#so !! i will be hangin around
honeybyte · 11 months
security blanket,,,,
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marshmallowgoop · 9 months
I combined footage from my Detektiv Conan Blu-ray with audio from my Case Closed FUNimation DVD and made an HD English dub clip compilation for Episodes 57-58, "The Holmes Freak Murder Case."
#detective conan#case closed#video#funimation english dub script#i wasn't actually gonna post this video to tumblr because it's so long (because i have a lot of feelings about this case!)#but folks on discord liked it and i'm all about my funi dub propaganda so why not right?#the dub script here is just so fun--and does so well at making the dialogue *work* and sound natural in english#and has so much flavor! it does arguably too much in terms of creative liberties but things like#'can i really trust what a kid saw?' of the sub translation compared to 'and what were you smoking before you ran out there?' in the dub#are much more enjoyable to me#(other fun phrasings: 'the one who's always hangin' around you guys' (sub) vs. 'the little-bitty one with the great big brain!' (dub))#(and 'of course not! the reason i applied for this tour was 'cuz i thought i might find kudo' (sub))#(vs. 'who me? no no no. actually i signed up because i was hoping to run into jimmy here. but i guess i'm out of luck' (dub))#(and so many more! this script just has so much character)#and while it is a shame that the dub eliminated heiji's accent i do like the changed line ('i know it's you!')#'cause you've met shinichi *once* heiji lol#but yeah this is a fun case! i'm really happy to have finally hd'd the funi dub for it :')#one of my favorite things about the funi dub is that jerry jewell (shinichi's va) voices conan's thoughts#and it's so nice to hear *shinichi* and heiji deducting together (and the way they finish each other's thoughts and vibe... it gets to me)
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b4kuch1n · 6 months
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Hi! it's dember and some stuff has Happened and I am now in need of a buffer between now and lunar new year. so I'm opening for
digital ink commission
How this works is
comms will open for one hour at a time or until 5 pieces are in the queue, whichever condition comes later
I will edit and reblog this post when it opens or closes, so if you're not sure if I'm taking comms or not please click through to the original post to check!
I will take commissions via email to [email protected]; please include visual or textual references as well as your PayPal email in your inquiry.
a confirmation email will be sent out once your commission's added to the queue. I reserve the right to turn down any commission I receive (in which case I'll also tell you via email)
payment will be through PayPal - please wait for the invoice before paying - and made in full before I start on your commission.
there will be no sketch revision. please keep this in mind when preparing your references
UPDATE 30/12/2023: Commission closed! Thank you very much for the support!
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fisheito · 4 months
will i ever stop thinking about little red riding yakumo and the big bad fox.?hm. no... no, i don't think i will
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Garak is So much right from his first episode. Laura Palmer of Cardassia over here trying to get laid, foil a terrorist plot, AND work a retail shift, all while high as fuck. Dude’s schedule in Past Prologue is FULL.
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good-beans · 5 months
Please tell me about Lukas.
Sincerely, a poor soul who is obsessed with Milgram but knows very little about Fire Emblem.
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Lukas is my beloved character of all time :) Comfort character to rival all comfort characters :) He’s just like me fr :) He’s so healing to watch heal :)
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He’s from Fire Emblem Echoes, and for a good portion of the game he’s that mentor/tutorial character who helps you/the protagonist through the new world you’re thrown into. The thing was, they put together an incredibly complex asexual, neurodivergent guy who’s not really in it for the fighting (but is damned good at it anyway). They gave him the sweetest and saddest smile possible. They gave him the most relaxing voice you could imagine. They gave him two of the wackiest and complimentary friends. How could I not fall in love?
Basically, he reveals that he’s not involved in this whole war because he wanted to be – his father and brother conspired to send him away to fight for their own gain, not really caring if he lived or died. He took on the new life with just as much motivation as if he chose it himself, though. He’s not here for any dreams of glory or violence, he just wants to help the new friends he’s made ;-; He has a really big heart, but he’s not afraid to make the tough call and commit war crimes. He’s gentle to the child soldier protagonists, but is the first person to trust them and allow them into the army. 
Fire Emblem is notorious for its fanservice, which is why I will forever be Insane over his support conversation with one of those friends I mentioned. He describes his struggles with romance and desire, perfectly describing an asexual experience. His friend, Python, responds with so much kindness. It’s done with a lot of tact and respect, and was one of the final pieces to my own acceptance of my asexuality. 
Less intended, but he talks about his struggles with emotions that comes off as low-empathy neurodivergence, or a form of Alexithymia. He doesn’t feel strong emotions most of the time, then occasionally gets swept up in them and lashes out. (Sorry for all the tmi but) this is also something I struggle with. Though I come off overly excited online, I’ve dealt with the same coldness/heartless accusations he has. His writing and voice acting really drive it home, and it’s wonderful to see. Once again, he’s treated with immense respect for this trait. He feels self-conscious about it, but the cast sees that as a strength of his.
His relationship with the other two knights is super fun! I could go on separate rants about Python and Forsyth, but just know they are equally perfect. They all compliment one another so well, and hype each other up in such lovely ways. They've even got a fun RGB color scheme going on :3
OKAY I AM CUTTING MYSELF OFF because I could go on forever about him 😂 He holds such a special place in my heart -- it's silly, but thank you sm for asking :’) And, since you mentioned Milgram, this reminded me of a super goofy comparison to Yuno I made as one of my first Milgram posts, as well as my wips of the Fuuta-Lukas outfit swap I need to finish...
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icys-junkyard · 2 years
After reading the comic where Ingo soul munches a dude all I can think of is the opposite where Emmet tases a man and he falls over like a sack of potatoes
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He really tries not to, but on occasion it happens
Do not touch him when he's giving electricity to his Pokémon
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askthekirbysquad · 10 months
I've been working through RtDL DX's Extra Mode fairly slowly, so I'm only just getting close to finishing it up now. I got all 120 Energy Spheres earlier today, and uhhhhhhh
Fun fact: This dialogue is entirely new to DX! It's not in the original. I went back to my old file on the Wii and checked.
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Haha yeah you little shit, we know you're planning to betray us soon (still love you though <3)
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EXCUSE ME????????
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And then he goes on to explain a bit more, as seen above. But uhhhhhh,,, yeah!!! He's not actually Halcandran!!!! That's a new piece of Lore right there. My jaw dropped while reading it lmao
Anyway, moving on from that bombshell of a sentence, since we still aren't done with the full dialogue,
Remember that post I made a bit over a month ago talking about some of Manager Magolor's dialogue, where I was wondering if that dream of his regarding the theme park also applied to Main Mode Magolor?
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Hell yeah this is such a victory for me I was so excited to read that dghsghfs
Magolor stole the Master Crown so he could make a giant theme park Confirmed and Canon and Real /hj
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And then we also get a fun little reference to the Kirby Clash games!
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A steal in Kirby's eyes, maybe, but that's only because he doesn't understand real-world currency.
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And to close out this post, here are the last two lines of dialogue from this conversation!
Anyway. I'm losing my mind 💖
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keeps-ache · 2 months
hehe. crackling
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branmer · 5 months
my hottest take on delenn is that her atonement quest is ultimately a futile one. no matter what she does she can never take back the lives lost because of her, she can never take back the orders that started the slaughter, there is ultimately nothing she can do to make up for having participated in a genocide because it is done and those people aren't coming back and she will have to carry that guilt for the rest of her life. and i think she knows it's ultimately futile because she doesn't tell sheridan. because she knows that what she did was unforgiveable and that it would break him
and imo, i think this is one of the things that makes delenn a very interesting and tragic character, because despite everything she does after the war, and how ultimately she pretty much gets everything she wants, this is one thing that she can never put right and that she will have to hide even from the love of her life
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iamfabiloz · 1 year
ASKING ABOUT ALL YOUR GUYZ SO HARD...what's up with jackdawstar what happened 👀
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(pic above is old art from last year of jackdaw and fernpaw backstory, fern n jackdaw as babies, jack n fern older hanging out, jackdaw crying over ferns body, and old man jackdaw telling his nephew pinekit (pinesap) abt his old friend)
YIPPPEE TY DUDE HEHEHE AHEMM *shuffles my garbled notes* SOO jackdawstar is the leader of my fanclan spruceclan he has a bunch of trauma and went thru a bunch at an early age way b4 he was ready😨 in da expressions art, hes grieving over the loss of his close friend fernpaw!! jackdaw and fern grew up together bein around bein besties!! (tho jackdaw might have a lil crush on fern or smth uhm) jackdaws mom, crowstar, is the leader at the time, n bc of nepotism she promotes him to warrior when hes far too little so he becomes jackdawclaw while his bud fern remains fernpaw n is still training as a med cat apprentice.
the deputy dies n so crowstar picks her 13 yr old son as deputy ofc, and jackdaw accepts all the burden bc he wants to make his mami proud :[ and then guesss what.. CROWSTAR DIEZ!! leaving 18 moon old jackdawstar as leader of an entire clan of cats... as u can imagine this is not very good for a growing boys mental health!! after a few moons of shaky leadership n jackdaw tryin not to crumble under it all, a flood hits spruceclans camp!! jackdaw has a meltdown during evacuation n is frozen unable to move in his den n fernpaw races to save his bestie!! jackdaw is able to get hauled to safety by fern, but fernpaw isnt able to swim out and sinks beneath the water, drowning. jackdaw is absolutely DISTRAUGHT over the death of like his only friend :( he blames himself n so does fernpaw's adopted mother/mentor velvetvein (blink blink there some drama there but id be here foreva if i screamed abt it BAH) so jackdaw continues to lead spruceclan trying to do his best for his clanmates and in memory of spruceclan!! he sure is lucky to have his deputy snowshiva :] who is velvetveins wife and they do not have no ambitious or malicious plans eva hmm involving disposing of him or anythin uhh anyways
jackdaws an old man now and fernpaws ghost still hangs around him, fern neva blamed jackdaw for his demise, fern chose to save his dear jackdaw...
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(old art from last year part two: old man jackdaw crying as ferns ghost hangs over him in an attempt to be comfortin even tho jack cant see him)
anyways that uhh a good chunk of sillytalk abt my sillay fella jackdaw!! i hope u enjoyed ty for asking, there is a bunch more lore but it trapped inside my head HELP anways YAYY
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ereborne · 3 months
Song of the Day: February 26
“Diamonds in the Mud” by Gerry Cinnamon
#song of the day#another song off that same excellent concept playlist by losersimonriley#there's so many more Scottish bands added to my circulation now it's wonderful#this is a song specifically about Glasgow being his hometown so he uses more of his accent for it which I love#I've been pestering my brothers with accent and slang fun facts for a while now#more or less since the first time somebody had Soap use a particular Scottish saying in their CoD fic and made me go over all !!!!#'innsidh na geòidh as t'fhoghar e' translates to 'the geese will tell it in autumn' and reading that nearly made me explode#because when I was a small child and I asked my uncle too many 'why' questions he told me not to worry about it#that the geese would tell me next fall#amazing to me to find out decades later through Call of Duty fanfiction that that's an actual phrase#preserved for who knows how many generations between the first Scottish folks who must've brought it to Appalachia#and then eventually my Uncle Tommy who decided to use it to turn the aggravation tables around on a child#I'm thinking about that again now not just because it still blows my mind a little bit#(really truly had so firmly accepted it as just my Uncle Tommy trolling me with nonsense. it's such a thing he'd do)#but also because of a specific bit from the end of the song 'it's thirteen degrees and there's folk in the street in the scud'#that's just under 60F (a blissfully warm sunny day in Glasgow it seems) and 'in the scud' means 'naked'#which is also a thing I've almost heard from my family!#my aunts up the mountain and therefore also my father at times would say 'in the scuff' (my aunts with a little tilt to the vowel sound)#there was a sort of connotation of it being a silly or immature or maybe drunken sort of naked. an unimpressive naked at least#like 'Tommy fell into the muddy end of the pond trying to catch that damnfool heron' (this is a true story btw. take that Uncle Tommy)#'when he got back his wife made him take off all his clothin in the yard and hose down first. had to walk into his house in th scuff'#and then all the old ladies cackle about Tommy walkin through his door 'both heads hangin low' and my dad winces a little bit#it's important I share all these memories with my siblings now. most of the family's dead and gone and the boys don't remember#very fun for me to tell the stories now and see Nick do the exact same wince at the slightly mean-spirited dick commentary#just a little family legacy in action. thank you Gerry Cinnamon#(in the spirit of song-of-the-day though I will share my favorite line without the contextual boost of silly ereborne family stories:#'I know a guy who's a lightweight / one or two jars and he's buckled#he's the guy that loses keys / has to break into his ain house and gets huckled'#ungodly fun to sing and I do know several of this guy. not related to them though. my whole family drinks like fish)
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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fuck it sk8 sketches from da sketchbook. get sk8ed idiot
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sanchoyoscribbles · 1 year
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random tmm next gen stuff :^) some ocs, mint/kanna rich wives, and an aoyama family afternoon nap (:
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frutavel · 6 months
Lilibear and Rachis are both furry OCs who were adapted into WoW but the way they go about it is different and it's pretty interesting to me
Lilibear was pretty much copy pasted 1:1 from my headworld to WoW. She lends herself pretty well to the setting as is, so there isn't much palpable difference between her iterations other than minor lore tweaks between them - but that means that WoW Lilibear doesn't have much of a story going on seeing as she isn't involved in any of my major WoW stories. OG Lilibear is much the same, but mostly because my headworld doesn't have much of a story either (also Lilibear is technically one of my fursonas so that contributes to a Lack of Lore tm)
Rachis on the other hand was adapted into WoW specifically to fulfil a role in a story, and her WoW iteration became Acácia. OG Rachis has about as much going on for her story wise as Lilibear, which means that now Rachis and Acácia feel like very different people despite still technically being the same character.
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deankarolina · 10 months
remembering when I consumed so much twin peaks stuff I went into a spiral of thinking about Laura & Donna & now I'm getting caught in my thoughts again
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