#sniff eachother's butts like dogs do
ntls-24722 · 25 days
i actually did unfortunately go back to class for half the day yesterday, so i do have some doodles c:
I gave bighand this flat, basal, more chimp-like nose? And I realllllllly liked it
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I was thinking about how he would look for Mermay, but for some reason instead of drawing it, I got hung up on his homo erectus half when I broke his halves down? Chimerarachne is so ancestral (not directly ancestral but like, really far back.. in spirit...) from actual spiders, but homo erectus... isn't? Not comparatively? Like, erectus is still in our genus
It's like one half being the dinosaur that birds came from and one half being the wolf that dogs came from. It's such a comparatively small degree of seperation! So I feel like to keep it similar, would his "human" half be more like an australopith and therefore: nose?
The lipfolds and giant canines are obviously inaccurate, though I don't care very much, they're staying because more importantly than accuracy they fuck severely
Here is a skinny dj for @glitterfartsprinkle's troubles. He's so full of air.
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Everytime I think about his organs i realize just how... light he would be. There's so many Speech Holes and and therefore lungs/General Air Balloons to power them that he's probably not half as heavy as one would think
I'm also realizing that everytime I make DJMM alive I give them Comet traits, like the setup of the inside of the mouth with the gap between the molars and front, along with how far back the jaw hinge is. Comet just kinda had a winning formula I guess.
...There was also ⅔ of a page that just had.... this
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minimechacowboy · 8 months
*panics and search for my Taka's headcanon*
Huuuuh- Ah ! Found it !
His mother is a Spanish woman, she lived with him and his dad until he was 7, she was becoming ill because of the stress and overwork she put herself, wanting to help her husband, she was forced to go back in her hometown, living has an Ishimaru being too stressful for her health.
I headcanon Akane and Taka as childhood (middle school) friend
Well more like a "This is the babysitter of my siblings while i go to work, no i do not know his name or anything about him beside the fact that he is cheap and nice" and a "This is the oldest siblings of some of the kids i babysit, no i do not know her name or anything beside the fact that she is cool and pay well" type of way if you see my vision.
She was oddly protective of him back then and though he was abused with all the bruise and stuff he had. He explained to her how thing we're going on at his school and she was like "Dude. I think we are going to the same school." And then they started talking more, still not knowing eachother names !!! And then Taka got into his fancy school and she didn't so they got separed.
They were both extremely shocked to see eachother but happy all in it. They shared they love for food ! She also was like super mad that he wasn't as flexible as her so she trained him. Well he is still not as flexible as her but it is way better than before !!
Akane and Taka are like two dogs in a park that keep chasing each other to sniff butts.
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arcaneviolence · 2 years
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the first page of my how to train your dragon witcher au because my autism wont let me not fuse hyperfixations and special interests into eachother like im mixing a muddy colour of playdough
i was gonna make it longer but i new i would just end up burning myself out before i finish it so you get this juicy thing
more of what happened before this and why its happening will be revealed in later parts but if you are curious you can look under the cut for some yummy context 
The Witchers live where hiccups mother did in the canon and follow a similiar life style. They still have the trials but instead of becoming witchers, they do it to ‘feel closer with dragons’. Making it much easier for them to comunicate to them. It also makes dragons feel safer around them since they give of the same vibe. kind of like different dog breeds getting along even though they look different, they can still tell they are both dogs and therefore must sniff butts and snuggle and what not. 
The school of the wolf is a dragon ‘taming’ school hidden away in the dragon sanctuary, filling the same role as valka. though of course none of them are secretly Jaskiers parents or anything, its jsut the dragon-y bit thats the same. 
Jaskiers story also follows pretty much exactly the same as Hiccups though I think I will change it so that other than astrid (who will be replaced by Yen), the others wernt really close to him since at leats with my mainly netflix knowledge I cant think of anyone to properly fill those roles. Tootheless is still just toothless. 
Now onto this comic. How did Jaskier end up here? I hear you asking. Well, my Love, Jaskier was flying around on toothless, living his best life when WOOSH a monsterous nightmare (the dragon you can see in the comic and who is also infact a scaley Roache) comes swooping in. Jaskier is knocked off of toothless and his beloved dragon plumets into the cold waters below...
The kidnappers beleive that Jaskier, much like the other foul vikings they had come across, may have tortured the poor nightfury, forced it to fly and bend to his will! And so, do the wrong thing with the right intentions. 
Jaskier begs, pleads for them to go get him (”Please! He cant fly on his own! My Baby cant fly on his own!”) This earns nothing from his masked kidnappers and his vision of Tootheless is obscured by the icey waters and the hundreds of dragons now swarming around them.
He is brought into a room of ice and stone, lit by torches, three shadowy figures looming in crouched positions on a ledge over head. 
He hears a low growl and is now face to face with a monsterous nightmare that looks ready to pounce. 
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meliorismus · 4 years
Adorable little humans.
Did you ever think about how adorable humans can be? I know, I know, there’s bad stuff too. I am not denying that. But did you ever think about all the good stuff? Like, we have a ritual that when someone sneezes, we say “Bless You”, “Santée”, “Gesundheit”, “Xundheit” and so on. Like dogs have the ritual to sniff their butts to greet eachother. Humans greet each other by hugging, kissing, giving their little hands, putting their noses together, bowing down and so on. Also, smart little humans have a highly complex form of communicating with each other, called languages. There are around 7000 languages and there are tiny little humans not only speaking them, but also studying them. Like, they’re so fascinated with our communication device that they actually put time and effort into studying them. Bees, on the other hand, do also have their own language but do they study it? No. Or at least not that we know. Because there is so much we still don’t know and don’t understand. And you know what? There are so many humans who realize that and devote their life to science to find out about those infinte mysteries that surround us.
Oh and humans live in buildings, tents, cars, boxes and so on. Every housing is different from each other. But funny little humans all live in something or somewhere. And then, other funny little humans go by and visit them. Go to friends houses, spend the night at someone else’s place, help each other build a house, a home and drink coffee together and just... chat. They just talk. Communicating with each other. Not only with words, but also with their bodies, their voices, their eyes.
I could go on and on about those adorable little beings. I miss seeing their faces (all of them, not covered by masks), hugging them after not seeing each other for a while and spending the night singing, dancing and drinking with them. I am looking forward to doing these things soon again. Meanwhile, please stay safe and take care of each other. We got this. We’ll get through this together. Adorable little humans.
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Okay, so, I'm still new to the ABO dynamic and I was curious what the deal is with the scent glands? Like, I know they're important to attract mates and are strong during rutts and heats but -and I know this is absurd- can you see the glands?? Bc I sort of picture it like little slits on the neck/shoulder and I really feel like that's wrong lol (also thank you for those super detailed ABO descriptions. They were super helpful!)
Not at all!! Please ask away!
So Scent Glads/Marking Glads/Mating Glands essentially depend on the world the writer is creating.
Generally what I have found is its either a place they A)Can visibly seeB) Get a very strong scent from said areaC) Instictually just know where it is
But what it is I can happily science for you!!!
So Humans dont really have scent glands. Most of our smells are because of bacteria being broken down and giving off odor but we do kinda give off pheremones in the armpit and crotch area but that is really not their main function. Because of our poor sense of smell we really dont realy as heavily on them as animals do.
Also going to assume most smells from said Rutt/Heat will be mainly produced by these areas not by the gland itself. Mating Gland I feel is more of a small personal perfume to attract someone in really close in your space contact not from across the room.
Animal Example: Cat’s scent Glands (Dogs mainly have anal glands which is why they sniff eachothers butts do have a few on their paws as well)
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(Source google)
Now for ABO we have sort of modified this, giving humans better senses and so therefore allowed a scent gland. These glands are Exocrine in nature meaning they only excrete onto the skin just like sweat, mammary, lacrimal (tears)and so on already in the human body. So it wouldnt be a slit or anything like that it would appear to just be regular skin like when you sweat normally, but instead that sweat/liquid it does scerete will be less obvious in nature but strongly scented.
Now how it appears is entirely up to the writer.
Can not be visible and more of just the scent of it lets the other mate know where it is.
Can be raised and palpable (can feel it)
Can be raised, palpable and red cause its highly vasculalrized and irritated during those times
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General area I assume it to be probalby close contact with the lymph nodes and they can be on either side. These however are not Lymph nodes but do live near them like most things in the body!
Can be high on the neck or more on the shoulder feel that like with vary from person to person as well
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Then just a general idea of varying how red and angry it could be.
As far as who has them
Again depends on the world you would like to create!
Just omegas
Just pairing alpha and omega
Really just depends on the place you want to create!
Either way once enough force is applied to that area (IE BITE) it will cause a reaction that will leave a scar in that area. Probably through special enzymes released by the gland itself maybe??
So thats about it for the glad!
Any other questions please feel free to ask!!
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