#sitng vc: damn lyon vastia doesnt like me much at all huh?
emperorvastia · 3 years
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses / accepting
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lyon never really paid too much attention to the hype of the twin dragons other than them being good competitors if/when he was in the gmg. mostly because he’s seen dragon slayers before up close and personal and mostly bc he only knew them in a parasocial way. lowkey probably got sting and rogue confused in his head until he met one of them in person. 
lyon in general is pretty quiet, but does make sarcastic remarks under his breathe a lot and i can just see sting hearing them....and laughing and/or responding. in any case, sting quickly figured out lyon has no respect for some people or dirty places.
its entirely possible that sting thinks lyon doesnt like him bc of his ‘impassive thousand yard stare’ and how its usually his face 95% of the time. in reality, lyon doesnt mind sting or his presence, he respects him as a fellow mage and finds his presence pretty nice. as long as sting is there, theres probably not much awkward silence which is nice.
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