#so excited for tomorrow!!!! staying a couple nights on the lake to go fishing B)
b-o-e · 1 year
town gossip
Wally Darling x Reader
Warnings: Frank getting sucked back into helping Wally with the obstacles of his relationship, haha!
although it is not necessary, I highly suggest reading my fics in their recommended order for the best experience! here is the link to all my silly lil wally fics in order. this is #9 :)
News spread quickly about you and Wally, but what actually are you?
“Would you mind throwing a Red Delicious in there too please, Howdy?” 
You stood at the till of Howdy’s place, buying a snack for yourself, figuring grabbing one for Wally for the next time you see him would be a good idea.
“Ahh, a Red Delicious, hmm?” He hummed, a grin playing at his features as you plucked the best looking apple you could spot from the crate.
“Yes, please,” you nodded, a little wary by his tone, looking back at him after examining the apple. “And what do I owe you, kind sir?” You jested, eyeing him suspiciously as he leaned over the counter, two arms resting on it as a hand supported his chin while the other two crossed before his stomach.
“How about an answer to some… town gossip, I’ve picked up on?”
You think you saw where this is going.
He seemed to know you understood by the rosiness of your cheeks.
“... News travels fast around here, huh?” you uttered sheepishly, toying with your fingers.
“It’s true then, isn’t it?” He cackled, “You and Wally finally got together?”
You opened your mouth to speak your defense, only to pause.
Wait a minute…
Were you two actually together yet?
Howdy quirked a brow at the sudden dumbfounded expression taking over your face.
“Why, you are together, aren’tcha?” He questioned, brows furrowing as your conflicted eyes met his.
Are you?
“... that’s actually a good question,”
“Oh?” He questioned. “Ohhh..?” his head slowly bobbed up and down as a nod, beginning to grasp slightly onto the situation. “But you are both aware of each other's feelings?”
“That, I will say, we are,” you agreed. “However, I sorta never thought about giving us a proper title…” You trailed on.
“Well, I’d suggest you get on it, then! Might as well get it said instead of stuck inside your head! Say, why not take some flowers for him, hmm?” His hands folded together, a smile on his features. 
“Free, on the house!” He grabbed an arrangement of red, orange, and yellow tulips, thrusting them towards you. You nearly wheezed at the force, accepting them.
“Thank you for your business, neighbour,” He gave you a playful wink, “‘n go get ‘em, tiger!” he gave a thumbs up. Four, actually. Extra good luck!
“Thank you, Howdy,” you rolled your eyes with a laugh at his comment, heading out of the store with new questions on your mind.
How were you to go about this, now?
“So, little buddy,” 
Barnaby and Wally strolled along, the big blue dog gazing down at his companion.
“Hmm?” Wally hummed, meeting his eyes.
“I’ve heard a little rumour about you,” Barnaby claimed, trying to gauge Wally’s reaction. 
“Oh yeah?” Wally inquired curiously, “What would that be?”
“I heard that you and a certain someone have finally gotten together,” 
Wally began to answer, but hesitated.
“‘Gotten together’...” Wally repeated, looking a little lost. Then, he paused, head tipping to the side.
“... Little buddy?” Barnaby stopped a few steps ahead, turning towards his friend.
“Are we together now?” Wally quizzed himself, tapping his chin in thought, Barnaby’s eyes widening in realization.
“Wait, aren’tcha?”
“... I think I’d better pay Frank and Eddie a visit,” Wally decided, offering an apologetic smile to his friend. “Sorry, Barnaby,” he spun on his heel, headed toward the couple’s shared home.
“... huh.”
“Just when I thought I was free of this stress,” 
Frank rubbed at his forehead, Eddie chuckling behind him, patting his back.
“It’s no big deal this time,” Eddie said, “I’ve got this one under control. I already came up with an idea, actually! As long as you’re willing to spare some of the flowers from the garden,”
Wally watched the two, especially focussed on the way they interacted. The touch they shared. The same that he desired with you.
Eddie’s hand moved from Frank’s back, settling wrapped around his waist instead. Ooh, he could do that with you!
“What are you thinking?” Frank questioned, peeking at Eddie.
“Well, I reckon Wally should take ‘em on a picnic,” he said. “Take some flowers to their door and propose the idea,” he continued.
“‘Course, I’m fairly sure they’ll say yes. Treat ‘em to a nice meal out under a pretty tree, and bring it up by the end!” Eddie explained. 
Frank tapped his chin in contemplation, nodding with a hum.
“I quite like that idea. Nice and casual, I don’t believe much could go wrong,” he agreed. “What do you think about that, Wally? Do you like that plan, or would you like to give something else an attempt?”
“I think I like the sounds of that,” Wally nodded slowly, contemplating. “Yes. I think that sounds nice,” he decided, more confident now.
He had this in the bag!
frank and eddie always to the rescue, it seems! I hope you enjoyed, haha!
here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me!
likes and reblogs are always appreciated! also! check out this awesome art made for sleepy phone call! SO COOL! 'tis all, for now! I shall be back B) have a good day, and take care of yourself!
Posted Saturday, May 13, 2023, at 2:23 PM
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goingallthewayy · 7 years
Review of my 2016 Goals
(AKA holy shit is it 2017 already?!)
1. Get my concealed carry.
Damnit, still didn’t do that. Still want to, too.
2. Train for and compete in another triathlon- more than one would be good, too!
Well that didn’t turn out how I’d hoped. I still want this to happen in 2017, too. Darn ACL. Happened not even a month after I wrote this, and I was doing GREAT on my fitness goals, too.
3. Go backpacking and explore new parts of Colorado.
I didn’t get to backpack (ACL) BUT I explored some great new trails and campsites in 2016. Here’s to a few more in 2017!
4. Catch a fish! Just because.
YES! I still want to do this too. But did not accomplish in 2016.
5. Climb at least one 14er that I’ve never done before! Hopefully more than one.
Did this! Democrat and Cameron! Yas.
6. Travel someplace new! hopefully a new country or two, but even a few new places in the US would be great.
I visited the Grand Canyon! So that was awesome! But no new countries or states. Still... the Grand Canyon. I give myself a B- on this one.
7. Foster another 3 dogs. More would be even better but I’m afraid it will make it hard to travel and explore this summer.
I fostered even more than that! Geez I thought I had set this goal to be like ten dogs or something. I fostered Chase once I recovered from my ACL a little bit, then I helped out with Leo and Summer, then I fostered Truman (best dog EVER), then I helped with Felix, and finally I fostered the two puppies- Nova and the other one whose name I forget right now. Smashed this goal right out of the water!
8. Take meaningful steps towards a future career. Take the GRE, apply to grad school, work jobs other than waitressing!
I took the GRE, I applied to grad school, I didn’t go even though I got in AND paid for a class (dumbass) and I got an awesome internship where I’ve figured out what I want to do with the rest of my life! Hell yeah!
9. When my lease is up in October, I hope to move to a new state, hopefully for a new job or for grad school. Preparation starts now! We’ll see where this goes. This is pretty tentative since I love my current apartment and my roommate, but have been craving change in my life. Change is in the air- I’m excited to see where things go.
I didn’t move to a new state, I got an amazing internship at Denver Animal Shelter that kept me here in Colorado. BUT I did move into the city and now i have a HOUSE and not just an apartment that I’m renting. <3
10. Go skiing at least a few times this spring. I’ve finally got all the equipment, I bought a pass to go up for a weekend with my dad and test it all out, it’s time to get up and enjoy something I used to love! Even if it means sitting it traffic for a little while. Maybe I’ll even air BNB by myself up there! :)
Yeah this didn’t work out quite how I planned, either. ACL. But I did go up twice last year before the whole thing happened!
11. Write more. Looking back through my text entries is so meaningful to me, and it really allows me to see how much I’ve grown and changed. I need to try to write more often. It helps me to stay organized and focused.
Ahhh I wish I did this. I wrote through my pains with surgery and living with my folks again. But I haven’t written nearly enough. I just got too busy. I’m going to retry this goal, too.
12. Figure out a birth control solution that works for me so I can have safer sex. Taking a pill everyday is not my deal, clearly.
Fuck. Did not happen. I stopped sleeping around though, so that helped.
13. I need to spend less time on social media. I need a plan to try to break me of my addiction. It’s bad.
Yeah, didn’t do a great job of getting off of social media, either. I have a Facebook addiction, and the fact that my career revolves around it does not help. I should come up with a great solution for this as well.
14. I need to read more and paint more. I got through the Harry Potter books and that’s pretty much it in 2015. I need to read! And I only painted a couple of times. What’s up with that? I just spent a week in New Mexico studying Georgia o'keefe. Time to get crackin on some painting.
I read some great books in 2016! I got super into audiobooks for awhile, which could totally happen again when I start working out again. I should list the books I read but I did NOT keep track-this year I set a goal to read 25 books and Goodreads is keeping track of it for me.
Worth noting- I almost always have to include resolutions about my relationships; meaning family, friends, and romance. This year I’m not doing that.
I’m proud of myself for that last year, and I’m going to keep it to a minimum again this year. <3
What a wild year 2016 was. It’s just amazing to me looking back- part of me feels like the beginning of this year was SO LONG AGO and an entire epic has happened since then; part of me feels like “how the heck did I think I’d have time to accomplish all this shit it flew by so fast oh my god.” It was an adventure from (practically) rock-bottom (I still reserve rock-bottom to spring 2014) to some of the best times of my life. Like seriously, THE BEST. Just what an adventure.
January was beautiful and filled me with this feeling of hope for the new year; I started working out and was starting to look really good until
February I went on an amazing hike with Charley (best friend at the time) and decided to quit my serving job since I had a bunch (okay, possibly an exaggeration) of money saved up. So I quit. And exactly a week later, I tore my ACL in Snowmass skiing with my dad.
March I had to return to my parents house with Finn and had surgery March 8. It was HARD. One of the hardest things. I did a lot of reading, applying for jobs, and dicking around on the playstation. I also played plants vs. zombies constantly. I was on good drugs.
April I was still at my parents’ house going to physical therapy and taking walks when it was nice. I took the GRE and planned for my future.
May I took a trip to the Grand Canyon with my best friend Charley. It was a great trip; we saw all kinds of beautiful places. We hiked up to Hanging Lake, camped near Arches and saw Delicate Arch, and then drove down to the Grand Canyon. It SNOWED while we were camping there, but it was absolutely magical. It snowed our whole way back, too, so we booked it home instead of taking our time. We still spent the night with my Auntie Joni and Uncle Pete, which was really nice. I also fostered Chase during the month of May and started my new job at Perry’s with Charley. I also started the Outpaws Tails and Trails Hike Competition, which Finn and I competed in all summer. We would have won if I had kept better records, too. ;)
June I worked at Perry’s and met my future boyfriend, Leo. I went on an awesome camping trip by myself to Red Feather Lakes in the Roosevelt National Forest. I also was FIRED from a job for the first time- Perry’s fired me for insubordination, which was a bummer because (1) it was untrue. the thing they said I did, I did not do. (2) Leo and Charley worked there, and it sucked to no longer work with them. BUT it really was 100% for the best- Perry’s paid people in a super sketchy way, I didn’t like my coworkers or my boss, there was a constant feeling of discontent there. And it pushed me to apply for my current job, which is my dream job. Plus the day I got fired, Leo took me to his brother’s house and I met Jocelyn, who is now one of my closest friends.
July I went to a Keith Urban concert with Charley, which was fun. I also visited Ashleen in Tennessee, which was SO FUN! We did so many awesome things together. I also went camping again up at Red Feather! I also watched several dogs but didn’t get my next foster until
August! I fostered sweet Truman, the best good dog. We also took an amazing camping trip to Leadville, where Leo and I seriously bonded and adventured together. It was really fun. I also started my new job hostessing at La Sandia.
September I interviewed for my Denver Animal Shelter position and got it! I went on several gorgeous hikes. Our Tails and Trails competition ended, but we won some great prizes and figured out that Finn and I hiked over 300 miles during summer 2016. Very cool!
October feels like a stressball dream. I started a new job at Denver Animal Shelter, started living with my boyfriend, and moved in to a new house. I didn’t get to do any of the fun fall stuff I wanted to, but it’s all okay- I accomplished some cool things that month.
November I dove into my jobs. We took a family trip to Montrose where I bonded with dad over a 5k and got to see my grandparents and my second cousins. I worked an average of like 60 hours a week! It was crazy. I also helped out with a foster named Felix this month and then fostered two baby puppies because Leo kept telling me he wanted a puppy. Needless to say, now he doesn’t want a puppy.
December I kept working my two jobs! We went on a few hikes, but no new adventures. I spent a little bit of time with my family, but it is still hard to be around them when Lindsey is home. I have been reaching out to her and her lack of interest in seeing me makes it feel like she really doesn’t have any interest in being my friend. It is just so weird- I don’t know what happened that caused her to just stop valuing our friendship. But that’s a post for another day. I also celebrated a dual Christmas with Leo’s family. Mexicans celebrate Christmas at 12:00 AM- who knew? It was really fun though; I love his family. Kendall also moved back to Colorado, so I’ve gotten to see her more often. I feel like I did something else really fun and I just can’t remember... I’ll think of it eventually.
I’m going to sit down and set my goals for 2017 tomorrow, I just needed some time to reflect on these goals from 2016. There’s a lot that that I didn’t accomplish, but then again... there’s a lot that I did! These goals were well thought-out and reviewing them makes me feel like even though I can EASILY say 2016 saw some of my biggest personal struggles, but it was still an year of amazing accomplishments and taking charge of my own happiness. 2014 was the year I learned that I was responsible for my own happiness, 2015 saw me figuring out what made me happy, 2016 saw me taking charge of it. I love it.
New Years Resolution 2017 to follow. <3
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