#skipped right past act 1 bc it's a mess and idk where all the chapter divisions should even go
daisywords · 9 months
10 lines tag
thanks @megarywrites for the tag! idk exactly what the rules are but I'm going to give you the first lines of 10 chapters!
DaDBaB Past Timeline
Act 0, chapters 1–5:
The wagon stopped with a jolt, and Trip jerked awake. 
The hall of records wasn’t much to look at, mainly because it was dark.
Lya took the arm the boatman offered, holding her cloak out of the way with her other hand as she stepped over the gap between boat and flagstone.
Gerik ordered a firewater.
When the crier on the other side of the wall announced the Chosen of Tarinthe as the guest of honor, Lya swept into the banquet hall, shoulders back, eyes fixed firmly on the far wall. 
Act 2, chapters 1–5:
Trip trudged through the thick Tiresian jungle, tired and favoring his left leg.
The journey began early the next morning with a short ride on a rickety train that would stop in the small town of Sematey. After that, it would be into the wilderness.
It was on the morning of the fifth day that they found the door.
The silence and sameness of the city had crept slowly into Trip’s bones, far enough that he didn’t notice the temple until they were two rings deep.
Several aspects of the situation competed for his attention, amidst all the running.
tagging @baroquesse @theroseempress @sleepyowlwrites @e-s-willswriting and @zevarcoda to play based on your whims :)
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