#snootles's let's talk death crawlers
Let's Talk: Death Crawlers
The moral opposites of Night Watchers, and the current high ruling species of the modern world. They have been taking advantage of the fact the Night Watchers cursed them to be unable to physically harm humans by integrating themselves into society.
The Reveal of Monsterkind
Death Crawlers are solely responsible for humanity's awareness of monster/inhuman species. It occurred not long into the 21st century, and was a whole ordeal. There was a world-wide panic and Death Crawlers "stepped up to help ease humanity's fears".
What happened was the Death Crawlers set intentional traps for humans to discover several large vampire nests, werewolf dens, siren pod hideouts, etc. Once everyone began to panic because there was undeniable evidence supporting that monsters exist, Sortis and the Elders stepped forward as public representatives of their species to help humanity. Basically, they're mocking early-day Night Watchers by being the "median" between humans and everything else.
There were a series of "hearings" where Sortis, The Elders, representatives of different countries, and representatives of different species all met to determine ways of easing living for their kind/what their limits would be. Dragons refused to participate, knowing what Death Crawlers are, hence why everyone else pretty much agreed that as long as Dragons remain in their Realm, then there wouldn't be an issue.
Sortis and The Elders
Sortis is the first created Death Crawler. Only he and one of the Elders know the origins of his existence, but there is speculation that he is actually somehow a Demon/Night Watcher. He has a specialization in Time based Magic (for those that know Latin, yes this is where he earned his name). He's very limited in what he can do: he can only see events as they occurred/will occur. Can read people's thoughts (limited to what they actively think in response to something. ie if he says something about Malvo and Maxlar thinks "stfu", he knows it)
Death Crawlers don't have an official sort of government necessarily. They kind of do what they please unless Sortis declares it "unbecoming of our nature". Sortis is hailed as sort of this fictitious god on earth by the Death Crawlers (I mean, let's be honest, if humanity still had the first human alive today, wouldn't we do the same?)
The Elders are technically a second generation of Death Crawlers. Not related to Sortis by blood, but helped create more Death Crawlers so they could naturally populate over time. They're kind of interesting, as they each have a specialty that they use to assist Sortis in his plans. It is unclear why Sortis needs the Elders, but it is clear the Elders are like enforcers of the code of Death Crawlers. They monitor every Death Crawler to determine whether they are staying true to their nature or being misguided.
The first of the Elders is Ancteactus. He appears as an old, black man with a long gray beard. He has golden eyes and an aquiline nose. He specializes on seeing the past, thus meaning he can see much further than Sortis, can project the images of the past he sees whether onto a mirror/window/or directly into someone's mind. Ancteactus, despite being "the past" holds the second greatest honor between the Elders because he once saved Sortis's life.
Hodiernus is a middle aged man with a more Middle Eastern appearance, except his hair is a lighter color. He specializes in the present, meaning he can see your thoughts/hear your thoughts/can share your thoughts with someone else/can project your thoughts onto a mirror/window. He's an asshole, more so than the others. He is constantly interrupting you with your own thoughts and is the poster child for shit-eating grins.
Posterus is the only female Elder and appears as a young woman, very blonde with almost doll-like features. She's the most unpredictable Elder, and more often than not is siding against Sortis, yet he still keeps her in the highest esteem. It is unclear why, but many predict it is because she specializes in the future. She can see options for the future and can choose which one to expand upon. This is partly why she is so unpredictable, because as time unfolds, the original point of choice for her will solidify something and will change the paths once again.
Meaning, if she sees a rock on the ground she sees these options: Sortis steps on it and hurts his foot, Sortis does not step on it and nothing happens, or he sees it and kicks it away. She chooses the first option to expand upon. This will show her him hurting himself on the rock, becoming angry, and now, in a sour mood, is presented with bad news. However, what actually occurs is he sees the rock, kicks it away, is presented with bad news, but is able to handle it due to his mood not being already soured.
So, in a more complicated scenario, she may choose to put her faith into one path, but as time goes on, the path she chose no longer is an option/changes drastically thus presenting new options for her to view and side with.
She plays a massive role in the lives of Maxlar and Malvo Whishling, and the younger Whishling has a certain respect for her. As time unfolds, it becomes increasingly unclear as to why Malvo would respect her, but no one wants to question it.
And those are the villains! Technically! Anyways, soon the character drabbles will be here! They're gonna just be more in-depth descriptions of their appearances, their personalities, and for some of them, backstory that doesn't spoil anything!
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