#skyward sword is so fun it fucking sucks sometimes but the fact that it almost never makes me want to stop playing is so… mwah
waywardsalt · 2 years
I have stuff to aaask
1. Besides Phantom hourglass, what’s your other favorite zelda game?
2. What are your hopes for breath of the wild 2?
3. What is your favorite video game console?
4. What’s your favorite genre of music and one of your favorite artists?
5. Do you own any zelda or Pokémon merchandise? What’s your favorite piece of merchandise?
Thanks for the asks! 1: My other favorite Zelda game is skyward sword- I consider it as my other 1st favorite, though I like them both for different reason. While I want to dissect phantom hourglass like a science class frog an analyze it like high literature I want to kiss skyward sword on the mouth it’s so pretty and I love the music and it’s fun to play and I barely remember the story and it really drags sometimes but it’s so much fun and has a great style. Also a bit unrelated but I love the unconventional controls for these two some people hate them but I love how they’re used it’s so fun to use motion and touch controls while all of my other games are controller or keyboard based.
2: I don’t really have any specific hopes for botw 2… I don’t have much of an emotional investment in botw 1 so I’m not really interested in whatever story it has to tell, so I guess this time we get actual dungeons? Don’t get me wrong, the divine beasts were cool, but when compared to the dungeons of other Zelda games, they just feel… lackluster. I’d like to see big dungeons with cool puzzles and mechanics again. Also I want to see gimmicks. Like more gimmicky items. More than just a bow or the runes. Stuff akin to skyward sword’s beetle or hookshot/grappling hook or stuff like that- items with more specific purposes.
3: I don’t really care about consoles in general but the 3ds is peak gaming to me. Big consoles and stuff are cool but I love the design and handheld nature of the 3ds. It’s small and had/has great little games and they last so long and they’re perfect and the backwards compatibility with ds games is awesome.
4: I don’t actually have a favorite genre of music, my opinions on music are based on individual songs, so if I like a song I like it and genre doesn’t usually have any real sway on my opinion. The same goes for artists. Though, I’d say I favor video game music, while it’s not really a genre on its own, there’s some really good video game music. But l anyways, more recently I’ve been having a good time with orchestral music of most kinds, and I’ll say that my favorite artist is Kristofer Maddigan, the guy who composed the Cuphead soundtrack, which is a really amazing game soundtrack and I recommend checking it out if you haven’t before.
5: For Zelda, I’ve got posters and books and amiibos and a map of the original game and stuff like that and I think my favorite is that loz encyclopedia book just because I can use it for reference and for Pokémon I’ve most just got the cards, which are my favorite. I don’t even play the card game I just love collecting the cards because I love the art and just holding and sorting them by type. So the Pokémon cards are my favorite overall pieces of merchandise.
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