#so here's my ship profile w/ nighty knight
seaside-lovers Β· 24 days
πŸŒ“ Lord Nighty-Knight & Dr. Vulture πŸͺΆ
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Ship name/tag: πŸŒ“ i hear the secrets that you keep
Anniversary: March 3, 2024
F/O source: Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate/Megamind Rules!
My backstory: I'm an ornithologist who focuses primarily on vultures. While working with a lappet-faced vulture who lives at my place of employment (a bird sanctuary), we're attacked by a supervillain who can combine things, resulting in me becoming a lappet-faced vulture hybrid. Unfortunately, due to my newly-found mutation, I find it hard to integrate into society and end up seeking out people like me who have been mutated/have super powers.
How we meet: While in a meeting for super humans, I meet Lord Nighty-Knight and befriend him as he also went through an event similar to me that led to his abilities (an accident that caused him to become a being of shadow). However, while I went a more neutral route, he became a villain and joined the Doom Syndicate.
First impressions: I have a pretty immediate crush on Nighty-Knight. He's very unique and I find it attractive. I think he's sweet and I like talking to him.
Nighty-Knight also quite likes me when we first meet. He regards me with interest and thinks I'm nice. We bond easily over our shared origins as well and have several enjoyed topics in common.
Getting closer: After the meeting, we exchange contact information and keep in touch. Even after he ends up becoming a full-blown villain (and knows I don't approve), we still stay friends, starting to meet more often and go out for little dates together. During this time, my crush becomes a lot more obvious with me pining after him, so I ask him out on a date.
He's startled by this as he's quite oblivious to my flirting but ends up agreeing to go out on a date. We start going out more often on dates as we become closer in our relationship.
Beginning our relationship: I ask him to start a relationship with me awhile after we start dating and he agrees, excited to take this next step in our relationship. He's also aware that I'm planning on proposing to him in the near future as we would love to be married.
Ship trope(s): None ATM
Aesthetics: None ATM
Our song(s): None ATM
Favorite forms of affection: I love receiving compliments and being told about how he cares for me. It makes me feel seen and cared for greatly.
Nighty-Knight really likes both physical affection and acts of service. He loves being cuddled and kissed; it makes him feel warm and happy inside. Being a supervillain means he's quite busy, so I like to do things for him - it makes him feel loved and appreciated.
Favorite kind of date: Coffee dates are a favorite of ours. We both enjoy coffee so it's nice to go to a quiet cafe and enjoy drinks together, talking about our weeks.
Ways we comfort one another: We encourage each other verbally as a form of comfort. It's nice to be reminded that it will be okay or that we are there for one another - it's a shoulder to lean on and someone to trust when it gets rough.
What we love most about each other: He loves my care for all living things. I'm passionate about caring for others - humans, animals, and plants alike. He thinks that is an admirable trait and appreciates it about me.
I love his personality. He acts so tough and uncaring but he is extremely caring underneath it all. I love how sweet and funny he is as well. He's a very cool person and I love spending time with him.
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