#so my heart goes out to those kids experiencing horrors beyond my comprehension
little-klng · 2 years
yknow at least the good thing about how terminally online we are is that the influencer parents on youtube are doing their part to make fully sure that the next generation will be as little online as they possibly could be through traumatizing them and making it so that their entire childhood is publicly available information that will follow them forever and make them never want to look at a social media ever again
this post goes out to the kids in the next 5 or 10 years who will be old enough to have their own phones and are just gonna treat their high tech smart phones like cheap flip phones and panic at the idea of being recorded by someone against their will forever. if you somehow see this im so fucking sorry and i hope you manage to cut your parents out of your lives and sue them for what they did to you.
i want to live to see the precedent set when children of youtube families grow up and are able to sue their parents for putting so much of their personal lives online without consent for money that they never even saw, and i want your new generation to be the one to do it. crush your parents into the dirt and wipe your shoes on them on your way into therapy and adulthood
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