#since she only has one aux core slot and her skills aren’t particularly helpful so she has very low damage output under most conditions
💞 + perun ?
Thank you for this, Clara!! I feel like I never get much of a chance to talk about her (since.. she's not exactly the most well-known or well-liked of characters, is she), so thank you very much for this!!
(source: this post by queenvonhresvelg)
send me 💞 and an F/O and I’ll tell you something I like about our relationship dynamic - There’s a definite sense of both Sapphire and Perun balancing each other out in terms of personality, and picking up traits from the other that they wouldn’t otherwise have displayed. For instance, Perun is naturally quite serious, but she does show moments of being a bit more silly - her line when she activates her Ice Mastery skill is “Stay frosty!~”, for example, which threw me off-course the first time I heard it because I wasn’t expecting her to say it. She started picking up those sorts of mannerisms from Sapphire, since she generally is less of a worrier and is more exuberant in how she acts. Conversely, Perun’s naturally calmer and stricter approach to things has also influenced Sapphire to be less reckless and impulsive in her actions (see: her and Mythra accidentally launching Zeke off a bridge when the party first gets to Indol. He was fine and they’re all friends now, don’t worry!)
I hope that that was alright! Thank you very much again for sending this in! ^-^
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