#so im stuck talkign to guys and they get me to explain shit
friiday-thirteenth · 3 years
oh look friday’s ranting again but this time it’s abt school
why tf do i have to make decisions abt my future rn like bitch i just. im fucking. i have three more years of school after this one im pretty fucking sure i don’t need to worry abt what i want to do rn.
also. theres so few options to do shit in NCEAs? like. we have six subjects. three are already chosen at lvl 1 - english, mathematics, religious studies (whoop-dee-fucking-do we love catholic school) and then science is ‘highly recommended‘ which basically means you only get out of it if there’s literally no point in you continuing
and then i get two more subjects. there’s so fucking many to chose from. societies and citizenship, history, geography (ew but i am good at bullshitting answers), resistant materials (woodwork), engineering, design, accounting, outdoor ed, physical education and a whole shitton more and like. I only get two?
and it’s gonna be even more painful when maths splits into two (calculus and statistics) and science splits into. uhh. chemistry biology and physics? maybe one more idk. that’s in year thirteen and i-
bc i like maths, i like science, i like english, i like phys. ed and outdoor ed., i like woodwork, I like so many things and I could do them all without strain (yes ik there’d be strain i just mean if my brain either a) stopped fucking with me or b) i actually get diagnosed with whatever the fucks wrong with me then i’d be under regular pressure)
like rn. im passing maths with excellences. im passing english with excellences. science with excellences. everything else im like, top 3% of the class (even in pe bc like. I actually try and im not shit at it.) I’m fucking fine with everything (apart from my brain but meh).
i literally have to narrow down my future (and it is my future bc this does impact uni choices and shit) by the end of this year and i hate it
also the fucking audacity of them to focus around christianity and catholicism and not mention the shit the church did like jfc. guys you are being fucking stupid bc there are kids like me that can and will debate the teacher. I call teachers out when they’re wrong and ik that’s like. smart person being a fucking arsehole but if they’re wrong and it’s impacting a class then im gonna say something.
we can’t switch religious studies until year 13 and thats like. to theology, which would either be looking at ethics of christianity or religion depending on the year you get
like what the fuck guys i don’t want to do this i don’t want it
and also they’ve instituted this goddamn capabilities class that’s like, here’s all the expectations we have for you! complete them or we get to yell at you! and what the f u c k what the f u c k what the fuckity fuck fuck.
in conclusion school hell and wants to fuck up my life </3
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