#skin care? nah // edward pikeman
bigxheartedd · 2 years
~ pinned 📍 !!
" hey everybody, my names jermy fartz ! "
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[ jermy fartz (+any woodscout) roleplayer !! ]
[ headcanon based ]
[ semi selective ]
[ owner is a minor ]
[ owner is a jermy irl /srs]
[ {{ }} is used for ooc text ]
[ probably cringy i dont know depends on what y'all think ]
[ warning because ik so scary (/sarc/j), owner is a jermpike shipper ]
{{ @bossyscout - sorry for the @ lmao }}
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dumbarsedotcom · 2 years
"So Jermy I'm dying to know what is your favorite thing to do at woodscouts other than dying of complete boredom and doing backbreaking labor" - Sasha
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" Well, other than 'activities' the entire day, we sometimes do group planning or freetime! We have a little lunch place were we can get food WHENEVER we want, well, whenever we want during freetime or non-activity time that is! Planning is where we plan schedules and plan some activities together. The main scedule is usually activities set for 6:30 AM to 7:25 AM then after noon activities are usually 5:10 PM to 7:00 PM. We then go to sleep whenever after that. But, my personal favorite would have to be the small check ins each scout does with Pike every 2 weeks. We just talk to Pike about mental health and how everything is going for us and say if we need any help. Usually, I take that time to talk to Pike! My second favorite is waking up, or, getting up at least. I usually dont sleep aha, sleep issues. But, I get up at 5:30 AM with Pike. We usually go on walk n talks, he said it's just cause the other scouts said he should get to know me better before judging, but, i think he just wants to be my friend seeing as neither of us have many. Anyways, I'm pretty sure that's all! Bye Sasha !!! " - Jermathy Farnnetz (Jermy)
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