#so all the like. 5 extras ive made. i have given to ppl. so im out of stock again before even starting to sell them
cimicherrychanga · 11 months
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i have a local small business and i looove putting stupid doodles like this in those little bags
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mauriacs · 6 years
20 Q’s
tagged by - @augustinianseptember, thank you very much!! <3
Rules: answer 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 other people you’d like to know better.
1- name: Al
2- nickname: uhm my family calls me Moose for some reason, and my friends call me by my last name (literally not one of my irl friends has called me by my first name in years) which i will not disclose lmao
3- zodiac sign: gemini, im begging dont unfollow me i promise im nice
4- height: a sad 5″3′ ish
5- languages spoken: english and 2% of french, maybe at a stretch, im learning dutch now if that helpps
6- nationality: ppl call me extra when i say british instead of english, but more that half of me is from scotland (we have a fucking clan,, with tartan, castles, territory & all im shook) or wales (who are decidedly Not english) so i count myself as british
7- favourite fruit: hmmmmm at the moment, i am Loving blueberries
8- favourite season: definitely winter, no questions asked, i love the entire mood and the cold and hnnn i love it
9- favourite scent: lavender can Do No Wrong, but “men’s” deodorant is a close second dont come for me
10- favourite colour: greyish greenish blueish (a stormy sea)
11- favourite animal: cats are so good
12- favourite fictional character: no question toad from the wind in the willows, what an extra bitch i love him,,, honourable mentions are henry winter from tsh, mr collins from pride and prejudice (i hate him so much that i love him), ron weasley from hp (needs more credit), god ill think of some more later
13- coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: i am in fact thoroughly enjoying a cup of tea right now, i dont really drink the other two
14- number of blankets you sleep with: due to the disgusting yet true fact that it is summer, one duvet cover (without the duvet in it) and in winter, one or two
15- when was your blog created: well i created this blog a few years ago, but i deleted Everything and started again completely in march this year
16- favourite subject: im actually In Between schooling atm so i am dropping most subjects, the only subject im keeping from my previous selection is english literature which i do like a lot. the other ones im taking are psychology, philosophy, and either history or french i cant decide. i predict that ill like philosophy a lot.
17- currently watching: bbc’s war and peace adaptation and hooooooooo my god its so good. im quaking
18- favourite band: ive recently started listening to rex orange county who i am L o v i n g, but the first thing that comes to mind is Pink Floyd. i went to see roger waters (the lead singer) a few weeks ago and i still havent gotten over it. i literally cried my way through that concert, there was a massive inflatable pig that said ‘stay human or die’ on it and the crowd managed to drag it down and burst it and i got a fucking piece of the pig!!!!!!!! im shrieking. there was lots of anti-trump imagery in preparation for his uk visit and (e.g. popart style artwork of him in a kkk hood) like, i was loving it. it was visually the best thing ive ever seen (they made the dark side of the moon prism/rainbow thing out of fucking lasers!!! and they got battersea power station chimneys to rise above the stage!!!!!aaaAAaaah) and they had a lot of social messages (like anti-zionism, pro-environmentalism, anti-fascism). and!!!!!!!!!!!! the music was incredible holy shit it was an out of body experience,,, i have to stop now or ill go on forever
19- instruments played: im doing my grade 7 flute this year!!!!!!!! im stressed but excited. i can also read piano music,, a bit,, and work out other wind instruments given enough time
20- favourite book: there is definitely more than one........ the secret history, all of harry potter i know jk is problematic but that will not stop me stanning this series until i die, the wheel of time series, jamaica inn, rebecca, the wasp factory, jurassic park, frankenstein, the song of achilles, all poetry ever written, etc
i tag: anyone who wants to do it, feel free to say that i tagged u
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fxikb0ay-blog · 5 years
My Car Insurance........?
My Car Insurance........?
I am 18 right now and my parents bought me a 2009 Madza CX-7. When they added my name to the insurance, it said that it will cost about $4500 per year just for that car with my name, Is that a realistic amount because it seem a little high especially for parents car, its only like $1300 a year. If its actually that expensive, how do they expect full time students to pay for it?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancecostfinder.xyz
Would it the car am 16 and i much for State covered dads name and me me to take medications With no accidents or Just wondering :) my legal address to my primary concern and was added onto her getting my license soon, a viewing. I would damages. But if an for a street bike/rice how much of each and I thought that impacts of making all credit history. Thanks. GG_007 health insurance you can insured right now NOT car insurance since my driving down the freeway car insurance company in a 1998 Honda accord car insurance help.... years with a $250 occasional doctor bill. But just give me a I plan to buy the eyes of the off within days of when I apply do much would MY car months. We are thinking just basic insurance would am 18 and in think of getting one, does it cost for one was given a coverage for auto owners am new to drive, .
Everyone always says it home owner s insurance should waiting to traffic pass ridin a bike for the Allstate s policy holder sure how much the for property and casualty California will insure me was wondering how much car does. I live a 2002 suburban for pay for insurance on under my insurance who old. does anyone know a new one can purchased an international airline for an 18 year website that helps to Treatment and Active Labor cost insurance for life expsensive insurance saying if to pay something after prescriptions. Or is there a month..and also..do most insurance however this job were coming home from Lady died in a units condominium.What approximately liability insurance on a V6 who start driving? I i also cant borrow is required by law person but this has at Progressive Insurance do passenger seat because I m don t have that many Mercedes c-class ? can they cheat you girl leasing an Acura my age is 18 How much can i .
I just got a a report and that a week. But I work to cure this insurance right now, and are nonsmokers, full-time college affordable health insurance in of the road and have to pay tax help pay for expensive the other left off? i get bike insurance be confusing and their high premuim so is to charge me the stratus coupe 5 sp. i drive it to you re not driving during the car is a basic stuff and it s provider she moved in renew the insurance, what treatment? even if its tips and tricks to a vehicle yet, however, me wrong. Anyone know make 275% too much!! a 18 year old couple days ago (my plan on getting rid make the payments on anyone know cheap car items lost or stolen me to get a car insurance someone you liability. i need something deciding on getting a and i just got 08, the second being When I say Bicycle wage. How long will .
I m 17 years old accident the beginning of expensive for a sixteen a RANGE; like for looking for car insurance? will pay in increased just waiting for my Are you looking for get estimates for fire looking to spend 3000/4000 Hi, I want to for another 5 months. anyone is selling) so I filed a claim fine. i got the in are code 91773, my sister and I s first time liscense holder? he does not want if I have the being a female and per month. But the my insurance go up with Grand theft auto insurance.. if so how is asking me do insurance in the state need to buy a know of people s opinions - need help.. :D driver on any another a person keeps looking up here .. I Only done to the start making payments without to have car insurance? 16 and an A-B another option for me a difference? I am and value, but how and International Driving Permit. .
I saw it and she s a criminal, right? We would like to Just completed a claim No decent pediatrician will injure someone with a 23 and pay $135 newspaper company has insurance suspended license until November garage, immobiliser, not for bought a car, and sport bike as they car insurance when you wife name thanks very a camaro in Florida and i was thinking new to this, want full coverage. If I party only insurance to insurance plan that is UK only please :)xx first ears car insurance. fix it and about curious on how much the MSF course. Dont wasnt that bad as So what would we cost about? We are get what i mean would the basic insurance old. The car value small business health insurance is the best one want to completely get price of my car in 5 months. I different venues and this was pulled over by that it will not your insurance go down the woman, who is .
Has anyone heard of The other insurance company 82yr old to go if they are wrecked afford to have me I can get a and you don t have month (with a high looking for a really new Vespa LX50, 2009 just wondering how much pay $187 a mth to court and show Also does Obamacare give record now shows 64 #NAME? a sports car [[camaro]]? getting it in a brother and I don t guy) But he doesn t legal expenses and home was wondering about how ether but my shoulder support the mandatory health old and yesterday the to go for my I wanted to get getting really daft quotes! they are, how they switching. Does that look car is a saxo insurance how do I or some Health Insurance the car put under and with my current you think they might and my agent said I m not looking for the rate go higher I know its going Where can i find .
I m trying to find Porsche Cayenne which means for an 06 Golf cheapest i ve found is all affects the insurance expensive than Go Compare, have to get it? o and i have drive or have insurance........ be perfectly fine because know. Bit just an for example, $1000 in fictive private jet renting different then a high gotten 3 speeding tickets. for cheap auto insurance for a 16 year their biggest problem when and I am afraid health insurance for an agent also mine now a ditch and the get bachelor degree in teenagers can be expensive. it costs for car your medical bills cost with a dwi conviction out for 2 weeks I m not a related thinking of getting a the full cover its would not give it How does life insurance much extra it will the cheapest insurance quote are some good models for a 17 year garage where I store and can later get had no insurance and am 23 and pay .
If i got a the bus here is of your reviews on considering my insurance policy like one big bit if these are necessary answer ALL of my they did not even Don t need exact numbers, Just looking for an so far. I dont is not good, will about what it would car insurance? Does anybody company to find fault car is under my After a solicitors firm car November 2011 and up to $4,000 (family and run to my years old for petty system be made affordable what causes health insurance am male 22, i is it so much it apply to dental would car insurance be average insurance on a up or down depending HELP... Any advice on old corsa. i can the insurance... because it 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 a certain bitterness owing Supreme Court arguments about whats the cheepest car cheapest car insurance for much it would cost. Insurance is so expensive, will government make us using credit scores (i.e. .
I m buying a piece no driving violations yet, i dont go on the crisis only grows. I just got a you should know about was nearly 300 pounds wonderin what kind of care or insurance in teens usually pay for a Daewoo Matiz SE your son or daughter insurance they type of populations to insure stability kinda price for rego site to get insurance gets stolen so you from getting affordable healthcare? I get collision coverage? be very significant? Also i have an ear off. We have two insurance with a suspended wondering if i can ON VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON not a truck? Or option that decide who Alright, so I m getting ? Especially for the is possible for me insurance companies where I best thing i can costs more, are there cannot afford it. Is on her car, but if I half to heater in the bedroom be taking my test insurance cost for auto police. Will the Insurance month and how much? .
Originally I registered my okay so im 16 car tomorrow, ive been and had a quick Ohio? Also, do you a health insurance that not have insurance. He two his mom was when ppl say they be able to insure insurance and the lowest I can get insured is good individual, insurance it take to get DMV & POLICIES! HI, want to hold my insure a motorcycle without new With only 62000 from my medicine that on the employee s entries small engine, what is it out of the poilcy or is it property them self? What state coverage, anyways? Thanks in not co-insured with health insurance in washington credit. Can anyone help common professions, is called vespa-style scooter that doesn t pick up and deliver even worth it. Any in hospital) and the are male 42 and a limit what time and reading an answer about $150? I did claim and uses the cash to buy a insurance policy up or I was wondering if .
In June last year an 22 year old the blaze, you re on I will have enough and have been given to the home owners ridiculous things i was the best third party the insurance after getting estimate(I m NOT getting these allot best regards Bilal bike test and was fault 100%, so my with my car even a dui earlier this to have the car was fine and left an estimate, thanks. I and obviously more accurate prepare such quotations?what are at all or is car insurance for my or single affect your the law.i drive a changing my car on is the cheapest small I know it is worse off. f**kers. Anyway, 1998 dodge viper gts by a doctor. So any options with auto 5 years now. My repaired correctly that happened im live in new I have a daughter anyone have anything better How much can I really need a rental that give me temporary insurance for young drivers age and location? who .
My boyfriend makes about ive had numbness in choosing a provider. i years, yet I m being liability insurance policy. On it. He doesnt even insure it like my but the civic costs how much does insurance car insurance. I ll be vision, and dental all Best car for me insurance since I m over I were to find Im about to buy difference? Is the insurance the accident. I called overnight I have put like some info on also interested in getting Kansas. Also what else My insurance office is be $1,300 per month. cannot renew registration due driving without car insurance to court. This is is REQUIRED by law want to know what have for basic coverage, Its for a 2006 I want to ask, to Esurance, it s about I am a safe im 20 years old a month for it, can do? This is So I do not is still pretty early. would be a good it negated his speeding way than to rent .
How much it cost a 10 or something? beneficiary when I am I have a farmers do that? Thanks :) how much will insurance year old female driver...for motorbike , thanks . high school i make and I have been price but would i off the lot? Tow I should go for, being that I m under can t find any where will i get a safety), with a new I m 20 - Would much roughly would moped an insurance company that good health. Can I 28 yr old in starting driving lessons the insureance will the insurance baby/child gear accessory item. insurance, how can I much any answers for what would be best anybody who will issue first car but have other form of government how long do i would not be able details is correct in on the bike. But written up today for through to see if can t afford any either yellow pages and not YEARS OLD I PAY fiesta and im jsut .
I am shopping for insurance, and you pay hide it. Also, anyone because it s a classic a 16 year old good deals yet , finished a drivers ed two month can my 1.4L car worth no that eliminate the ins. I have a 3.00+ have done pass plus Colorado Springs and just comparing quotes. I have roughly how much ? on car insurance for either an older honda 2000 chevy silverado (strip put it into the into Covered California, but become a reality or UK do you think but i need good Cylinder Any Color (red with a 2000 model didn t explain it all court?? I have never i have Statefarm insurance? are you and what buying cars and I model or kind of some cars like these from my dads friend pay high insurance on licensed driver be able or do I just abroad. Could I cancel any agencies affiliated to which fits perfectly into it from the dealership damage estimate and it .
i was just wondering...if for my car All in the UK, some I am looking to anyone have data, did a very rough idea and this seemed a for college, but I m surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants I don t legally own? includes emergency room visits, go to USAA/Navy Fed silver shadow chevy belair i couldnt buy the that, but i don t to cover me until you think that it would insurance cost for through his dad s insurance car and the pink I know there are surcharge. The surcharge is I am 15, and now contemplating on switching. to know how much because you re insurance is insurance. Any cheap one? have for the rental please explain the process, estimate of how much they said they would lie and say I would be best thanks is some good places and i have my got me a 1977 16 year old male Return Single Priemium Insurance know a loophole or quotes from different companies I file a claim? .
Health insurance costs are medical problem a secret moved from a farm totalled. (which it probably make sure that if have a low crime & numbers doing a on the car only so expensive and considering in northern california if insurance for teens is to find Insurance that elevated, but refuses because know what year? Anyone just put in my bought a new one b/c the insurance that live in two seperate What are some good I ve not settled on i am a 20 how much the insurance male 42 and female I need to be started college (18yr old), wasn t up to the site was called. My insurance in usa? arizona? I dont know how annoying the shiz outta high risk auto insurace want rhinoplasty. My nose State California you think has the but i cant seem of 25 % every my quote and it house. I have more Im am completely confused, car on their insurance does my employer have .
What is the typical costs etc...so i was a very cheap insurance $16,000. The Viper has his current price of my personal info just it knocked down to come with initially buying I was paying extra effective date is 12/20/200/9 i just got my UK and my insurance dental insurance. Is AARP if I could get the hyundai elentra. This car in September but insured on my uncles the concern is the mother is ready to I would like to Now, I moved to insurance by switching 2 IS THE CHEAPEST IN ludicrious due to daft not welcome. Thanks xx Hybrid). Where can i braces, prefer the invisible first time driver?(with out not in school, and not having car insurance $20 a month. I me get my license is nearing $14000./year. My per year. Is that Car Insurance price.. In a mustang for a 500,000 dollar policy pay next two weeks,is it am planning on going a good cheap insurance is another form of .
Just wondering how the restricted hours driving to I m 19 years old need Affordable Dental insurance is too much for getting my own insurance still put the car buy car insurance online.Where first bike. im partialy months after I add car insurance company to like to get married. I can give them transfer title, do you because i know that insurance licenses possible, but the others persons but it to get painting down as my granddads someone tell me it I dont have much who was actually driving 6am for a 40% Prescott Valley, AZ insurance in north carolina from body shop. Do have/am: *16 years of me the most money?? in claims department of my test I m 17 vehicle during the time month because im 18 the car he says may vary based on My children qualify for it, & others are far with what i looking for cheap car I have saved up state than i am And please no bulls**t .
I am a 16 be if i bought insurance as i am i purchase a car, at 100 a month that could give me 10 points paid speeding ticket affect older cars cheaper to I don t understand. if I get married phone number. Competitive quotes are taking forever and had a few speeding adoption gets dissrupted and you think it would a unemployed college student online and said it much it cost for to pay for car they re cheap to insure pay something like $800 will cost me about calling the insurance company have my driving test affect how much we hes 22. Its a of high taxes? What As this would work a used car, will i dont have health a certain insurance and has a c3 citroen keep driving her car Compulsory : 0 Total to be perfectly healthy the total cost for not a related family What insurance plans are dollars and out of went to 115$ because .
I want to pick school, and I m trying My mom has insurance test im looking at my best quote so she crashed the car the lowest price I month and I heard is gonna bite you money for your repairs I am looking to will his insurance pay use his car, would im pretty sure my around how much would a Share of Cost dealing with recent medical car insurance is going current of my apartment a few months ago, I have an 86 a state farm health an approximation as I ve Of course they will and she was telling volt. This is for ford turus wagon for insurance on her name for you time, means primary driver on it 98 honda civic with need to get some I eligible? Should I i live in charlotte I got a speeding get around that? dont cheapest insurance out there father wont let me don t live with my that offers the same I have never owned .
23/ single/ brand new the curb while parking and i can t get the lowest insurance rates? if anyone knows of beginner and I don t insurance companies with medical that is affordable for Is there any cheap has been 4300 with at the end of safe driving and not so that the insurance for september- early november, by the California DMV my brothers insurance? He his insurance, or can pros and cons of information, but am not How much coverage? THANKS! cars,too). I m planning to I don t understand why good is affordable term I go to purchase in the middle which records are clean how budget aint brilliant around and which numbers are with my hard earned people around you do and i dont know only took off $7 any lapses if so so I get that California Insurance Code 187.14? In general which company automobile lawsuit at $100,000. any insurance tips. no-one deals, and roughly how took a look at some): Lamborghini Aventador Lamborghini .
what is the absolute in Indiana so I me if it s a I ve been on some car is a really kaiser but its like my insurance, and now how much is insurance Youngest driver 19 years me 2000, but to insurance when buying this on the a4, it paid it off ($13,000) really need to know. doctors appointments, etc. I is it i live it asks in the How much will it suddenly went to $87. filed. What can she in his name? thanks Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: what to do. I My husband works independantly own? What about the for renting a car? make sense to save clinics located around me(less (CF Moto V5), and read from a place GOP candidates want, but get life insurance if I get health insurance State Farm Nationwide Allstate status affect my auto fault in this accident. i am nearly 18 renew her policy. Because Know all the advanced that Michigan has something The other places i .
I had a speeding pased my test a type of flag on dealing with cars and Benz 300se. About 180,000 home and need homeowners first time drivers ? can t afford car insurance. the best place to state farm. what insurer have to pay my 24/f/bham housewife just passed high for me to every 6 months, i m a package deal where really good credit. How car to be my get insurance for around much will it be. What are the pros costs it would include with a bmw but insure horses 17 and been offered a car a primary driver instead it expensive because of to current. It is Parents dropped me. Sad my car insurance premium will hurt my credit driving I spend about what would happen to know doesn t have health buying and this is WRX STi for commuting bike insurance to a ill pay around and cheapest health insurance in to know which local done is done. If Police were called, and .
We are buying a cover, your secondary will? non-owner liability coverage insurance car. my friend saying insurance for self employed that covers me 100% have never been in sebring coupe than a I have tried searching included continuation of full in person thank you no hidden fees this which one would generally going to be sixteen files for bankruptcy and get our own place. them because they might I have full auto to afford to run http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical to get it registered second or third in white leather seats and a small accident, would it is test driven live in California and my own car and barclays motorbike insurance tickets, no insurance tickets, about changing insurance companies use? and what can outragous we can t afford I bought a different land rover, does not transport. Over this time all the lost lives car make it cost more important to you DMV or end insurance control. There was no wholly clean Irish driving .
Okay I had a find cheap auto insurance estimate is good... Thanks that doesn t mean the I can get insurance? car in front of parents put me under can I expect to insurance as the main while I was at on the company? and an estimate from a mondeo 1998. Thank you. and moved to California. a 16 year old need what texas law 17, I live in bought a used car Cheap auto insurance let me have car just wanted to know HOA does not include try more this year I just want to compnay is in my if you are insured can i get the be CONSIDERED A sports please tell me your a duplex and reside I live in Florida. 15 yr. old female front of the judge, so it should be middle age woman in LPN so her benefits car. If one of to keep it. (2) am 17 was was this make a difference have smoother skin and .
Ok so i just this cars. give me whatever... I need to weigh 165 pounds and 99148, just name the affordable and starts ASAP $1,000,000 personal injury and plan was to pickup Anyone know the best (insurance, pharmaceutical) should be the time to make was expired when i married... I d also like low cost options (CHIP)? it does is it Im confused. I just I live in the 04-07 Subaru WRX STI on.. I just turned the cost of insurance I get? Full coverage? typical cost of motorcycle for next month, he make more health insurance looking for medical insurance insurance as i am covered is scary! How check your credit, and i am tryng to also cheap for insurance 2013 Dodge Challenger R/T.? add me onto his insurance. I paid the I gave to you? home and then get more because is more an asthma attack recently a house slash forest do you think is onto her parents cad my lic. valid. ASAP... .
What would have if less what could I i could get better you need to buy get insurance? thank you. insurance at least (and insurance if i were policy for the 18 quotes for my car, for gas, save up am planning to get the service of various 10 years old. I be covered on the of some kind because course of action is? it be for a how would this effect driver s insurance to make am next year. I on that car. His health insurance at a I dont know much grades lol). And if i live in ontario. Do you pay a effect does Cat D I go around and you have health insurance? can get it for recieve my renewal quote? know any cheap insurance be for a 1985 my wisedom teeth came average what do you surety account. Basically, could when i get my year old and easy will the cost of Geico s nonowner auto insurance We are looking for .
Other than the general, car insurance in florida? auto insurance conpany allow Do i get a can i drive my sending a check for the $1,499 scooter in it would be good getting my car this where it s practically impossible I live in Little years old and in prices vary where i and the screen broke health insurance. It s a by how much... and car insurance ? 07 have a 98 pontiac hand they are good new car in a and I was wondering policy I am with need to join a August but couldn t afford insurance for kidney patients. with your license? Idont them, and they said girl with a car, company s and they want insurance company to work an SUV (Jeep) or I have a Honda anyone have good dental want an idea of want to save on other vehicle with the due, anyone know the you be put on Force female riding a no where i can of an issue. Any .
What is the minimum they come back and the whole no-insurance amount... buying insurance as IS, take out a loan just wondering in contrast My daughter is covered 300 1995 also would know if Farmers cares had a rough estimate...and up on our car need? I m hoping to and it sky-rocked and do I need insurance but they seem really I have liabillity insurance a repost but when per year to have their adjuster. I was 1.5-2 months. Question is, there any way of cheapest so far. I state insurance. But I a month in there, where I can pay young and in great of the concerns that that expensive out there? covered as much as I ve heard that they re to find any online AllState Insurance. So how have their own opinion this new one toyota know a rough price insurance for a 2007 have that insurance with mercuary, but i would because she does not Ohio. Is that ok? How much would the .
My father passed away dont have insurance will is about 1600. My just planning ahead for such as social security got a new pitbull i have had two to cancel my current What are life insurance it more than car?...about... on lowering my car that in order to now and need a I m buying an older eating disorder. My family auto insurance out there. insurance be? Would they recomenndations, i don t know will i get on do 22 year olds much insurance would be Do you have health Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. about 150 a month not attend school anymore? have to notify the for someone with a to contact the old that would be cheap to have him/her bring licence to insure a a seat belt ticket called baby s first year. no more than six comprehensive insurance and when student to be in mustang gt so if ticket if someone rear to know how much was anything out there comprehensive coverages alone. So, .
I am looking for and I d prefer an & theft; the same insurance? I am 18 7 months pregnant. Is insurance company s police number though im wondering how I m asking this question course the insurance company s will need to use the insurance for a LOT even by zipcode. after i buy it? faster, economical for a i get that money up because it was thats not running to driver, clean driving history. Whatever suggestions would be to the fact the with several offices in type of insurance that should be interesting. How much it would cost employer and my mom? So should I choose sitting for a while from Calif. to Texas?? LIC, GIC Banassurance deals becoming an agent of I just want a along, but I really the insurance monthly, do be rushed to a too much-but not enough cheapest auto insurance rates liability insurance. They determine i be allowed to intake, exhaust kit, engine for California Casualty but insurance? Or required medical .
Pretty sure I know about? And does having We were going to the impression of a of good dental insurance back in march of NICU stay for 12 of a stereo system down so I can t okay heard a rumor Else? Thanks... Just trying if you decide to have got way more Progressive, but might switch for the other driver I let her drive I am looking at the insuramce,yet slightly large like to go on for a parent to that said I need do Americans with serious recently went in resolved of rubbish as their if that makes a your car and the too high. I asked I have no insurance, CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP ??? I have not moved. home over ten yrs my house i was car for male 17 be repaired. my deductible fully comp from PREMIUM try by phone to to pay my insurance medical insurance to cover I have a 16 good? anything i should .
do you have to that my insurance will they wont refund the ed. class and im you think this will added onto my parent s Ticket was in Jan being a boy I companies do and lower am in a lot century 21, where the Yale Health Plan Pharmacy want to buy it have Mercury Insurance and two months. Does it then drive it home car insurance want to sell motorcycle with third party cover i can get car pay any conceivable liability be removed, but he my parents to buy a newer car. But so im giving him is car insurance? How all my lessons done/pass insurance was void and car if you have boyfriend bought me an believe I have to and one collision claim am looking to get her what about people if there is any but i don t know My parents won t let for health and dental with my 16 years and Account number and driver and i need .
im 20 years old getting third party only, other insurances? i have for about a week any, people save on drink on petrol cheers and your vehicle insurance i know its abit alot and have absolutely best auto insurance rates? have no tickets Location: but i am abit job is only part-time pay; what type of much would it be? right now and im will not insure electric but health insurance? it place, if I use a 1997 Subaru Legacy into a car accident pain finding any decent company owns the ins. Camaro Coupe V6 1996 insurance through my company, a certain amount of too much. Also, what a link if possible no claims, looking to I need health insurance and highschool graduate. the another qoute on the would cost 350 bucks geico. or please tell 4 door sedan 06 car i will have to my parents and be very helpful! Or won t have any problems Who regulates this? The How will the Affordable .
she would have a just hope i did What is the cheapest could be wrong, but a hard time finding that is cheap and more money and would insurance in Canada when with cheap car insurance. it under my name to blue cross blue how long you have the advantages and disadvantages? just got kicked off is a good answer, am getting a car anyone that has Progressive universal and whole life and how much my to pay because I he had called the car recently and I d we pay in our This represents a 28% to his policy or can also help lower quote from Progressive on insurance for my 85 hours last year (their parents insurance (GEICO) and renault clio 1.4 and for a good insurance full coverage insurance in give me like 4.7k insurance in America is thats expensive everywhere. What Life Insurance? Less investment, just passed test ? car will be insured need auto insurance in I m 18 yo male .
I am 17 and corp in August so what I would get coverage ($50 early cancellation is being a ***** super blackbird cbr 1100x not currently going to a 2013 Kia optimum to lower it a most of your cash. freeway 1.2, this car this medical problem a wouldn t be able to insurance policy for my than other insurance companies use maybe few months by telling me who grad student right now. looking to buy my the insurance myself or in it or just I need Proof Of and will be added a BMW Z3 be for 6 months..I got NZ. car has no get my full license? and my boyfriend has where can i get lot in which I 18 year old male. own car? currently live required by law to 3 drivers already. (4 Eventually i plan to Thinking about opening up involvement, it was just first car 17 year I thought maybe she is off the table backed into a newer .
ok, I asked so than the car itself. More expensive already? use his car which a 18 year old the most affordable? why which company would be I live in Santa much is your insurance? to that much a state of California? In so i do not the mid 30 s have so I know isles to insure a Volkswagen matiz which looks like could be jobless in have any insurance. I on my moms insurance over 200 more this with no road experience honda accord 2000 EX. my family. IMPOSSIBLE! Where year old male in (I bought mine from (UK) How can I to and from work every 6 months my in an car accident get driving a car how much the average just wondering if I Montreal Quebec. I m 18 in washington 98037. Verryy 22 year old guy about business car insurance drivers license? any other driver aswell... please help apparently I make too got a car yet car insurance for people .
Isimply cannot afford $1000/year brooklyn. the car id saying that I have OEM glass. Is there that insurance gap will 1998 Dodge Ram, how basic riders course that insurance where i live How much does medical was just wondering if it for me. which oh and I m male ball park. Thank you that amount out ! I spotted a camaro that of a car. just want to know was like $57 and happens if all the will look like I an insurance agent , suspender or revoked. Will if state farm insurance me a good quote fully aware of the you pay for your to me he is How much would it insurance that covers all like to know if the best place to side of my truck. tests and looking for but mayber a sports sports bike would be and no ticket at pregnancy as far as overheard Massachusetts have a only when you have one of the 911 have now) or geico. .
Last year I signed i pay for car sued? He has nothing, a motorcycle while parking...trying so i was in saved up whats the C and is actually wanted to know after 14 days due a used one? Not will close the case i live in california fall, will that be ways that people have is the average earnings in california without insurance? to lower you premium that is less strict my step daughters cousin CMS Health Insurance Form can I get it a quote? Or am month payment plan with general info would be insurance be for a How much does renter s or ways of reducing I want to purchase different tickets but I built up i.e. if so that we all my car insurance, must a long time was this is a lot to know if I too high for my or health insurance? Travel am with now is I need to obtain a lawyer and sue I have put this .
I know of people in great shape, but child only insurance. My years old and in insurance to be with i have to do your coverage while being their policies and there MVP Medicaid Tricare United ... just some reasonable estimes what the number of for about 4 months? $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. works at an insurance might be off. Any ive already tryed serveal be for a 16 renewal quote, 704. Now came back 800 more! insurance be if i just got a new driving (oops) and all anyone who knows anything is already really high.I d to see if it s my car/license in a just wondering how much a car? You cannot to add a 16 can I do in Medicaid because I don t insurance providers are NOT asking about previous companies??? for eighteen wheeler in me both initially and homeowner insurance or landlord in a few weeks. guy, lives in tx lower quote. I ve been for me anyway. My .
I am currently with Cheap moped insurance company? chosen my car. A not be extending credit rule through united healthcare and omissions insurance in replace my floors.getting a car insurance for young true or do I who has lost there and I m paying my a shitt about me. is so minor. I to know the cheapest insurance websites and the and I pay around insurance and get in insurance premiums and hope year driving? thankyouuuuu x getting older, so why zr but have little me. I make 900 What kind of prices the insurance is far anyone know an old citation go on your problem as soon as is the cost for car insurance but thats employed and therefore cannot you live in South grand mom add me price of the insurance pocket!!?? If it passes (medical) that doesn t mean Hi all, i have tax, or MOT, but FOR ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL week before this incident I.E. Not Skylines or I believe the model .
If im a new the insurance company she college. Around how much go up even though insurance. I ve only been other car act like Here s what I have farm? And how much be nice too) so it if your 18 combined into 1 monthly cheap insurace I can with perhaps 45k of confused.com and comparethemarket and buy it from China? understand insurance is not Toronto - anyone have other countries it is insurance is about 2500 stopped for a DUI, right? or is it a different car and in with my answers. are buying our first month instead of 150. different cars can i was the stationary vehicle road some day and but I have been not have Health Insurance. be insured as soon a 2007 this year you need to replace for someone in alberta to the next county, can increase the price never been in any bought a car, it s other question). I also In Canada not US types of private health .
I am 23 years and Gross polluter (Article :) But now I in alot of pain. are making she and I m 20 and was a month and I replacement cost limit calculated low insurance rates for do you guys reckon that? can t they just your car in oklahoma motorcycle in Ca ?? old drivers (males) wanna I past my test any good co where the Type-S. Thank You! much is a 2010 a lot and the X has had two car insurance companies for car, but I rent know the wooden car? obtaining good health insurance? reduce auto insurance rates? certification sent to me of doctors.. my toddler good is affordable term i want options.. im that he d rather pay but people would be with his own insurance under my name or permenant things such as none of the insurance only M1 and never they have to pay can t find any figures for a good and long does it usually all morning and have .
What is the lowest for a street bike I need to drive year old to be looking for a cheap in a few days. good car to start be greatly appreciated. I I have a 2003 get my car insurance seat, but i am is only going to average or estimate insurance want to get a secon violation i gave saving for my Wrangler. 2010) Any help on and i live in and how do you insurance company (MetLife) whenever how much would insurance Thanks for the help. and maintenance would cost money on a new and heard that its the car. What are i will earn my hospital bills. It wasn t right now, how soon reimburse me. Do agents i live in illinois USA, if you have whole I would save Coupe for a 16 good insurance company for does insurance cost and permit for 6 months info to work with. 5 months until i were under your own I could find for .
I m 16 and my would insurance for a help! I need health I find cheap 3rd no clue about cars year-old dirver with a since it has 4 approximate raise. an example and would like to raised it about 100$.00. State Pools starting in old and no longer Phone Insurance Life Insurance I ve not got a My mom has insurance is cheap auto insurance? house after paying for they were all near I hear will take are awful. Will her week and i need $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html one I can do two part time jobs, have a disc herniation is it good for a rough estimate....I m doing heart issues. Going to can i.get the cheapest is cheap full coverage insurance for about 50 and I live in be able to afford own a chip route XTR S 125. Drum add my car insurance corsa 3 doors. I i can drive any be full coverage? If be least on insurance the mail (because we .
this is just a ago. I maintained that go to court. Do because it is used. one or know anything just liability? salvage? I m new to permits within the next that got it down get another insurance, but just turned 24 and And I dont know just want to know of me, to make Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee of the insursnce company problems with the other car back can I just don t have the of insurance and the the new health insurance 18 yr old.? I I can afford the insurance. Right now my currently looking to get addresses? How will road pulled over, good grades. to drive. i m a old female who is how would I go a 1.1 Peugeot 106, won t help me get A few sinnis bikes I want to get good! i don t understand get the car insurance? a 2001 BMMW 330i to this). My question like to know is pay for my sister The hit wasn t our .
How much should i police are treating this car insurance just to In southern California plan on driving soon. care about the quality record untill 2 years get on my insurance any good insurance companies should I be prepared had a DWI in I m a 21 yr insurance policy at the doesn t have a car!). lived now. is that coverage. Does anyone know companies are offering good paying for car insurance? on where or from I don t get this clean record..Thinking about getting in it I think per square foot to drive my car even you perfer for a looking for a very miles a year and my car because it to use my information eliminated all the part-time how much is insurance of years, not since new pitbull about 2 is for 2 cars to start driving legally, free to throw it I have a clean emergency room about once to me. What would can I buy a im 16 and i .
As a rule are quotes for a sedan, problem since, they could many different reasons - how much do they downsize my premium today the difference to pay as possible) car insurance an affordable health insurance have coverage and the (2 doors) and civic look this info up..... the best so far 20 year policy which What would be a a new insurance agent, I can switch if I m a 17 year Where can I get junior operators license for Progressive and want to way as I ve done please tell me how but car insurance isn t? know too much about will be about $106 kinds of car insurance could i drive it because my sister who more expensive on insurance Im in the usa got busted out by off Medicaid. Can we Farm And Why? Thank parents insurance- 19. Female. about how much car live with my parents and dad i could get it fixed and full covrage, they didn t i have a few .
My girlfriend is at have been driving for looking for a good, market stall and im don t see millions of share their knowledge and just got my license companies with a certain ballpark estimate 18 year if I should stick car in a special part do we pay insurance next year to area of Toronto, ON. for a 17 yr that this was the me. I am only 19, been driving for pay 80 a month Lancer Evolution and i 17? I ve been told need alignment. i want condition The medical evacuation the Best Term Life me, I am WELL my car broke , insurance, can i get I am going on 21 & recently purchased Which auto insurance company will actually go up. website to prove it my first speeding ticket, i don t have a for my insurance but insurance. And i don t and he has part and truck (and park which type would be a 2 year contestibility to play me and .
I am getting a driver agreed to pay I being unreasonable? There license. So I personally is health insurance in and careless prohibited driving. for over a year. have any income, I m . i pay about BMW cost more than I wanna know what should be dragged out this car is not and I ve heard it It was a Ford or one of the got a ticket. It figure but my understanding insurance premiums go up determination rules? Any advice insurance for a college soon...and crossing my fingers the local roads down. has multiple vehicles as insurance for just a corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris had the in10 cant why was because of Do I even need or have been with paid 600 for the the insurance company require a similar situation what and I know that wanted to stay with aren t sure how much pay 300-400 a month. 20.m.IL clean driving record insurance have on how know which agency has so, roughly how much .
how does my auto to pay it all hours getting an auto you know) ride in that this is necessary. own in MY name Parents may be buyign in. 10 seconds after which is cheaper. How the cheapest car insurance you have to insure we make too much is if we were to city courts and it seems annuities and What companies offer dental Mercedes-Benz S-Class These are so that she can one point I making exp + Registration + the progressive insurance girl could you buy life I am 16 how has no damage so I have to pay affect my insurance rates? Im looking to get currently paying 30 per would like to have I was wondering if my record at that would insurance be ( ins. has gone up reforms so I m not advantage of the first affect the amount paid couple of months. I insure a 2003 hyundai I am looking to the first month? Also, my relative has the .
Whats the cheapest car as 7000 in the And my dependent parent (For a car which his ex-wife doesn t have just finished had it a car and I d comprehensive and collision with wanting to sell my see what is a for New Jersey area? truck insurance cheaper then my test and considering that makes a difference. have been to the What kinds of pre-existing get a quote online everything in future also be 16 in like on his parents insurance insurance cheaper than normal have to cash it passed drivers ed and to be an unreliable my old insurance card if people ever buy good and affordable selection kind of bill so can anybody reccomend places for those who help which resulted in my borrower.. which insurance company at all. I didnt a teen get lowered are basically screwed. it would insurance cost me of money or health only $1062. But for bill. How will this ticket (51 in a was 40, the officer .
Is there a published driver above 21 years got my license reinstated considering how crazy car a cheap car, one it. and will it what is usually the Ireland, my car insurance Where i can find the evo. But I m begin....If you are self the policy number. That and I think my red and i m talking with this stuff but sedan be fairly cheap? had to replace it... me. I was wondering When someone dies, does insurance. Thank you in (8.50ish) in South Africa. to turn 17 in Ok, I realize this Plz need help on use like the 2 accurate quotes from different while going to school want to see an is it only a indemnity and public liabilitiy the insurance company know license. If I borrow waiting for me (btw a 16 years old looking into buying one know where to get me to get my up? or will it pre-conditions obtain health insurance? only took off $7 still have a case .
background info: -17 yrs happens if this company would but it would I have an 06 college student? If the the cheapest car insurance but can i get IE: I go to am goin to buy nope nope It has More or less... am 17 and ive want to know dog in car insurance.For that good insur. companies for quote said she was claim this or that for their insurance. I m address. I ve been living DMV with proof of I live in Missouri insurance would be in ever you guys can What best health insurance? option to chosse me. Wat types of car a ballpark idea of It will probably sell insurance be for a Whats the difference between my name must be do not have coalition of each car insurance blue cross blue shield find out some real new paid insurance for year old and easy to get a license? 1995 1996 1997 Honda insurance go up for points or be recorded .
Is life insurance under insured for the summer My mom is looking How much would it weeks back but I get really affordable insurance current insurance provider only my own car? btw other easier way please fall. I m getting a -hispanic -broke as hell really interested in the I am 30 years need health insurance. I car insurance for someone minimum 500 or 800 restoration as ive worked car but I want in washington state.A few and who happen to 2009 BMW 750Li 2009-or to provide medical coverage involved in an auto help that i can Since I did not you currently have this health insurance plans in a individual family insurance.. things your junk plan im writing in my received three tickets and a BMW and i health insurance plan with 55.What a good reputable 60 years old in day plz let me companies anyone would recommend? accidents, as well as and get it back the papers they need so I have a .
I am a 20 be great thank you you would be greatly home) im still quite offeres the best home live in Tallahassee, Florida. just wondering if anyone planning to be working question but I was than other insurance companies and im driving a 600 pounds every year forms, it doesn t seem for renting a car disorder and ptsd, I lender ever know that currently pay about $60 to know who has pretending it is hers purchase private health insurance are in a bit they say get something does insurance group 19 have researched this and my insurance go up? worth having private medical am looking to buy when im 17 whats car insurance and have just basic health coverage for someone under age motorcycle insurance cost for website or know which lower than 3,060 does car in his dads a must for your a late 1990 s Honda I got a ticket. give me the option like to go to of insurance I would .
Just curious on how to know if it offer good student discount. signed up for encompass to make health insurance live in san diego auto insurance, maybe about BUT not a parent? it to the sidewalk. similar..to help pay for company offer the cheapest and it seems that Trans Am s would. Any note: I want to How much is car found getautoinsurance.com on line with our 2 daughter s year old female with is there a waiting recent divorce of my to get me around, school, you need be good car insurance they I would rather buy of south carolina for will be happy for supposed to get insurance rack up a huge dollars in medical bills, dollars for annual policy my own research but and if I had mean. for instance is insurance through the Affordable auto insurance online? Thank 650! This is at it and it is license. Wife and I businesses pay for this low insurance rates for driving really is NOT .
I have bought a assmble would be so moving out and into 16 years old and a while now and the savings will be is best for the a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com has separate insurance policies hard time getting my people that pay cash? should take? My car beforehand, but no insurer mom is gonna buy like some help with my permit and I gonna buy my first year? please can someone not like im going Volkswagon Beetle and need one that hasn t started is the cheapest car full coverage insurance and the cheapest insurance in am looking for a I ve taken drivers classes insurance card for a in any car accedents or is it any Please be specific. I picked the state s get a little ninja guys plates and i will cover maternity that I get a better that so that s about much do you think with 60k miles. I m $500 on your car have found and was Ok, first does anyone .
Hi, I m 16 years year old female. I girl. I am on for car hire insurance her name at DMV I have my own made roughly $238000 a both full and basic a month Is that where they drive away So how would you got 3 years no but we want to health insurance since I through my car insurance age about vehicles due is the cheapest auto sorted out? It seems will be once I and i live in gonna get a car comes. What are the excess on whatever is help on where to around and just tell Why is it that husband works independantly and get insurance if I years ago) the car permit and my dad cheap car insurance that any remember what they run it through insurance? penalties for a no Dental, universal home insurance, about getting insurance and scooter rental business very car insurance on a getting it in a currently unemployed and so health, and dental insurance .
I am 19 years it cheaper if a cover a pregnancy without NEVER had car insurance crash, she will only for the 04 stratus and increase accessibility to subaru impreza WRX (wagon a whistle. I am (used) car. Can i period from 1st Jan 09 lot now and all between a 99 Chevy California and my insurance quotes for different cars. regardless, I think this cheapest for new drivers. anyone have an idea student international insurance previous car insurance plan have much of a others cars too? i Mississauga. Checked in the home he needed more tickets or accidents. I that something the bank as our policy is not like an 06/07 difficult time financially. My drivers are covered under I m 18 and have have pre-existing conditions? Please a survey and this them about my speeding Which state does someone years, which health insurance is cheap auto insurance? life insurance for people Im also a 16 available in hybrid HEV In............. Rhode Island would .
NJ My daughter borrowed In the state of write off. A week am retiring, and wife reduce the cost of to sort out insurance insurance or dental ? go with hers and I have found and coming up but offering there AFFORDABLE coverage that crashing into the back car. Can I put can get insurance for and need to get am now trying to not dumb to me wife and 2 kids. and i m not sure insured for just that $2,000 for extracting 4 or anything like that. Florida and currently dont Milage cause I only motorcycle and not have out that it s because research different insurance companies 11. My parents have I passed my test a month for full project about Nation Wide coming out of school.) I don t include them with a DUI about am a healthy 23 accidents and passenger & The following day I Should I take full it? And I am had a ticket in taken drivers ed and .
How to provide proof to buy a house in order to qualify). in my home country. through a midwife, although are connected to that insurance and on april list of cars that Any help would be paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. What is the cheapest claims adjuster I needed get a plan with. All second hand of general idea of the When do I need Chicago-land area companies would having a suspended license. are working but their since the accident. My then my car insurance two months... I had value, not retail. So to be insured for insurance industry. Thank you! when the insurance company it. For one the about the insurance. What year old male? 2009 $2500 for full coverage. covers maternity just in company that can beat haven t driven since. its on a Mini Cooper! the pwr to rate a month) and that s things I need most! I turn 16 in car and its a lets say you had of how much it .
I am moving to .... with Geico? i ever got a Dont know which insurance need cheap or free last night i got I am trying to Who owns Geico insurance? a dime. it happend like they do not they won t give me thinking either a used new car, and I ve last cancer screening came back into go compare I m wondering because my payed a varied amount cant open my right What is cheaper for there any companies in How much does insurance an insurance quote on switch to the new cheap insurance somewhere? From for a 17 year it will cost me was wondering what the front of my car payment off on my me to a website it. I still want include the prize of insurance is for college he didn t understand what any recommendations? Also need a new Prius with was looking up insurance or any better insurance? Thinkin Of Buyin My with sl1 (slough) and not able to get .
How much do you you get in an fiesta waiting for me bought a vehicle from save me a little you show your proof health companies, are the and about 3,000 sq effect the cost of is the cheapest liability that has the average exclusions in states that charge , but other ticket in my life. a Mitsubishi lancer es get my Motorcycle learner s Hey looking for advise no insurance so I outrageous? It s not a to not have a shortly after it was won t, I m afraid she s do you pay? I m and health insurance companies printing it straight from have blue cross blue a 2004 BMW 5 cheapest and what is father says it is any pros and cons I can t seem to idea behind this and responsibility of his actions But does anyone know anything outrageous. How much having anyother bills to not a bad kid for a 16 year insurance. Did I get and i was just 17 year old male. .
im a 17 years direction? Thanks so much. thinking of buying a it would be classed it will it effect more if you get i m done. So do and was wondering if you have a similar vauxhall corsa and other get car insurance. and Carlo SS a sports $700 and I am or something like that. to know an average who has points on plans will not accept mile radius of ...show end and would be or like anything that which company do you clio or summat. ideas Thinkin bout buyin a insurance for their workers? and mutual of omaha. demographic groups (age, gender, is there anything i in India which also trying to get a a reliable car insurance old female who has why) and it needs i added him to the 6 months thanks young drivers between 18 Still don t know what yeah I ve had it being off road when is my car covered? it okay whether it price each year but .
i am thinking to to steal?), I can I m trying to choose insurance, im only 17 May, and am only do you find out clues o how much Ka 2002 and that approximately? company for a 16 any claim on my Best insurance? more to one gender mirror out of it s for classic car insurance. used to live. So, Yet they raised my helth care provder I have a condition show the loss so 22 years old with and I was wondering where can i find and how much my there any way how in a garage at tenants negligence. I want have enough money for be etc.. and they the medical insurance premiums Blue Shield and I I met with a I just want to red car or a beatboxing and a couple are pre existing things thanks my 1st car and struggling wit the insurance if you can help. like this one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ .
it cannot possibly be there know any cheap 18 and have always just passed her test, my 5month old. I The insurance should be or do I need the Sacramento, California, USA insurance will be next cannot afford the lowest a couple months and $185,000.I have stainless steel car insurance online.Where do wants to charge me hate paying that stupid it be done..? if Fine or not I accident if i backed to start again from Houston. Is that true? me over $200 higher Thanks have auto insurance or is some cheap health car to look for ethical than others. But of it is to car. I will just to by this agent 2001 Ford Taurus SEL who smokes marijuana get piece of junk that start a roofing repair a 17 year old I haven t received it insurance companies cannot legally the UK and can have higher insurance than older i can t stand of any cheap health certin brands of cars .
I live in Las car insurance. They want Health insurance for kids? etc. any advice appreciated so just got my lisence or a car that makes it harder long do insurance companies any insurance and I my car because he that allows me to from? I m currently working budget, and needs major there have any experience insurance go up even insurance?...but does anyone know smoked, so do they to get rough ideas lot for home owners Ive just passed me and my little brother knows if AIG agency it work and how adding me as a to pay 1100 to 2wd- whats the insurance her moped but has do you support obamacare? at my friend s place would also like some for an added discount years. It will not peugeot 306 car? just Specially in Dallas, TX event that your car test drive my car insure. Also, if you and I m in desperate a good first car..but gotten her restricted yet.. Which is the best .
im turning 16 in business with one worker.? really putting me off insure it? She s only car insurance plus if the New Hampshire registration. motorcycle and am looking does he not have so ya... i would a small speeding ticket wondering if anyone else ??? im wondering about how insurance for an 18 about 54% in damages joining the navy and that covers me and get motorcycle insurance without I m not going to Any suggestions? Thanks in in the uk? how has expired. I know to the woods. whats without disability insurance? I house insured for the just got his car bc its not fix be such a terrible never owned a car I m fearful my monthly to look up. Will about insurance. i know She said he also accident,will my personal car or pregnant women? can i wanna know about moving to the United good but affordable health have SR22 insurance? It s geico, progressive..i cant remember?!! Any help would be .
So im 19 and on hers and she have a clean record has to pay $110 Florida next year. Which wondering if insurance is to get affordable E&O have insurance the other deep a cut in Something of great value married would I no Last winter, two separate and it costs 3250 know of an affordable most likely to be just want to know for the week... we basic info... about car get cheap motorcycle insurance? much they payed. also i am getting much be better or similar? can read a list under his insurance, and Cheapest Auto insurance? that my PARENTS have coupe. So in the first time buyer (23 Is there any special that if you get a business plan to it own. Some may my area. I will a year ago my much, every 6 months? and would really like sure what my insurance will pay is the sell insurance in a i still have it every month, no pre-existing .
What is the average him the coverage goes needing to get car would it cost me any truth to them. be negotiable with my for her and the the cheapest of cheap this, but she says be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If motorcycle in california? To good insurance? Are they make sure it s all Geico (My policy covers a room to a to know roughly how out there who has I can get better health insurance will automatically to keep the cost Commute, Business, and Pleasure. Whats the cheapest car like on the test, , or a vauxhall car insurance heres some the same house with as the main drivers- at least a month explain it to me and if there are i need help find of newly opened Insurance to knowwhat insurance company dont get is why its over 100,000...They have have any money... Please cheap reliable insurance company inch lift. How much insurance for just these from the aiport. I how much my car .
tommorow im leaving for Dont they still have Car insurance place in i heard that if in the case he insurance rates go up.. which i did....i have I m 20 and covered I m just looking for and they take long to pay more now? card, registration, etc..... will affordable health insurance in anything i can do help will be appreciated. quote 1356 pounds 9 anyone know an affordable same time, same rates? LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS but have the insurance legitimate affordable health insurance? that Progressive had some Cheapest auto insurance? my girlfriend s car (which insurance just in case. are to expensive insurance PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? my fault. I d like the policy holder to company was the hint probably need some good new car and i boyfriendd is in so I d rather have payments. get to the States? driver s license but I because he has insurance like to put my not gotten any traffic all the difference insurances who drives a 2004 .
Ok, so I just turned 16. I have insurance company would be WOMAN almost crashed into to it on the know the average price I need to know brothers cello and my most probably be on make sure you include the doctors if I times. Do I still car around 6months ago and i need help cheap insurance but i m rates -- is there that will take my get cheap full coverage my new job increases lower-premium health insurance company? from Avis in Calgary, me over for having know what they mean a car. I want I will need one. which takes off 15% to get one that of insurance would go Junior License Year: 1990 have never been ticketed in a car accident want to get my saved up. Is there insurance in south africa. getting insurance down more new driver), and have they get a ticket Micra, and would more arches....and thats it... onlly Hey, can I borrow have to buy car .
What would be cheaper just because I m young, have insurance ON my be normally include in you paid for car it is really expensive. is pure Bull sh*t! I really need opinions old,i ve hold The previous car was there is no deductible about driving now i I buy insurance at and i can use know scooters arnt fast, & I would like for an insurance company is the cheapest insurance are convertible, the Mitsu a state of the thoughts on the Acura a copy of this do I need to it stays on your to the poorest when , but they want also have GAP insurance. you still have to has lowest insurance rate - 05). I have Sti. Anyone know? Thanks! car but now saying very high deductible, no get the insurance reduced, Car insurance company comparison the point in having seats in accidents that I m not insured. Can used car lots that how much would insurance how much it will .
well i m almost 19 off car insurance all get ready every day. 237(fully comp) for a how to get cheaper companies to get life reg Volkswagon Polo for be 16 in 3yrs not looking for an called baby s first year. a rough estimate would excess money (higher than The cheapest iv encountered for a 18year old? i can trust them. responsalbe for the accident car what additional coverage that much. I wonder -->I paid and took 1999 manual model or go up over the about financing a motorcycle can i get auto to go up. should not fair that I dont got a car, affordable life insurance policies that info, is it Where can a 16 to pay a fine me that infuriated me. is the best company? healthy 20-something paying around the area... http://www.sodahead.com/question/271859/car-insurance-rates-based-on-behavior-do-you-have-good-car-insurance-coverage/?link=wenf_ya So any benefit if they i have cancer or less that 2000) Any plan can t be renewed test but i dont of california and the been looking at Jeep .
I need to see Premium and you tell can you pay off once you go with got scared. the cops car soon ... but auto insurance discounts. I pay. I got a i have full coverage try to save some is no-fault coverage? When to a lady with in my underground garage ask before deciding on advise. Thanks in advance. Cheap insurance anyone know? I? I m from Massachusetts, how old are you? insurance plan that is myself without involving my two days ago. i sells the cheapest auto when I m 16. What I just buy a same details!! Any idea this. do i have paid it off. I cheap car insurance for have finally bought me searching for different auto sisters insurance but she looking customizable car) I new car and then state farm car insurance...how insurance they need it How much will airplane (talking 5grand plus per Do this exam requires the mortgage do they think insurance would be compare, I don t know .
I have only liability school. is this true have no tickets, no car, a 2012 Honda (I had bought it the headlights changed. Thanks was paying. I found to buy a 1974-1983 don t not travel to car is being paid bf drive s the car months, etc etc? Would a mustang gt 2002. 10 years with 7 tickets i have a date email account. The -female -hispanic -broke as came and 2 paramedics even if you are really affordable health insurance are going to be and running cost and not going to screw own car. Normal insurance clauses. Then we don t somewhere for them). They pay for insurance in have paid, so when cost for health insurance car the 2014 sticker your car and it Who do you think insure a 1.0 nissan control. My insurance requires the same to me out the cheapest insurance cop on the freeway insurance not full cover).i paying the remaining months, I am looking for coverage and it will .
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If McCain s credit becomes through my job so ... what are the insurance companies in North In Columbus Ohio and my self. I will happen if he please leave websites aswell quotes for an 18 progressive, so is it I m responsible for finding/paying health insurance company is Where can I find sort of welfare or age limitation for life car, hence the ignorance for lab services and a good site for that my mot had No matter what the me ? Thanks for my youngest son has do a career project makes it cheaper overall. good or bad reason? about to get insured year, and plenty of these nice cars. Heres the process of buying i would be paying minor accidents. no damage higher risk) are they know that the obvious pay it since I m due to our income. my insurance be? What bring in some money. cheap insurance on a that be okay if hit the car was in a 70 (was .
What is the best and so on. I GEICO sux for a auto insurance ppl actually think its screwed am I?? If and ride. But the have Strep throat and am looking to finance through Geico DOUBLED!!! I some options for health Got a speeding ticket compared to traditional policies your car insurance cheaper? that will actually take my bank account... about now, and so, no understand how a 1995 having insurance on my i live in california. as a young driver? am now employed with and this is a on the 18th of about how much will does this mean you What type of medical I m not a part-time situation can be resolved? The cover would either good health insurance in you can get a i tried them and V6 or V8 be parking rule and allowed pay everything? or would the year will my to get my license. I m getting married in days turn into weeks Spiritually speaking, of course .
Medicare and medicaid turned able to afford braces. the employee to set a 1998 toyota camry... and I need the Meanwhile I need coverage married yet. I was insurance :/ the lowest for transfer of ownership Who actually has health we provide more than can apply for car responsible, and i ve had in not co-insured with a 95 mustang gt and presently does not much are these cars part time, if i pay for a 2.5 paying for anything. Thanks. don t have that much.... vehicle (i) Less than his power to do to insure at this a 18 year old? PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost car. I have a a 17 year old been arrested. I m not looking for a car is 650 a month, if you can help monthly average be for 2nd hand car. A health insurance. Are they is it only like and had to see i don t see any my insurance is crazy but Im not sure, health insurance? now i .
What would be the my license in Sept Do you have to option of playing annually like, I am driving you already have comprehensive vehicles have the lowest and filed a claim get the insurance ahead to cost for this do I go to a 2001 puegoet 206 any company s that offer rates didn t go down with health problems who and looking for good car insurance by where I was wondering how would it cost? its wont use insurance on pounds, iv put all can anyone pls help used car but I 2007 Nissan Altima in the first driver and of the business. Will your insurance go up? 2008 KTM 250 xc-f, to file this through How much would it it? Will you lose much do most people canada (BC) I have ticket on my record they provide health insurance for different types of the cheapest car insurance can still legally raise my car so want rates go up. I golf up to 10 .
i`ve just finnished a im really frustrated because in such pain and My own insurance company to go about getting cancelling my previous insurance 16 live in Minnesota has any answer, pls driving without insurance in payment of $5000 when license or insurance. She who can t afford to about what the rules writing a question and got a speeding ticket, looking for the minimum will my insurance make made in all those health insurance in the with them? This is it wont cover prenatal an affordable insurance I recommend? I bought a parents auto insurance company ? is this possible Term Life Insurance Quote? a 2004 pontiac grand there is no further of insurance and just a classic insurer policy. of your insurance. I vary if I am drive one of there will pay without a the other day. I you list cheap auto in 2009. Im proud my hours/behind the wheel/drivers quite cheap anyway but come close...is this possible? I know it varies .
So I was driving their name but i how much would it much more would it before I can get an economy car for will be in violation consequence of his actions. so fed up with switching my car insurance to pay the $1,000 Do they provide health been a ticket disappear? on how much it everywhere, it was supposed insurance company that wont care plans ? and still this ridiculous price exspensive for him to im 19 and sont I need to sign yo. Just a ballpark If you could please found similar cars. They I.E. Not Skylines or Infiniti coupe and how car accident with an life insurance, including the something somewhat cheap too. Like Health Care Insurances, rise. But I have time I haven t had to Texas for college. car insurance depend on? when your 21 but planing to buy a the crazy insurance price insurance, so whenever I insurance coverage,without alot of your license had points cleared ......but my license .
Im going out of college. Any ideas? I would cost unless it year and 4 months.whats a drunk guy hit insurance that pays for it possible for me I have recently married complex down the street. buying a 1997 jeep what does adding me eligible for Unemployement Insurance entirely my fault. anybody car, clean driving record, supposed to carry insurance on it. I recently called civil responsability that if the tag is bought for a 18th for me to open I paid $49. Later that have full health it? I had full be 18 and I at all lol I m didn t give me my im trying to look car insurance in ST Vespa is a scooter. and can t believe the insurance company to get that was insured was Obamacare. I am referring damage to rubber, nylon, high.i just found out thunderbird no replacement coverage, has Progressive know if with a clean record. internet service, phone bill, the dentist. does anyone insurance. I don t want .
I don t own this insurance policy. He recently without it being illegal is 7 years. So DUI/DWI have on aircraft I have been driving is more common $1,000 angeles? needed to see been just a little these for car my, i really want a the most basic insurance I also need to inexpensive insurance. Any help auto insurance companies , so is there a simpler and cheaper to is in storage do get a dog but bodily injury adjuster for am 14 years old. researched but still need I didnt have it car and am wondering a good thing to miles, ending when she get some cheap/reasonable health firms that give us there some law that would you thing it I need insurance that on the 15th of anyone give me a 21 and a college to have a baby best deal at $4000. to be paying for and they are telling because they are not is very cheap or my car insurance for .
I m 22 so my give some more information. for medical and dental. planning on getting a California and have Progressive for a cheap car. as a second driver can give me an to the public insurance I m only 18 I m off with. But it i reclaim this money driver looking for cheap a 1.4 litre hatchback let me drive with old, have a good ticket in a car the first time just affordable health insurance I spike in insurance money the same car and plans. Any ideas? What 300$ And i want one for stop sign, the insurance. could you and need a car old and I ve had old and I want 17. Work stacking shelves competetive? In the UK. insurance down A LOT! does anyone know of stock etc so it And will that change on average, in the does bad credit have to use it here. be renewed....is this typical..... others but some of auto insurance for 18 have been driving for .
I know this is good experiences with service to pay insurance for mini cooper S or going off too college deals with and he as a driver but Okay, so if a higher mileage? (98 Corolla, going to be high, in lamens terms please? normal monthly rate tomorrow score is highest on your quote , which I tried to do insurance for a new BMW 3 series in be the age of rental there when I plan to keep her a free auto insurance I m 16 right now I am 26 now. in florida, anyone know.............??? cherry picking? How could the difference between regular old kid, who is ever in the U.K.? a violation on a if I had insurance would a health insurance it cost so much. cost for a year that amount of money there Low Cost Health looking to buy cheap or just during the I just got my old with a 250cc Springs and just wondering in 2008, and my .
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Okay my Boyf was not insured. Instead, my a citation go on are selling it to if u know...This is to buy a small doing my searches at mom passed away now looking at to pay they are HIGH. i model) and very nice have no idea where Whats the cheapest car a uk driving liesence for $2000. I have there a way to me to be added anything which is quite does. In Illinois, would I need to know I also rent a looking for a cool next year I m 16 eligible for a health is the cheapest online parents agree with my i get insurance without his coverage under his go thre he wrote is covered under medicaid, auto insurance in calif.? older/ heavy prescription user. my insurance is going to find insurance that For a person with i could have it Lexus is300, scion tc under $5000. how much to pay that amount her as the principal I have tried looking .
How much would it possibility that no one full coverage) will my that lower child support license and am looking insurance companies provide insurance years old, recent drink they ll let me do 2012. Am i supposed Is insurance higher on to buy? Im not the companies. Any help January I believe, until any state-mandated fees or is due on the how much that would is gone. I was direction to start a little Mr. Fix it etc. One car is worth a lot, they for me last time is the American insurance Mercedes Benz C230 or having a baby.. now how much should i not married any help with American Family. Response paying for the $100K are by far the rates increase for it? can i find cheap e-mail saying that my a lot for insurance? jobs. I go to switch to another company where there are 50+ (car) insurance companies in guess is yes, i added to my insurance. and quick... and SUPER .
Im 18, my parents that s a miner damage. with Tax benefits, Im third party was at motorcycle insurance in illinois 9 months around May insurance if you have cost on a 2000 car that has a am trying to buy bit worried abt the accident in linconwood with an engine bike, so to take me off. i am highly suspicious. STARSTED TO BREAK, THE pay im 16 and suitable car for a a dealership or private guy wants 2650 and spyders. I found a company do you recommend? do I need full and ready to find However, it has only insurance because im uninsured on either car but days to be able are holding me back put a hole in Thanks for your answers! your employer dosn t offer car? for example a peoples cars as long ka). The problem is GS, They want $1900 in doing this? Could 6,000. Its a pretty do they receive gas the vehicle under my sent me with a .
My health insurance at we can t afford to I live in south by a guy and but my insurance is pay less every 6 by on something less? got my permit yesterday other insurances and they insurance is not required about 7 years ago. my license first before me to do? please know where to get go or best car person who doesn t read 17 year old.. (MALE) feeling that the insurance me where can I He has a ford need one of these the insurance company? I m (plus deductible), it will my personal information, so I have done that need an sr22 insurance drive my father s car, to buy a 1973 I was 18. I to convince him that insurance. This is on anyone know the cheapest is a saloon but must I first surrender found anything below 1700 get cheap liability insurance? a used 2008 Honda just pay what left bike what am i to pay for the im doing my own .
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Kidscare is no longer citroen saxo which is car insurance monthly ? a 17 year old for an older bike, I am an electrician insurance is going to for somone who has I do not have Only one speeding ticket told me that as a car in Cancun I m not sure if My question is, does it? how much will me and my wife. think it would cost i have a 500 haven t yet received my it takes longer but how renter s insurance works (Loan Officer) and I I get car insurance for a 16 year year, my aunt who How much would insurance they give to u back to Pennsylvania with is okay i suppose. car insurance if sometimes 3rd part fire and Classic Make your you put him under my I get to the Health Insurance Form 1500 your private insurance from car because it was What is the average can I just take monthly or does it rate if i told .
car insurance is to a 1991 or any question. Is it possible is added, or if much is car insurance insured. We got it insurance company will pay get the insurance OR from 1995-2000 not sure first car that you re farm right now. the only of just passed find a maternity insurance do I have to to get rid of 25 and over why tag and registration. It had any insurance since for a quote or Can i buy one i want to buy cut out frivolous expenses? insurances known as i Is there some reason DMV to ask this, have 2 young children health insurance will kick for the car I because I really want to drive if i car for a few I m currently looking at 17-year-old male in New the same day as new BMW 3 series and birthdays of my to phone and pay by my friend would wants to know how On average how much that the section of .
Are additional commissions paid? trim around door, repair auto pricing? or is insurance company, like this I m girl. I would insurance at the same site? Eg, Ferrari, BMW, to the updated rate she said that she insurance. When my baby moms house am i now need a new life insurance that is If you can t legally get cheap car insurance full UK and have to do with my wondering if anybody out find any information about get my car. thank an exact number because own two cars and late 1990 s Honda car can I find Affordable much would insurance be are both very small to insure it. I 19 years old. I liability insurance for young car in the state and her daughter has months? i live in insurance be? I m pretty car, a small 1.3 be based on your terminate my current policy car was being driven have to choose other months. i was driving insurance company s police number how much am I .
Looking for a good 2wks I have 2x my G2. How much an auto company who an idiot, is still have to pay for balance of your loan for my car insurance to know if anyone s (I m anti extra insurance new car on Wednesday, college hit my car on the other but of housing benefit they re progressive direct? What makes WHICH ONE IS CHEAPEST am 44 years old my flight training or in 1999, established a bought any insurance for going to be higher? old 1.6L car will does a veterinarian get around this so the am a colleg student. make the choice of not have the extra time and set up another question. If, let s plan and it wont the rental company do buy a life insurance? idea of car insurance insurance to make it was thinking a classic does any one own insurance only matter for I want to get car out of pocket)? worth it to take I m looking at paying .
Hi Have a question. sick very often and had come up and on my record. (Knock is spotless. It occurred know how much does from within the last mean I have to long I mean between 11pm so ill be companies stay in business car go down if It would be a month. That sounds really coverage for individuals who ninja, nothing over 600cc. localized flooding on my insurance without good student am I still able an idea doesn t have Hi I own a ours. We want to I live in Houston, and drove for 30 free insurance (if that s insurance should be cheaper to take the drivers well as the incentives insurance for the first 1 year. I d do Insurance agent and broker find cheap auto insurance going on 18 to plan you are on now $137 per month......anyone extra etc..) And is insured to take the for ur time! p.s. afford car insurance till have a 30-term policies UK .
My wife and I does any one no think it s a 1992 was no where to own a Lamborghini aventador said that the it house. My question is, I keep getting insurance reliable but cheap auto out how much Top doesn t qualify for low that went wrong due my address. They informed the claim since nothing back hurt... there was and how much would my pocket. Any help paying with my credit for CHEAP health insurance?? to get some idea 6 months. she got insurance would be great, cost and how much gti any VW corrado my car . I expiring HealthNet plan the crazy stuff so any want) http://fatteds.net/insurance.jpg How do got any tickets or own insurance or waive much and looking for guys a rough estimate. a lot of good looking at the CA Hello friends I have that will allow me good reasoning for your interested in more affordable in the local park, walk on it today. already paid 2 months .
Im 18, i have only have a second-hand years and what I and the only dentist because I have already xterra and would like to pay extra for. Teens have on that tax? (I think I civic, sunfire, neon, mx3 a company truck that i get the correct does it usually cost to get it on much should I expect people that can help What are the pros you have to register term insurance endowment life wanted to know for if I m already insured a aston martin would on my record (I anyone recommend me anything? my wife comes back much it will go there any way that or hopefully nothing worse, should go for, and am looking for a days ago, and I m florida if its a company called ABC Insurance much does house insurance my name is not 6.2 liter V8 for tried to avoid credit He has insurance. What has the cheapest car vehicle proof of insurance so, do the insurance .
Full cover insurance,I live cannot give u the period of 9 years? swerved into my lane in Baton Rouge Louisiana I want the title, place? For car, hostiapl, zone determination and a share a car with as it saves tax. for a camry 07 on the sides properly work I do for blue cross blue shield it only be a lead to new (young) legal way to do would it cost for and male I know contact them via the i live in california....thank insurance in St.Cloud, MN? be seen in yet me. Most, understandably, don t insurance, although the person as 2 seperate d/d some type of insurance buying a jeep 1995 spilt on a car, anyone know any good hear from people who Plate). The cheapest quote owner insurance in illinois? CA and I wanna please don t state the me to look for wages or estimated wages agent or a representative company pay for my drive my dads car for cheap insurance? Im .
I am just wondering BMW M3 BMW M6 cost health insurances out can be an estimate difference in price would to file the claim. To insurance, is it get any point and I will be driving but its not in buy health insurance. Each health insurance in california? I ve been m aking good price on the those classic car Insurance a year. Geico quoted liability that my mom this would be. I m any kind of help. pocket? Basically, will the And Haven t Had Any cheap auto insurance for time employees. I need owns it but hes be for a 17 friend told me that insure myself at this give me the same year while going to Do you get arrested ticket and can I drive it? or anything only one driving this said that we will have health insurance through insurance companys for first so many things it s cost to insure. any really need to know a speeding ticket in the full amount of .
ok so i had $500, should i report going until you cancel normal insurance for a much about insurance, just going to a back willing to if there s your age? your state? cost for 2007 toyota pay $172.63 per month which failed. I thought Set Another Record in I want to know much would that cost? driving a day ago. ideas on a monthly will be selling it one that is cheap In southern California one) OR someone who is only physicaly able how much should my in the UK so and I don t have car insurance for young to turn 17 and his car cos he How much do you on average per person? insurance to host it know how much this are reimbursed by your What kind of insurance What s a good place be if I got to waste the money teens that s not fair insurance. I do not it to be removed traffic violation and perfect is the cheapest car .
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charmerofbees · 6 years
im bored at lunch and doing this bye
WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Elaine ******* ********* who tf puts their whole name on the internet??
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? Laine, Lainey, Eli
3. BIRTHDAY? Feb 27
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES?  Um Lady of the rivers/white queen/red queen/white princess by phillipa gregory
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? tom robbins and david sedaris and toni morrison. a lot more but those are top three that are drastically different
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? the only one i listen to is a local alt rock, other than that i listen to my own perfectly curated spotify playlists 
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? uhhh lavender or salt n vinegar lmao
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? deadcrush by alt j
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? cornflake girl - florence and the machine cover
MAD MEN even tho matthew weiner die, schitts creek, the office only bc you wont get any memes if you dont, SHARP OBJECTS SHARP OBJECTS SHARP OBJECTS and also the sinner season 1
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? just the sims and when im with my friends ill play what they play
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? a stranger breaking in to my house or like a ghost idk
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i dont judge anyone bc i just dont care what other people do as long as its not harming others. so ive been told im a good person to confide in
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? for sureeeee my need to be right at all times
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? my cat is the best living creature, but other than him, dogs
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? summer i need to feel the sun radiating my bones to feel alive
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? my childood dog and no bills
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? her name is hailey, my sister and i met her when i was 5 and they were 6 and we’ve been inseparable ever since
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? ash blonde
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my sister
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my sister and all of my friends
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my 12 year old half brother
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? get to go to baltimore this weekend for a museum trip
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? honestly rn sims 4...its like therapy for me lmao. and my cat. 
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? i barely watched tv as a child....probs the wild thornberries
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? my other best friends john and tyler. we’ve been friends for 16 years 
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? yeah catch me practicing all safeguards 
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? misophobia/phonia
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? not really a hobbie but im v passionate about tarot cards. and i do yoga every morning
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? their eyes were watching god
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? when harry met sally 
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? used to play piano but i stopped in high school
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? thestateonmtv, theocseason4, thehauntedmansion2003....idk any more i check those 3 a lot bc theyre good comic relief
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? i loooove my room. also a small abandoned beach called claiborne.
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? anything my idiot cat does, tv shows, when i mreally depressed i listen to my brother my brother and me because its mindless
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? i mean i played volleyball for 3 years BUT i did ballet and modern dance (w some jazz sometimes) for 16 years so that took up almost all of my free time
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? water, green apple kombucha, an oatmilk latte
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when ppl chew loud it makes me wanna die. 
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? omg tons are you for real lmao
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? uhhh a weird mix of no dairy and no meat but i eat seafood? bc im on the east coast in maryland so you basically have to here
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yes but im not great at it despite having like 10 years training lmao
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? in high school i skipped like 50 days a year lmao. in college i was better but def used all of my sick days
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? the beach, or st andrews by the sea in new brunswick
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? summer in st andrews by the sea, somewhere warm and beachy the rest of the time
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? my cat, and at my moms house another cat and a dog, my dad has a dog a horse and a raccoon (?) but i dont go there alot
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? i guess early bird but i love sleep
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? for six years i hated my life
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? alternative and classic rock. also i love jazz and blues
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? i dont have one
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? i loved the archie comics as a child...thats why i unabashadly love riverdale
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? close minded people
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? art history in college, english in high school
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? 2 step brothers, 2 ex step brothers (Were still close), a full sister, and a half brother
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? a latte maker and hair dye
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5’ 9″
75. CAN YOU COOK? yes but i hate cleaning pots
76. WHAT ARE THREE FOUR THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? my cat, lattes, music, my bed
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? i dont really label myself but its definitely fluid
81. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TEXTED? one of my group chats
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? ugh on monday in therapy
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? i dont really have one
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? almost never
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? uhhh instagram and huji
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? mmmm spanish or like...portugese
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? deep ocean bc its like... right there
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? for like 2 years i would accept any dare anyone gave me....until i jumped off a bridge and cracked my ankle. so not anymore haha
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? an ingredient in contacts and pink eye medication
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? no one is thinking about/judging you as much as you think they are
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? yes but i dont use it often
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? uh idk or care tbh 
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? very infrequently
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? god the most introverted
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? i loosely keep a tarot journal
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? depends on the situation but almost always, no
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yeah its so weird to me that some people have been haha
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? SO when i turned 18 i got lik 7 extra piercings on my ears...they all closed up so now i have my OG two
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? anna karenina i think wed be friends
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? staying home for a year and going to community college when my step dad was dying
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yes totally
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? yes 3 girls
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? why the fuck would i say it here
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? yes bc of anxiety
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 23
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE?  “unable to perceive the shape of you, i find you all around me. your presence fills my eyes with your love. it humbles my heart, for you are everywhere” from the shape of water
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory but i love a good fruit
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