#so im trying to set the groundwork with LOTS OF TAGS..
itglaresatyou · 2 years
future plans for this blog
- i will be tagging all common things that need content warnings as needed, if i miss something you can always ask me to tag! either by sending me a pm or an ask, either is fine! i’m unsure if this is needed (esp for like. kn!ves and stuff since thats part of her character in the game), but i still will because u never know <3 
- i am going to attempt to create a tag for each of her outfits, but i’m going to do that on a later date since it would involve me retagging every single post this far! 
- at some point i think i’m gonna make a rentry with links to all the tags i use and what they’re for! so its easy for you to find a specific post and if you happen to need to blacklist any tags, you can easily find what it’ll be tagged as!
- i will not be tagging things as doodles since it’s not my place to decide what is and isn’t a doodle! so everything that’s drawn will be under the main #art tag, with specific sub tags for digital art and traditional art!
- i always tag the artist to help with future archival uhh.. yknow. if you’d like me to UNTAG your works or to tag them with a different tag, just shoot me a message! 
- i’m still undecided on my decision to include ship content or not, so for now the only ship content i will be reblogging is going to be mewdyne since it’s canon that she has a crush on undyne! blacklist #mewdyne if you don’t want to see it!
- i'm also undecided on reblogging au art since i don't know much about any au (other than inverted fate) and a lot of aus are problematic. i don't have time to vet every single au before reblogging content from it. i will probably reblog au content but PLEASE lmk if i reblog something from a problematic au!!
- this is just a little fun fact but i follow/like from @frogdadd since that was the original account i made on tumblr under this username
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thosewhowearmasks · 7 years
tagged by: @stcgnant, @lusineinthesky, and @intergalacticxmisfits (HOLY SMOKES YOU GUYS I mean thank you BUT GEEZ I feel so popular :’) )
tagging: MOST PEOPLE I WOULD TAG TAGGED ME but I still want to tag @manticxre, @thesambam, and @lostchildofthematrix
– basics.
•   name : Cel •   pronouns : they/them or she/her •   sexuality : ace •   taken or single : single
– three facts.
•   I'm pretty chill with most bugs but I'm grossed out by ants, of all things. I used to love them, I had an ant farm as a kid and everything. This lasted until a few years back when we just had a really bad ant infestation, and one day I got dressed, only to discover there was a huge ant inside the shirt I put on. •   I was about five feet away from Musical Actress and Queen Oak Joohyun (that is her official title, obviously). While waiting outside after Mata Hari in March of 2016 for the actors and actresses to come out, she passed right by, and I made eye contact and we like nodded hello to each other as she walked by. I wasn't positive it was her, but a little ways away she stopped to sign autographs, which, y'know, confirmed things pretty well. One of my deepest regrets is still that I probably could have gotten her autograph, too, but I hung back a little because I was trying to watch the door for Shin Sung Rok at the same time (who NEVER CAME OUT, that bum). I also saw Leo (though obviously he didn't stop for anything), and I said "hi" to most of the creative team (music-writer Frank Wildhorn, book-writer Ivan Menchell, and director Jeff Calhoun), because I was there THAT LONG that even the most important people left before I did. I should've asked for their autographs, too, but I was too awkward. •   One of my major hobbies for several years was cosplay. I still do it now and then (and honestly, would like to get back into it, because it largely waned when most of my interests waned for a period of time), but I haven't had any huge projects in the past few years. The last big thing I did was a costume of Loki, as portrayed in The Avengers. That costume was RIDICULOUS let me tell you. His jacket has so many seams and lines that honestly make zero sense. It's my proudest work, but also wore me down because I honestly worked steadily on it for three months and still didn't entirely finish - to this day, all the armory bits are missing.
– experience.
•   how long (months / years?) : I think my first experience with RPing was on a Les Miz bulletin board when I was like... 13? 14? I don't remember how long on and off I RPed, but a good few years, anyways. I picked it up again just shy of three years ago. •   platforms you’ve used : Message boards, Tumblr, and various IM platforms. •   best experience : Probably more general than this question is looking for, but I feel like I've been chatting with a lot more people OOC lately? And I really enjoy that.
– preferences.
•   female or male muses : Don't care~ •   fluff, angst or smut : Fluff and angst. Throw them both at me, please. Give me fluff that abruptly turns into angst and kills me. Give me angst that gets resolved and turns into fluff and melts me with cuteness. Seriously. Both, please. ...but no smut. I don't know what to do with it. •   plots or memes : Both. Both is good. Really, it depends on the situation. I like memes for forcing me to think creatively about how to, I don’t know, make a context around a single sentence, or make up an AU, or whatever. Also they’re good for quick things sometimes, if I don’t feel up to an established thread but want to write something. Plots, on the other hand, are nice for setting groundwork, especially when I’m just beginning to write with someone. I don’t like to plot out things too heavily, because I like to just write and react and see what happens, but it’s definitely helpful to plot. •   long or short replies : Whatever gets the job done. •   best time to write : For actual posts, it seems to be evenings lately, but it varies with my mood. It is more dependant on whether or not I'm on my computer now, though, because with the way I format Seonhwa's posts to indicate how she's 'speaking', doing it on mobile is a huuuuuge pain. If I'm on IM, though, I will honestly RP 24/7. •   are you like your muse(s) : Depends. Obviously there are bits and pieces in all of them. Do Young used to be the most similar, at least in regard to letting me express how I felt a lot of the time, if not strictly in actions; he's not quite so much now that he met Proxy and is doing better generally, but he has his moments. Meanwhile, Seonhwa got a lot of my likes/dislikes (plushies, snakes, snuggles...), as well as my aceness and my confusion over knowing what romantic love actually feels like and how exactly do you differentiate that from just super strong friendship.
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