#skeldale family vibes
owlsie-hoot · 6 months
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"I think it’s interesting, because Tristan is away at war in this series, that this is the first series there has been where nobody in the house is actually related. It’s quite a modern family vibe - we are this weird, disparate group of people that get on.” Samuel West
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theladyragnell · 2 years
Give us your All Creatures Great and Small thoughts!
Oh, delightul, though I don't have a huge amount of them! It's just a really nice show to watch, particularly in the winter, when it's a relief to see some green countryside and watch people really want the best for each other. The occasional animal distress and/or surgery isn't what I would call my favorite thing, I do generally look away for those parts, but other than that, the vibes are delightful.
And the characters! What a good found family in Skeldale House! I love James, doing his best and caring so much for everyone. I love Mrs. Hall, who is my hero. I love Siegfried, ridiculous and grouchy as he is, and I love Tristan, with all his joie de vivre and his serious side he only rarely lets show. I love Helen and Jenny and how tied to the land they are and how seriously they take that!
I think that Siegfried and Mrs. Hall should kiss and do not think that is going to happen for me, which is BEYOND tragic, but the Christmas special did give me a tiny bit of hope at least???
And if I liked Helen and James together less I'd probably ship James and Tristan just for fun, so I guess I could consider a poly situation there 90% for considering James getting horribly flustered by the whole of it.
Also, every time anyone mentions anything about cricket on this or any piece of British media, my brain just starts hearing Charlie Brown Adult Noises. No sports make sense to me, but cricket ESPECIALLY doesn't make sense to me. Are we sure it's not some kind of surrealist performance art that's been going on for long enough that people have decided it's a sport?
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whatstheproblembaby · 3 years
Do I love All Creatures Great and Small because I love the found family vibes at Skeldale House? Obviously.
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