#so I thought about some of the scions calling her 'princess' as a tease and she hates it LOL
tsunael Β· 5 months
πŸŒΌΒ Β β€”Β you’re my buttercup!
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a headcanon about a nickname my muse has had, or has and who gave it to them? why? how does it make them feel?
'Tsuna' isn't her birth name, but rather one that she was given by her okiya "mother". When a girl becomes a maiko, or an apprentice geiko, she takes on a professional name (geimei or, in older usage, geimyou, "artistic name") to symbolize her new life. * Her true birth name was given to her by her father, who she considers a craven for abandoning her and her mother when they needed him most, therefore she took on the new name without hesitation. There was a symbolic nature of it that she couldn't deny; it was like a cutting of the hair-- a start of a new life unfettered by her childhood grief. As there is no one left to call her by her birth name (aside from her father) she is content to let the truth die with her. Tsuna suits her just fine as far as she is concerned.
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