#sincerely someone who worked mother’s day and valentine’s day at a flower shop
soft-for-them · 3 years
a cup of tea for the handsome man ♡ geordi la forge x reader
anon: OKAY concept: Geordi had a failed valentines date, and reader (who crushes hard) is like “bruh hang out with MEEE” a la Taylor swifts “you belong with me”
gender neutral reader, geordi ain’t straight,
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gif doesn’t really match but it’s cute ok! not proof read.
‘Maybe you can accompany my friend Geordi La Forge today.’ Data bluntly asks as you both walk down a stone covered street.
‘Data, I swear to the stars, stop!’ you whine to your android friend who currently still wears his yellow dress uniform despite it being shore leave.
‘I am only asking because Geordi seems to be by himself.’ Data holds up the cat carrier that he holds, wiggling his finger to Spot, ‘Please calm down Spot.’
You are Lieutenant (Y/n) (l/n), though most people call you (y/n) and ever since you have met Data you have both been found friends. You are interested in robotics and androids, so the friendship came naturally.
However, Data doesn’t have many out of work friends. He mostly hangs around you, Spot and a very handsome man by the name of Geordi La Forge.
‘Just because I’m your friend does not mean I’m automatically his, Data.’ You tug at the draw strings of your oversized hoodie straighten the out strings.
‘Yes, but you are technically mutuals for you both have me as your friend.’ Data looks at you with a blank stare, ‘And you are normally alone so you need another friend.’
If you haven’t been friends with the yellow tinted man then you would have told him off.
It is somewhat true; you do spend a lot of time in engineering and most of your really good friends are stationed on different ships. But you want to spend you shore leave on earth doing something fun, not awkwardly trying to befriend Geordi La Forge, a man you have fancied for quite a while.
If Data has some more common sense the he would see your heart eyes towards his dear friend but he doesn’t; all he sees is a hermit engineer who needs a buddy whilst Data isn’t around.
‘Data, why has this come on? I’m alone most of the time!’ you have plans and it doesn’t involve trying not to out your crush to a clueless Geordi or Data.
‘I just do not want my friends be lonely.’
Data’s eyebrows frown as you two stop in front of a veterinary practice.
‘Just because me and Geordi will be alone when you take Spot to get her check-up doesn’t mean we will be lonely.’
‘But you will both be alone.’ he deliberates.
‘We will be fine Data.’ You place a hand on your friend’s arm, ‘If you want, we can all meet up after Spot’s check up and I can officially meet Geordi, ok?’
‘I would like that very much (y/n).’ Data sincerely smiles.
He nods his head and then walks into the small vets.
 You shake you head in amusement at your dear friend’s worry as you begin walking down the street.
‘Data, data, data.’ You think with an amused smile blooming on your face.
For about ten minutes you wonder the streets aimlessly, looking at the plants that grown up the shop fronts and the old Roman roads. Benches are in the middle of the ‘roads’ that are really used for pedestrians to walk on, tram cars sliding by the painting like scenery.
Whilst wondering a small alleyway catches your eyes.
It’s not a dingy alleyway with bins and a dead end but it’s actually a little nook filled with cafes and small hobby shops.
Looking both ways you walk across the street into the alley, every bump of the pathway felt even in you tick soled trainers.
Passing a few shops your eyes land on a small round of metal tables, some filled with people, outside a small two-story café.
You walk in, a heartly woman automatically greeting you from the counter at the back. The place is very small and thin but it does not feel claustrophobic. There is a cottage core vibe to it, the place lit up by the huge widows at the front and the fairy lights shaped like hearts.
The downstairs seems to be the place to order food and drink, a peak of a small kitchen at the back can be seen from an open door past the counter.
‘Um hello.’ You say back to the woman whilst you wipe your feet on the welcome mat, ‘What’s good here?’
‘Well first are you allergic to anything my dear?’
You answer the question and tell the woman what kind of tea you like.
‘Well because today is Valentine’s day, we have our cake special that I think is perfect for you!’
You look at the slice of cake the woman points at in the little display case.
‘It’s freshly baked, I made it just this morning!’
‘Yeah, sure, it looks nice. I’ll have a slice.’ You need to indulge yourself every now and then.
She slides a cup of your favourite tea and a slice of cake to you. You pay with you card, leaving a good tip.
‘The upstairs is the best place sit.’ She says as you take your plate and cup.
 With a nod you ascend the steps to the upstairs to see the prettiest room you’ve ever seen.
The room’s roof is a giant glass window and there is many potted plants that look like they’re growing up the walls. Tables are littered around, each one with a different flower on it, some customers are using the built in holo computer screens.
You find a small two four person table near the back and you sit down breathing in the faint smell of pollen that doesn’t actually tickle your nose into a sneeze.
‘Hum, could be fake plants?’ you think as you take a sip of your tea.
For a while you just eat and browse the holo screen at your table, emersed and doom scrolling through blogs about robotics.
You had sent a message to Data telling him where you are and telling him to come here when he was done with Spot’s check up.
It must have been half an hour at staring at the screen. You had finished the pink decorated cake and your tea was almost done as well.
With achy eyes you peer up and look around the room.
There seems to be the same people albeit a couple new faces.
In on corner to your right is a mother with her child who you hadn’t noticed, an older person sits clicking on old keyboard laptop and a new younger man sits waiting next to the giant window overlooking the alleyway.
Even though this man is far away you can tell that he’s a good looking man. Said person wears a short sleeve patterned button down reminiscent of the 1990’s, the blues stripes bold against the cottage core interior of the café. The shirt is tucked into some brown slacks, that are rolled up at the bottom and held up by a shiny black belt. Block coloured peek out from his trousers and equally shiny black shoes.
If you would try to pull off such a vintage outfit but all you ever wear is your work uniform or oversized hoodies, making you look like a in debt college student. Right now you look like a in debt college student in your Starfleet branded hoodie and shorts that are comfy but childish in colour scheme.
‘I bet this café attracts all the fashionable types.’ You think sipping the last of your tea only to spit out in surprise.
The man in the retro shirt turns around only to reveal a very familiar yellow and silver visor.
‘Fuck, he’s even more good looking!’ your mind becomes scrambled, ‘Was he always there? Does he know I’m here? Should I go over and say hi?’
Your eyes stay on Geordi as he keeps on peering out of the big window, him looking like he’s waiting for someone.
‘Maybe he’s waiting for Data?’ it’s a logical assumption that Data told him to meet him in the café you are in. A check up for a cat doesn’t take that long right?
 You leave you cup and plate on you table and start to edge your way over to the handsome man.
You’re not sure if what you’re doing is right but you step next to his table, with a big smile on your face and hand raised up in a too enthusiastic wave.
‘Geordi La Forge, right?
Geordi’s snaps up to yours, his face looks slightly confused in that puppy kid of way.
‘Sorry, I’m (y/n), Data’s friend.’ you stop waving so you don’t look so odd, ‘Um, I saw you here and wanted to say that Data will be coming here after Spot’s vet appointment. Sooooo, if you want to join, my table is free.’
Whilst you happily talk Geordi’s face morphs into a sweet smile. You quickly look down to his two person table to see to sets of cups and two slices of heart themed cupcakes, clearly for another half.
‘Though you don’t have too if you have plans.’
‘He talks about you a lot.’ Geordi declares, ‘Too much sometimes.’
‘Well I am a brilliant person.’ you lean against the window trying to look cool but the hoodie you drown in just makes you look dishevelled.
There is an awkward pause before you just stop leaning as start walking away.
‘I see you might be busy, so I’m over here-‘ you point over to your table, ‘-yeah.’
With some more muttered pleasantries you shuffle back to your table hoping tha he doesn’t find you too weird. With you bum on the seat you wave you hand at the holo screen unlocking it from it’s sleeping state before quickly looking up to catch Geordi looking at you.
With another odd wave you hunch down and resume reading an article cybernetic enhancements in the medical field but every ten minutes or so you have to look up at Geordi.
One time you looked up he was staring out the window, another time he was stirring his drink like it was the most interesting thing in the world, and now you’re looking at him rapidly typing out something on a communicator.
With your tea and cake devoured you quickly stand up to go downstairs to order some more tea. You look around and hope that no one takes your table, the tope floor is pretty empty now, and the holo screen on the table is still on.
It takes about five minutes but you bound up the stairs with not one but two cups of tea.
Hurried you head over to Geordi’s table and slide him one of you cups, making the man look up to you with another look of confusion.
‘Hot tea turned cold isn’t the best so I got you another cup.’ and with another small wave you walk back your table.
‘Smooth (y/n), he’s going to like me now!’ a Cheshire cat grin blooms as you take a sip of you drink.
As you fangirl/fanboy over your ‘move’ a person slides in the seat opposite you.
 ‘Is it still ok to sit.’ Geordi asks holding his cup of tea.
‘Well you’re technically already sitting down.’ you turn of the holo screen with your hand, ‘But you can stay, if that’s what you’re asking.’
You look at Geordi, gaze unchanged, confidence oozing out of you.
‘I’d imagine that Data will be here soon.’ you lean forward a bit, ‘So we should acquaint each other before he does.’
‘I guess you already know who I am. I know who you are… thank you for the tea by the way.’
‘I don’t want to be a nosy so and so but why were you alone.’ You ask hoping you don’t sound rude.
‘I can ask the same thing to you.’ He quips back.
‘Had nothing to do and went exploring, found thing place. You?’ you press.
‘I got stood up.’ He plainly puts it, ‘Was chatting to someone in engineering and yeah…’
Geordi looks deflated as he gulps his drink.
‘Which dick stood you up, I can set my robot on them.’ he looks up at you with a bright smile.
‘You have a robot?’
‘It’s my thing.’
Another pause o silence happens before Geordi speaks.
‘Lieutenant James Sibell.’ as he says the name a disgusted scoff comes from you lips, your face distorted in disgusted.
‘That bastard man!’ you hand fly up in a comical rage, ‘Good job you have me to keep you company.’
Geordi laughs at your words, a small pit of joy growing in his heart, he must tell Data later that he has a good friend in you and that he should have introduced you two sooner.
Data step up the stairs of the café, spot in her cat carrier, and a slice of cake.
He only bought the cake out of curiosity, the cake having rainbow icing and little sugar heart shaped sweets on top.
When he gets to the top he automatically scans the room. His eyes land on a table near the back, his two closets friends chatting together, both sitting rather close.
i have no clue if this is good. it’s long-ish but that doesn't necessarily equate to it being the best.
please tell me if it’s good or not.
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hellolittleogre · 4 years
Happy Holidays and have some fic!
  Home made from me to you, the continuation of Billy x Goody College AU, Idiots in Love pt 2. Thank you all for this year, for encouragement and flailing and AUs. 
May you have some days of rest, peace and food however you do or do not celebrate.
  Billy was hungover, feeling like an idiot and nursing a large cup of coffee and browsing the campus bookshop for a suitable valentines card for Jujin. He hadn't told her about the whole Vasquez debacle, still feeling pretty fragile about it and not able to stand her reaction of incredulous pity, exasperation and downright ridicule that was no doubt coming his way. 
The first valentines card Billy had ever sent, or rather had made, with chubby fingers sticky with white glue and glitter, way back in playschool, had been for Jujin and his mother, and so it felt like a good gesture. A “no hard feelings” kind of gesture. A “I guess you kind of outed me but it turned out alright in the end, and all in all I’m kind of glad to have it done because it would have been difficult as hell to introduce our mother to my legally wedded husband and our adopted kids 15 years down the line, so it’s all good, put please for the love of God don’t do it again” kind of gesture.The trick was to find a card which was nice, yet still patently ridiculous, since nobody wanted a sincere valentines card from their brother. He was choosing between a card with a very grave looking cartoon T-Rex holding a heart, and a card with a big yellow rose saying “HAVE A GAY VALENTINE!” which seemed funny, but also slightly passive aggressive, when his eye caught on a postcard.
It wasn't specifically a valentines card, instead it was a water colour depiction of a hazy moon, full and white, over the water of a calm pond. Little wisps of cloud were trailing around the moon, softening it, almost like a veil, and muted green tones around the edge of the water-mirror hinted at lush vegetation. On the back it said La Lune, Metropolitan Museum of Art. It wasn't strictly speaking a valentines card but it was so Goodnight that Billy didn't hesitate for a moment and left the shop with it and the t-Rex valentine in secure possession.
 Delivering it to Goodnight was easy. They all had their cubbyholes in the lobby and leaving for lectures on the 14th Billy quickly looked around to make sure he was alone before sticking the unassuming white envelope into the cubbyhole. He had settled for printing Will You Be My Valentine? and nothing else at the back, figuring that was mysterious enough without driving Goody into a frenzy trying to figure out who wrote it. He'd never squashed little handwritten notes into a crush’s locker in high school so he figured he was owed the experience. All day there was a little jitter of excitement and he firmly ignored the little voice that said that if he had any balls at all he'd give it to Goodnight in person and come clean.  
Coming home he immediately spotted the card lying on Goody's desk. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done not to look at it and just walk over to his bed like normal. Goody seemed in a good mood, humming softly and hanging out the window smoking and picking up Billy’s valentine’c card and tapping his fingers against it. It was sort of a breathtaking feeling. He had done that, he'd caused that little dreamy smile that hovered just at the edge of Goody's mouth, and it made him want to preen and puff up. 
“You want a chocolate?” Goodnight asked leaning into the room to look at Billy. 
“You got chocolates?” Billy asked, crestfallen,and tried not to feel upstaged by Sam again. As if Billy was not upstaged by Sams whole existence.
“They were giving them out for free at the health center,” Goody shrugged and pushed a small pink box towards Billy. 
“At the health center?” Billy asked and took one. “Are you feeling ok? Not ill?”
“No, I’m fine, I have a standing appointment with a hmm, uh, a counselor,” he shrugged it away looking a little pink so Billy elected to let it slide in favour of stuffing his mouth with chocolate. His mom had always told him he would grow out of his sweet-tooth but so far it hadn't happened.
 “Happy valentines,” Goody said with a smirk and Billy tossed him a chocolate. “Any roses and flowers?”
Billy huffed. “Not that I know of. They could of course have gotten delivered to my other dorm room, with my other roommate.”
“Yeah, that place is probably so full you can't even see the floor,” Goodnight said with a bark of laughter. 
“And they're all from your mother,” Billy returned, pleasantly warmed by Goody’s slender fingertips against the shiny surface of the card and his attention. 
“Too bad she's wasting her time when all you want is my daddy's dick.”
Heat exploded all over Billy's face. It might be the way Goody's mouth curled around the word daddy, all fat and satisfied and filthy, his crooked smile, or hearing him saying “dick” that casually, or too close to what Billy actually wanted for him to control himself, but he blushed so hard he could physically feel his cheeks pulse and his eyes dropped immediately to the hands in his lap.
The silence was deafening.
 He could hear Goodnight moving but he didn't think he could look up even if he was offered good money for it. 
“Aw, shit Billy. Shit, I'm so sorry. I talk too much, everyone says so. I didn't mean to…”Goody's hand was warm on his shoulder and Billy darted a glance at his face before looking away again. 
“‘S OK,” he managed, all cotton mouthed. 
Goody was just there, close. If Billy leaned any closer he could push his face into his crotch. Mouth at the fly and unzip him, sneak one hand up under his t-shirt and fit his palm to the crest of his hip bone. Would Goody say no?Or would he let him?
“Lets just see if you got any mail though,yeah? Did you check your mail?”
Goody ushered him down to the lobby, dithering about this and that, leaning more heavily on the French than he used to, a sure sign of how flustered he was. Billy was still feeling the smarting sting of his previous stupidity, as well as the whole mess about Vasquez and wondering how to take it back or bring it up again. He didn't want Goody to assume he was carrying some hopeless torch for Vasquez, or that he was his one true love and would never look at anybody else, he just didn't want Goody to think that the boy he had a crush on was Goodnight.
 If he hadn't been so surprised he would have thought of better lie, like the boy in the coffee shop or the tall guy who checked books at the library or basically anybody else other than someone both Billy and Goodnight talked to every day. 
His cubbyhole had an unexpectedly rich yield with a card from his mother, and a pizza flier with a two for one offer but Billy's attention was distracted by a chocolate box at the very bottom of the drawer. He pulled it out and looked at it. It didn't look like a commercial offer but there wasn't a card or note and he kept turning it over and frowning.
“Did you get one of these?” he asked Goody, waving the box and Goodnight frowned and shook his head. “There is no note,” he said, turning the box over again and Goody bent down to pick up a folded piece of paper by his foot.
“Maybe this?” he started and then trailed off. “Its...uh. Its from Vasquez. Cool! That’s uh, really cool.Chocolates from your crush on valentines! Wow!” Goody said with a bright smile, handing the note to Billy. It was handwritten in an uneven scrawl: Happy Valentines, enjoy! / Vasquez
Billy stared at it with narrowed eyes. He was 90% certain Vasquez wasn’t the type to buy chocolates for Valentines for the person he was dating, let alone a friend. He was also 90% sure that if Vas was trying to get into his pants it would be through the means of a bottle of tequila and a frank question rather than what looked like Mexican Ferrero-Roche.With Goody heading back to their room Billy clutched his trove to his chest and fished out his phone. Vas picked up on the second ring.
“Hey Chaparrito, how’s it going?”
“Why the fuck do I have chocolates from you?” Billy said, never one for circumspection, and Alejandro laughed.“Its my abuelita, man. She gets them from her work and always picks up at least two cartons of chocolate, they are left-overs from last year, so she sends a ton to my ma. She says that when I was in pre-school I had so many novias there weren’t enough to go around. And they were all called Maria.” He sounded nostalgic.
Billy frowned even harder.“Your grandma has sent me old chocolates because she thinks I’m your bitch?”
“Dude, that is not what novia means. Also if I had bitches then Emma would be my bitch, and you would be my side-bitch. At best.”
“Aren’t I fucking lucky,” Billy groused and Vasquez made an indignant sound.
“Hey cabron, you could just say thank you.I could have given those to at least three girls in my course. I could even have let those go into the bottomless hole that is Josh, but instead I hauled ass all over campus to stick those up your letterbox, so now you had better appreciate your not even expired chocolates.”
“Ugh, I’m so touched. Your grandma chocolates are the most romantic thing to ever happen to me.”
“You’re an ingrate, shorty. Did you get one of those pizza leaflets? Josh and I are using one to go and crash Emma and Mathew’s valentines date, you should bring Goodnight and come.”
“Is Red coming too?”
“Yeah but he’s going as his own date. Says two pizzas and he might not get hungry again after half an hour.”
“All right, if they have their date in the student pizzeria hey deserve to have it crashed.”
Goodnight was hanging out of the window and smoking when Billy reached their room, Billy tossed his jacket at him and waved the leaflet.“Come on, we’re getting pizza and crashing Emma and Mathew’s valentines date.”
“We are?” Goody asked, picking up his coat.
“Absolutely, I have a two for one pizza offer and nobody I’d rather spend it on. I’ll even pay for your soda.”
“Oh, Billy,” Goodnight rolled his eyes. “You sure do know how to treat a fella.”
“World’s okayest roommate. You can stick it on a mug for my birthday.”
Goodnight’s hand landed on the back of his neck, warm and broad as he leaned over and gently bumped their foreheads together, their noses nearly brushing. Warmth zipped up and down Billy’s whole body. It was like being back at first week when Billy had jumped at the slightest touch, his heart doing an eager little somersault in his chest, and his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
“You, mon ami, are so much more than “okay”,” Goodnight said warmly and released Billy to get his shoes on and Billy stuck behind him all the way down to the street to give himself time to stop blushing and get all of his limbs back under control. 
Mathew and Emma had indeed been dumb enough to have their romantic valentines date at the student pizza place and although Emma’s face promised murder it was a fun evening. Vasquez and Faraday kept trying to trump each other with bad dating stories, Vasquez winning with the story about how he had managed to commit pre-school polygamy with all the girls in his creche and then got into terrible trouble when they all found out and he and his best friend (the Cyrano to his Casanova) had been forced to hide from the tiny mob of pissed-off five-year olds under the pillows in the nap room until his dad came to collect him.
 It made Billy laugh so much he got the hiccoughs and nearly fell off the bench and Vasquez was forced to reach out and pull him up by the scruff of his neck, putting an arm around him to make sure he wasn’t falling off again, and Billy looked up from laughing so hard he was literally snorting orange juice through his nose and saw Goodnight looking at him with a brittle smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, and he remembered he was supposed to be in love with Vasquez and perhaps not laugh so hard at his romantic failings.
“I’ll see you Thursday,” he called out to Vasquez when the groups separated, on Thursdays they both had a midday gap in lectures that they usually used for going to the gym.“It’s a date, short stack,” Vas responded cheerfully and blew him a kiss before putting an arm around Josh to support him around an icy patch on the road.“A date uh?” Goodnight said, smiling as they walked home and Billy looked at his feet and shrugged, his ears heating up. He was really going to have to find a way to get himself out of this one.
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lilacmoon83 · 6 years
Dreaming Out Loud
Dreaming Out Loud
Chapter 31: Perfect, Pt 1
A couple weeks had passed since the trial and for the most part, David and Mary had managed to be happy together and move on. Seeing Damon around town, walking free, was difficult, but for the most part, Mary had yet to be alone and he had kept his distance. It was also in the midst of this lull that August made his move. One afternoon, Gold had left the shop to accompany Lacey to the Rabbit Hole. August took the bait and they got him on tape finding the dagger. Jefferson was the one watching the camera at the time.
"Come on...take the bait…" he muttered, as he watched the screen from his home. Sure enough, August pocketed the item and made his way out of the shop. Jefferson picked up the phone and dialed David.
"He finally made the move and took the dagger," Jefferson said.
"Good...we'll let him think he's pulling a fast one for a while and see what he does. I'll warn Gold," David replied.
"You think he might actually be Baelfire?" Jefferson asked.
"I think he's a liar so it's hard to say. But I'm not ready to bust him yet. I want to know why he's so interested in my daughter and my grandson," David replied.
"Okay...we'll take your lead on this. But if we lose the dagger, it's our heads. He'll kill us," Jefferson warned, referring to Gold.
"We won't. If he finds out the dagger is useless here in town, he'll know it's useless outside of it too. I don't think August W. Booth is interested in leaving Storybrooke," David replied.
"Yeah...you're probably right. Be careful out there," he warned.
"You too," David said. Jefferson was thoughtful for a moment and checked the time. It was almost time for recess at the school and he went to his window. He would gaze at Grace, as he did everyday and fight the urges inside to rush over to the school to get her. He knew if he did something like that, he'd only end up in jail. Regina would order Emma or David to arrest him.
"We're getting closer, Grace. We'll be together again soon," he muttered, as he looked through his telescope to not only see her, but to check and see what was going on around their not so quiet town.
"So what's this holiday all about again?" David asked his daughter, as they browsed the aisles at the Dark Star Pharmacy.
"It's the holiday of love...so naturally, it's been commercialized to the brink by opportunistic capitalists," Emma replied, as they looked at the Valentine's Day cards.
"That being said...it is a holiday of romance and I know you don't need an excuse to romance Mom...Mary, but I know how you love spoiling her," Emma said fondly. He smiled.
"I do love to do that...I suppose I could get behind a holiday like this," he said, as he read one card and groaned, as he put it back.
"These are the most generic words I think I've ever heard," he complained.
"Well...they are probably the same cards this store has had for twenty-eight years, but you could always go with a blank card and write your own message," Emma suggested, as she handed him a shiny red card.
"That's more like it," he agreed.
"And you need these…" Emma said, as she picked out a box of chocolates.
"Dark chocolate caramels...Mary's favorite," he agreed, as she picked out another box.
"Two?" he asked.
"I also like chocolate," she replied and he chuckled in amusement.
"Okay...I think this is a start. I have the flowers covered. Stephanie is picking the best snowdrops from her garden," he said. While traditionally it was a holiday of roses, Mary(and Snow) hated roses for obvious reasons. He made his purchases and they got back into the cruiser.
"Thanks for the help, Em. I'm still clueless on how this world works sometimes," he said. She smiled at him.
"You're doing fine, Dad. They may not have had Valentine's Day in the Enchanted Forest, but they didn't need to. You're Prince Charming...this day is just a bonus to all the other days you've romanced Mom," Emma replied.
"Who knew my little girl was a romantic at heart?" he teased and she rolled her eyes.
"I'm not...romance sucks, except for you guys," she replied, as she became thoughtful for a moment and he gently put a hand on hers.
"Emma…" he said soothingly.
"It's okay...I mean, I think you and Mom are the only sincere and true relationship I've ever see. Love has always been enough for you and Mom to weather any storm. In this land, love just isn't enough, but I've made peace with it," she replied.
"I don't want you giving up on love. When I thought your Mother did love me in return, I was crushed and thought I'd never find true love either. But we did. We found each other every time. True love is rare...but I know you'll find it," he said passionately. She smiled and nodded, as she drove off. Deep down, she hoped he was right. Obviously, she loved her parents deeply, but she had found someone she loved more than she ever thought possible and that was a little boy that had shown up on her doorstep on her twenty-eighth birthday…
Mary inhaled the aroma of the fresh bouquet of snowdrops that had been delivered to her classroom just now. Though it was Valentine's Day and David was known for being romantic, she was still surprised. After all, this was the first Valentine's Day she wouldn't spend alone and it made her giddy thinking about a romantic evening with the man she loved.
"Well...I see David is already romancing you today," Stephanie said fondly, as she peeked in. They often had lunch together now in her classroom while her students were out at recess. Mary blushed and set the beautiful crystal vase down on her desk.
"He is…" he said dreamily, as she sank into her chair while reading the card.
"Oooh...chocolate too," Stephanie said, as Mary bit into one.
"Have one," she offered and Stephanie helped herself.
"So...big plans for tonight?" she asked. Mary smiled.
"I don't know...he won't tell me what we're doing," she replied excitedly.
"Well...I'm sure whatever he has planned will be very romantic," she said.
"It's really too bad you waste your time with that pretty idiot when you could be with someone like me, Mary," a very unwelcome voice said from the doorway.
"You...get the hell out of here…" Stephanie growled, but she was ignored, as he waltzed into the room with a bouquet of red roses in his hand.
"Maybe you didn't get the memo, Ms. Kore, but I was acquitted of any wrongdoing. I have a right to go wherever I want," he goaded, as he placed the flowers on Mary's desk and enjoyed watching her back away toward her blackboard. Stephanie quickly got between them.
"Why can't you just leave me alone?" Mary asked, on the verge of breaking down in tears, a fact that made him smirk deviously.
"Oh, I was only dropping to congratulate you on your upcoming nuptials," he goaded, as he held up an invitation to their wedding. They had set the date for the tenth of March and sent out just a few invitations to their close friends, as they planned on a small, intimate ceremony. David had offered to throw Mary a huge wedding if she wanted, but she hadn't been interested in that. All that interested her was marrying him with her closest friends in attendance.
"How...did you get this? You're not invited," she said, as tears threatened to fall.
"That hurts me deeply, Mary. I saw it on the counter this morning at Granny's. Your waitress friend carelessly left it on the counter and I'll admit, I was deeply hurt that I didn't receive one," he said, enjoying how easily he got under her skin.
"Why would we ever invite the man that hurt us? You almost killed the man I love," Mary replied, as she started to get very upset.
"You give me that and you get out of here!" Stephanie growled, as she snatched the invitation and pushed him away.
"Where are you registered? I'd love to get you a gift," he goaded.
"We want nothing from you," Mary hissed, but he only smirked.
"See you on the big day…" he called back, as he made his way out. Stephanie hugged Mary and she broke down.
"Shh...it's okay, sweetheart," Stephanie soothed.
"It's not...he's going to show up and try to ruin our wedding," Mary sobbed.
"Oh honey...we're not going to let him," she promised. Mary tried to calm down, as her students returned to class and she continued her day. Stephanie went back to her office and realized she needed to do something. Damon did plan on doing something at their wedding, she could feel it and it made her wonder if Regina also planned to make trouble for them. She wasn't going to just sit back and let them do so though and she picked up the phone.
"David...I need to talk to you. It's about the wedding," she said.
August examined the dagger and compared it to the sketch on his notepad. If there were magic in this place, he would have control of the Dark One, if what he had heard was true. He had discovered much in his days spent in Hong Kong. There were people that knew about magic in this land and actually knew about this town, as well. He lifted his pant leg, as he felt another sharp pain and noticed that his condition was getting worse. That was the paramount reason he was here. Breaking the curse meant preventing him from turning back to wood. It was selfish, but he had hoped to not have to come here at all. He knew eventually Emma would break the curse once she was in Storybrooke, but when he awoke with the pain in his leg just after she arrived in town, he knew it wasn't going to be fast enough.
He sought out an old Mage he had heard about in Hong Kong, known simply as the Dragon. He had wanted ten thousand American dollars though for one of his cures and unfortunately, despite trying to steal it, he hadn't been able to acquire the funds.
But that's when he learned that this man calling himself the Dragon knew all about the curse and the land he was born in when he identified him as Pinocchio. Unfortunately, he hadn't been able to acquire the answers as to how he knew these things. But he did learn that the woman he had tried to swipe the elixir from knew about magic and she wasn't the only one. At first, he had only been concerned about himself, but not even his selfishness would allow him to condemn everyone here. He needed the curse broken not only to help himself, but to be able to tell them that the a few in the outside world weren't completely unaware of Storybrooke's existence. But now that he had the dagger, he hoped it could convince him he was Baelfire and that they needed Emma to believe. Crossing the Dark One was risky, but if his legs were anything to go by, he didn't have a lot to lose.
As Mary packed up for the day, she was surprised when David poked his head into her classroom. He found himself just watching her for a moment, as she looked at her students artwork fondly and then went back to straightening things on her desk.
"Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?" he asked, as she looked up and a smile eclipsed her face.
"David…" she said, as they hurried to each other and he took her in his arms.
"Stephanie told me that he was harassing you again," he replied, as he held her tightly.
"I'm fine...especially now. Thank you for the flowers, the card, and the candy, by the way," she gushed, as he kissed her tenderly.
"You're welcome...that's actually part of the reason I'm here. I wanted to talk to you about tonight," he replied. She grinned.
"Are you finally going to tell me what you have planned?" she asked curiously.
"Oh, I'm not telling you, because it's a surprise. I just need a few extra hours to get everything ready, so I was talking to Emma and she wants to take you out for a drink first. Something about a girl's night. Then when I'm ready, I thought I'd come pick you up, if that's all right with you," he replied. She smiled.
"That sounds wonderful...but I really wish you would tell me what you're up to," she said, as she kissed him and smoothed her hands along the back of his neck, a spot she knew made him purr.
"That's not going to work...I'm still not telling you," he teased, as their lips parted. She pouted playfully and he pecked her on the lips again.
"Come on, I'll take you home," he said, as he helped her with her coat. She got her flowers and they left her classroom behind, along with Damon's unwanted roses in the trash.
An hour later, Mary looked at her reflection in the mirror with uncertainty. She was wearing a beautiful turquoise party dress that was knee length and had a very low collar with spaghetti straps. She looked beautiful in it, but it wasn't her usual style. Until David came along, she had always been a top button kind of girl. But this was even a step above that.
"You look gorgeous," Stephanie gushed. Mary bit her bottom lip.
"You think?" she asked.
"Totally hot...like seriously Mare," Emma agreed, enjoying the flush now staining the raven haired beauty's cheeks.
They came out from behind the curtain, just as David hung up the phone. He was being very mysterious and Mary was very anxious to know what he was up to.
"Is everything okay?" she asked.
"Everything's fine...wow…" he uttered, as he looked up and saw her.
"You look...wow…" he stammered, as she looked down shyly and he moved closer and put his arms around her waist.
"I take it you like the dress?" she asked. He nodded.
"Uh huh…" he replied, as he leaned in and kissed her. She found herself sliding her arms around his neck and mewled into his kiss, as he moved his lips over hers in a passionate rhythm.
"Are you sure you don't want me to just stay home with you?" she purred, as their lips parted. He smiled.
"It's very tempting...but what I have planned is worth a few hours apart, I promise," he replied.
"You're still not going to tell me what you're planning, are you?" she asked. He chuckled.
"That would spoil my fun," he teased, as there was a knock at the door and Emma opened it, finding Ruby and Ashley there.
"Ready for girl's night?" the brunette in red asked excitedly.
"I think so...if we can pry these two apart," Emma joked, as David helped Mary with her coat and saw them off. It was time for him to finish setting up her surprise.
The Rabbit Hole was surprisingly busy this Valentine's Day. But then, there weren't a lot of happy relationships in Storybrooke, thanks to the curse, so this holiday brought out the compulsion in singles to drown their sorrows and possibly meet other singles.
Whale was there, which was no surprise. He had already bought Ruby three drinks and they were chatting very amicably at the bar. She saw Gold and Lacey there too, with the former looking uncomfortable in such a setting, per usual, but determined to endure it for Lacey. The barfly was knocking them back pretty hard and pulverizing her competition at the billiards table. But perhaps most shockingly, she saw August at the bar when a round of drinks arrived at their table. She left Mary to talk with Ashley and Stephanie, while she went up to him.
"Thanks for the drinks...how did you know what we were drinking?" she asked.
"I'm stalking you," he joked, but then laughed at the serious look on the blonde's face.
"I asked the bartender, Emma," he said and she relaxed a little.
"This seems like the place to be on Valentine's Day, though I'm surprised to see Mary Margaret without David," he mentioned.
"David will be here later," Emma replied.
"They seem happy," he mentioned.
"They are...but then you don't seem surprised by that," she replied suspiciously. He chuckled.
"A blind person could see how crazy they are about each other. But you still don't trust me," he said.
"I don't trust many people, so don't take it too personally," Emma countered. He chuckled again.
"But you seem to trust Mary and David. You see protective of them too," he prodded and she eyed him suspiciously again, but he held up his hands in surrender.
"It's just an observation," he assured.
"I've never really had what you could call a family until Mary and David. And if anyone ever tries to hurt them, I'll destroy them," she warned in an even tone.
"I don't think I'm the one you need to worry about hurting either of them," August retorted, as he motioned back to Mary's table. Emma glanced over, just in time to see Mary deck Damon and she rushed over.
"So...are you excited for whatever David has planned for you tonight?" Ashley asked, as they sipped at their cocktails.
"I am...I just wish I knew what he is up to," Mary mentioned.
"I'm sure it will be well worth the wait," Stephanie assured. Mary cocked her head to the side and eyed her suspiciously.
"You know what he's planning, don't you?" Mary asked. But Stephanie was coy and she ate the olive out of her martini.
"My lips are sealed," she replied playfully.
"Well...this certainly is a surprise, Mary, thought I must say I am very much enjoying the view of you in such a dress," Damon leered, as he approached, drink in hand.
"You just won't stay away, will you?" Stephanie spat, as she got out of her seat.
"Maybe you should make me, Ms. Kore," he growled.
"Oh, don't tempt me, you disgusting pig," Stephanie growled back, but Mary got in between them.
"Please...just leave us alone," Mary pleaded.
"Oh Mary, when you beg...the things it does to me," he leered.
"In fact, I can promise you...one night with me and you'd beg me for more and you'd be asking me David who…" he added. And something inside her snapped at that, for her love for David was so strong that nothing, especially not this monster, could change that. And for him to suggest such made her boil. So before she knew what was happening, she punched him in the nose with a strength and force she didn't know she was capable of. Damon fell on his ass and held his now bloody nose in pain.
"Arrggghh...you little bitch!" he cried.
"Whoa Mare...that was a hell of a punch!" Emma exclaimed, highly impressed, as her best friend shook her hand. Emma knew her Mother was capable of this kind of thing, but seeing it come out in Mary was a welcome surprise. She examined her knuckles and saw they were a little bruised.
"Bartender...can I get some ice?" Emma called. He nodded.
"You should arrest her! She assaulted me!" Damon cried.
"I didn't see anything...did anyone else?" Emma asked, but no one seemed willing to vouch for Damon. There were some creeps that would probably take his side, but none of them were really willing to get involved in a possible police situation. And every woman in the place damn near cheered for Mary.
"Yeah...guess it's hearsay," Stephanie added smugly.
"Yeah...you just got knocked on your ass by a one-hundred and twenty pound woman. I'm sure that's not something you want to get around," Emma goaded, as he picked himself up.
"This isn't over, Mary," he warned.
"It is over, slime ball. Stay away from her or so help me, I'll find a way to make sure you can never bother her again," Stephanie shot back, as they glared daggers at each other. His hatred for this woman burned inside him to the point that he found his head hurt. He barely knew her, but there was something about her that made him want to see her suffer.
"Careful Ms. Kore...or so help me, I'll see that you're the one that it's over for," he threatened, before storming out. Mary sighed and collapsed into her seat.
"Honey...are you okay?" Stephanie asked. She blew out a shaky breath.
"I think so...punching him felt really good though," she replied and they all smiled at each other, as Emma put the ice on Mary's knuckles.
"Another round for this table, thanks to the lady and gentlemen at the billiard table," the bartender said, as they looked over to find Lacey smiling coyly, as she approached.
"You know...until now, I thought you were the most boring person I'd ever met and I couldn't believe it when people told me we used to be friends," Lacey said.
"But now...I see it. You're secretly a bad ass, Blanchard. Kudos on punching that dickhead out," Lacey complimented, as she and Gold strutted out of the establishment. Gold's usual mostly blank expression was amused, as he escorted Lacey out. Stephanie's phone beeped and she grinned, as she read the text.
"Operation surprise nuptials is a go," she whispered to Emma, who smiled in return.
"Hey Mare...how about we ditch this place and go for some hot chocolate at Granny's?" Emma asked.
"Oh, I thought you'd never ask! This place is just not my speed," she said, as they got their coats.
"Maybe not...but you are a bad ass. I wish David could have seen you punch that asshole," Emma replied.
"Oh...I got it on my phone. I'll send the video to all of you, but we'll let Mary show David," Ruby said.
"All right girls...let's take this party to Granny's," Ashley said, as they all shared a secret smile. Mary had no idea the surprises that were in store for her on this Valentine's Day, but it was one she would never forget...
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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On I Love You Roses
The attractive rose is considered a favorite flower with everyone due to it is lovely perfume and sweetness the proper arrangement of roses can communicate volumes and convey a significant message when you don't have the words to state how you are feeling. The price are very affordable, the service is wonderful and the flowers look identical to the picture and really Flowers With Love health. We ship gorgeous, single-variety bouquets every month for three, 6, and 12 month durations of time this way, as soon as the graduate strikes, they'll have cheerful flowers greeting them every month that may immediately brighten up their new dwelling quarters and make them feel at residence. Because the flowers and design had been so stunning, i called the florist who delivered them to personally thank the designer.The names of among the flowers are laborious to pronounce.nevertheless, some has a quite sexy of the names even appears like french or spanish. A pressed model, a card with the chosen flower printed upon it, or perhaps a handkerchief dotted with the scent of the chosen flower would suffice. Jasmine flower is associated with amiability, magnificence and style, and is likely one of the finest methods to specific love. Shedding the connection: you nonetheless love every other however no longer join by gabriella kortsch, ph.d. Lively and vitality, our summer flower bouquets are a assured hit no matter what the event.
  Norman winter is director of the coastal georgia botanical gardens on the historic bamboo farm, university of georgia cooperative extension, and writer of powerful-as-nails flowers for the south” and fascinating combos shade and model within the backyard.” Comply with him at: @cgbggardenguru. Orange carries enthusiasm and desire, and naturally, crimson means love and fervour. I had heard on-line horror tales before, however the flowers that my mother bought were perfect. Found out the florists close to my home left for trip and i needed to buy flowers for my good friend's commencement that was going down the next day. She's the bees knees and she's sweet sufficient to share farmgirl flowers with her readers! At the identical time, it's advised A Flower For You to not rely on flowers alone as nothing expresses yourself better than your words. Remember that toxicity levels will range primarily based on the extent of contact with the flowers. Purple flowers are generally related to love, romance and passion, however there's way more to this hue than meets the eye. As demonstrated by flower-loving blogger bri emery of design love fest and martha stewart residing's floral fantasy” tree characteristic , vibrant silk flowers are the ornament of the moment. Recent vacation flower preparations add the final touches to a room, or feature a fantastically designed christmas centerpiece that becomes the highlight of your vacation dinner table! It's a wonderful gift that particular someone in your life will definitely love and respect.
          The key behind this doomed love affair seems to be the truth that females of this wasp species can nonetheless produce offspring even with out sperm from males. With passionate red I Love You Roses and beautiful pink flowers , our hand tied romance flowers bouquets make the proper romantic gesture. Our talented, floral designers will create a singular keyword1 flower association just for you.dazzle and delight your family members, wherever they might be, with fresh flowers and gifts from arizona florist. While you store flowers online with love's flowers, you will notice beautiful bouquet arrangements of flowers hand-crafted with passion, consideration to detail, and great care. Although the bright yellow blooms scream summertime, these spirit-lifting flowers can be found all yr spherical. This effectivity and ease is unmatched by any other bishan florist & flower shop. Unfortunately the christmas cactus did not flower this season, however it's nonetheless alive.
     The truth is, since you might be already presenting her with a hoop, it might be better to use flowers more as a temper-setter. For her flower images, parker shuns a studio atmosphere, lights or particular reflectors. In keeping with rice, farms which want their flowers to be certified by his brand must set aside 10 p.c of earnings for a improvement fund which gives workers the chance to implement neighborhood tasks. It was the primary time i had bothered to scent a flower all day, even though i had been working for hours. In fact, venus felt threatened by the sheer great thing about the Flowers 4 You insomuch that she gave it a pistil in the hope of constructing it less enticing than her. It's way cheaper than other online flower supply service and the standard is incomparable! A flower should chemically tweak these pigments to make them bluer, and even if they did, the results are basically purple. In contrast to other companies, we by no means pack our flowers in a field to be shipped across the country. Whether or not a lover gives gifts to his beloved or not, it is up to him but valentine's day flowers are a should. No matter which flowers you decide to go along with, remember to be thoughtful and sincere with what you select.
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