#so i didnt end up going in and out of manta maria to try and get blue minato and blue pronouns
crest-of-gautier · 6 months
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the day reload was announced was great because cat put this in splatoon :)
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ggliveblog · 5 years
RBWY VOLUME 6 FINALE (final part)
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Ummm am I the only one who sees the fire down below???
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The full Atlas air fleet is in the sky.
This is not good.
Also we hear someone say a creepy welcome to the Manta-5-1...
And with that after credits time
The song sounded great btw. It may be an Blake song? Only because I heard the singer refer to stuff from Adam's theme from the character short. But I could be wrong.
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Hey Merc what ya staring at?
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Omg! We have the flying monkeys now. Holy heck!!!
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Hazel: "There is a saying... If you want something done right... you do it yourself."
Hmmm....I wonder what Salem's plan with these Grimm will be...
Vacuo perhaps??
Thoughts on the volume as a whole.
I loved it.
Did it have down sides? Yes.
Did those downsides ruin the show or experience for me? No.
Am I hopeful for the shows future? Yes.
We've ended the Mistral Arc. And while yes it had it's bad moments. I still enjoyed it.
In this arc I'd rank it. Volume 6 then 4 then 5. Only because of how 5 left off felt... unsatisfactory whereas volume 4 was a perfect ride for me (my personal opinion mind you)
What I loved: Ozpin and Salem Origins, Maria introduction, Relic of Knowledge info, Ruby focus, Qrow's development, Jaune's closure (though it has taken the back seat a bit I did enjoy what we got for it), Merc and Em moments, the fights. And more hints of the racism of faunus shown. And Argus as a whole as well as Jaune's family.
What I didnt particularly enjoy: Not having more villain interaction. Having Neo and Cinder hyped up and then selved for the volume (though I am not too salty about it since we did get an amazing return for Neo). I feel the run times are still a big issue. I understand how much time and effort they put in the show. But I'd gladly go on hiatus to give Miles and Kerry and the CRWBY time to flesh things out to their fullest potential. Some moments felt rushed. And I cant ignore that. Even if those scenes were needed. It still felt like we were trying to hit a checklist at times. And at least to volume 5's credit I didnt feel that way.
Overall. A good volume. Probably my favorite so far. But it still has much room for improvement.
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