#so 1. is very classic and very straightforward but gets the point across ykno?
padfootastic · 1 year
what’s your favorite quote from one of your own fan fictions?
oh oh oh. hello there!! how did u know the way straight to my heart? 🙈
this is a tough question because i just. generally like everything i write lmao but lemme try and get some.
1. ‘harry james potter is my entire world, molly,’ he declared quietly but no less sincerely for it, ‘from the moment he was born, he had me wrapped around his finger.
2. harry smiled at that, a little sad and a lot bitter. it was easier being an orphan before he met sirius, he decided, when james and lily potter were just two individuals he’d placed on a pedestal. it was even easier before he came to hogwarts, when he thought that his parents, whose names he hadn’t even known , were irresponsible drunks without a care in the world. at least then he didn’t know what he was missing, what had been ripped away so brutally from him because of a madman with paranoia and delusions of grandeur
3. Sirius, who’d been sitting quietly towards the side until now, barely manages to hide a flinch at her words and oh, how Harry wants to tear strips out of her for putting that expression on his face, and in his home at that.
He knows what it’s like to feel that way in your own house, like you’ll never be safe. He knows, intimately, the feeling of walls closing in on you, of an ever-present itch beneath your skin, feeling like you need to get out but you can’t. And he can not, will not forgive her for making his Sirius feel like that. Sirius, who has been unjustly locked up for a dozen years. Sirius, who broke out of the highest security prison in the country just for Harry. Sirius, who’s the only one who’s ever looked at Harry like he actually matters.
4. “Can I do your hair p’ease?” Jemmy asks and Sirius is thrust back, many decades ago, to a moment when another James who owned half of his heart, said the same thing to him. He shakes it off quickly though—the act comes easy to him, all this time later, though doesn’t hurt any less for it—because he’s more confused right now.
(contd) He doesn’t like anyone touching his hair, much less playing around with it when they don’t know what they’re doing—but this is Jemmy , and Sirius is as helpless to his smile as he was to his namesake. So what James Sirius asks for, James Sirius gets.
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