from there, reaching my sides and grasping them.
‘’You’re absolutely amazing.’’ He suddenly spoke and sounded as if he was simply thinking out loud.
I blinked and felt the heat creep into my cheeks while he looked like he had no idea that he had just said that out loud or simply didn’t mind saying it.
‘’Luke… you’re really…’’ My voice trailed off with a smile while I shook my head softly.
He looked at me with a puzzled look as I leaned down, finding his lips effortlessly. I kept occupying his lips with my own while I moved, slightly adjusting my position. I leaned back as I lowered myself, watching him bite his lip as he slipped inside me. I let out a faint moan as his nails dug into my skin once I sat still. I took a moment to adjust and simply enjoyed the look of bliss on his face. Then, I began moving my hips.
I started slowly. My hands moved to his chest, steadying myself as I settled into a slow but precise rhythm. His hands caressed my sides as I moved and he let out sounds of appreciation and soft moans. I would never get tired of hearing his voice and it only motivated me to increase my pace. I experimented with the angle, listening to him moan faintly and feel his hands moving, touching every spot they could reach. It didn’t take long before I found the one and tossed my head back as I let out a moan. It made a shiver run through me as I hit the spot again.
‘’Oh fuck, that’s good,’’ I spoke hastily while I closed my eyes, knowing exactly what would happen if I kept going and it was definitely my intention to reach that exact outcome. However, Luke had other plans.
I was caught off guard as he suddenly grasped my sides and turned us over. I took a quick breath when I found myself beneath him.
‘’Someone’s getting confident.’’ I smiled up at him as I pushed myself up on my elbows, catching his lips in a quick kiss.  
He deepened the kiss as he pushed into me, leaving me to sigh longingly against his lips. My arms moved around his neck, bringing him with me as I leaned back. One hand traveled down his back, feeling his skin before digging my nails into it when he started to move his hips. He started slow, which suited me just fine, and I let out a soft moan containing his name next to his ear. His breathing turned shaky as he buried his face against the side of my neck.
‘’I want all of you… God, I just… I just want to touch all of you,’’ I whispered and pressed my legs against his hips, suddenly afraid that he would leave again.
My embrace around him tightened as I let out a moan when he angled his hips just right and his lips and tongue explored my neck. They moved up, tracing my neck to my jawline before finding my lips in a sweet but long kiss.
His right hand moved to my hip and his left above my head, using it for support as he quickened the pace. We settled into a rhythm, more precise than quick, and it suited me just fine. I melted beneath him as he stroked the magical spot, again and again, forcing me closer and closer to the edge each time.
I kissed him as much as I could, but I was soon enough reduced to just a moaning mess. My arms were thrown around his neck to keep him close to me. His breathing was right next to my ear, letting me know just how erratic it was, matching my own.
‘’Luke!’’ I gasped his name, arching up against him as I was drastically nearing my end.
His nails dug into my hip as his response, increasing the pace just enough to finally make me climax with a moan. He followed suit quickly, thrusting a few more times to ride out his orgasm while he let out a low moan in my ear.
It took a moment before either of us moved. As out breathing calmed, he moved to lie beside me before leaning over and giving me a quick kiss.
‘’Well, this is not how I usually start relationships,’’ I laughed, snuggling closer to him.
‘’I hope not,’’ he smiled as he drew me closer.
It was so strange. Five hours ago, I was convinced that I would never see him again, let alone properly heal from the experience. Now, it almost felt unreal.
‘’I’m glad I kissed you,’’ I smiled before kissing him softly, admiring the look on his face.
‘’I’m just glad that you’re braver than I am,’’ he murmured, returning the kiss in a much gentler fashion.  
Deep down, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but it was worth it.
Luke was worth it.
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