#so I needed to justify why “emberek” isn't always used
ash-alder · 8 months
Learning Mahknovchik: Words for People
There are 4 different words that can be used to refer to people (individuals/members of society/humans). they have slightly different meanings, and are used in different contexts.
Emberek (n) means person, & can be used to talk about any individual or group of individuals in the System
Nakanion (n) means person who lives in an anarchist collectives
Abnakanion (n) means person who lives under a government
Nenakanion (n) means enslaved person.
"Emberek" is the word used in professional & academic speech & writing, & generally in materials for circulation outside the station. It's value neutral.
Nakanion/abnakanion are used in informal & personal speech & writing.
Abnakanion is very slightly disparaging.
Nenakanion is used in all situations. It is disparaging, but not toward the person. Rather, it is condemning anyone associated with causing the word nenakanion to apply to another person.
Like most Mahknovchik words, "emeberek" was intentionally chosen when constructing the language. Nakanion/abnakanion began as slang terms, derived from the word for natural/unnatural (as in, existing in one's natural state), and were adopted into broad usage.
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