#so if you have a question specific to how your library functions youll probably get a quicker and better answer asking the library first ^^
certifiedlibraryposts · 6 months
I've moved and want to get a library card, but my id doesn't have my current address and no mail has my name. Do I just have to wait
According to two of my local libraries' websites, they would also accept other proofs of address such as bank statements, utility bills, or rent/mortgage receipts.
That might not be universal though, so I would suggest getting in contact with your library or checking their website to get a more definite answer for you.
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hippieeloquent · 5 years
How to Frost and Decorate Cakes and Cupcakes
To see who buys cupcakes the most see below. For target cupcakes follow the link. For details on how to sell cakes to cafes see below. Individuals know a superb factor once they style it, so they are not going to want to wait until they run into you again on the flea market. What are their qualifications, and are they regulated by a professional physique, such as the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)? Are you a mother or dad who wants to begin a legit at home based business so that you are literally the one raising your youngsters? This is an important resolution and we now have mentioned this in detail right here on the weblog - How to start a cake enterprise from residence. If you are starting a small bakery enterprise in Kenya, it's crucial to have this flour in your inventory. He had to get a brand new enterprise companion; we'll name him Morsi. In darkness, these vinyl wraps can get a customer's consideration (so you're at all times capable of market your organization 24 hours a day-- even at night time!) or they could also be applied for security purposes.
Not all consumers are your prospects. Strive to make use of them to create worth for your prospects. For cakes, try out completely different strategies, ingredients, flavours and fillings. Also, I try so laborious to scale back my prices in order that I might charge less for my cakes. The Home Food License is baking cakes from your regular family kitchen. When baking issues like butter icing, save time and make a double batch. That is probably the greatest methods on the way to earn money since youll be incomes while doing what you love to do. I made this one for one in every of my partner's form of youngsters for a Harry Potter themed party. Now, they're promoting these items which are kind of a combine between a cupcake and a cake. If you're as much as the problem of arduous work and constructing a business, this type of enterprise may web out in a constructive way for you.
Hello, have you learnt of any directions for constructing the ski carry or ski resort? Although I didn't know who made this but for sure it was just a great thought. She was previous, peppered grey hair and I do not know how tall she was or what she was sporting or what she said, and really I don't know if she mentioned something in any respect. It was thick and gray and it… it matched her eyebrows! What price will your particular market bear? Your model and emblem are the 2 issues that individuals will notice, therefore it needs to be fascinating in addition to consultant. There are specialty vinyls which are reflective or luminescent (glow at nighttime). Is there any innovation you'd like to see made to the cupcake that would improve it for you? In KL itself, there are over 2 cupcake chains which are working selling cupcakes as their major enterprise all over Klang Valley.
Our cupcakes are super chic, enjoyable, and fabulous! When in doubt, simply remember that if your complete vine and leaves aren't covered in fuzz, then it isn't kudzu. At this time- kudzu covers 7.5 million acres, many in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. With Neighborhood Kitchen she might post footage, set the value, and setup her menu professionally together with her Bakery’s Model Identify. Every of those questions can affect how you must name your store. Order yours for much less utilizing websites like Vistaprint - for the time being you possibly can bag 250 business cards totally free! In light of this, how are you able to now promote your small business? Or, you may change the article adequate to make it appear like a distinct entry altogether. And hungry. The jingle of nickels and dimes in my pocked did nothing to make us really feel any higher. In right this moment's media saturated world, cost-efficient advertising is the distinction between success and failure. Behind the success of any product the one thing that plays its secret position other than the standard of the product is the packaging and its tiny particulars. One of many most fitted for meals packaging is self-cooling know-how. You possibly can learn concerning the licensing necessities by contacting the company chargeable for licenses and inspections. Lemon Cupcakes will be to die for. They are personally considered one of my favorites, they're very sunny and you may always depend on one to put a smile on your face. They're nice if you need a hint of are great should you be looking to bake something easy. I never get sick and tired with lemon cupcakes they're a great deal that can be done with them, you can also add vanilla wafers to include a hint of vanilla, they're so flexible. I love the flexibleness that comes along with them result in might still make a new recipe and you do not have to quit the lemon flavor so its a victory win situation. The first thing you'll want to consider, once you'd shortlisted sites with wedding cakes or cupcakes you prefer, is weather this online shop is genuinely how it is portraying itself to be. For example, is it displaying their pictures - and motor them? It's very easy, specifically in cupcakes' case, copying somebody else's pictures, or even buy those from the photo stock library, while thinking 'No problem, once I'll experience an order I'll learn all you should know!' Dining In While cooking dinner in might be romantic, it's better to get it done in the house of the individual with a safe kitchen. Flour dust, cross-contamination of wheat products and accidental usage of troublesome foods can cause a reaction. Cooking meals may require expensive ingredients, specially-labeled foods plus a lots of patience. For the guest new to the policies, one choice is to make available to create dessert. Ordering treats from the gluten-free bakery or picking them up from grocers with pre-baked specialized products will yield tasty choices among cupcakes, brownies, mini pies, cookies and other celiac-friendly desserts. As well as cupcake boxes designed for Christmas, Easter or children in addition there are boxes which are aimed at the popularity to include cupcakes right into a wedding. In place of a traditional wedding cake many guests will have a cupcake tower. This means that if guests have eaten enough throughout the wedding meal they are able to place their share in the wedding cake home. Cupcake gift boxes for wedding cakes are available in all sorts of designs including designs with heart shaped windows inside top to flaunt the wedding cake inside. Another great advantage of the cupcake will be the sheer variety of flavours they provide, as well as the capacity to offer multiple flavours for your function simply by creating different types of cupcakes. You could go for vanilla cupcakes, strawberry cupcakes, lemony cupcakes or any combination of flavours. Cupcakes can even be made from healthy ingredients like applesauce, strawberries, bananas or shredded carrot. To learn how to start a cupcake business follow the link. See above for cupcake business ideas today.
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44 Writing Hacks From Some of the Greatest Writers Who Ever Lived
New Post has been published on https://writingguideto.com/must-see/44-writing-hacks-from-some-of-the-greatest-writers-who-ever-lived/
44 Writing Hacks From Some of the Greatest Writers Who Ever Lived
Writing looks fun, but doing it professionally is hard. Like really hard. Why on earth am I doing this?-hard.
Which is probably why so many people want to write, yet so few actually do. But there are ways to make it easier, as many writers can tell you. Tricks that have been discovered over the centuries to help with this difficult craft.
In another industry, these tricks would be considered trade secrets. But writers are generous and they love to share (often in books about writing). They explain their own strategies for how to deal with writers block to how to make sure your computer never eats your manuscript. They give away this hard-won knowledge so that other aspiring writers wont have to struggle in the same way. Over my career, Ive tried to collect these little bits of wisdom in my commonplace book (also a writers trick which I picked up from Montaigne) and am grateful for the guidance theyve provided.
Below, Ive shared a collection of writing hacks from some amazing writers like Kurt Vonnegut, George Orwell, Stephen King, Elizabeth Gilbert, Anne Lamott, and Raymond Chandler. I hope its not too presumptuous but I snuck in a few of my own too (not that I think Im anywhere near as good as them).
Anyway, heres to making this tough job a tiny bit easier!
[*] When you have an idea for an article or a bookwrite it down. Dont let it float around in your head. Thats a recipe for losing it. As Beethoven is reported to have said, If I don’t write it down immediately I forget it right away. If I put it into a sketchbook I never forget it, and I never have to look it up again.
[*] The important thing is to start. At the end of John Fantes book Dreams from Bunker Hill, the character, a writer, reminds himself that if he can write one great line, he can write two and if he can write two he can write three, and if he can write three, he can write forever. He pauses. Even that seemed insurmountable. So he types out four lines from one of his favorite poems. What the hell, he says, a man has to start someplace.
[*] In fact, a lot of writers use that last technique. In Tobias Wolffs autobiographical novel Old School, the character types the passages from his favorite books just to know what it feels like to have those words flow through his fingertips. Hunter S. Thompson often did the same thing. This is another reason why technologies like ebooks and Evernote are inferior to physical interaction. Just highlighting something and saving it to a computer? Theres no tactile memory there.
[*] The greatest part of a writers time is spent in reading; a man will turn over half a library to make one book. Samuel Johnson
[*] Tim Ferriss has said that the goal for a productive writing life is two crappy pages a day. Just enough to make progress, not too ambitious to be intimidating.
[*] They say breakfast (protein) in the morning helps brain function. But in my experience, thats a trade-off with waking up and getting started right away. Apparently Kurt Vonnegut only ate after he worked for 2 hours. Maybe he felt like after that hed earned food.
[*] Michael Malice has advised dont edit while you write. I think this is good advice.
[*] In addition to making a distinction between editing and writing, Robert Greene advises to make an equally important distinction between research and writing. Trying to find where youre going while youre doing it is begging to get horribly lost. Writing is easier when the research is done and the framework has been laid out.
[*] Nassim Taleb wrote in Antifragile that every sentence in the book was a derivation, an application or an interpretation of the short maxim he opened with. THAT is why you want to get your thesis down and perfect. It makes the whole book/essay easier.
[*] Break big projects down into small, discrete chunks. As I am writing a book, I create a separate document for each chapter, as I am writing them. Its only later when I have gotten to the end that these chapters are combined into a single file. Why? The same reason it feels easier to swim seven sets of ten laps, than to swim a mile. Breaking it up into pieces makes it seem more achievable. The other benefit in writing? It creates a sense that each piece must stand on its own.
[*] Embrace what the strategist and theorist John Boyd called the draw-down period. Take a break right before you start. To think, to reflect, to doubt.
[*] On being a writer: All the days of his life he should be reading as faithfully as his partaking of food; reading, watching, listening. John Fante
[*] Dont get caught up with pesky details. When I am writing a draft, I try not to be concerned with exact dates, facts or figures. If I remember that a study conducted by INSERT UNIVERSITY found that XX% of businesses fail in the first FIVE/SIX? months, thats what I write (exactly like that). If I am writing that on June XX, 19XX Ronald Reagan gave his famous Tear Down This Wall speech in Berlin in front of XX,XXX people, thats how its going to look. Momentum is the most important thing in writing, so Ill fill the details in later. I just need to get the sentences down first. “Get through a draft as quickly as possible.” is how Joshua Wolf Shenk put it.
[*] Raymond Chandler had a trick of using small pieces of paper so he would never be afraid to start over. Also with only 12-15 lines per page, it forced economy of thought and actionwhich is why his stuff is so readable.
[*] In The Artists Way, Julia Cameron reminds us that our morning pages and our journaling dont count as writing. Just as walking doesnt count as exercise, this is just priming the pumpits a meditative experience. Make sure you treat it as such.
[*] Steven Pressfield said that he used to save each one of his manuscripts on a disk that hed keep in the glovebox of his car. Robert Greene told me he sometimes puts a copy of his manuscript in the trunk of his car just in case. I bought a fireproof gun safe and keep my stuff in therejust in case.
[*] My editor Niki Papadopoulos at Penguin: Its not what a book is. Its what a book does.
[*] While you are writing, read things totally unrelated to what youre writing. Youll be amazed at the totally unexpected connections youll make or strange things youll discover. As Shelby Foote put it in an interview with The Paris Review: I cant begin to tell you the things I discovered while I was looking for something else.
[*] Writing requires what Cal Newport calls deep workperiods of long, uninterrupted focus and creativity. If you dont give yourself enough of this time, your work suffers. He recommends recording your deep work time each dayso you actually know if youre budgeting properly.
[*] Software does not make you a better writer. Fuck Evernote. Fuck Scrivner. You dont need to get fancy. If classics were created with quill and ink, youll probably be fine with a Word Document. Or a blank piece of paper. Dont let technology distract you. As Joyce Carol Oates put it in an interview, Every writer has written by hand until relatively recent times. Writing is a consequence of thinking, planning, dreaming this is the process that results in writing, rather than the way in which the writing is recorded.
[*] Talk about the ideas in the work everywhere. Talk about the work itself nowhere. Dont be the person who tweets Im working on my novel. Be too busy writing for that. Helen Simpson has Faire et se taire from Flaubert on a Post-it near her desk, which she translates as Shut up and get on with it.
[*] Why cant you talk about the work? Its not because someone might steal it. Its because the validation you get on social media has a perverse effect. Youll less likely to put in the hard work to complete something that youve already been patted (or patted yourself) on the back for.
[*] When you find yourself stuck with writers block, pick up the phone and call someone smart and talk to them about whatever the specific area youre stuck with is. Not that youre stuck, but about the topic. By the time you put your phone down, youll have plenty to write. (As Seth Godin put it, nobody gets talkers block.)
[*] Keep a commonplace book with anecdotes, stories and quotes you can always usefrom inspiration to directly using in your writing. And these can be anything. H.L. Mencken for example, would methodically fill a notebook with incidents, recording scraps of dialogue and slang, columns from the New York Sun.
[*] As you write down quotes and observations in your commonplace book, make sure to do it by hand. As Raymond Chandler wrote, when you have to use your energy to put words down, you are more apt to make them count.
[*] Elizabeth Gilbert has a good trick for cutting: As you go along, Ask yourself if this sentence, paragraph, or chapter truly furthers the narrative. If not, chuck it. And as Stephen King famously put it, kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribblers heart, kill your darlings.
[*] Strenuous exercise everyday. For me, and for a lot of other writers, its running. Novelist Don DeLillo told The Paris Review how after writing for four hours, he goes running to shake off one world and enter another. Joyce Carol Oates, in her ode to running, said that the twin activities of running and writing keep the writer reasonably sane and with the hope, however illusory and temporary, of control.
[*] Ask yourself these four questions from George Orwell: What am I trying to say? What words will express it? What image or idiom will make it clearer? Is this image fresh enough to have an effect? Then finish with these final two questions: Could I put it more shortly? Have I said anything that is avoidably ugly?
[*] As a writer you need to make use of everything that happens around you and use it as material. Make use of Seinfelds question: Im never not working on material. Every second of my existence, I am thinking, Can I do something with that?
[*] Airplanes with no wifi are a great place to write and even better for editing. Because there is nowhere to go and nothing else to do.
[*] Print and put a couple of important quotes up on the wall to help guide you (either generally, or for a specific project). Heres a quote from a scholar describing why Ciceros speeches were so effective which I put on my wall while I was writing my first book. At his best [Cicero] offered a sustained interest, a constant variety, a consummate blend of humour and pathos, of narrative and argument, of description and declamation; while every part is subordinated to the purpose of the whole, and combines, despite its intricacy of detail, to form a dramatic and coherent unit. (emphasis mine)
[*] Focus on what youre saying, worry less about how. As William March wrote in The Bad Seed, A great novelist with something to say has no concern with style or oddity of presentation.
[*] A little trick I came up with. After every day of work, I save my manuscript as a new file (for example: EgoIsTheEnemy2-26.docx) which is saved on my computer and in Dropbox (before Dropbox, I just emailed it to myself). This way I keep a running record of the evolution of book. It comforts me that I can always go back if I mess something up or if I have to turn back around.
[*] Famous ad-man David Ogilvy put it bluntly: Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs.
[*] Envision who you are writing this for. Like really picture them. Dont go off in a cave and do this solely for yourself. As Kurt Vonnegut put it in his interview with The Paris Review: …every successful creative person creates with an audience of one in mind. Thats the secret of artistic unity. Anybody can achieve it, if he or she will make something with only one person in mind.
[*] Do not chase exotic locations to do some writing. Budd Schulbergs novel The Disenchanted about his time with F. Scott Fitzgerald expresses the dangers well: It was a time everyone was pressing wonderful houses on us. I have a perfectly marvelous house for you to write in, theyd say. Of course no one needs marvelous houses to write in. I still knew that much. All you needed was one room. But somehow the next house always beckoned.”
[*] True enough, though John Fante said that when you get stuck writing, hit the road.
[*] Commitments (at the micro-level) are important too. An article a week? An article a month? A book a year? A script every six weeks? Pick something, but commit to itpublicly or contractually. Quantity produces quality, as Ray Bradbury put it.
[*] Dont ever write anything you dont like yourself and if you do like it, dont take anyones advice about changing it. They just dont know. Raymond Chandler
[*] Neil Strauss and Tucker Max gave me another helpful iteration of that idea (which I later learned is from Neil Gaiman): When someone tells you something is wrong with your writing, theyre usually right. When they tell you how to fix it, theyre almost always wrong.
[*] Ogilvy had another good rule: Never use jargon words like reconceptualize, demassification, attitudinally, judgmentally. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.
[*] Print out the work and edit it by hand as often as possible. It gives you the readers point of view.
[*] Hemingway advised fellow writer Thomas Wolfe to break off work when you ‘are going good.’Then you can rest easily and on the next day easily resume. Brian Koppelman (Rounders, Billions) has referred to this as stopping on wet edge. It staves off the despair the next day.
[*] Keep the momentum: Never stop when you are stuck. You may not be able to solve the problem, but turn aside and write something else. Do not stop altogether. Jeanette Winterson
That taps me out for now. But every time I read I compile a few more notecards. Ill update you when Ive got another round to share.
In the meantime, stop reading stuff on the internet and get back to writing!
But if you have a second…share your own tips below.
Read more: http://thoughtcatalog.com/
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